How to Use the Text to Speech Feature in Filmora 11 to Automatically Convert Text to Voice Over

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in this video i'll show you how to use the text-to-speech feature in filmora 11. welcome to this video my name is david and i hope you well wherever you are around the world now filmora has come out guns blazing and it's awesome to see some of these features in a recent video i did we looked at the speech-to-text feature which is really really awesome in adding you convert your speech to subtitles automatically now let's say you wanted to convert text in your video to uh to speech or voice over it's pretty simple i've got this video here and let's assume you just want to talk about it without using your own voice let's go and look for a uh it's the basic you can actually just look for just a basic title here let's say we go with this one let's drag it here we can just double click on it and then we can change this particular text right inside here i've already typed out some texts so i won't go into typing a lot so i'll just con a copy it and paste it inside here ctrl v so this is a little bit too much we can change the font style to let's say aerial let's look for ariel and you can also see how your text looks like in real time uh aerial let's say we go with aerial and that's okay and then we can reduce the font size let's see to about 32 that looks good and then we can see uh let's just see what we can do next we can just uh ctrl z just click on the text and drag it where you want it let's say we want it somewhere there so these are text second assumption is that it spans the length of this particular clip so i'll just adjust it to that and it fits in this particular clip remember that you can click on the advanced as well so that if you do not want the fading just remove it and if there is a fade out just remove it so there we have our text now to use the text to speech feature you'll need to click on the text layer or whatever text it is and either click on this button text to speech which automatically converts your text to voice or you can also right click on your text and click on text to speech and the third option is just to click on tools text to speech let's click on that and once you click on that this is going to pop up the text to speech dialog box or the parameter selection tip is going to pop up just a quick note is that the text to speech feature is more or less a paid feature and you'll see this actually it's a service it's a free service that comes with your plan and you'll see that you have a limit of about 5000 characters per month so use it wisely as for the speech to text remember it's 30 minutes per month so let's go back inside here what language is the title in this particular title let's move this aside slightly is in english so you can choose english us all the other different languages that your title is going to be english us uk germany or german spanish french italian portuguese japanese chinese that is the cantonese russian or chinese mandarin or i believe taiwanese russian dutch arabic korean polish romanian and then we have i believe indonesian so let's say we go with english us for the language that they choose there is a voice name you can choose between all these voices available here you can choose mark w c dave atc it depends on your choice next up we have the parameter settings where what speed do you want this voice to be in either slow normal or fast but you can use these sliders to adjust to the level that you want but note that it either goes slow uh in between slow and normal normal or you can also click there between normal and fast or actually fast let's go with normal as for the pitch the same applies either be to in between low and normal and normal and high so we can just drag this and it's either normal or high so let's just go with normal just know that transcriptions outcome are automatically matched to the timeline i believe this more or less works for the subtitles not for the text-to-speech parameter so let's say we want to go with mac and then let's say we want the parameters to be normal normal click ok and you'll see the remaining characters it's actually uploading in transcription remaining available characters downloading completed so once it does that you'll see the remaining available characters that are available for you and you can always purchase more but let's close this when we look slightly down here we'll see a new voiceover so you can just bring this back and we can play it in this video i'll show you how to use the text to speech feature in filmora 11. sounds good i believe it's something that you can use if you're not really confident with your voice then this is something that you can use something else that happens is that the audio voiceover that is created or generated uh from the text-to-speech conversion is added to your media bin right here or your project's media folder inside filmora 11. so you can use it you can now manipulate the the audio the way you want it to you can double click on it so that you can change the different parameters that you might want to change when you're editing audio in filmora so that is how you can use this the text-to-speech feature in filmora 11 to automatically convert your text to voice thanks for watching this video i hope it is of value to you
Channel: David Mbugua
Views: 51,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Use the Text to Speech Feature in Filmora 11 to Automatically Convert Text to Voice Over, filmora text to speech, how to convert text to speech in filmora, Filmora 11 Text to Speech, Convert text to voice over in Filmora, Filmora 11 Tutorial
Id: ffOXal6Tak8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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