Record Voiceover Filmora Tutorial

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so I'm in the workspace right now I have created my project and now I can go ahead and import a few things to do a voiceover for so I'm just going to go to my media come down to sample video and get a few videos that I can do a voiceover for so why would you do a voiceover a voiceover is great for explaining things for giving more information about what's happening in the video and uh for just adding your own personal touch on the clips that you create so right now I have this video of islands right here and let's say this is a video of a recent trip that I went to if I have a lot to say about what happened in this video putting a text over it or adding subtitles is not a nice way to do it because most times people won't even read those subtitles if you're just putting like a paragraph of what happened in this video so a great way to explain things in videos is by doing a voiceover so I can do a voiceover of why I went to this location what happened there and so many other things another instance is when you explain what's what you're doing in a video so right now we have this other video called pleading food I'm gonna put it right here and Skip here let's take a look so someone is pouring sauce over this dish if I wanted to make this dish and that sauce or if I just want to know what this person is doing a voiceover would be great so the chef right here could tell me that this is a mushroom dish I'm adding this sauce maybe the chef is using a technique that I want to learn and if the chef did a voiceover over this video it would just look really good maybe put some sophisticated music in the background and that way as the audience we can grow closer to what's happening in this video I'm sure you've all seen documentaries where there is food scenes everything is in slow motion and the chef is just explaining uh what's happening in the video there's some music in the back and you just feel really close to the chef because they're talking about their experience they're talking about what goes on into creating this dish and that's a lot better than just seeing this video where there's no text no audio no voiceover and we just have no idea what we're looking at if you can't identify the ingredients you're just looking at something on a plate the audience is always looking for contacts as to what's happening in the video so by adding a human touch you can call it which is where you show your face in a video you speak over a video you can actually allow the audience to grow closer to what you're doing in here if you have this video with no text no audio no voiceover and if you have another video of the same footage but with the chef explaining uh the dish maybe there's some sophisticated music in the background that way with those two elements that are coming from a human I as the audience will feel closer to the second video that has those human elements so a voiceover can really transform your video and in this lesson we're going to see how to create a voiceover for your video so let's go to the beginning the voiceover starts from where you put your time indicator so if I put it here the voiceover will start from here I'll bring it here like I will start here I'm going to start mine somewhere in the middle let's say and I'm going to come to this icon it's right above the timeline here just it's a microphone icon just click on it once and we get the record audio tab it's pretty simple to use just choose a device that you want which is your microphone right now I have an external microphone plugged in if you don't have an external microphone you will only get your devices built-in microphone which which is also okay to use if you have multiple things that would show up here I'm going to stick with the external microphone we also have an option to mute project we're going to see what this is in a second I'm just going to leave it on and now let's go ahead and hit this big red button we will get a countdown and my voiceover has started and you can see I'm six seconds in and this guy is just expanding I'm seeing the video but it ended here so I can just go ahead and hit this and now I have a voiceover which is also saved in my project media you can go ahead and rename this this is a bit too long right click come down to rename let's call it Audio One hit enter and now this is more organized you can see there's a check mark next to it because we have it in our timeline if I delete this select it and then go here we no longer have that check mark because it's not in my project anymore so I'm just going to bring this back now I can decide where I want to put it I can also trim or split this audio track just like we did with the videos maybe drag one of the corners here and trim it like so or split it if necessary I'm going to split it right here get the scissor guy click it once and now I have split the clip into two things I'm going to create a space here and now I can go ahead and listen to my voiceover my voiceover has started and so as you can see we have this voiceover over our video now let's see what happens when we have a music playing in the background I'm going to delete these but deleting it from here does not delete the file completely so you still have it in your project media I'm going to move to my audio tab here and just drag the music that I want to put in the background we got this music right here and I'm just going to drag this line you can see this Thin Line just drag it down a bit so we lowered the audio so we can hear ourselves speak as well I'm going to bring it down to negative 10 decibels there we go let go once you're finished so now this uh the audio has been lowered and now again I'm going to choose where I want my voiceover to start I'm going to move to the beginning of my uh project this time I'm going to hit this microphone icon again we're getting the same tab this time we're going to uncheck this so our project right now has audio because of this music and what happens when you don't meet your project is that the music is going to play at the same time as you are recording a voiceover and that can be distracting because there's a lot of things happening at once let's see how that works I'm going to uncheck this and let's start recording start recording so the music is playing and I am speaking at the same time [Music] there we go once you're done hit OK and now I have a music and my recording let's rename these guys audio too let's play this back over here so the music is playing and I am speaking at the same time [Music] if I were to do an important voiceover where I'm giving really complicated information or if I have a lot to say the music playing at the same time is going to distract me and I may end up saying the wrong things so that is why you would need to mute your project when you're recording a voiceover so I'm going to leave this checked on and now let's see what happens when I have this check done there we go the music is not playing and I'm just getting a new voiceover you can see we have a third audio track I'm gonna stop this and now I have a third voiceover right here you can see it started from where I kept my time indicator and now I have a third voiceover let's rename this audio 3. all right so I have three voiceovers and every time you create a or just hit this button doesn't matter if you don't have an audio track Fillmore is going to make an audio track for you so I have reached the limits of my of my three audio tracks instead of going over here and making a new audio track I can actually just go ahead and hit this and Fillmore will make an audio track for me so let's hit this again mute project get the countdown there we go so if your Laura is already automatically going underneath the previously made audio track and if I stop this I now have audio track four even though I didn't create it using this guy and that's how easy it is to make to create a voiceover with filmora there is another way that you can create a voiceover another way to access that option that is so I'm just going to delete all of these from my timeline they're still here and I will go somewhere in my timeline go over here in the my media tab go to my media import drop down menu and go for record voiceover just like how we did it with webcam and Screen recordings just hit this and we can access the voiceover tab so you can either go from here or from here whichever you prefer other times you have an audio track let's drag audio one in here and let's say I messed up somewhere around here and I want to do a new audio uh recording but I want to keep the first segment here one way to do that is to just split this uh cut so split this audio track and let's say this area and then get rid of the one in the middle drag my new audio track do the same thing here so I'm gonna split that area just like we did for the first one get rid of the excess delete hit backspace or do that and then place it here readjust and do that so this was time consuming I had to do the splitting a bunch of times and readjust the audio tracks let's hit command Z or Ctrl Z to undo but there's an option to overwrite your audio tracks and that saves you time so I'm just going to go to the area where I want my new audio track which is audio 2 to be placed before we do that let's go ahead and delete these extra audio tracks just select them hit the uh the trash icon and then I'm going to select audio one decide where I want the new audio to go then it's also selected here so I have this selected here and this one here and then we're going to right click on the new audio come down to overwrite there we go so it's placed in the middle and I can maybe get rid of the uh drag this end and just get rid of it so now I have this new audio placed right where I wanted it to and this is way better than trimming and splitting and then readjusting the audio let me just zoom in here we have this little bit left that I want to get rid of there we go so I just hit delete so I have audio one and audio two placed next to each other without having to uh split it and then trim it and do all of that you can also insert audio let's go over here by selecting that audio in your project media right clicking and then hitting insert there we go so the difference between overwrite and insert is that overwrite can put that new audio track on top of the one that you want so my playhead is going to be on this audio 3 and if I overwrite audio 4 audio 4 will replace anything that's underneath that audio so if I so like this here so like this here right click hit over right you can see audio 4 replaced uh the that chunk of audio three and I can't get it back unless I move this here and then drag one of the sides which will be time consuming so um the difference between overwrite and let's hit Ctrl Z difference between overwrite and insert is that overwrite will write something over another thing but in inserts just moves that chunk to the other side so I'm just going to select audio3 again I'll do four right click insert you can see I still have the chunk of I do three it's just move to the right so audio 4 didn't replace and get rid of anything it just replaced that audio and just moved it a little bit here so that's the difference between overwrite and insert depending on whether you want to keep that underlying segment you would choose either overwrite or insert I'm going to delete these or just hit Ctrl Z there we go delete that chunk there we go we have another option if you right click it's called append which is different from insert and override by the way a pen just places the audio uh in order so even if I have my playhead here if I hit append it's going to show up here so it's not going to go over anything but we'll just move to the next empty space which is right here so you can use append even if I go in the beginning let's try this again it's still going to show up here so you can use a pen if you want to keep everything in the order that you created you can also check your audio before bringing them in here whichever audio I click I get it in the preview panel I can listen to it there we go so for more and maybe just jump through and see whether I want to use this audio and then bring it in here you can also right click and hit play there we go do the same thing let's try it with another audio my voiceover has started and there we go so you can play it before bringing it in here maybe you don't want to use audio for it's not suitable you just want to use audio three and then you can also right click to add to a new track right now we don't have a third track but if I hit this Fillmore we'll make a new track for me and it will put it right here because my playhead was over here it started from this location let me bring it here maybe and then right click on audio 4 add to new track it's going to start from here and then end at where it ends now that we learned how to record our screen record our webcam and our audio using voiceovers it's now time to move on with how we can edit videos
Channel: Filmora for Creators
Views: 6,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmora, wondershare filmora, filmora 12, video editor
Id: hAoqfGIj4oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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