How to Generate AI Voice for Video | Text to Speech

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- How to easily generate AI voices for your text to speech videos, just like this. - [AI Voice] Did you know this about cats? - Now, there can be a couple of reasons why this video can apply to you. For instance, you don't have the text to speech tool available in your country, which is often the case with TikTok and Instagram. If you don't want to use your own voice in your videos, but rather use a natural AI voice that reads things out loud for you, no matter the language. And if you wanna choose between a variety of accents and voices, and instantly be able to add them to your video. Today, I'm gonna show you how you can do all of this with Veed's online video editor. To head straight to the editor, click on the first link in a description. Now we're in Veeds editor and we're prompted to upload our video. So to get started, you can click on Upload a File, select a video from your desktop, and click on open. After a moment, the video's added to the project and we can start editing. And as you can see in the video, I'm not saying anything I'm just pointing in the air, making some gestures. Of course, the plan is to add text to speech to this video but I also wanna turn it into subtitles later on and place it above my head. All right, so now let's add some text to speech fragments. So to get started, simply head over to Audio in the left menu and then you should see an option that says "Text To Speech." Click on it. And as you can see, you can select a language, a specific voice, and you can add your text in a text box. And when it comes to voices, this is all attached to English US, but there are a lot of voices you can choose from. And if you wanna preview the voice, simply click on the Play button. - [AI Voice] The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. - Nice. Now, in this case, I'm gonna choose Eric. So I'm gonna click on it and I'm gonna add some text in the text box. Now the sentence is, "Did you know this about cats?" If you wanna preview the text to speech, click on Preview. - [AI Voice] Did you know this about cats? - And then you know how it sounds. And then if you're satisfied and you wanna add it to your project, click on the Add to Project button. And now, if you take a look at the bottom timeline you can see the text to speech fragment. - [AI Voice] Did you know this about cats? - Now you can adjust the timing by just simply clicking and dragging the layer to whatever place you like. And if you wanna further change some audio settings, just head over to the Edit Audio menu and you can change the volume. You can even speed up the audio or slow it down. Now you can make as many text to speech fragments as you like and you can use this in any country. This tool is not restricted anywhere. And you can choose as many languages and voices and accents as you like. All right, so I added some text to speech fragments and now I'm gonna turn this into subtitles. So if you head over to Subtitles on the left, you can turn your text to speech fragments into subtitles. And as you can see on the screen you can change the transcriptions, but you can also fully customize the style of the subtitles. You can choose one of the amazing templates, but you can also manually change the font the sizing, the color, the position of the subtitles, and even add an animation to your subtitles. And now we're finished, so let's take a look at the video. - [AI Voice] Did you know this about cats? - [AI Voice] Cats can jump up to six times their length. - [AI Voice] Thanks for watching and have a nice day. - If you want to export your video, click on the Export button in the right top corner, choose the right render settings, make sure burn subtitles is enabled, and click on export video. And after the video is rendered, you can watch the video back on the left. - [AI Voice] Did you know this about cats? - From here, you can easily host your video on Veed and share this video with your friends. However, if you wanna download the video, click on the Download button, click on Download MP4, and it should be in your Downloads folder. All right, so that's it for this video. Thank you so much for watching. Have a nice day and good luck.
Views: 87,549
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Keywords: How to Generate AI Voice for Video, text to speech, text to speech software, ai voice generator, how to convert text to speech, best text to speech software, text to speech male voice, text to speech english accent, text to speech converter, text to speech app, free text to speech, tts software, free text to speech online, how to make text to speech video, text to speech online, generate ai voice for video, best free text to speech software,, tts video, tiktok, instagram
Id: 4aRKlzzhov4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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