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all right folks so very excited to bring this video to you we have brooklyn she is a four-month-old connie corso and today is the day that she learns to stop pulling on the leash and start to come in the heel position and in this video we're going to show you how you can take your puppy no matter the age or dog how you can use the techniques we're about to describe to you and show you that you can get them to not only stop pulling on the leash but come in the heel position and do what we call a beautiful game of follow the leader so we're going to teach you in the following sections these things a we're going to show you how to use food to teach your dog to love being in heel position next b we're going to teach how putting the prong collar on is not a death sentence for the dog that this puppy is wearing a prong collar and loving life see the very next thing is we're going to teach a little bit of leash pressure with the prong let them know how to turn that pressure off and finally we're going to show them that if you feel pressure how to turn that pressure off because we're prepping them for a correction and what we do is we call it a correction with direction meaning when you feel that pressure that means you're doing something you shouldn't be doing and i have something a better job for you to do so that's what you're going to see in the in the upcoming video make sure if you like what you see in this video like share subscribe follow along because we have more adventures in dog training not only with miss brooklyn here but a ton of other puppies and dogs so we'll see you guys in the video and we're going to just show you a little bit how how bad she pulls and then give you before and after it'll take us about 20 minutes to fix this it won't be perfect but it'll be well well on its way so let's go ahead and show you though first what we're dealing with we have her hooked up to that typical flat collar or a nylon collar which is complete garbage for any type of dog training and i'm really not a fan of it look how much she's pulling she's a 50 pound dog well she was 50 pounds a week ago she's probably you know closer to 55 pounds now and so she's fixated on something my point is i don't have really any control over her now i can muscle her but why do that why muscle her and put all that pressure on her trachea and if she bites my leash i don't have a lot of control as to what to do about that it's just not ideal and here we go again she finds something in the grass she wants to smell i'll try to pull her off of it whenever she finds it and you'll still have to put a considerable amount of effort so let's try to see let's see all right good good i mean you can see the walk now we got my assistant walking up i bet you she's going to want to look at this we allow this to continue when she's 80 pounds 100 pounds 130 maybe even 140 pounds i mean she's already pulling very strong you can stay in the shot we're using you as bait i imagine she's going to want to come check you out and i'm going to try to pull her this way i'm 230 pounds can i make can i pull her yeah but it has to be all my weight against all her weight to make that turn happen [Music] so we're going to show you the way in this next section all right now that we showed you how she pulls now it's time to show you how we're gonna fix it this will work for any dog uh we like to do this 90 to 99 positive but it's inevitable you're gonna have to underscore it with a little bit of corrections if needed so we actually spent a lot of time introducing her to the prong collar and we're gonna go ahead and put that on now now the type of prong collar i'm using is oversized okay it's a three millimeter prong and it's it's larger than it should be this is all on purpose eventually she will wear a 2.25 millimeter prong because it's gonna have a little more bite and it will be fit appropriately so yes i understand i'm gonna this is oversized in two ways larger uh prongs and it's just really long and you'll see what i'm talking about here so she's already been conditioned that the prong collar means amazing things that's why she's sitting there waiting for some food we'll show you that in another video how we teach dogs to love putting the prong on and then now this will be her very first experience using the prong on a wok now what we've done to condition it again is teach her that when i present the prong and you put and we put it on you get paid with food amazing things happen the other thing that we've done and we'll kind of showcase that now is just a touch of leash pressure for sits and downs so i'll show you a very mild look at look at how mild that is and we'll do it down oh yeah baby so she already knows that if you follow the prong collar pressure good things happen right nothing bad when it's not the boogeyman it's not here to hurt you again we'll do one more and i i'm kind of not set up but i'm going to put my clicker on and we're going to pay her for this next one so she goes look at that she hears her favorite sound she gets paid that's kind of the prerequisite next thing we're going to do now that she's comfortable putting the prong on she's happy that it's on it's not this evil device and she's following the pressure the next thing we want to do and this is perfect i'm going to give her the slightest little tap and pull the slightest and then get her to come to me for a payment so let's show you what that looks like this is prepping her for the correction that will inevitably come potentially later in this session so a little tap wait for her to look at me this is so mild good girl we let her know that when you feel that if you come in the direction of what's pulling you amazing things will happen let's try that again perfect so she's a little distracted i actually want the distraction little tap a little bit of a pull big pay on a scale of one to ten the pressure i'm using we wouldn't even call it a one it's about a half again the prong is oversized for that reason i don't want a lot of bite right now and that's the beauty of teaching this on a puppy distracted a little tap again we're going to pull her good girl so most dogs are averse to any leash pressure as is the case with her but we're doing as mildly as possible and it's constantly followed up with good things this time is a different picture instead of making her turn around she's facing me already and i'll get a little bit of leash pressure uh i just need her to take one inch towards me pressure and we wait for it and she moved so i don't want this to technically be like a like a how-to leash pressure video but this is the smoothest way to introduce what's gonna be a u-turn correction that you've seen in my other videos with larger dogs where we fast track it dogs that are already pulling horrible on the leash they're older they're larger they're tougher and they can handle corrections she is a delicate little flower this one despite her size and her breed right 50 pound counted corso that's she's only four months old and it's not even her age it's part of it she's just a soft dog so we're gonna take it easy on her let's get another rep in that was probably her first one all right i let the line go out and as it about to get tight i gave a little pop which is eating who knows what all right gonna you can do a lot more work on that until your dog is just money that when you give them a little tap like that they come running to you right now we're just using kibble later on as these corrections get a little stiffer we might step up to uh hot dogs if we need to if we need to because as the as the pressure gets higher i want to be able to reward her with with better rewards all right so now we're going to walk same thing's going to happen but this time as we're moving she's going to get out in front and as she gets out in front i'm going to deliver a very very mild correction a little steering and she's going to feel that same little pop but she should know like oh i i know what that is that means i should turn and go to the person that's giving that little pop so let's show you what that looks like now we can do it in that direction too if she lags behind it's a little bit of a dance folks so we have to to play with it that was about a one maybe like almost a two she didn't shut down she didn't yell she didn't freak out and we're just going to continue to amp this game up good girl that time she made the decision on her own to be next to me so now let's cover the purely positive method of teaching your dog to heal next to you this is also a building block to teaching your dog not to pull this is fun for the dog and there's no aversion there's no aversive or corrections in this and that's just to let the dog be engaged with you and get paid on the left hand side or right or wherever you want them we like it on the left so here it comes we play a little game of like cat and mouse i'm the mouse she's the cat she has to just stay with me catch up to me typically you would not do this with a leash hooked up to a prong collar because you don't want her to step on the leash or you and give herself a self-correction so let's go ahead and fix that see now she's with me she's not with me you should be teaching this in your backyard your kitchen i'm not gonna call her because the chances of her coming to me right now slim to none in fact she's peeing so it's perfect that i didn't call her i'm only gonna call her when i know she's gonna come so we'll see if i can kind of get her attention brooklyn here good now she's with me now i gotta keep her engaged with me you can imagine that this is close to the final picture of what we want staying next to me getting paid but you will see that if her tummy gets full or there's something that's more interesting than the food that i have or i stop moving or the game stops being interesting for whatever reason she's gonna check out on me and that is when we need to underscore that yes it pays to stay next to me but it also sucks to disengage with me like right now right good girl again pays to be with me and we're going to start to introduce a little bit of pressure when she stops engaging with me or gets distracted by leaf dog duck squirrel you name it so now back to the business of leash pressure all right so we've shown her that being on my left gets her paid we've shown her a bit of how to respond to the pressure that we put on and now we're just gonna amp the game up level up right if we've been teaching we've been playing level one pac-man we're gonna amp it up in fact if you had to name what this what this is called it's called an advanced game of follow the leader i'm the leader she's gotta follow me she's gonna mess that game up we already know she's gonna get distracted like right now and now is the perfect time we're going to let her know stay with the guy holding the leash her first little correction did you hear that little yelp hopefully mild little yelp didn't crush her didn't kill her she's been prepped for that for days anytime she breaks her concentration on me goes after something else we're gonna put pressure on her if she's in the sweet spot she's gonna get paid and she will figure it out on her own it pays to be engaged with me it does not pay to disappear so let's just keep let's get some more in there [Music] so it's a little dance we have to do she goes in front of me i turn and go this way already looking better already looking better i'm going to amp it up now as i expected we're going to bring out the the more powerful treats hot dogs she loves them you'll see much more engagement i still expect her to get distracted i want her to get distracted so that i can immediately correct that notice i'm not mother henning her there's not a lot of verbals there's no verbal to say i can't say heal because she doesn't know how to heal okay i'd be saying he'll 50 times and she'll think i have tourette's and i'm just like i don't know what's wrong with this guy but every time we're out walking he goes he'll heal he'll heal he'll do not name any command until you love it i don't love what she's doing right now we're getting there once it's solid then i'll name it right now it's a simple game follow the leader all right let's go some more [Applause] so obviously that we got the hot dogs she's really in it to win it but understand that when she's got that full belly or there's something more interesting than the hot dogs she will check out and it's at that moment that we deliver that correction you also see me dancing around a lot it's not trying to be funny it's you have to go off what the dog's doing beautiful so all that conditioning we've done about being on the left if i stop you stop that's all been covered earlier with her when she was you know weeks ago when she was even younger so that's her default what happens is when we introduce these distractions she's not that interested in staying next to me especially just for kibble so we brought the hot dogs out to kind of counterbalance it but there's still going to be something out there that that peaks her interest more than the hot dog and it's that exact moment the correction comes mild that's why we like teaching on puppy because the corrections are mild this is a bigger dog with more with deeper issues the corrections have to be a lot more significant so back to what i was talking about about moving around if she drifts left it's best for me to drift right if she gets in front of me i go that way if she falls behind me i push harder forward we're just we're kind of basing our decision of our movement based off where she goes so it's super clear to her what happened i was going this way ow what happened oh he went that way i should follow that guy that's all this is is a game of follow the leader i'm the tugboat she's the life raft it's in your best interest stay with the tugboat so tugboats off boop boop here we go you can pay for that already night and day difference if she falls behind tugboat picks up speed oh boy she made that turn on her own now here's an interesting thing that happens with a lot of puppies they get tired they don't want to play the game anymore and they plant out if she does that again i'm just going to let her know the tugboat's going with or without you let's see what happens i'd like her to come with me in a fun way she doesn't want to come she's coming good just gave her a little bit of a food lore oh yeah you notice that i'm using this clicker to capture the exact moment that she's next to me and looking up at me girl oh yeah crushing those turns mild little tap for disengaging on that leaf and these are very directive a lot of direction in these corrections we call it a correction with direction hence if she stops i'm going to correct her forward if she gets ahead of me i'm going to correct her back correction forward excellent good girl come to a stop let's see how she does killed it killed it and that's the name of the game folks we're going to stay out here just a little bit longer but you don't want to play this game too long you want to leave the dog on a high note let them feel like they've accomplished something not just crush them crush them crush them you know we came out here we started with some fun slowly introduced the tour started to level up the game will follow the leader meaning making the stakes higher if you mess up there'll be a bigger punishment but if you do good there'll be a bigger payment of hot dogs and that's the name of the game if you come out here wash rinse repeat this in just a few sessions your dog won't know to do anything but be next to you because being next to you gets you paid and doing anything other than paying attention to you pressure comes on if you don't like the pressure get back on your job and that's all we're teaching you to do this is your new job when we're out for a walk follow the leader that's all it is good girl and we'll notice even with the prong collar she's not shut down even with more than a handful of corrections not shut down still happy to be here so ready to be engaged with me and that's what we want all right well here we are at the end of the video hopefully you learned something if you did make sure to like share subscribe we got a ton more content coming not only with brooklyn but all the other dogs in our training program and again just stay with this don't get frustrated come out and have fun if you're not having fun put your dog up try again later your dog's got to be hungry he's got to be in it to win it and take your time with it have fun and you'll have a fantastic dog on the walk that's what we're looking for all right we'll see you guys on the next video [Music] you
Channel: American Standard Dog Training
Views: 720,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stop leash pulling, best canine training, best puppy trainer, best puppy training, cane corso, canine trainer, canine traininer, dog pull on leash, dog training, dog training 101, dog training tips, how to stop leash pulling, how to train canine, how to train dog, k9 trainer, k9 training, online dog training, professional dog training, puppy trainer, puppy training, puppy training advice, puppy training tips, stop leash pulling in 5 minutes, stop leash pulling puppy
Id: CPqgJKhQxi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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