How To Use The Interview Mode in Ecamm Live

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hi i'm adrian salisbury and welcome to another video in this ecamm live series in this video we're going to unpack the highly anticipated interview mode feature if you've been using ecam and have brought on guests to interview you'll know that the only option has been to connect with the guests on skype and then bring them into ecam well now you don't need to use skype you can bring your guests straight into ecamm now understandably this is a pro feature but along with the virtual cam and other features the pro plan is well worth the upgrade so no more having to have another app open and then juggling your screen to fit everything on this is also super easy now for your guests to connect they don't need to go looking for a skype account they get to watch their end the live feed and the chat in real time and they can join from any device that's connected to the internet and the quality of this is unparalleled and do remember this isn't just for lives you can record an interview this way without actually going live i know a lot of people that do their podcast this way so let me show you how this has been integrated then i'm going to bring owen in for an interview and see how this all works in practice so down the right hand side of your main window here you've now got a new icon that says interview and your tab opens up now like the other tabs you can position this around on your window wherever you like and resize it so by default it'll come in smaller than this but you can drag this down if you found that you've got several people that you're interviewing so right at the bottom here is my interview link if i want to i can change it but otherwise it will stay as this same one and all i do is click copy link tells me it's copied and now i can just send that to my guest and uh we'll have a look at what happens there end when owen clicks his link this is the window that appears for him and at the top here he gets two options he can choose his camera at the top and then his second one is the microphone he can then change his name around on here which is how it will be brought in and then he clicks join and as soon as owen clicks that join button i'm gonna see him appear there he is look owen is joining so it's brought the name in that he's typed and i can either refuse him but we'll hit the green button and that brings owen into the green room hello owen hi [Music] so we can actually talk at this point i can chat away with owen in fact we're not live yet we're not recording uh so i can even bring him onto the screen and get that working anyway and notice owen's got a green screen behind him we're gonna use that in just a minute i can add up to four guests this way and bring them in one at a time or all together and have them on the screen with me now there's two ways to work with this if you're not big into using scenes you can very easily bring your guest in using the controls down here in this interview tab so if i want to bring owen on to my live and notice that my name his name is there if i want to bring him on solo then now owen has just replaced me on the screen and he is getting his end as you can see here he can see everything that's going on that i'm seeing so he's not seeing just a like on skype it used to be a conversation with me he's actually now seeing uh the live feed as it were uh if i wanted let's go back to just me now i can bring him in to be sitting on my left or i could bring him in on the right um and the assigned bit we'll come to in a minute that's if we've set up scenes now if i want names to appear i've got the tab up here that ticks that on and owen and myself i've got our names now on the screen and if i jump around and i put now owen in the center there notice how the name is moving with it if i change and i'm in the center so really clever how this works and we can actually set this a swipe in as well but i'm going to leave it for that right now now i'm turning those names off right now and if maybe i don't want to sit side by side with my guess maybe i want to do a picture in picture so one of us at full screen and one of us down in a little picture in picture so i can click there instead and look i can move owing around and uh if i want to so i could have a view like this and if i hit this reset it'll just switch over and it would change between one or the other so this is another way of doing that interview and having you know featuring your guest or yourself and you're just sitting back up in the corner instead of them i'll turn that picture in picture off so we're back side by side i mentioned that i can adjust owens background from here so if i come into the camera effects i need to make sure that i'm not selecting me but i'm selecting owen's camera and look i can tick green screen and now i am fully in control of uh owens background i can adjust this fade level just to uh set it up a little bit get it a bit tighter roundo in there there it goes and uh owen where would you like to go should we put you on a let's put him on a beach look there he is that's looking much better or actually one fun thing that we can do here is if i were to change this around and um i don't want to confuse you or blow your mind too much here but if i were to put owen back picture in picture i can change his background to transparent and uh guess what we're going to do look i can go for this classic crop here and if i move over slightly guess what i'm gonna do with owen we're gonna bring him up in size like that and um [Laughter] now i can bring owen into the room with me hi how are you doing now you've got to look the right way [Laughter] so some great things that we can do here you know so so you don't actually need to be in the same room you can co-host with somebody now um what a lot of fun you can have with that or you could just change the background around to whatever you want uh so i'm going to come back out of this picture in picture and we'll put owen back on his beach uh actually no it's gonna be too distracting let's put you back in a nice um home office there you go okay so now i'm on with my guest that we can change around between these views and again we're not actually using scenes we're working completely in one scene and i'm just using the controls up here and if i want to go solo me solo owen i'm cutting between the two of us like this do remember though that at the moment when i'm moving around like this it's not meaning that owen is muted or i'm muted if i'm off camera so if i want to check out owens audio levels i've got to just firstly look at my own sound levels see where they're at typically i have it so it's just touching into the yellow on there and then when i bring owen on we're going to see what volume his is set to and we can line it up accordingly so in comes owen hi there it's great to be on and i can adjust his volume up like this and um that's how we organize that okay if i want to mute owen at any point i can just click up here and uh that's him muted uh it's a this is where if you're working in scenes it can be really good because i can have it set so that on one scene the guest is muted the other place i can do it is down here and i can mute my guest and then on another scene i can have him potentially his microphones on and me muted so from oh inside not only does he get the this simple layout that he's got he can switch the little arrow up and down and it will change the feed so he's either looking at the camera feed coming through let me just demonstrate it by we'll bring owen on so he's either looking at this live feed or he can just change that over and be looking just at himself on camera there he also gets the ability on that window to be able to go into dark mode and he gets the option to bring the chat up on the screen there as well so he can see all the conversation as it's going on so if owen shares his screen now let's see how that comes in from my end he gets an option down there that says share your screen and he chooses which part of it he wants and here we go so it's coming down here at the bottom i can either choose to solo this so it sees it as another camera source another interviewee in a sense and if we hit solo then it'll just be the desktop let's have a look at that there it comes we aren't on the screen now if i just jump back a minute and we bring it in with pip then we get to choose down here so owens coming in first let's just turn the transparent bit off and we'll leave owen up there so i could have owen if he were talking about this page that he's uh working through here i can do as normal and set this picture in picture up and move him around on the screen wherever we want or what i like is actually if i go back to this wide view look i can click on myself down here as well and now when i go back to picture in picture this little icon down here owen and i are both sitting in this little picture in picture uh i think that's a great way to work through that we can keep the conversation going i haven't totally handed over to my guest there might be a time when i want to but it just allows us to chat while he's um working away and doing a screen recording just scroll that window let's just see what you're doing there so this is owing on um our website here and uh yeah as he's going through he could be talking through this page that he's looking at we're demonstrating something and we can just be positioned wherever we like in fact we can do this tall view as well which can look quite nice and that puts us kind of on top of each other like this all right so i think that's a great way to work this thank you owen let's turn off the i can just close off the screen share from here and that puts us back in this view and again let's turn off we might get a little bit lost in this we turn off this picture in picture and now we're back side by side and if i decide i want to be back over there on the left i can click the add left and it's just moved us back over now there might be a time as well i've showed you how in the camera effects we can do the green screen but there might also be times when you want to just change around this zoom on here so i could zoom in on my guest or uh not really back them off but if i found that if you found that your guest was sitting off or they were down low and you wanted to just line it up so you look very similar you can do the the pan and zoom on here i can adjust things like the brightness on here if i want to um yeah all different effects that we can do obviously in this i'm only affecting owen rather than the the photo that he's got behind on the green screen um but yeah lots of controls and i could mirror that if i wanted to as well um probably turn him upside down as well actually but uh yeah so um yeah lots of things we can do there uh playing around with his camera i've got full control i really am in you know i am producing the show from this end and i think that is super cool if you wanted to bring your guest on maybe you actually don't want to be the talent on here maybe you're at a church and your pastor wants to come on and you're not actually expecting to get on camera you know i can just bring him on solo like this i have complete control over what's going on i could make slides i could make notes come up over the front of him and i don't actually have to be in it myself so super powerful so we did briefly mention titles earlier and as i say i can bring these titles on and then from here so if i hit the edit button up there that's just purely changing the name but if i come down here let me move that switcher over out of the way i can hit the edit button here and so i can either leave it as fixed position or i can set it to fly in and i've got complete control over all of these fonts that are in here and you can import fonts as well if you want to i could decide to have the background on or off totally brand this how i want so now when i i've just set mine to fly in so look what it does when i choose that to come on there we go it's going to slide in nicely like that so titles now so far that's been everything that's designed for those who want to work on the fly but for those of you who use scenes and i applaud you for doing so you can set these scenes up ahead of time so if i want to bring a border like this and then put my name in i probably wouldn't have it sliding in let's just turn that effect off we'll stay with a fixed position so this is me and then what i can do is go to my scene now bearing in mind that i haven't set owen up yet so imagine owen's not in here yet he's not in my green room and i can set up a new scene and say what camera do i want it to be i want it to be guest one and um now what happens is when owen is in my green room i can assign him to guest one and the placeholder that is allocated over here will now bring owen in against it so it allows me ahead of an interview ahead of alive to uh get all this set up so i'm going to assign owen to guest one and there you go it's just brought him in to guest one and we'll have his name on there as well so i've got this set up in advance with let's come back that's me with this border on and because when owen comes in and so far imagine he hasn't come on to the live yet i could bring him in part way through the live even and as long as i know that i'm allocating him to guest one i could have his name ready waiting or the fact that i've got this it's bringing that feed of his name in now if i go to number two again i've preset this in advance to say me on the left guessed one on the right so hopefully what should happen now is it's going to populate owen and drop him into that second window and there it does and again i'm going to turn both of our names on on this one and then potentially if there were a third guest they would be coming in over there so i've allocated in this scene here it says guest two is in that window so if now somebody joined us on the live i would say assigned to guests to and instantly they appear over there now i do just want to point out that these are frames that i've made that sit over the front of this that's how they would come in normally but that was why we might want to play around with this and create some scenes ahead of time so again let's take that overlay off from that one that's how owen would normally come in um but again it just gives me the the opportunity to work through this and say right okay so i know i'm on here and on this one i can mute my interviewee so i can have my guest muted over here when i go to that scene then i mute myself and i unmute them and then when i'm on this scene we're both unmuted uh it just gives us a lot of flexibility and i can cut between these scenes quite easily or be using a stream deck or something like that um yeah so different ways that you can come at this so as you've seen we can return the guests to the green room at any time by either just clicking solo on my own one and then if i want to get rid of them all together and say thank you and bye all i've got to do is hit this red button here and they're gone so goodbye owen thank you very much for being on with us and he's gone okay so i figured we ought to actually try going live with this i'm not going out to an audience i'm just using my personal profile i'm going just on my timeline to myself rachel's got my phone so he's going to come in with some comments so i can hit go live over here and i can bring owen on uh on an interview with me and then as we start getting comments i'm going to see them coming up in my feed at the side of here and then we're also recording owen's screen so we're going to be able to have a look and see what uh how he's getting the chat come through there as well so here we go look it's adrian that's come on hey hey adrian we can bring the chat onto the screen here we could do all the things that you would do normally and uh only seen not only this feed come through where he can see that i've brought a comment on um but he can see that chat coming in down the side there um so yeah this is how this works thank you very much rachel uh this is how this works guys this is what it would be like in live i could take owen in and out i can cut back to me remember that i would need to mute him um so would make sense really to work in scenes so that i could cut between and i can say right so this is me in this scene and my interviewee my guest is muted well i'm on this one owens on there actually doesn't matter in this recording and i'm muted and then remember when we come back side by side and if i want to bring that nice little frame in there we can do that and come on all right so there we go lots of cool things going on here i just wanted you to see that quickly what it's like live i'm going to finish that one thank you rachel for helping us and we're back alternatively he can click to leave from his end so that's probably as much as you need to know it's pretty sweet right one thing that i haven't mentioned is the time allowance and in order to give us the best quality possible ecam are using a premium service to bring the guests in and it obviously comes with a cost so if you're on the standard plan you're going to get two hours of interview time that you can have a chance to have a play with it and you also get those two hours if you're on a 14-day free trial if you like it which you're going to if you want to do interviews then you can upgrade to pro and that gives you either 250 hours a year if you pay annually or 20 hours a month if you pay monthly i feel that that's extremely generous and will be more than most of you need i've been asked what happens if i run out of time don't worry right at the top there as you can see is a countdown of how many hours you've still got remaining so at any point you can just click and upgrade your plan to add some more time to it if need be i think the ecam team have done an amazing job of this and the guests that i've spoken to have found it very simple and easy as an interface and the fact that they can see the whole show going on and the chat sitting at the side there is just perfect now i'd love to hear what you think to this let us know in the comments and fire away if you've got any questions and i look forward to seeing you in one of the other videos in this playlist
Channel: Adrian Salisbury Training
Views: 41,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adrian salisbury, adriansalisbury, best live streaming software 2020, best livestream software for mac, ecamm, ecamm interview, ecamm live, ecamm live facebook, ecamm live for mac, ecamm live for mac tutorial, ecamm live interview, ecamm live interview mode, ecamm live mac, ecamm live tutorial, ecamm live tutorial 2020, how to use ecamm live, mac live stream software, ecamm interview mode, ecamm tutorial, live interview, ecamm interview hours, ecamm interview feature
Id: 3z-ikQA8H5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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