How To Use The Interview Mode in Ecamm Live

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in this video we're going to look at how to interview somebody in ecamm either for a live stream or just for a record only we're going to bring a guest in I've got Owen waiting to come through I'm going to show you how to set everything up here in advance of that and we're going to go live so you can see the experience for me as the host and him as the guest on his end as well it's going to be good so we start out if you haven't used this before you've got to tab down the right side of here that is your interviews there's two little people down there and you click to turn on interview mode and it's asking up here for my camera my end and then this is just the navigation and like everything else in ecam we can pick this up move it around resize it we can now actually have up to 10 guests in interview mode so if you've got 10 people queued up and we're sitting in your green room you'd have a long list of them down here that you can scroll through and individually you can jump on and change their details but we'll see more of this in a minute now at its most basic we come down here right at the bottom here you've got a link that when I click on it and it's copied this is what I'm going to send to my guest in advance and say you know come and jump in here and you'll see in a few minutes with Owen on his screen what it looks like for your guest it's actually a really nice experience for them and then I've got some settings in here actually I can now go in and I can change the title this is the the page where my guest is going to appear it says Adrian Salzburg is live I can add images down here for my this is for the bottom left corner of the screen that they're in so I can put one down here for light mode and one for dark mode in fact let's do that so I can just pick up an image drag it onto there and that will appear in dark mode if my guest is in dark mode and if they're in light mode this is what's going to appear in front of them let me just save that so now as I come in here these details are in I can default them to dark mode if I want to I can allow private chat so they're going to get to see you'll see over here look show viewer comments Show view account so my guest can actually see the chat in the same way that I can in ecamm and they can see how many people are attending and if we've got private chat turned on there's the option in here that you know maybe they're talking and I just want to send them a message or I've forgotten something it's an opportunity for me to be able to have a private chat to them that nobody else is seeing and then there is a mode down here to turn off the audio processing for musicians really this is helping with the echo cancellation so leave it unchecked for most of what you're doing so I hit save down here that's as much as I want to do in advance there we're going to see in a minute as they come in multiple ways really that we can either very simply bring that guest in if you're at a basic level really with ecam you're really just starting out with it and you just want to be able to bring that guest in Sit Them alongside you we'll show you that and then a more advanced way of creating scenes and really making this look nice so I'm going to give Owen a nudge now and tell him that he can come in and we're recording his screen as well so this is what it's like for him he'll put his Link in ideally using Chrome is its more stable better experience to use Chrome and it's worth explaining this to your guest in advance and then he's going to get an option there to select his camera and then he can select his microphone and then he gets to enter his name in here and as soon as he clicks join we're going to see him over here in this interview tab foreign and automatically Owen has come into my Green Room hi Owen can you hear us hey yeah yeah I can fantastic so if there were more guests than this as I say they would all be queuing up one on top of the other down here the first thing I want to do really and I can do this while Owen is in the green room here with me if we were preparing and we were getting ready to do a live together and we're you know five ten minutes out which is good practice ask your guests to come on in advance I'm interested to see that our sound levels are coming through evenly it's really frustrating if you're watching listening to an interview and one person's microphones is clearly much louder than the others it's hard to listen to and so I've got this sound levels tab down here and this would be one occasion when I am using the echo cancellation because I want to make sure that the echo cancellation is stopping my microphone here in Owen coming through my speakers and so it's important to do I can see that Owen's got headphones on that's good practice so Owen's not going to have his microphone picking up me because I'm coming through his ears which is microphone cart here makes sense doesn't it so I'm just going to talk to Owen on here and you can see that my level on there this is my microphone at the top and it's just kind of hitting into the yellows that would be the volume that I would set this to normally and now as I just chat with Owen and let's just see what his microphone's coming in like yeah so what's what's the level of my microphone coming in as is it yeah too loud too quiet yeah yours is coming in quite a bit louder than mine at the minute so I'm just pulling that down um yeah so I mean what what have you been up to what are you doing today I'm going through some training and just excited for our interview as much as they can so I think that's looking about right on there so I've got Owen just pulled down slightly as an interview now this works really well when there's just one guest and I can adjust it down here notice that actually over in the interview tab I've also got a level there for for audio so if maybe I've got multiple guests I think what I would be doing is leaving interview up on full on my sound levels and then individually I'd be pulling them back down and even if it's somebody that's jumping in part way into a live or a recording um you can actually quite quickly do this as long as you're aware of it and prepared for it and one feature that is pretty new in here in ecamm is actually if I come into my preferences down here and I go into recording I can actually select record isolated audio tracks and what this will do is at the end of our interview at the end of our recording this is going to give me a separate file for my microphone and a separate one for Owens and a mixed one so if need be when I come to edit this one afterwards or I know a lot of you do podcasting and send these away for someone to organize they can actually mix the levels in there afterwards and notice on here as well again another new great feature is for the recording now I've only actually got one camera attached at the minute but I can say I want to do exactly the same thing with the video files so this is going to give me a clean feed of my camera and then my interview guests so any guests that I've got again up to 10 guests that I can have on I'm going to get a separate individual file afterwards so I don't need to worry too much about who was on camera and coming in between certainly if this is a a recording that I'm doing for creating a podcast or something out of later on I want to be able to focus on what I'm doing and not being worrying about who's on which camera I'll get all these extra files at the the end and I can send it off to an editor or edit it myself mixing the audio mixing who's on camera and um yeah completely playing around with that really flexible so I've got those settings turned on I can get rid of that preferences overlay now two different ways really of bringing Owen on at the minute he's sitting here in the green room so I can talk to him um you know we haven't gone live we haven't recorded anything but there's several ways of bringing him on if you're really kind of entry level at this and fairly basic I mentioned this a few minutes ago all I need to do with Irwin look I've got down here solo ad left add right or assign the assign will come to but maybe we're talking and I want to bring her in on and I say right here's Owen coming on screen I click solo and now you can see oh in full screen and I can either click back to bring it back to this one or I can click solo upon mine or if I want to come on screen together and I want Owen to sit to the right of me I click here and now Owen's appearing on the right side of me so that's a very simple very basic way of doing this I'm really just kind of using this as my clickers to go between who I want on screen and how I want that working and I mean if you show us your end actually what you're looking at there so you get the option of um choosing between just seeing yourself on camera or actually seeing the feed as it goes so if I bring this one up side by side if you can just demonstrate your end and let us see how you're seeing between the two options on here I know when I've spoken to customers in the past and they've said my guest said they can only see themselves it's because this button down here isn't it okay now we want to do more advanced than this and actually what I can do is if I just um popo in back into the Green Room there a minute I'm going to come off as well we're going to create a new scene over here and we're going to call it um interview in fact what I'll put is uh interview both and I like to start with a blank scene and we've got a background in this at the back we've got other videos check that out on the playlist about how to do these different overlays and putting images in backgrounds but what I'll do now is bring in a camera overlay over here and I'm going to select custom and I'm going to shape this one up so this is this is my camera on this side what I can do is hit the option key and drag this over and it creates another scene and I can just then say and the next one I want this to be guest one now I can do this in advance I can have these see these scenes will always be there and ready for me I can play with all this rounded Corners changing the the backgrounds sorting the shapes out that's not the topic for today go and check out those videos that we've done on creating overlays but all of a sudden over here now with Owen I can say assign to guest one and then wherever there's a placeholder that's called guest one Owen's going to be appearing in that box now and I think straight away this looks uh nicer than just me bringing Owen on and sitting at the side of me we can do something like this we could actually pop haven't said that but we can also create placeholders at the bottom here to put names in all sorts of things now I've put this as interview both what I'm going to do is just clone this down and I'm going to call this next scene interview me and what I'll do is I'll just pull my image straight over the top like this and lose Owen's one and what I'm going to do in this one is mute my interviewee because in this one both of our mics are going and if we're in cuffed I'd hear that and we'd see it coming through maybe on this one I'm introducing him and he hasn't come on yet and if he's coughing or shuffling around or shouting to someone I'm just about to go live we don't want that coming through on here and then what I can do is clone this one again and I can say on this one I'm going to say interview guest and then I can change this view to be guest one which in this case is Owen but we're setting these up to be in advance and then the next interview I do it'll be I again add that person to placeholder as guest one and then what we need to remember is that then when we've got our guest on we need to unmute him and potentially we mute ourselves so that it's only Owen that is speaking so you can see how we can change those microphones it allows me to go to Owen like that and if I'm sitting typing away on my keys down here you're not going to hear it your end and I can just unmute and mute as I want to so all of a sudden we've created three nice looking scenes there where we can jump between us other things we can do but there's lots of other things that we can do with these scenes Let me just continue with this one I think if I clone this down and I say thank you for being patient there Owen I'm going to say interview both plus my screen and what I'm going to do is just pop me up to the top here in a square and I can do the same with Owen and I'm placing it one over the other just so I can get the size is the same and then I can drag Owen over to this side so now we're bringing uh we're going to bring a screen share overlay on this one and I'm going to select uh let's just pick up Chrome down here and let's imagine that in this scenario Owen and I are just walking through this training together and so I could drop this down here all the guides and things allow me to snap this I can crop in my edges um I'm flying through this quite quick but we could be doing this and then if I want to I could send this one to the back so that Owen and I are both sitting over the front of it and actually then as I'm sharing my screen over here uh Owen and I are both able to talk about it now another quick scenario might be Owen's got something he's coming on to present to my community and Owen has already got a presentation or he's going to demonstrate a web page or something his end so Owen again just show us on your end how you've got an option there to share your screen this again really needs you to be on Chrome and Owen gets an option then to either share his entire screen or Chrome or tabs so he gets some good options there the same as what I'm seeing here so go for one of those tabs though in let's have a look and here it comes so it comes in as if it were another guest in the interview and what I can do is if in advance so we've got this scene here we're going to clone this one down and I'm going to call this one interview plus let's just put G screen This is Our Guest screen over here because of the way that the guest screen is coming in it's not a screen share overlay it's a camera overlay so I need to recreate this one we're just going to bring a camera overlay in we're gonna fit it to roughly the same size like this I just need to change that to be custom size so I've laid that over the top I can get rid of my screen share underneath and the video source is check down here it's guest two well we haven't actually allocated it yet so we're going to put a placeholder here as guest 2 and then down here when it says where do I want to share this screen I can say let's call this guest 2 and then what do you know in it comes again I just want to push this to the back so um Center back allows Owen and I to sit in front can you see how quickly and easily so now I'm hands off Owen's walking us through this really really powerful you could get all this ready in advance and have all these scenes and things ready so um you know it starts with me talking and I'm saying hey I'm bringing Owen on and Owen why don't you come on Owen comes on and chats with us maybe I say why don't you introduce yourself and then it goes over to Owen like this comes back to us potentially I'm showing something my end and I'm talking through here or I say hey why don't we hand over the uo in and you can share your screen I pass over the controls and now while I'm sitting here Owen is sharing his screen and he's walking us through this process and any point I can go actually I mean let's just have a chat about that and I bring it back to here can you see how powerful this is and even little things I can change oh in settings around on there as well so notice that I'm sitting a lot closer in than what Owen is I can actually click on on the camera effects I can do the same with his screen actually which I'll show you in a second but I'm clicking here on Owen and I can actually zoom in a bit on Owen's camera you can see down there in the camera effects tab where it's moving um maybe that's a little bit too much but there you go that that kind of puts us more side by side rather than looking like Owen's down here and I'm up here and if I wanted to I can do all the camera effects if not really in this case but if I felt I needed to adjust things or trying to change things around in the settings I can do everything over here powerful that I can deal with these things over here and really like that and actually as I say I could do the same thing with Owen's screen so if Owen for instance is if you leave that pause there for a second now in and I've got his screen here and Owen's just talking this through and I want it to go I mean that's really interesting I can just see that you know you've got this comment up at the top here see how the in that camera effects tab there I can actually zoom in and I can move around in here and focus in on parts of Owen's screen how powerful is that now I think it'd be really good if we actually went uh live just to my private profile because I want to actually see what happens from oh inside I want you to see how good this is that he can see the chat the same as I can plus we can also chat with each other off air so if I'm going to just select my profile I'm going to go to only me and I'm just going to pop that in and we're going to go live now I'm then going to grab my phone and find this live that we're on this is always that bit when you realize that actually everybody can see it nope there it is so if I were to pop a comment into here there it is I'll panicked for a second I couldn't see it coming in so I pop up in here and I can say to her in oh look um I can see hi there YouTube is a comment that could pop in and it could come on screen like this but actually even without this oh and you can see this on your screen can't you now I can see these comments and reactions screen on here actually Owen on your screen up in the top right corner I believe it is is like a little speech or a comment symbol uh which is the same as I've got down here if you click on that you're going to see those comments appear as I'm seeing them down here Owen's seeing them on his screen as well um you're yawning I did just blend there as I'm seeing them here Owen's seen them on his screen as well this is really useful and if you're you know if you've got a guest style and there's a busy chat going it's good for them to be able to scroll down and see the comments as well certainly if it's quite a long question rather than me trying to explain it this end um that's really powerful and also what I can do there's another little tab down here that when I click this speech bar there's an interview chat so I can now say so I can actually send a private message in here to Owen and Owen has the option to just change on that chat between private chat or the public chat and he could message back to me as well so maybe while a video was on or something else was happening the guest and I are able to communicate down here they've really thought this through an ecam it really is a nice slick system I don't know of another way for us to be able to have a live stream like this that I can most of the cloud-based versions of this that we would live stream on it's pretty fixed and limited the templates but we could literally change anything around on this that we wanted to I could have different scenes um with different layouts extremely powerful I think this is a fantastic way if you're interviewing now as we said before when we finish this we're going to get separate tracks So in theory I'm going to get my camera I'm going to get Owens and I'm going to get his desktop come in as another camera source so if you're editing this you could do all these things afterwards but we're not going to need to because we've done such a good job prepping it getting it ready like this when I save this recording it'll be a file that I'm happy to work with and remember this isn't just for live streams like we're demonstrating here we don't have to go live if I said to Owen right this is for a podcast for a a video interview that I want to play later we're going to tidy it up and put it up separately we don't have to be live we could just hit record only so I think this is fantastic I can just hit finish I can end the broadcast and when it shows me the file at the end here look what I've got we've got um audio files for me and for the guest we've got the mix and we've got camera a which is mine we've got the guests camera coming through there and then we've got the guest screen coming through as guest two so really powerful isolated audio isolated video I don't know what else we could be wanting from this really been a good experience your end doesn't it it works well yeah and um I think you know we could be proud to bring on guests and interview them on this platform yeah good experience they need to have anything set up but I do have a little worksheet that really is designed to help you prepare your guests in advance so I will make that available to you and I think thank you Owen I appreciate you coming on and I'll let you go and then I'll wrap this up so this is what I would do Owen can either remove himself from his end or I can just hit this button here and he goes or what I would always do is bring him off of the main camera and then I could just click the red button and remove him at this point so there he goes we're back in here and that hopefully was a pretty thorough look at the the interview tool let me know what you think to that now if you landed straight into this video looking how to do the interviews and I seem to have run through quite quickly overlays and different ways of moving around in here please do check out our playlist and even more so why don't you get registered come and join us in our ecamm live Academy where we have two weeks live together great opportunity this is one of the biggest things really of getting people to have a play in a safe place in a Facebook Community where you can interview each other be interviewed practice rather than have it happen when you've got your VIP client that you're bringing on there's a couple of options there for further training but uh if we went through this a bit Quick Camera overlays screen share overlays all of these things we've covered in videos over on the playlist on YouTube here so I hope you've enjoyed that please give us a thumbs up if you have and I'll see you in another video
Channel: Adrian Salisbury Training
Views: 8,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adrian salisbury, adriansalisbury, best live streaming software 2020, best livestream software for mac, ecamm, ecamm interview, ecamm live, ecamm live facebook, ecamm live for mac, ecamm live for mac tutorial, ecamm live interview, ecamm live interview mode, ecamm live mac, ecamm live tutorial, ecamm live tutorial 2020, how to use ecamm live, mac live stream software, ecamm interview mode, ecamm tutorial, live interview, ecamm interview hours, ecamm interview feature
Id: KHC-r6Rmck0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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