Overlays in Ecamm Live: How to Use Canva's FREE Level to Make Awesome Video Graphics

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Hey Ecamm fam what's good. Y'all this is Marshall Fox. And today I'm going to show you a couple of simple techniques that you can use to take your livestream game to the next level using overlays in Canva. So if you don't know me for what I do outside of Ecamm, I'm actually a graphic designer. And I put together a whole video explaining how to make overlays using the tools that I use. And it was about 45 minutes long. So I went back to the drawing board. I learned canvas a bit, so I can show you the easiest way possible to create your overlays. The best thing is it's free. You don't even need the paid version. All right, let's get into it. All right. So go ahead and fire up Canva and click this purple creative design button at the top. Right. And what I recommend is clicking this custom sized button and doing 3840 by 2160, since this is 4k, it's not necessary, but once we get to the second part of this video, it'll make cutting out the seconds that we need a lot easier. And you're presented with a bunch of different options to start from on a left-hand side. You can go down to background and you have different gradients patterns, landscapes, textures, etc. Let's choose this one, go over to elements. And I want to create the cutouts that will be seen in an Ecamm. So I'll go to see all, and I like this one right here. So I'm going to do is I'm going to make an overlay for. Let's say three people. So what I'll do quickly is just eyeball it size these for three people. So I do command D to duplicate it and command the again to duplicate it. So it looks like a, a bit more room. So I'll do like this. I'm just eyeballing it command-D again at this size and command-D again, one more time. So now. It's like they could stand to be a little smaller, but this is fine. So it snapped to the, the middle snap to the side. But what I want to do is I will, make each of these white. Okay. So now we have. The three cutouts. So the reason I have more space at the bottom is because you may want t have comments, say your livestreaming with these three people and you want to leave room for the comments to pop up. So that's why I left more room at the bottom. Or maybe you want to have their names at the bottom, like your name and get two guests names. And you can add a card for that. So you could actually have it over the top of the cutout if you wanted. But in this situation, let's put it down here and let's make it like this color right here. Now do command-D to duplicate. So now in Ecamm, we'll write their names to guests names here. Or you could do it in advance if you wanted to. So now what I'll do is I'll do download as-is. Okay. We'll just do a three person. Overlay. So this is where the magic happens. It's a bit of a workaround, but it works. So I opened this up in preview. So I'll hit this button right here. Show markup, toolbar, and I'll come over here on the left-hand side and click instant alpha. So now would just click the white area. Until it highlights red and let it go. Now I'll click delete. So I'll do the same, this one, delete, same, this one open... whoops.. Too much. If you select too much like this, then, um, the whole thing will be selected. And then if you hit delete, the whole thing will be deleted. So you don't want that. So I do command Z. So I just want the white section. To be selected. Okay. I got to do it over again. There we go. So it may take you a couple of tries to delete. So now they're cut out. So we save it. We're good to go. So I'm just going to add a page here, come over to the left hand side, click photos. Click uploads, upload media device, colorful gradients, jpeg. And let's pick one at random here. Now, bring it over. Let's do a circle. Okay, so I'll click elements. I like this one. So I'll move it over here. Let's say I'm doing a screen share. So I want to circle or my photo and then a square for a screenshare. So I'll add a square here, resize it for a screenshare. Okay. So it's important. We want as much contrast as possible. So if this was a light background, then I would want to use like a black circle because it would make it easy for whatever machine learning that. selects this won't swear in preview to differentiate between the background and the foreground. So, but in this case, it's a darker background. So I'll make these white again, you can change the color of this drop shadow as well. So let's do that. That's cool. So let's move this over now. Do download. So I'll just do the second page this time. So now open this up and preview click the markup button top right, then instant alpha saying process. Highlight. Delete, highlight delete. So now we have two cutouts. So now let's jump over into Ecamm and show you how to add these Alright so I just fired up Ecamm let's go ahead and add these overlays in. Okay, so let's do the first one, the three person overlay. So this is for you, if you use interview mode, okay. Which is available for pro members. So I just dragged it on to the screen, but what I'm actually going to do is add in a guest let's add in two guests on guests, two guests. So there I am. Right. Boom. So I'm going to go ahead and save this as a scene, default scene. So let's just save it and rename it. Okay. So let's do three person. Scene. So let's create a new empty scene or the next one. But what I'm going to do in this case is I'm going to go to source blank. Okay. So it's going to go black on me, but I'll go ahead and add in the overlay now. Boom. So now I'll come down here and do new camera overlay. So I'll just drag myself here and I'll hit this pencil to change the aspect ratio it's around. Oh, resize it. But the kids I want to put this underneath is overlay. So I'll just drag this camera overlay. Behind or underneath of this overlay too, right here in overlays panel on the rain side. So now I'm underneath. So here I want to do a screen share. So you can do this one of two ways. All right. So the first way would be to do a screen-share and resize and reposition. The window of what you're trying to share. Let's say I'm trying to share something on online. I will have to reposition it, but depending on how big your screen is, and if you're running your entire presentation and live stream from one monitor, this may not be feasible. So another way would be to use NDI tools. So shout out to Doc Rock. I started using this after he recommended it. So let's go to NDI tools, It's NDI.T... We're on Mac. So we would click NDI tools, go to download NDI tools for Mac. So put your information in. Then you want to install the one that says NDI scan converter. This is the way you want to install. So once it's installed and you open it up. You want to go to file and then select which application you would like to share. So once you do that, it will be shown as a source inside of Ecamm. So if I want this Safari window as a source, so I will make sure that this source is set to blank. Source blank. I have my camera overlay here and I'm basically going to add another camera overlay, but I have to make sure that is selected. Safari's selected in NDI. Now. I'll come here. Go to overlays new camera overlay. So I'm going to change it to Marshall's iMac scan converter. Yours will be named accordingly and aspect. I'll do custom so I can resize it exactly how I want it. So then I got to make sure that put the layer below the overlay, right? Then I can resize this a bit as well. Actually, I can actually move this out of the way and do it on another screen to make sure it fits perfectly and there it is. So now I can do what I got to do. I can share this. And of course you can have tons of different overlays. I just gave you a brief overview of a couple of different styles that you could do. So the possibilities are truly endless. If you experiment, use different shapes, use different backgrounds, just play around with it a bit. Don't get overwhelmed. You'll have a lot of fun angle really helped to upgrade your livestream Game using Ecamm. If you like Marshall, all that was cool and all, but ain't nobody got time for that. I got you. I just dropped an overlay pack. That's available to pick a right now at the Link in the description, but let me know what you thought of this video. If you found it helpful, please drop a comment and don't forget to like subscribe hit the notification bell. So you can be notified when more videos drop peace... and don't for-hit... for hit [Laughing].
Channel: Ecamm Live
Views: 18,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ecamm live, graphics in ecamm live, ecamm live overlays, ecamm live templates, ecamm live and canva, canva ecamm live, how to use ecamm live graphics, making overlays in ecamm live, how to create professional graphics for live video, live video graphics, video graphics, video graphic overlays, easy video graphics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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