How to Use Ecamm for Zoom - Full Tutorial | Professional Presence (Bonus)

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if you're a Mac User wanting to level up your Zoom calls then get excited because ecam for Zoom is officially here it is the integration of two powerful tools that are coming together so you can show up professionally on Zoom calls display comments on the screen and you can easily add guests to your ecam production now if it sounds like a lot don't worry I'm going to break it down for you so you understand what it is how it works and some helpful tips depending on your use case let's take a look at the interace and see what is different one of the first things you will notice is that in your main window along the right hand side you will see at the bottom it says zoom and if you click on this it will open the zoom window this is where you can control the zoom integration if it's your first time getting set up you'll need to connect with your Zoom account keep in mind that if you work for an organization with an administrator you might have to get a request to use a thirdparty app once you are connected to your Zoom account you will see your profile picture and a few controls new meeting join by ID or link you can actually paste a link to a meeting that you're invited to in here or you can enter the number you'll also see if you have any scheduled events those are going to show up there as well you'll see the list of all of your upcoming meetings up in the top corner you will see that there are a few different preferences there are your ecam Zoom preferences a few little things you can do like Auto admit participants Auto add participants to camera and remove all cameras and you can see access to your Zoom meeting settings let's take a look at the preferences so this is your ecam live preferences and it takes you right to this new area which is zoom and on Zoom you can control some of these features like whether or not you want to automatically add participants I prefer a waiting room whether you want to add them as camera sources I recommend keeping this off so you ually control who gets added then you also have the capture mode I have my default set up to live streaming even though I'm not primarily using this for live streaming there's also an option to have an active speaker camera which is a really great feature that you'll see as an example and you get to decide whether you want to show yourself as the active speaker as well and if so which camera you would like I'm leaving that off for now then for audio you get to decide whether you want to use have it disabled meaning ecam is the one running the show with the audio or whether you want to have it enabled I personally like to control this at the level of zooms settings for whether I use original sound or not and so I have this set to enabled you also have the option to show your Zoom chat and Q&A questions in the comments I recommend having that on and then if you have more processing for your zoom and your audio then you have the option to turn on man ual AO audio mode and you could learn more about that that's to take a look at your at your settings but also because this integration is actually running Zoom within ecam you do want to be able to access your your Zoom settings so if I click on this again and click on Zoom meeting settings now I can access my regular Zoom meeting settings that you are used to seeing in a zoom meeting okay let's take a look at just opening an empty meeting before we show it with other people so if I start a refresh meeting and click on that button you will actually see that I am now opening a meeting window let's make this we'll bring it up here and just like a normal Zoom meeting you have all of the controls that you're used to seeing if you if you run out of space you'll have more so you can see captions breakout rooms Etc so everything you're used to seeing in a zoom meeting you can see here because it is built into ecam but along the side if I change to a scene let's say I show my name an now I can see that in the zoom meeting if I wanted to show my overview that shows in the zoom meeting and so on and so forth so if I have this border here I can see this graphic in the meeting and so can everyone else who joins the meeting so this is how you can see all of your features now for the comments we'll see that when we get some people in the comments and show those on screen and I do have a few scenes set up that are ready for a guest this one is assigned to guest one assigned to guest two I have one with guests one and two side by side right now these are empty but I will actually fill them with people once I actually get the meeting underway in case you're asking yourself okay I think I get it but how would I use it or why would I use it I find it really helpful to consider it in two ways the first way to think about it is to use it inside a meeting meaning you have the integration you join a call or you host your own call and you take advantage of the features of ecam like having a graphic on your screen so you can keep people on track with your key points your name your logo Etc but now with the integration you can actually pull comments from the zoom chat directly onto your screen this is incredible for answering questions for highlighting a specific comment that you can show it's not just great for inside the meeting while it's happening live so everyone knows which one you're focused on but it's also really helpful for recordings because often if we watch a zoom recording we're not even sure what chat comment is being discussed the other thing you can do internally inside a meeting is you can take it up one extra level and you can bring guests from inside the meeting into your ecam scene so you can interview them like a more professional interview setting with you and the guest beside you or maybe you have a panel with a few people on the screen together you can do that for the actual Zoom call spotlight that window and everyone is focused on that one production and then you control who is seen on screen and when that can all be done for the purpose of just running a really incredible Zoom meeting or joining one as a guest now the other way to think about this is outside the meeting meaning that you have the tool of the zoom integration as a way to easily bring in guests to your production whether you are planning to interview someone or host a panel that you record or that you stream the idea is that you send them a zoom link everyone knows how to join by Zoom but they're actually joining your ecam production that you are either locally recording or you're sending out in a live stream it's just a really easy way to bring in guests to your production so those are the two ways that I would think about this are you using this for meetings or are you using this for an external production either way people know how to use zoom been using it for years and this is one of the advantages for this integration now let's dive into an actual demo call with other people who are joining me so you can see the integration at work my participants are starting to show up so I can see all of my participants here they've joined the waiting room just like a regular Zoom meeting and I am going to admit them and let's make it fun I'm going to pick a border so that I have a little pop of color that is showing up in my zoom call going to admit a few more people today I want to do a demonstration of using this integration how the tool works and we are going to record this so I want to have an actual Zoom recording so I can record the entire meeting not just my ecam production so let's record this I'm going to record to the cloud everyone knows that it is being recorded and then anything that I do with my scenes is going to show up in the meeting now I personally recommend for your best quality that you are in full screen but let's also change the view so I could change to speaker view everyone will see me in the speaker View and if I were to change my scenes then anything that I show for example if I show this overview let's actually use Spotlight and I will Spotlight my video so I have my overview I can tell everyone what is going on using the graphics that I already set up in advance for this meeting and if I want to I can actually be interactive in engage so I'm going to see if anyone in my meeting has some things to add to the chat that perhaps we could discuss so when I take a look at this if I wanted to add something in the chat I have two options I could click on chat and my chat window pops up just like it normally would in Zoom so I can write something here I can see that Andy said hey I can see that I've got some chat comments here I could add something too I see there's a question for me I'm not sure I'm ready yet and normally in a recording nobody can actually see the comments and this is the beauty of having the comments be able to uh show on the screen so let's do an example where I actually post the question that I just answered now when I click on this in the comments window it did actually bring up my window here so I can see my ecam sort of main window it kind of popped up and the meeting went behind I could easily go back to the meeting by clicking on it but I can see that the comment is available on this window so everyone can see what I am discussing this is really nice for any of your recordings because usually people can't actually see what is happening and they can't see the comment but here they can actually see the comment and if I want to hide that I can do this from the window I can do use a little X or if you have a stream deck or a hotkey you can simply click and hide the comment so I have the ability to bring up that comment so this is really a great way to engage if I want to uh pull up another one here I've got a comment from Neil I can show it on the screen I can also adjust that if I want to and have that available so everyone on the call can see what's going on however I can take this one step further so I'm going to close this chat for a moment and make this window a little bit smaller so I still have my meeting going and maybe I want to actually show some of my guests on screen meaning I want to bring them into the production and I have a few scenes that already have a placeholder for my guests so I can actually assign some guests to specific guest placeholders or I can also use the active speaker option so I see over in here let's make this a little bit longer and I can see the people who are in my meeting and let's add a few folks to the call I'm going to add doc Rock say add camera now what's going to happen when I press add camera everyone in the meeting is going to be notified that this is being live streamed even though technically I am not live streaming but anytime you are capturing participants images they want to be notified so that is something that Zoom wants to make sure is happening so I'm going to add the camera everyone is now being told this is being live streamed on ecam and I could be although I am not right now recording a local recording I could be recording this on ecam as well right now I'm just recording the meeting but I have added a camera or I thought I added the camera there we go I'm going to add Neil I want to make sure I don't have anyone who's uh Drive I don't want I don't want anyone to be in a car necessarily I can add up to eight people let's add these cameras here I want to make sure is anyone else okay Daniel is also so I'm adding these cameras and you can start to see these cameras populate up the side now did I turn off Doc's camera or did he I'm not sure and okay we've got the cameras in the side I have a few scenes where I have maybe one or two let's say you've got a panelist and you want to talk to a couple of people so I'm going to move this meeting out of the way for a moment and just show you that down the side I've got host plus guest one host plus guest two I also have guests one and two and then host plus active speaker and active speaker so I have a few different scenes that I've already got set up so now let's assign someone to the the room so I'm going to assign doc to a placeholder and say guest one and maybe my other main guest is Daniel and I'm going to assign to guest two so they are one and two and if I click to that scene you can see guest one and you can also see guest two I also have an option to have both of them beside while I while I'm talking in the background I also though have an option for me plus the active speak not necessarily guest one or guest two so perhaps someone else in the meeting who is not guest one or guest two could unmute and share a little something with the audience is there anyone else who wants to say something I just want to say hello and thank you for me being here today hi cat it's very nice to see you yes hi Neil thanks so much for joining and now if someone else were to start speaking on top and say oh hi from California speaking now and now we've got Paul so you can see that the active speaker is an option for a placeholder now I have opt to not have myself as an active speaker but there is an option that if I wanted to have myself as an active speaker I could I do also have a placeholder here just for active speaker so depending on who is talking maybe someone else who hasn't shared yet could say something and it will change to their active speaker hello hello everybody hey how's it going Aloha from the sunny state of Honolulu that's not a state it's a city so this is one way that you can interact with people but as I'm speaking you can see that that's not actually my camera so we can switch between these we can have this set up and then here if I bring back the meeting you can see the meeting going on and if I didn't want to use that production but maybe I just want to change the view to a gallery view we are still in a zoom meeting we are having a conversation and we can still run a meeting just like you normally would but but you have a few extra options in order to just take it up a notch whether you want to be interactive engaging with the comments or if you wanted to instead actually bring your guests into a production now that you've seen the integration in action here are a few quick tips first of all start simple if you are new to this just start with some graphics on screen showing comments as overlays and just don't worry right away about bringing people into your scene with you and assigning guests to placeholders just keep it really simple to start and then you can always grow into that the other thing to remember is that ultimately it is up to your Zoom plan as to what quality output you get so your graphics could look really high quality when you look at them on your computer but that's not necessarily what other people are seeing so make sure you check if you have HD turned on in your account and if you don't request it and always do test calls and if you have text on screen like I do make sure that it's large legible and high contrast so that people can see it even if you don't have the best resolution in your Zoom call the other thing to consider is headphones or not I would say for any scenes where you have sound effects or music if you're playing a video anything that's going to project sound out of your speakers you want to have a headphone so your microphone doesn't pick it up however if you're just joining a regular meeting to have a conversation you should be okay without headphones but make sure that in your settings under the ecam zoom settings you have the audio set to enabled meaning you can control your audio with your Zoom settings because Zoom is actually really good at Echo cancellation and also just getting rid of unnecessary background noises so you can set that up at the settings for Zoom now I would love to hear from you what are you going to do with this integration what excites you are you using this for meetings are you using this to create Productions let me know in the the comments how you going to use this I don't know about you but I am so excited for this integration and just to see all the possible you use cases for ecam for zoom
Channel: Ecamm Live
Views: 2,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Use Ecamm for Zoom, professional presence, zoom, zoom and ecamm, ecamm workshop, virtual camera, virtual camera workshop, how to use a virtual camera, why use a virtual camera, cat mulvihill, professional presence on zoom, how to look better on zoom, zoom presentation tips, better zoom webinars, better zoom calls, how to setup better zoom calls, ecamm and zoom, what's a virtual camera, cat mulvihill ecamm, cat mulvihill zoom, ecamm for zoom, ecamm zoom integration
Id: UUxKqaSjraM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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