How to use Reverso Context desktop and mobile app to read a foreign language

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hey everyone tara here from archie english and in today's video i'm going to show you how you can use reverso context to read and transcribe web pages and articles from the internet and how you can use it to transcribe subtitles on applications like netflix ted talks youtube and amazon and finally i'm going to talk about how you can use the application reverso context to read articles on your phone so let's get started with the video for today now obviously reverso context has a number of features that you can use but today i'm just going to talk about how you can use it when you want to read articles to translate in real time so when you first get onto the website on reverso context which is you'll see this on the page and you'll see a little box over here which says join reverso now it's important that you join reverso so that if you want to integrate it with the application on your phone and also save all of your searches and your history it better integrates so it's better to join as a member now it doesn't cost you anything you click here and you register so you can sign up with your email you can use facebook or you can use a gmail account so i already have a gmail account so i'm just going to log in here i already have my login details now when you come back into the page you'll see there's a little button over here that says add reverso to chrome it's free so when you click on here it'll take you to the chrome web store and when it takes you to the chrome web store it will ask you to click on a button so we will ask you to click on a button here which will say add to chrome obviously mine says remove from chrome but it's because i've already downloaded the application and i've already got the extension in my browser so once you've downloaded the browser you can close that and you it will take you back to the main page then what we want to do is we want to use the extension to read an article so let's go into this web page so this is a website for an architecture firm breathe architecture in melbourne australia and this is a page about one of their projects and i want to read this page i want to find out a little bit more about one of the projects that they worked on with this extension if you click up here you'll see this little icon which is a mouse if this is yellow and it says all words are clickable it means that you can click on any word in the website and it will give you the instant translation you can click on it again to turn it off and on again so when i come over here and i click on for example sustainability it will give me the word and also give me the pronunciation so if i click here sustainability it will give me the pronunciation now one of the other things that reverso context does really well is you'll notice that it highlighted two words environmental sustainability now this is because these two words have they're commonly collocated together because what reverso context does is it scans the internet for examples of this word so it will show common collocations now that's also really good when you're trying to find things like phrasal verbs for example it will show the word together when it's highlighted so in my opinion in the last video i talked about reedling so reverso context is much better in this circumstance where you want to have more information about the vocabulary but also about how to pronounce it so this is a really handy tool and it will also save your history so if you want to make flash cards and word lists later on you can so that is one way that you can do it when you're looking at a website the other way you can do it is you can save it as a page so if you go up to here which is this little reverso icon and you click on this icon here which says save page and you need to make sure you're signed in so we'll just make sure we're logged in and it will save the website so it's just saved it here into the into my library okay so when i click here it it means that there are no photos on the page it creates like a text page and you can do the same thing so you can click on different words to get the the translation okay recognize so that's another way that you can do it to to get the the web page translated now say for example you close that or you accidentally close all of your pages you can click back here onto the icon and then click on reading list and it will bring back all of the web pages that you have saved as you've been searching so here we can see the the articles that i've saved now the other way that you can use reverso context which is really powerful and really handy is you can use it to translate subtitles so here we have a ted talk about design thinking and as it's playing these subtitles are coming up now because i've clicked on here and i've made sure that translation in subtitles is activated this is another reason why you need to have an account because you'll be able to turn this feature on when you want to look at a ted talk for example you can also use it with youtube with netflix and with amazon prime which makes it so handy when you're trying to watch something and you need to stop it to get a translation of something so here you can see i can click on the word building and it's giving me the french translation because that's what i have it set to and it also tells me if it's a noun or if it's an adjective okay so we can click on different subtitles as you're playing it if for example you start to click on the subtitles it will automatically pause the video for you okay so you can click on all of the words it gives you the meaning it's so so handy really powerful stuff it's one of the best things that i discovered about reverso context when i started learning french because it has helped me enormously i watch a lot of videos now using this feature now the last way that i wanted to show you that you can use reverso context is by having the application on your phone so let's jump onto my phone to see how it would work okay so here we can see that i have the reverso context app on my phone now there are a number of ways that you can use reverso context but today i'm just going to show you how by having it on your phone it allows you to be able to translate words in real time while you're reading in safari so if we go into safari or your web application say for example you're reading an article so i found this article here about a high-rise building in not sure where this is actually where is it in seattle and it's a new development and i want to read this really interesting article but there's some words that i'm finding confusing what you can actually do is click on the word and then it you have this option here which is to share so if you click on share it will ask you where you want to share it to and i can click on reverso context and the word that i had highlighted the word point will show me what it means it will give me the translation and it will also give me examples of how this word is used in different sentences so not only does it give you the translation and the pronunciation it also gives you the examples of how you use it in context so that is three ways that you can use reverso context to help you with your reading i hope that you found today's video useful and you'll hear from me again soon
Channel: Tara Cull - ArchiEnglish
Views: 6,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J7m-XgSRBzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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