How to use QNAP Applications and Services

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[Music] today we're going to be looking into our app center and a few of the more important apps that you can find there such as hybrid backup sync and please remember to load us up for questions as we go along we'll try and pick them up um during uh and if we don't then we'll definitely answer them afterwards um and be be nice and kind to craig because i'm that he's newly off paternity leave so i'm sure he's nice and refreshed and ready to go so i'll hand over to craig thanks guys cheers tom um okay hi everyone so today as tom said we're going to go through a few of the different applications a little bit of an overview of the app center um just to quickly summarize of uh the last webinars that we did so we've done two so far the previous webinar um was about managing your storage we covered things like snapshots ssd caching and qtier with a bit of the ice because he covered in that as well and the first session back on june 11th was setting up your qnap nas for the first time um just going through the setup wizard uh creating the storage effectively as the the launching off point for the second webinar um so today we're just going to go through lots of the different features um with some of the more generic apps but mainly we're focusing on hybrid backup sync 3 uh a qvpn application and also we'll cover cue center in quite a bit of detail cue center is probably the the most interesting application that we've got if you have lots of qnaps more than one key app it's a really useful tool for you to go through and manage all the different features within your qnap and if you've got a portfolio of quite a few of them it really makes life very easy and so what we'll do now is we'll jump straight into um the setups the config so there'll be no more powerpoint it'll all be live demo from now on so hopefully everything works as it did this morning all right so the first thing we're going to go through here is we're going to go to our app center so one thing i will point out about our app sensor is everything in it is free to download so there's no authentication or anything like that everything in here is downloadable for free there are a few apps in here that may need a subscription after you've downloaded it for example we do have some anti-virus applications uh like mcafee for example mcafee will want a bit of money from you to continue subscriptions but you do get a free trial with it and but everything else is free usually you'll get at least a couple of licenses one or two depending on the application and to try some of the features for example our surveillance software you get eight free camera licenses um if you want to try a hybrid mount you get a license free with that and if you want to go really advanced within the features some of them may have additional licenses to add on later and but as you go through there's a lot of different categories there's over a hundred different applications in here and so when you're in the all apps everything's just alphabetical you can sort it by categories down the left and usually there are some interesting options to find in the beta lab section as well we're not a completely closed system so if you do have an application from a third party um that perhaps doesn't want to submit it into our app center and they perhaps don't want to abide by our guidelines and to get an application accepted into the app center there is an install manually button at the top that you can click so in this install manually you can browse to a file of our cue packages so somebody else that has made an application for the keynote would make something called a cue package it's a bit like a zip file but it just does a it's a ready to install file that can install directly into the app center you will get a few warnings that let you know that you're really sure that you want to install this this isn't necessarily a trusted application but if you trust the partner you got the application from by all means you can install it manually as well um so there's no switch to enable this you just click the little plus button at the top corner there so with some of the applications within here you can choose where they are installed for example so some different apps that you may have you can choose which volume they're running on perhaps you've got a a system volume on your qnap or an app or an accelerated volume with a with a cache so on some of them you can go in and change it to a different volume so if you click the migrate to button and you can migrate it from one storage pool to a different one if you want to so you can move it from the date of all one you could put it on a different volume if you so wish so some people like doing this to organize the apps and where apps that need the performance can be on a more accelerated volume apps that don't need it can be on a less accelerated volume let's say an ssd cache like we covered in the last session so that's a little known feature that not everybody knows about and if you ever did have a problem with an app you can always come into the app center you can go here and you can stop the application and then you can also start it once the application has stopped so if you were to have an issue where sometimes maybe you had to reboot the nas to make that application work again and you can do it this way it's much quicker you don't have to take down the whole nas to get one app working again so sometimes stopping it and starting it can solve a problem if something went wrong in the application okay so not everything inside here is made by qnap so some stuff is from third-party developers but all the ones generally made by qnap are in the qts essentials tab here on the left and within qts essentials you get lots of different options that we've got lots of recommended apps that we would ask you to install and but by default not all of them are installed that you know they will use up resources on your knives like ram if they would all be installed by default so we don't install them but if you want them you can add them it's always just a single click install to add them literally just click the install button click ok and then it's going to install that application for you and it will also add the icon for that application and directly to the the main home screen so it will add it to this main screen and there's three pages that you can do here i've got everything on the one page but you can scroll through different pages you see the little dots at the bottom there and that will allow you to cycle through the different ones and so the first application i'm going to go through today is hybrid backup sync 3. so this will be more like a a high level overview and because we did do a webinar on hybrid backup sync 3 um back on the 19th of march um if anybody does want to watch that entire session dedicated to just this application um it is on our youtube channel so you can go back and see that and rather than me just explaining what the different options are i do demos of the different options within that within that webinar as well so anybody can go back and see that one so here in the overview pane uh you see general overview of everything that you've got so it tells you about the different storage spaces that you have on the uh on the qnap here it gives you um the different breakdowns whether they're online offline um if there's an error with your backup jobs down here at the bottom so i haven't had an error in quite a few months but it still shows the last error that's there i can clear them if i want but i thought you know let's show everything so you can see what it looks like rather than a blank screen that says nothing to display so it just shows you the different options and you also get a one little view here of the the job status that shows you uh what's the big picture of everything that's happened if you want something more detailed you can always jump straight into a section so here if you jump straight into the jobs you can see the different jobs you've got whether they were a success if you were to click into the backup job so if i was to go look at this report you've got different logs at the top but you can scroll down and see whether there was data changed and so as you scroll through you can see that there's some files updated there gives you the processing speed and the processing speed on this is quite low because this nas is not at my location it's a remote location and i only have a 14 meg upload on my internet and so that's why that speed is quite low but if you were to do a backup change or something to a local nas it would go much much faster so this is a really easy way to see all the different jobs so these are the jobs that are being sent from this nas going out and if you did have any jobs on another nas that were coming back in they would be in the incoming job section here so here's a one-way sync that i've got from my other nas so i've currently got it stopped it's just there for a demo but here you get to see um the jobs that are actually inbound to you from another location um so here within the services section you see the different types of backup services that we've got on the qnap and so hbs3 is the the primary location that you would use to send data in or out of the nas usually on a schedule and it's the easiest place to set anything up and it's quite compatible with a lot of different services even with some competing nas that are out there most of them would all have generally at least an rsync server option on them so there's always a method to either get your data from a different nas into a qnap um or from a qnap into a different as so it doesn't really matter whether it's everything's qnaps everywhere and it doesn't always have to be queued up to qnap and things do work a lot smoother when it's queued up to qnap obviously and we have a few more options and and features that you can do with the backups if it's two qnet nas that are set up so the top here the first thing i'll talk about is the apple time machine backup feature so we do have apple time machine support so anybody that's on a mac and wants to use as a time machine backup destination you can use that so here on my own computer here i've got a backup that's actually happening right now so this backup is going to this specific nas that i'm looking at so we can see here it's going to my ts-877 and it's just doing a backup it's going to copy all the data in it's going to make sure that all the information that's on my laptop is protected up there and we do also support multi-user access as well so it's not just for a single user on the network and you could have 50 mac laptops on the network all backing up if you wanted to at the same time each of them would get their own allocated space so each other mac would not see the data from any of the other mac users that are on the network and it's very easy to set up and the only requirement really is that you have to have afp enabled in the network services if you don't have afp enabled um don't worry when you turn on this time machine backup feature it will turn on afp for you and it will tell you that it's doing that hopefully maybe in the next mac os update that might not be required um seems apple is dropping the afp requirement these days and but for now when you enable this feature on the qnap it does require afp to be enabled on the nas but don't worry if you didn't enable afp when you did the initial setup was it you can enable it after the fact it's no problem to do that and so here we've got the rsync server option which you can enable i've got it disabled on this one and you've also got the rtrr server so our sync and rtr are very similar to each other our sync is sort of a linux standard um every linux os would be compatible uh with our sync server whether that linux os is on a nas on a a computer it really doesn't matter most things would have rsync that are running linux in the open source area and so you do have async as an option um i prefer rtr i find that the logging is a bit better you get a few more options you can also do things like backup versioning so create multiple versions of your backup files within it so the typical setup that you would do if you've got two qnaps especially is you would decide that one is the rtrr server and one would be the client so whichever one is going to be receiving the data is the one you would normally turn the rtr server option on and then you would create a sync job on the finaz with the data that's going to send it to that rsync server so here we've also got an option for tcp bbr that came out in one of the latest updates with hbs3 it's just a very very efficient congestion control protocol and that's enabled on the tcp stream so effectively it lengthens timeouts and it's going to make your connection to slower bandwidth destinations be much more efficient so rather than failing a file and having to resend it which in the long run effectively makes your backup take longer to get there tcp bbr um gives that file a chance to get there so it doesn't just abandon it and try to resend it multiple times it will give it a long time out to make sure that the data that has been sent already isn't wasted and it will get there eventually you do also have lots of rate limit settings so if there was a situation where you're using um the nas to send data out on the same internet connection and that you have users um trying to use the internet on rather than have the the nas take all the bandwidth and make the internet slow for everybody you can set some rate limits here as well so you can limit the upload or download speed for anything that's coming in and you can also allow it to be more secure so you can allow all connections or only approve connections so you can add specific ip addresses that are allowed to use this nas as a backup target so that's very easy to do most of the qnaps especially all the tower desktop chassis units would have a button on the front um which is usually situated right next to the usb port that's on the front of the nas and so the front usb port is usually a usb 3 and it will allow you to configure that button to do a task so by default pushing the button wouldn't do anything if you were to come into the usb one touch copy option here you can select the one touch copy and you can go into the settings for that button and so by default the settings are it will back up to the nas so if you plug a usb device or a hard drive or let's say a digital camera for example into that usb port on the front of the nas and you had it set up with backup to nas it would allow you to empty all the contents on that drive or device that you connected to the usb port into the nas and you can choose the backup options so you've got ad directory which is effectively make a new directory for the backup job and just copy the data um or you can synchronize the data so synchronize would be usually more useful especially if you're using it to update the data more than more than once uh you would use synchronize because each week if you do this it's only going to send the data that's new not the whole backup job each time so depending on which option that you pick you then have to pick a paired folder so the first pad folder would be one that's say on the usb hard drive itself and then you can pick the pad folder where it's going to go inside so i could say drop it into the download folder and i want it to come from so you see that the arrow is going to the left so if i add a pad folder that would be something on the front usb port and click ok so now i have a pair where everything from the front usb port will go to the download folder if i push the button when i have a usb device connected now when that backup job is complete or that synchronize is complete you can have it manually unmount the usb drive or automatically do it when the backup job is finished so that somebody can just pull that usb drive out once the unit has beeped that it's completed the backup job so this is a really useful feature if anybody uh wants to have a hands-free if you like you don't they don't want to get a computer involved on backing up data we have a lot of photographers that like using it because it allows them to empty the sd card inside their camera pretty quickly get a backup of it uh without using memory card readers or removing the memory card from their camera they can just plug a usb cable to the camera um offload it and then they can carry on and i see we have a question already from christian and it says i'm using backup station for a few years now does it make sense to change the hvs3 and if yes why great question christian so yes if you install hps3 it will overwrite and replace backup station effectively it is backup station with some extra options so backup station is fine it has a lot of the options that you're seeing here on screen and it's maybe a little harder to set up if you're not familiar with it so some of the options within there were a little tricky to understand which order you would do things and now when you create a job um it gives you a lot more options in it and for me especially if you're doing remote backups the best thing about hbs3 is the tcp bbr it really makes remote connections work faster so that backup job i showed you earlier where i was only getting 1.4 megabytes per second if i don't have tcp bbr turned on on that one i only get 1.2 megabytes per second with that particular backup and so for me it just lets the backup jobs to the remote site finish a lot faster so that's why i like it and one of the extra features that we haven't talked about yet is that we do have a feature within hbs3 called qdup so anybody familiar with data deduplication um and how powerful that can be uh qdup does a deduplication of the data before the backup happens so if you're sending um a backup job perhaps of a one of your shared folders and perhaps there's a couple of folders within that share and where they actually have the same data in it you know the users on the network they might have all saved the same 20 excel files for example with cudadoo it's not going to send 10 versions of that same 20 excel files across to the other location and use all that bandwidth to do so it's going to effectively send one copy and just link to that copy from the other one so the actual data that gets sent is a lot smaller and so when you create a a backup job you get a nice little wizard here so you can choose where the data is going so if i say i'm going to send it to a remote nas i'll choose my backup nas click select you can pick a pad folder so if i say do my download folder on this nas and on the backup nas if i pick a different folder like the public folder and click next you can set your schedule so you can do a real-time sync schedule and you can do it just once where it's a linked job so for example if you don't want the backup job to happen until one backup job is finished you can link the job so that for example if i have my wedding backup going i can say i only want this backup to run once after the backup for the wedding photos has finished um so now if we click next you get all these different options for whether you want to apply filters if you tick the apply filters box it gives you an option to go in and filter your data so that you're not backing up really large files specific files files with a certain type of extension you can be quite specific here if you want to and then you've got your policies here where you can select lots and lots of different options so tcp bbr is set by default um but you can go through here and remove additional files in the destination folder so that would be a bit like a a real-time true replication and be careful of ticking this top box though um if you accidentally deleted a file on your first nails it would definitely delete it from the second nas and so this feature is really good if you're looking for a disaster recovery target where it's exactly the same as the primary nas and so even if somebody went into the first naz and did a bit of tidying up maybe there's a lot of old files stuff that you've archived off that you're not archived off that you no longer want on that nas and this feature would allow you to tidy it up on one nas and then when the backup job next runs it will also tidy up the second as and get rid of all those extra files if you wanted it to um so there's a lot of different options in here and then you've got some different rules for the event jobs and things like that um but yes if you enable the the q2 backup it's really really useful um especially if you've got a lot of duplicate data you know it could turn a a 10 gig backup job into something that might be as small as an eight gig and depends on how much duplicated data that you have but yes it takes a little longer for the job to start because it's analyzing the files checking what's um what's different what's the same and then it runs the backup job but even with that extra time it takes to analyze the data to find those duplications and the backup job usually will still end before it would have anyway because it's backing up a lot less data to the remote mouse okay um so somebody else is asking a question here mike um would you use a sync job if you were backing up one qnap to another um i probably would use sync simply for the logging but when i'm doing a sync job of backing one keynote to another um it depends if you're doing it as a one-off because you bought a new nas if you're doing it as a one-off you simply don't set a schedule you just manually run the job when you're ready and but yes for me personally i use the sink so if we go and look in the uh the jobs that i've got running my jobs and so i've got my backup now so my main four jobs here are these uh sorry main three jobs is the public the multimedia virtual and the backup wedding feature here and so all of these are actually syncs so i prefer the sync simply because you get a lot more data both during the backup as it's happening so it gives you lots of extra information rather than with rsync rsync is a bit more basic it just says that the job is running and then it's finished and you get a bit more information with sync so it tells you like how many files are being backed up how many files it has backed up an estimated time to end the current speed of the backup job you just get a lot more information within sync so i generally always use the sync option personally but there's nothing wrong with using our sync it will work it's absolutely no problem you can use that as well okay so mike's just saying here's a lot of folders approximately 25 doing this would be harder and granted you would have to do a few more folder pairs the initial setup would be um a bit more of a work to set it up but for me i would still rather do rather do sync but as i say if you're using rsync no problem if you want to use the backup function absolutely use it it does work fine and as long as you don't get any errors for example if it is to a remote location and and something was there was an issue with the connection uh for example um it's hard for you to diagnose what went wrong with rsync whereas you get a nice detailed log file with sync options so that's why i like it it helps with problem solving that happens down the line so i've got a question from arnold here can i sync from hbs3 to backup station on an old and as model yes you can no problem whatsoever there is compatibility between them and so our sync will generally work it is backwards compatible some of the features may not be available for example if you choose to do encrypted and compressed backups um the other backup station may not be compatible with those options and so that's a a feature that you might want to to make sure you've got upgraded on both units if your unit is able to have hbs3 okay let's have a look at some other questions so i see one from john here um using a backup station nastiness on remote replication about 20 jobs for three different nas's some run and request all nozzes on one lan so yeah that would work fine i see no problem with that well it sounds like it's working fine for you but yes you can use that nastiness backup and for me personally um if they're all on the same site and you don't have a lot of duplicated files you know if it isn't broke don't fix it if backup station is working for you stay with it if you want something that gives you a little more information a bit more logging and hybrid backup sync 3 is really cool for that it's really got a lot more information on it there as well um i've got a question from christa here that says if he wants to synchronize just a few files to my mobile phone what should i use for that krista i would probably use something like qsync and which is a application that we have on the nas and so here if i click onto the left hand menu it's pre-installed on every qnap you've got qsync central it works a little bit like dropbox and so dropbox obviously works with a cloud provider so you pay a subscription for it but with qsync qsync is using your nas as the destination so it allows you to designate certain folders on your machine and if you've got our q file app on your android or ios device it will allow you to sync files um to that so that's qsync um we haven't really done qsync in this series of webinars maybe that'll be a webinar that we'll do after this so we'll make a note of that one think that's everything from questions let me have a quick look another question from arnold can i use qsync central with q6 central on another nas uh no you can't so qsync is dedicated to the onenote it's not for a nasty nas function it's it's between the nas and the users okay okay so we'll move on to the next section here so that's hps3 so if you've got any other questions fire them through my colleagues will be able to answer them or i can get to them after the session no problem so the next thing that i want to go through is our qvpn service so within our qvpn option this is a tool that will allow you to have remote access to say your network to your qnap from a remote location and so there are many ways to access your qnap remotely the i guess the simplest of which is to open up some ports on your firewall through to the management ports of the qnap so you can find those management ports on the first setting in the control panel so here you've got your 8080 which is your standard port and you've also got your secure port down here um i do have a standard port there of 8080 typed in but i'm forcing a secure connection only so actually port 8080 doesn't work for my qnap i have basically got it disabled because i'm only allowing secure connections to my qnap on the secure port of 443 but you can change these ports you know other some companies may already have port 443 in use for example if you have an exchange mail server with the webmail function quite often that's what's using port 443 remotely for the office for your staff to remotely access your email um so you could change this to for 50 or 500 you can change it to anything that you want in that box something that's not used and you can port forward through to it so another option that we have on all qnaps is we do have our myqnap cloud feature so myqnapcloud is a an option that will allow you to create a dynamic dns host for your qnap and it will also if your rooster supports upnp it will also automatically open the ports on your firewall i have upnp turned off on my firewall so there's a big red x this is not going to work with mine so i don't i don't use upnp for mine and but i've got everything forwarded through manually and with the my dynamic dns i've got a dynamic dns host and it updates it um every few minutes to make sure that the host is pointing to the correct ip address for the qnap so this is one way to access your qnap remotely so you can use these features and we also have a my qnap cloud link which allows you to access your qnap with no ports open on the firewall at all um but everything has to go through a third-party server effectively so everything's going through one of our qnap cloud link servers and so that you're doing an outbound connection from your remote location to our cloud link server and so is your nas and we're the go between for the two this feature is really useful especially if you're in something like a service office infrastructure where you don't have control over the firewall and where you're not allowed to open ports for security reasons so this is a great option that instead of us just saying no you cannot have access to your qnap when remote this is a function that allows you access into your qnap to access the data and services that it's running using my qnap cloud myqnapcloudlink the service i prefer to use is qvpn so with qvpn um i do have to have some ports open to my qnap through the firewall and so the service i prefer to use is openvpn but we have lots of different options here and with openvpn it gives you the server port so on my firewall i do have udp port 1194 forwarded to the lan ip address of my qnap and so what i do is i connect to my qnap hostname which is this or i could also do which is my dynamic dns host i could connect to either of those two and it's going to allow me to remotely access my qnap and its services so you can set up the different options within here um the number of maximum users the level of encryption you want to use so you can set it even higher than what i've got it on and it generally makes the connection slower than how you set it so i've only got it set to medium you can choose which network interfaces it accesses and we've got four different services for you to pick from here so we've got qbelt which is qnap's own service which is really useful because we have applications to connect to this vpn um from both ios and android for your mobile devices and you've also got the the mac and windows options there as well we've also got a pptp option here as well so pptp is a bit old-fashioned but if you don't want to install any extra software on your machine and pptp will allow you to do it it's just not that secure but it does allow you to do a point-to-point tunnel um directly to your qnap from a remote location and we've got l2tp ip6 so it gives you different options here so you can have different passwords different options that you've got there and you've got a dns quick wizard as well so if you want to set a different dns server than the qnaps running you can also set that there as well but yes very easy to do and you can have up to 20 clients on each of these services so there's a lot of scope for having different users connect all the different ones and i use openvpn and you download a configuration file effectively you download this file you install it onto the device that's doing all the configuration comes with it including the host name the usernames the password everything comes with that configuration file um to access it now within the privilege settings and you can see all the different users that you may have so i've only got the one user which is me on this qnap but you can add different vpn users so i've got my colleague tom there if i wanted tom to be able to access openvpn i could take him there and click apply so now tom's allowed to access our openvpn option that we have and but you can go through and disable them if you need to and change them around another option that we've got here is the online nas users so here in the online nas users it will show you who is actually currently connected so this looks a lot better when something's actually happening there so i'll just get my uh my phone to connect up to my openvpn profile here just so that this shows some information um so here within the online as usual you see when somebody logged in how long they've been connected for which user logged in how much data they're transferring and so you can see there that my phone has now connected so it's giving you all the information of what's happening on that one and you can manually force a disconnect for that user as well if you want to so from this picture um you get everything for all services so if you had 20 people connected with the lttp ipsec or 20 people connected with openvpn it would show you now the best thing about doing a vpn apart from it being more secure is that with the vpn it's all encompassing it's not just access to one service and for example if i wanted to have remote access to our surveillance software our virtualization software for example i can forward a specific port for that specific service um through to my qnap and then i will be able to access that item but i have to remember to forward all the ports so it's not just the qnaps main ports it's the ports for its sub-services as well so you're opening up quite a lot of ports through to the keynote and from the from the internet um from the unsecured side of the internet um all being passed to the qnap so that can be risky for some people they don't want to open that many ports it's um maybe against their company i t policy with vpn you can open a single port into the qnap and once they've authenticated they now have full access to every single port within the network for that keynote so it's it's really great for doing testing of things if you want to test the service on a qnap and your remote it allows you to do that um with with every service you don't go i forgot to open that port and it's not going to work everything just works flawlessly if you uh if you do it with a bpm that takes the guesswork away so down here we've got the connection logs see who connected when they connected what what service they use so you get a nice big history there so you can go back and see what's happening on it and we also have a vpn client feature now a vpn client is a great option on a qnap especially if you've got two qnaps where they're backing up to each other and you can have one qnap vpn to another qnap so you can create a secure tunnel for the backup job to go across even if they're not at the same site and so even without turning encryption on on the backup job itself this will give you the encryption on the communication between the two qnaps so it's really useful to do this so you can add a vpn connection profile you can pick which service you're running obviously on the other qnap you have to make sure you enable the correct server type that you're going to use and but it allows you to do connections between two separate qnaps and at the bottom you've just got the logs of anything that happened um you know in the configuration changes or anything on the on the qnap as well so that's qvpn um very easy to use very easy to set up um and completely free as well okay so now we'll move on to the the last part of the backup which i've at the webinar sorry which i find the most interesting which is our q sensor tool so one thing i will say here is q center is completely free we don't charge for any component within q center and it does work if you've got a single nas um but it's better if you've got multiple nars and the best thing about cue center is it keeps a historic log of the data within your qnap so anything that your qnaps doing um instead of the storage of the data so if it's how much cpu you're using on your qnap the throughput rates the user connections how is your storage doing so are your hard drives healthy things like that and you get a single pane to see the status of multiple qnaps so i've got five separate qnaps here so a few of them are at my location some of them are not at my location one is a virtual instance of our qts operating system so from this single pane here i can see everything's good i can see how much total capacity i have between these five separate nas and so it's looking here i've got nearly 40 terabytes with just over half used um so it gives you a status of how many warnings happened in the previous hour how many disks are contributing to this whole setup so i've got 25 discs between these five separate nas and so this is just showing you uptime just some basic information if you want more detail about a specific server and you can click into the server option now within the servers you get some more information you get some useful tools so i can see here that the the top option here um which is a nas that's not at my location you can see the ip address is completely different from the rest of mine and this one is telling me that there's a download available and it wants a firmware update so you can tell by the version it's a little out of date and so from this location if i wanted to i could actually force a firmware update to happen on that qnap so i can tick that qnap i can go to action and i can go update firmware so even without logging into that now separately i can actually send that firmware update command to that nas without logging into it i can shut it down restart it there's a lot of tasks that you can do within the qnap and you can also click to a different qnap so if i click to this qnap at the bottom if you go to app manager if there's any apps to update so i can see that multimedia console wants to be updated on that nas without even logging into it i can click tick on it and click update and it's going to confirm that the apps are going to be updated to the latest version so that nas is now doing the app update in the background i don't have to go log into that one manually i can make it all happen from the single screen you can also take all of them and do the same thing for all of them so you could update the app on all of the separate nas at once with one click you don't have to log into each of them separately so you can select lots of different options that are there and you get a little status up here so the background test that's happening right now is the webinar is doing a download of the multi multimedia console application and then it will go off and install it so it's really useful to get a lot of information about the different qnaps now if you want to deep dive into a lot more information about a specific qnap you can click on that qnap so if i click on the webinar one this is the same as we were using in the the last webinar um so this one here is going to show me all the information about the different adapters the health information is there any graphics cards inserted so it's going to give you a lot of information in this overview you can click into the storage section as well um so all of this is just a high level overview of everything but there's a plus symbol next to each category so if you want some more information so if i was to click on disk configuration and click the plus button it's going to give me a lot of information about specific drives capacities temperatures you know manufacturer of the drives what what type of bus they're connected to and you can click on the smart information over here as well if you want to and it will download a little log file so that you can review that information um locally on your own machine and so you can go minimize that have a look at the cache acceleration configuration so you can see how that's configured is it being used efficiently what's being accelerated by it so it's very very good for getting a lot of information and then you get a lot of different tables so if i click to a separate nas that's been powered up for longer than a few minutes so if i go to the main nas here that i've been running the demo on here and go across to performance you can see something a lot more detailed for the different sections so you get things like the iops of your nas so what what sort of demands is it under and if your iops are looking like they're getting a bit high perhaps you need to add an ssd cache perhaps you need to add some more uh options into it um for adding the performance maybe you need more ram if you see that the memory memory there was getting up to 100 usage quite often um so it's just really good that over time you get to see what's happening so if you wanted to click within this memory usage to get more information so if i look at the top here this is just a range of one day perhaps i want to go back to over the last year so i can see over the last year that my memory usage got quite high back there at the start of the year oh right on new year's eve it would say so on new year's eve i was obviously doing something where it used a lot of different memory um so you can go through and see a lot of information that you want to about different qnap options different features and you can also install apps so if an app isn't installed on a qnap so you can go here and install it and you get to see the same view of the app center that you would have clicking the app center on that specific keynote as well so if i was to go down here to our surveillance software and want to install one of our extra features proof um for spending some money perhaps you need some more drives or something like that so you can go i want to see my storage pool growth report um i normally prefer to switch it to a different type of chart so here we're going to see a different storage pool report you can pick which specific nas you want to look at you can choose the history of that specific nas over one day over one month so you can see what's happening on the different now so it's a really great place to say take some screenshots to put into a powerpoint presentation if you need to give it to your boss to take to get something done on a on a bit of spending that they might need okay so this is everything that you would have uh within cue center there is also a firmware library feature that you've got as well within the firmware library it allows you to download the firmware once at one site for that firmware file and you can even upload a file specifically so if there's one that's not on our auto update structure but perhaps this file is um available from technical support for a specific feature that you wanted or a specific test that's being done you can upload a firmware file into here and then push it out from your main cue sensor to all the different knobs our firmware files are usually between 100 150 megabytes if you had 100 nas that's a lot of downloading for them to all go pull it from the internet themselves if you uploaded it into here you can pull from this firmware library to send out across the lan to all your other keynotes that you may have as well um but you can also do a quick check for update here which would be the same as the check for update on the main keynote and you've also got the notification center so you can set different alert policies and so this saves you having to do notification alerts set up on each individual qnap that you have you could do all of this directly from cue center and have all of your qnaps added into q center so you've got one central place where notifications are happening and perhaps you have different guys for different days for different monitoring um so if you wanted to set somebody's email address up on a monday as the guy that's responsible for making sure the the infrastructure is okay on a monday you could change that on the monday and you could log in here and change it for whoever's looking after it on the tuesday and everything's done in one place you don't have to go and change that setting for 50 different layouts you can do it all in one location and every now that's managed by cue center it would be done directly from within here okay and so you would basically think of this as a a syslog server tool um but instead of being completely passive and just storing the log data and it also allows you to take some actions you can make changes to the nas you can go in and and add storage change apps you know there's quite a lot of different things that you can do within the nas so within the different actions you know you can create a shared folder on the nas if you wanted to you know it's not just basic things and apps you can change fundamental things with the storage and even enable tiering on them on specific volumes as well okay so that's everything that i wanted to cover off in this session today and so please make sure that you've signed up for the next webinar that's going to be happening in a couple of weeks that's going to be about our surveillance software and the uh the resilience tool that goes with it the qvr guard which monitors it for for high availability within the surveillance software and we'll be talking about our virtualization station and container station applications um all in the same webinar so that's going to be a nice deep dive into how you can use those applications for for different uh tasks that you have um so it's it's really good to have the understanding and if you've got a qnap that has at least an intel cpu um a dual dual core seller on ohio with four gig of ram you'll be able to play with any of the features we talk about in that webinar um after it as well so if there's something that you want to see on that one that's all going to be available in that one as well um so we're going to leave the session open for a little bit and just so that we can go through any questions that are coming in and so if anybody does have any questions feel free to ask them and if it's a question that's interesting for everybody if you don't mind i'll read it out so that everybody can get the answer or i can just type the replies to you okay thanks a lot for coming guys see you in the next one i do see a question here from mike saying on both of my qnaps i cannot log into the qcenter application is there a default password or is it because cue center is installed on both um so if you've got qcenter installed on both qnaps um they won't be managed by one qnap so what you would do is you install cue center on a single keynote and then you add the next um nas into it from the first one so i'll show you that in a second um but the password is the default admin password so the login is admin and the password is the admin password for your nas there is no separate password for cue center it is all done directly within the main one and but if you were to click the add button here so you would install cue center on the first nas and when you first install it even even though this is installed on this main nas that we're looking at here by default that nas is not added into cue center this is actually blank so what you have to do is you have to go to server you have to go to add and the first option you would do is add the local maz so that's going to add itself to its own cue center once you've added itself you can then go add single or multiple qnaps under a certain subnet so mynas has multiple lan ports but if i was to click down to the bottom one and click next if i had any qnaps that were not yet added they would come up in this list i've already added them all so this list will probably come up blank um but this will come up with a list and you simply tick the keynote that you want to add um type its admin password in and then it will remotely install something called the cue center agent um so the qcenter agent is the little thing that's going to be running on that remote qnap to report all the data back to the headquarters the one that's in charge of everything and but you they don't have to be within the same subnet you know you've got a lot of different options there you can even add now is behind in that router but yes it's there's a lot of different options to add your qnaps depending on where they're they're currently located a question from john if a hard drive fails with a hot spare what is the correct action that should be taken and so if you've got a hot spur straight away without any interaction from you the hot spare drive is going to jump straight in and do the uh the rebuild i'm just wondering if i can quickly demo that for you so let's have a look here i think i have a hot spot set up on this webinars over here so let's go here [Music] okay so if i go look at the storage and snapshots with this specific nas okay so if i just go check that i do actually have a hot spa before i do this otherwise it's not going to show anything okay so let's see here yep so i've got a hot spare set up here in my hard drive pool on this specific now so if i was to go and pull out a disk so i'm not going to pull out disk 5 because that's the spare um but if i go and pull out disk 1 for example on this qnap it's going to fail so right now i've just pulled out disc one on this nas um you might hear some beeping in a minute then as is right beside my head um so this i haven't told it i was about to do that i haven't let it know that was about to happen so that's now going to effectively cause a failed drive and and it's going to start rebuilding so without any interaction from me there john you can see that it's now rebuilding and it's put a rebuilding logo next to the spare one um it'll take a couple of seconds for it to absolutely realize that disc one is gone and make that go away maybe if i click refresh it will happen quicker and so that's now doing a rebuild with that disc so once you've been informed that disc one is the one that's failed your action would be to replace this one um so once you've replaced this one it's now going to become the spare it doesn't chuck back to spare to be disc five and rebuild back to one it's going to be now a raid array with discs two three four and five and one will become the spare when you replace it but no interaction from you is required to get it back up and working so somebody's asked here for q center what port or ports are required to monitor the qnap at remote remote locations where no vpn is available it's your standard nas management port so it would be port 8080 or port 443 and this information is given to those remote qnaps so when you go into cue center and you click add and you add a remote nas when it goes off and installs that qcenter agent it gives it information about where to talk home to and it's going to pull that information from within the main now screen so it's going to pull information for your dynamic dns it's there's the beeping because i pulled that drive out um so it's going to pull that information from these two sections here so it's going to give it the correct port number that it wants to talk to the preference will always be to try and talk on 443 a secure port and so that's the port i generally will always open on my keynote um but i do have port 443 and i have the vpn port forwarded through my firewall those are the only two ports that i have opened to to mikey now so if we go back to the webinar keynote here so it's now got lots of error notifications host one is disconnected the the raiders rebuild it so hopefully that answers your question there john um but it's it's it's just gonna do everything automatically to get back to a fully redundant state as quick as it possibly can uh you can set hot spares to be specific to a volume to one specific ray group or you can set global hot spares as well so if you've got lots of raid groups within your qnap you can have one hotspur drive for the whole chassis if there's one very important important raid that you've got perhaps you can dedicate a hot spare just to that specific volume that even if a drive fails in another volume another raid it will not take the hot spare away from that main volume that you set it to i have a question here from kurt saying do you have any ransomware protection and so we do have a a couple of uh guides on the website that tell you what to uh to set up and get working for that but traditionally what we're recommending that people do is install some specific service on your qnap so we've got malware protection for example that we would recommend so we have a security councillor that you can install on your qnap and it will make recommendations um so it'll give you a report so at medium risk so it's it's it's complaining that i've got a an application installed that's not in the app center so that's why i've got a medium risk option here um but i know what that app is i installed it i know what it is and but in this it's going to tell you what you've got antivirus do you have the malware remover installed and enabled so everything here that i've got is free you can use i am using the free antivirus but you can install instead of mcafee antivirus if you want to but our malware remover application is a completely separate application and that you you open up and it's going to give you um a scan every few hours it's going to so i've got mine set at 3 am every day and you can go through the logs and you can see what happened when it did the scan is there anything of note within that log to that it cleared up or that there was an error found but those are the the tools that we would recommend that you install and to get it up and running um but yes we do have a couple of security applications there and we do have all the security advisories so if there is any new advisories this is going to alert you to them and perhaps uh there's a new security risk make sure you update your firmware today make sure you install this fix today and so we're going to to protect you as best we can and you can subscribe to an email alert on those lists rather than just when you log into the now screen as well i think we're going to end it there all right thanks a lot for coming um hopefully see you all in two weeks for the uh for the next session um if i didn't get to a question um i do apologize i will download the report after the session and email you directly with some answers if possible um if anybody has any other questions for after the session uh please feel free to send them to our email which is uh uk sales so uk sales at and uh that will go to myself and my colleagues and we'll be able to get back to you if you have any questions between between now and the next session okay thanks a lot guys cheers bye
Channel: QNAP UK
Views: 4,435
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Keywords: qnap, webinar, vpn, qcentre, backup, hbs 3.0, NASCompares, Qfinder Pro, QNAP NAS, myQNAPcloud, myQNAPcloud Connect, Qsync, vSphere Client, VMware, QNAP Software, NAS Software, NAS Apps, QNAP Apps, Windows Apps, Mac NAS Apps, Mac Apps, Business NAS, Best NAS Apps, Popular NAS Apps, iSCSI LUN, NAS support, synchronization, VMs, QNAP VM, QNAP Virtual Machine, NAS VM, VM NAS, VM Import, VM Export, NAS Windows VM, Snapshot, Q’center, QNAP App store, NAS App store, NAS QNAP
Id: TdrrJx9XLi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 22sec (3082 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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