How to Use pyRevit with Creator Ehsan Iran-Nejad

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um we are so super excited to have a son here um he is the creator of pi revit uh which i will not speak to i will definitely let gabrielle and hassan speak to that but this has been such an anticipated webinar for us we're so excited to be able to present this to everyone because it's just such a great tool for everyone to be using for efficiency so with that said i will hand this over to gabrielle to introduce us on a little more formally yes thank you so much maura and we are really really excited about this webinar like maura said um personally i use pi revit all the time and i'm almost um a little bit sad to like put this out in the world because now my secrets are exposed for how i get things done so quickly but no it's great it's great because you all are going to learn what um what it takes to really get your work done in revit a lot more efficient so we brought on issan to show you what he built it's called pi revit and it is an add-in for revit it is free and it will make your life amazing so i'm gonna let him take it away from here and show you how to use it thank you gabriel um so i guess this is the time that i can start sharing right yep okay i'm gonna take over the other one and content from the second camera oh hold on i forgot to start this great okay okay you guys see my screen right yes okay okay so um i guess pirate was it's a sort of like an effort from my side when i actually started using revit heavily to be able to automate certain tasks and get things done a lot faster because revit really didn't have that command line um interface that i was really used to when you know we're using autocad and stuff um so that sort of fact evolved into a project that you can write your own scripts using python and access the revit api and do whatever you want to do with it that the revit api allows you to do and python allows you to do and add functionality to revit very easily one of the nicest things about priority is that whenever you write those scripts pyruvate makes it very easy for you to add those to the revit user interface so um to sort of like get pi revet go to and i'll take you to this notion page which is the sort of like the what i call the firewood wiki it has everything that you need to know about pyruvate and development for prior a bit uh it has a link to the source code and if you have any questions about it at any point in time this is the forums that we just started like literally a couple of days ago so this is the very well-known popular discourse platform and this is like private forums you can come here ask questions people are joining right now um so we would see a lot more users and supporters and stuff like that on the forum so um and then part of it this wiki basically tells you how you can get started using pyruvate for your own production work uh the existing tools that come with it and how you can get started developing for private creating your own tools for yourself this four part of it really means the private as a framework now you don't have to contribute your tools back with everybody you can create the tools that are custom to your company you want to use it inside your company only and that's that's completely fine um so there's a lot of resources in here take a look at it one of the one of the biggest ones is this developer dock so when you start actually developing your own scripts and stuff like that uh it has a lot of resources in here and like explains how the internals of pyruvate work it has a youtube course on using python for developing on revit um a couple of a lot of examples and different resources and stuff in in explaining how pirate works and how you can create um scripting scripts and tools um if you want to download pi revit and get it for your uh install it on your machine go to the source code and on the side it has a releases of section under click on the releases and you can get the uh 4.8 petal four it's uh the latest pyramid that's coming out it's still in beta there's still things that needs to be fine-tuned and stuff like that but it's far better than the the sort of like older 4.7.6 that's still the technically the latest because it's not better um so i would highly suggest using the 4.8 it's still uh it needs fixes and stuff like that but it's pretty um pretty stable um so you can download that install it on a machine the installation is just like any other um any other application that you install on the machine installs very quickly very easily when you write um when you launch revit the next time you will see that this new pilot tap has been added to your to your revit and that's basically the basic tools that come with pyramid um as part of the public package um i want to take you through some of these tools to kind of get get you a feeling of what pirate really is and what it's really capable of uh the there's no limitation in what pirate can do um all these tools have been developed by me and a couple of other revit users uh and firework developers that like you know contributed tools and stuff like that so sometimes when you hover over the tool you you see a different name under the author and it's kind of good to know that you know that little thing is by developed by somebody else so you can contact them directly and ask them to ask questions and stuff like that um the private basic tool chain come as a as a package of a couple of different groups basically there are a couple of toggles that i explain what they are a couple of tools that helps you with selection analysis modification of the revit content managing your drawing sets and managing your project so that's generally the big tabs the big panels in revit are and they behave just like revit panel so you can take them outside and you know switch between views and stuff like that and have access to the same tools if you want to the first panel is called pyruvate and it's about the part of it as a framework itself so it has about that gives you the version the extension management system that shows you the extensions that you can install for pyruvate which private extensions are basically are more tools that could be added so this is one of the things that you can develop very easily for yourself and at the end of this uh this conversation i'll show you how to set up a really easy icon and a tool for pyruvate and you can see how easy it is and you can sort of share those as extensions with everybody else a couple links to really good resources and the settings for the pyruvate as the framework so that's one of the things that we'll we'll talk about in detail also um the first time that you launch pyruvate you may want to go to setting and take a look at this section that's called reporting levels uh when you launch pyruvate pyruvate shows you an output window with a report of what's happening uh at the launch time if you don't want this put it on no reporting you won't get anything uh for empirevid and it launches with no logs and stuff like that if you see errors i might ask you to switch to debug mode so it publishes a lot more information about how the exact runtime is working and i might ask you for that report to help me debug and figure out what what's going wrong on your machine um you don't really have to worry about a lot of the other stuff right now uh supported revit versions will show you a list of all the revit versions that supported by fire videos is installed on your machine so anything that has a checkbox means that it's installed on your machine in this case 2020 is uh disabled basically because this is the 2020 that i'm running so i can't disable it on the current version that it's running but you can enable and disable it for the other revit versions if you want to and it actually shows you the exact revit version and build numbering that you're using and then the last part is the custom extension directories that we'll talk to when we get to how to basically develop extensions for pirate um let's get to use some of the tools in pyruvate i'm going to use this example project that revit has and i'm going to go to let's say this floor plan and i want to create a ceiling view perfectly city plan of the same level in here and imagine you're working on these two views like coordinating stuff that's happening on the ceiling versus what's happening on the floor in that room generally zooming and panning between these two is really hard one of the nice things about pirate tools is you can turn on the sync views toggle and it would keep the views that you tap through synchronized so if i zoom in this one and i want to kind of coordinate oh well i don't want to coordinate something in that room when i switch back to the floor plan it syncs the zoom and pan location of that view to the exact same spot you can disable it easily by turning that off very quickly if you have 3d views you can use the section box to turn on and off the section box view instead of manually hiding it or unhiding it that'll take care of that for you one of the benefits is that in 3d views if you turn off your section box from here if you turn off your section box from here it would actually reset the section box to whatever the size that surface is the geometry that's visible in the 3d view so that toggle is actually a lot easier to use same thing you have for the imports uh so you have a lot of camera cad imports in your view and one on you can turn them off and on using that one of the the toggles on by default is called the tab coloring and if you uh if you might have noticed let's see if i can show you this in more detail um i don't think this would work maybe yeah so you can see on top of the views there is a colored bar um the first project that you open is this yellow sort of like orangey color and then the dark blue and it goes to the different other ones so you turn this off so that's what the tab coloring does it colors the tabs based on the project and if you happen to open a family let's say let me go to this project or here it's one of these and if you happen to open a family then the styling of the tab would be slightly different so the tab now has a color border so that kind of tells you that that tab belongs to a family and if you want to sort of like to see the settings for this you can go to private settings and go under the use user interface user experience and you can see this colorize open documents is activated you can activate or deactivate it from here or if you want to do it within your revit session you can just turn it off and on from here uh so the couple of these uh uh toggles are actually very useful there's a minify revit ui that if you have a lot of tabs and extensions and stuff like that inside on your revit um you can use that to turn on and off the um the tabs on the top bar so it would become the list would become shorter and more manageable uh one of the things about private is that the buttons in firebit have multiple click modes that's what we generally call them so if i alt click on a button it will take me to it'll open the windows explorer and it'll take you to the exact script that's sitting behind that button every time you click on a button hybrid runs that python script fresh so if i go here open that script and make changes to it and click on this button again it'll run the new version it's just like external references are in autocad um that's one of the nicest things about pi revit is that especially when you're creating code and tools for yourself you don't have to um sorry one second let me disable my notifications um you don't have to uh close your revit close the model open your revit open the model again and test your tool revit is still active you just click on a button and you run the fresh copy of that that script um there's another thing that's called the sort of like the alternative option for that tool and it's uh showed by this black dot in front of the uh in front of the name of the tool so every time you see that black dot in front of a tool name if you shift click on that tool it'll show you the options for that tool or the alternate functionality for that tool whatever that is so you can see the list of tabs in here that are active in revit and i can turn check the ones that i want to be hidden and i say hide selected tabs and when i click on this button in this toggle it'll hide those tabs for me and i can turn them back on again so that's how the generally they basically these these alternative modes work let's say i'm in a i'm going to view like this and i only want to say select the grids one of the tools in pyruvate that helps you do that is this pick tool that's part of the selection selection group if i click on this pick tool it'll show me a list of the most used categories and i can say grids let's say and when i do a box selection it only picks up the grids on that box selection this is a lot easier than selecting everything and then filtering out using filter it also a lot faster that way because it's just you know sometimes you have to select millions of different objects to be able to further filter stuff out imagine you can run this on a 3d view and you want to pick all the doors when you do a box selection you don't need to fix the doors in that whole building so it's a lot faster and then you can see that there's a black dot in front of it so it has options if i shift click on the tool you can actually configure all those categories that you want to see on the tool as the default and you can pick the ones that you want so if you're a structural engineer and you care about the different set of categories you can customize this list that shows up in here and it's it has a search so you can always um search for the uh footy options in there as well um and then there are a couple of other tools that are super valuable one of them one of the very popular ones is this uh selection memory kind of thing so let's say i want to pick all the walls in this view i want to say here say walls and i'm going to say all the walls and then i'm going to go to the selection system and i'm going to say memory write the m right if you remember the functionality is very similar to what you had on the older calculators there was an m plus m minus m clear buttons on it and this is what basically does the selection that i had i just added it to the selection memory and then i can deselect this and i can maybe go to a 3d view and select let's say i don't know all the roofs in here i don't have that roof in the category we can go to option and add it there so roofs and then select all the roofs and then i'm going to go back to this and say memory appended this time i don't want to overwrite the memory i want to add the stuff that i have to the memory and i'm going to do a memory append now if i go and say memory read it'll read that selection back to me and it would reselect objects all those objects for so it's a great way to be able to navigate between different views select different settings different groups of elements that you want and then recall all those selection in one move and maybe move a wing of a building to a different location and stuff like that this is a very helpful uh when you want to move 3d content that has 2d um stuff attached to it so if you have like dimensions and graphics and whatnot you can go to the 3d view select all the model components go back to multiple different 2d views select all the 2d stuff that are attached to them and then move everything in one in one go and no matter what views and what area they're sitting on when you move them they're all moved together so i've moved like a large wing of a building to a different location without getting any warnings from revit this way it can it lets you fine tune that selection very well another one of really good tools in uh in firebit is the copy and paste state tools so let's say in this view in my temp review i'm going to go on the walls and i want to say that hey the card pattern needs to be magenta and solid i want to see all the cut patterns of the walls with a different color and i have this setting in my view but then let's say i do have another rio and i kind of want the same setting i can go back to this one and say copy state and i can copy the you have a lot of different options you can copy the crop region zoom pan state filter overrides in this case i'm going to save this related graphics and then i'm going to go back to this one and say paste it notice that it doesn't ask me for anything because he knows you already have a visibility graphics so he applies that same visibility graphics to this one that was a bad example that i used because that was a visibility graphics of a reflective sitting pasted on a plan now so i kind of got the views out of the um out of the the walls out of the equation but let me actually go very quickly create another reflected seating plan for maybe level two and then let's say i want to paste the state and you can see that the visibility graphics are already applied to this one as well so if you have especially if you have um working views that you used for to sort of like play with walls and write your design notes and all that kind of stuff that are not part of your documentation and their control views or work working views whatever you call them this is actually a very good way of synchronizing uh different things between these views especially with the crop regions and whatnot this is these tools are actually very helpful it does it has a couple more options on the uh on the 3d view so you can do you can uh basically match the 3d section box state as well so if you have turned it around sized it correctly and stuff you can copy that section box the state of it not the actual section box go to a different view and apply this exact same settings um there are a couple of analysis tools some of them are fairly simple like one of them finds you all the ranges of root slopes in a model so if you click on that it will give you a report of all the roof ranges that you have in this case these are the roofs that i have um you see this as an uh this is called the private output window so a lot of the tools actually report to you this way it's an html window so it's very dynamic and it has you know colorful interactive content like in this case i can see that it has listed four different roof elements for me and i can click on them to select them so like in this case let me go to the 3d view they can select these using these links directly or you can click on this basically what's called the um the magnifier button and we'll actually find that for you inside the view so these links that you see here are pretty interactive and it changes color every time you click on something so if you want to go through a list of let's say you want to review a series of doors you can just list them this way so let's say i want to go and pick all the doors in this model i can run this on the doors and i can go to pyramid select tools and say list selection as a clickable links and it would give me this output window with a series of these and i can say hey i want to take a look at this and i do my review and then next one and the next one and it's sort of like color chords for you so at the end of it you know that you have gone through all these all these elements um there's a couple other tools that i'll let you uh sort of like play with and fiddle and stuff uh there's one that gives you the parking account in the current view so if you have on a site plan you can run this and it will give you the parking count a tentative parking account with different parking types and all that kind of stuff it depends on the actual parking family um in in revit so it's sort of like it counts the instance of those some of them are fairly simple but there it makes the process a lot easier if you want to working on a site and you continuously want to run the parking account and see if you have done the right calendar and stuff like that um there are a couple of really powerful tools under modify um there is one that's called the make pattern that's one of the arguably one of the most famous pan tools in pi revit you can create custom patterns in revit in this case i'm just going to draw something and i'm not going to draw a square pattern although it follows the tiling mechanism so let's say i want to draw something else i'm going to put a circle in here and you can actually use splines you can actually use curves a lot of other pattern tools might not give you this capability to use curves uh but you can select these oh actually i want to select all the pattern lines so assume that you're creating a pattern that's tiling this right so this is what you're getting we're tiling it in both directions so maybe i want to close this side as well and then i'm going to select these and i'm going to say pyramid notice that i didn't pick the border because that's not part of the pattern i'm going to say make pattern in this case i want to create a model pattern i'm going to call it like custom tile and you don't really have to fill about with other things create pattern pick one corner and the opposite corner so you basically tell pyruvate what the boundary of the tile is and it would generate the pattern for you i'll think for a little sometimes even more on bigger projects it's thinking too much right now i think it's because the pattern is very big okay i didn't pay attention to the actual size of this yeah it's like 12 foot by um so field regen i'm going to draw one i'm going to create a different type for the field region and go to use that model pattern that we just created custom tile and i'll see that tile so this is a really good example that you can actually use this on on on your project so but if this is a model pattern so i can draw a wall and i can throw this on a wall and because it's a model pattern now you can actually rotate it and align it and all that kind of stuff so it behaves just like any other revit pattern that you have the internals of how patterns work in revit is very similar to autocad you can actually click on the make pattern tool without really selecting anything select the pattern that you want and then export it as a pad file so you can use it in your autocad world too so you can actually use this in revit to create patterns for autocad it's a very powerful um tool and has lots of lots of options there's good documentation on it on the wiki um you can combine patterns you can scale patterns you can update the existing planners there's a lot of things that you can do on the patterns the another tool i want to show you it's called the match sort of like a series of match tools match properties can the match tool can match let's say properties of let's see go to this one maybe okay let's say i want to have i want to have a couple of walls and i want to have element overrides at the element level on that element now i want to match these properties to with the other tools as well oh this is not forgot oh this was the surface pack i'm sorry okay so i can say match and then i can click on the source and then click the rest of them and match this style right so it's a fairly easy mesh tool it has options shift click you'll get a whole bunch of options than what you want to match it actually maps dimension overrides too so you have notes above and before and under the dimensions you can match these between dimensions too and then there are a couple of other options under this match so it takes it to multiple different levels so you can match paint on surfaces so if you have a paint on a surface as the video will show you you can pick up the paint and match other surfaces with it or like match properties match properties i'll show you how the match properties work i'm going to say mesh properties i want to match properties of not views but elements i'm going to pick an element which is the source and it's going to show me all the properties that he has it's going to mark the ones that are type as type now i want the materials as part of a type so this cabinet has three different material properties hardware face and the cabinet and i want to match those and i'm going to hit select i'm going to click on the other instance notice that because they're type materials what happens so everything else that has that type will pick up that change but basically you're matching the values between the different uh different element types and it works on a value level on a proper name level so if you have the same parameter name on a completely different element let's say it would be i don't know a um a plumbing fixture instead of a cabinet it will still match it because the parameter name is the same and the value is still the same so it's a fairly powerful match properties too um there are there's another couple of tools that are super valuable one of them is this re-value a lot of these tools that you see is uh they're disabled by the followers because they expect you to have some sort of a selection so if you have a selection you see these tools being activated uh sometimes they're more specific so a very specific set of selection needs to be used uh the tools have really good tool tips so if you hover over them they actually explain what the expectations are and how the tool works some of them even have videos and stuff attached to them in this case i'm going to let's say i'm going to that architectural example and i'm going to select these two views that have level one and level two let's say i want to rename my views to say one f floor and two f floor in a different naming format i'm going to come to this re-value re-value what it does is that it picks up a pattern you basically explain what the pattern of the existing naming convention is and what the pattern of the new enabling convention want to be and you use this and you explain this based on uh basically curly brackets so i do i'm going to draw two curly brackets in here i notice i'm going to put a space in the middle i'm going to say the first part of this is called level i'm actually going to remove this curly bracket and just type what level is i'm going to say space and this would be the level let's say level id or level number right um this means that the existing pattern is looks like this and this is the part that we want to pick up so we want to pick up the last part is whatever that number is and then what we want to convert it to is that we want to convert it to this we want to place that picked up part from here put an f after it and a space and a floor so this is the conversion that we want to do and then you say apply new values and it would rename those elements for you this actually can be applied to different properties other than the name so it's a really good value tool to be able to convert certain convention to a new convention uh this is especially important if you're submitting your drawings to somebody that expects a convention or getting drawings and views and stuff like that from somebody or an older project that maybe use the different naming convention and you want to convert it to use to your project um really couple other tools related to groups that show you the group nesting structure if you want to deal with a really complex group and you don't exactly know what's happening there i urge you to explore those they're really good tools i'm going to put this on hit online and i want to show you something that is very valuable to me because i tend to work in 3d a lot just to be able to see my building one of the shortages with revit is that you can't really turn this very easily you can't turn it but it's aligning it with other stuff is really hard so if you go under 3d and say orient section box to fakes and pick a face it'll reorient your section box to align with that face so now i can see if that's a wing of my building i can easily cut it along its axis and it keeps my section marks that way what i noticed what i told you about disabling the section box if you disable it and enable it again revit kind of resets that section box so that's uh using that uh section block toggle makes it really valuable to basically be able to turn it off and on and the copy and paste can actually copy and paste this setting to multiple different views if you wanted to um really good tools on their other sheets one of the most popular ones is called the batch sheet maker i'm going to go inside an empty project so we can this is a whole bunch of sheets this doesn't have any sheets in here i'm going to say patch sheet maker i'm going to say a100 to a110 and let's and hit a tab so this is a tab character and i'm going to say sheet name and in this case i want to because i don't have any title blocks it's going to ask you for title blocks if you say create sheets but in this case i'm just going to say create placeholders actually let's just do create sheets with no title block uh what this means is that this is a range definers a sort of like definition system and it has multiple different conventions that you can follow and all of this is explained right here um it says create sheet ranges between this and this so i'm going to say create i don't have any total block let's not use one what you get is a series of sheets that way um one of the benefits of this tool is that is that you can get this sheet definition in text format from your structure engineer or mechanical engineer or anybody else you can copy and paste it in here make sure they're separated by tap and hit create and it would create all these sheets for you in your project so you can schedule them and show them on your drawing set and stuff like that if that's what you do if you bring the projects from linked link models and stuff like that to drawings that's a different approach but it makes it very easy to create a lot of sheets in one go there's a whole bunch of other ones that help you rename sheets and increment the number and decrement the number and a whole bunch of other stuff the first one is also very valuable it kind of needs a big project to test it out but you can copy or update selected views between multiple different sheets as long as they're not model views monoviews cannot she cannot sit on multiple different sheets they can only sit on one sheet that's why you have the move selected viewport so you can move a model view the copy and update is for detailed views and stuff that can happen on multiple different sheets uh 2d views basically and then the move is for the model views that you have to move but this allows you to copy a set of views let's say the keynotes and the the legends and all that kind of stuff that needs to happen on the exact same spot on a sheet you can copy and uh place him in multiple different sheets in one go uh really good tools about revisioning and turning off and on the revisions you can set revisions on multiple sheets at the same time i'm going to create a couple of these revisions in here and i'm going to say hey i'm going to set revisions on sheets and i'm going to say i want to set revision 2 let's say add 4 on these sheets i'm going to set the revision so those sheets have a revision i'll give you a report of what it had done and now i can go on the revision and say create revised sheet set and i can say create a sheet set for division 2 and it would create a sheet set for me and i can go into revit print view now go under here and say select view sheets and you can see the group it's called revision2 and it has these sheets listed in it and i can print that so it's a very quick way of getting to a set of sheets that belong to a revision only it'll create that sheets for you you can go to print directly from there another one of these tools is called the manage keynote spanish keynotes is a newer tool that's been added to pirate it sometimes it has some bugs and stuff like that but um it's a fairly complex tool let me actually um let's do a keynote let's see if i can architects view actually keynotes keynote settings let's browse and on the desktop i don't have a keynote file but i'm going to go and attach a keynote text file to this project that's my default keynotes everything is fine i'm going to use the private keynote manager from now on to manage my keynotes it looks like this you can add categories and you can add keynotes i don't have any categories in here i'm going to add one category it needs a key c1 category one let's say i don't know site stuff add category now i have a category listed here and i can go and uh under the category create keynotes again it is the key keynote one let's say and notice that it lists all the red ones for you they already used one so you don't use a duplicate keynote it actually doesn't let you do it and you can see the keynote parent is that category c1 so it would be keynote text and it has a couple you have a couple of tools on the side so you can change the casing of the keynote and all that kind of stuff in here as well and you can add the keynote and you can see it there um i don't think in this project i have a keynote loaded let's try it on this one that i have a larger keynote attached to i'm going to say manage keynotes and it's going to open that keynote for me it's going to take a while and i'll tell you why this is oh and you can see all the keynotes are listed in front of the keynote there's a number that tells you how many times that keynote has been used you can click on this magnifier and it will report a list of all these keynotes to you so you can very easily find these keynotes and see where they are they actually take you to the keynote um so it's a very easy way of managing it the reason that the tool is slightly slower in this project is that this is a beam 360 project so instead of in in front of the managed keynotes you can see it says bin360 because this is a keynote file that's managed inside pin 360. um the expectation is that you if i go to my bim 360 drive and under that project we have uploaded that keynote text file there so the kinotex file is being managed by the autodesk uh being synchronized by the autodesk desktop connector that's installed on your machine and that's how you basically synchronize any file other than regular files there and it would open that for you it takes a little while because it has to reach the server lock the file so nobody else can make changes to you make the changes that you want to when you close it if you make changes it will synchronize your changes and it would unlock the file and then everybody else can you can use it uh so this is all this is sort of like this bim 360 feature has been added in the latest uh 4.8 beta 4 that i told you about so it's a really good time to get it tested and make sure it works on your projects now the benefit of the keynote manager private keyword manager is that it works with your keynote's existing keynote system in revit so it doesn't tell you if you want to archive this project then open it in five years from now you don't need any extra add-on to open it it's the same text format it only what it does is that it writes some metadata information in there so if i open the keynote file you can see on top of the keynote file after these pound signs these are anything that starts with a pound is a comment to revit so it's not going to read it you use this comments line to write some information in there that it helps it manage the keynote file but basically everything is backward compatible so if i use the keynote existing keynote infrastructure in revit and say i want to place an element keynote and i let's say place that when the keynote manager opens the let's use another one when the keynote manager shows you this window it actually can read everything else so you can still work back work works backward compatible with everybody else then or your team maybe somebody on your team is not using the keynote manager environment um it sort of like you know manages makes makes you be able to work with each other without having the same add-on um and then there's a really good tool called print sheets so if i go in this project i don't know if i don't have a lot of sheets in here let's go under this other project and i'm going to go under print sheets we don't have anything here let's try this one let's try a template project that i have this machine is fairly slow because i'm running windows in a virtual machine so it's kind of slower than what you expect um pi revit print sheets and it would open the print sheet for you it'll pick the model and you'll find all the drawing index schedules that you have not every schedule only drawing indices so you can select the drawing index that you have organized for your project it behaves this way because it lets you figure out how you want to create parameters and stuff like that to get the sheets to sort correctly in your schedules and it follows the exact sorting system that you have in there and it shows you all the sheets um you can add digits to the the print index and when it prints it prints the file name like this so it puts three digits or however number of digits that you want in front of the sheets the benefits is that if you have placeholders and stuff like that you can reserve the spot and when you get the civil drawings structural drawings you can throw them in the same folder they're going to have the same prefix they'll fall right into place and they can combine them in one pdf if you need to it can actually do the combination for you as well so you can combine all of this in one pdf in order it kind of uses a hacky way and ready to do this and sometimes there's the bugs and stuff around it but i'll tell you about them so you can use them pretty easily you can set your printer from here you can say your paper size one of the things that i might have noticed is that it has a variable paper size so if i select that one option it'll give you a guide of how this thing is supposed to work um i can select a couple of sheets and it will automatically try to detect what the sheet size is and pick the right paper the print settings on it but i can select on these sheets let's say and i can say set print setting and maybe use a color one for these only and when you print they'll print a different these sheets with the different print settings and paper size and stuff like that in one go um so that's also super valuable unfortunately when you use the variable paper size you can't combine them because that's just a revit limitation the way this tool works is that you basically puts an empty character a non-printable character in front of the sheet number to get them forced ready to sort them correctly sometimes when the tool breaks you'll leave those empty characters in front of the in front of the titles and you will see weird characters kind of like showing up in front of your sheet number the way to fix this is that hover over the tool and it explains you in the in the tooltips if you shift click on the tool you'll remove all the extra characters in front of the uh in front of the sheet number so it has a sort of like a quick fix for that for that issue if you see any bugs happening during the print process it's a um i'm getting really good feedback on the tool and it seems to be a very valuable tool for printing projects one of the other sort of like sidekicks that it has and it has a naming format system so you can change the naming format of your output files and you can edit the format and design it the way you want it to be you can grab values from project information from custom parameters in your title blocks and all that kind of stuff and add it to your uh to your sheet name to the actual pdf name of the output file this is incredibly helpful if you're submitting stuff to uh municipalities on an online platform and stuff and they expect you to ask you to for the sheet number to be exactly a very specific way you can set those up in here and just select the naming format that you want for that specific city and municipality and export all that all that sheets in one go so it's very valuable super easy tools at the end try not to use the wipe tool a lot the white tool deletes stuff from your revit models uh white model components is the most popular one it pretty much can delete everything in your model it's valuable when you want to send your models to other people and maybe you don't want to have the sheets and stuff like that or the materials and whatnot as part of the project documentation um the uh there's this tool is called the get revit info it's actually a utility on the side that you can select any revit model i'm going to go to my desktop select one of these text files and open and it will tell you what revit version has been used to create that file exact and sort of like the path and it has if it has project information it will list the project information as well so it's a good way of finding out like what version of that weird drive file that you don't know where is it coming from and whatnot this is incredibly helpful if you want to upgrade the old revit models because sometimes a lot of times if you have a revit model that's older than 2017 you kind of have to do it in multiple steps so from 2014 to 15 16 17 and then maybe from there you can update it to like 19 and 20 that way this is especially important on large projects so you make sure you don't lose content that's pretty much everything that i kind of wanted to show you about the the overall view of what what kind of tools firewood will give you but there's no limitation if you know python programming python is very easy and very easy to pick up i sincerely believe that in the modern world that we're living in everybody needs to know python if you if 20 years before or 10 years before you knew how to use a calculator in these times you kind of need to know how to use python and you don't have to be you know an advanced programmer in it python at its minimum it's a really good calculator that lets you write functions and do whatever you want to do with it um especially if you're architects and engineers and stuff it'll let you create little programs that do mathematics for you and whatever that you need to do on your projects and whatnot let's say you want to calculate the areas you know project in a very specific way and apply some sort of a scaling or um ratio and stuff on them and whatever that you want to do you can really easily write that tool and add it to your tool chain and click on and get that report the way that works in pyrite is that i want to add a tool to pyruvate i'm going to create right click on my desktop go to a new folder and call it my extensions this is a directory that i'm going to place all my pirate extensions on i'm going to go inside it pick a new create a new folder call it um i don't know let's say kinetics i think what's the name of the company dot extension uh and this is a critical part when you name the directory with the next three the sort of like the extension dot extension that's where pivot realizes this is an extension that you want to create i'm going to go inside of it i want to say i want to have genetics dot tab which means that give me a revit tab inside of it give me a area calcs that panel give me a panel with the name area accounts inside of it give me a calculate area the push button give me a push button that i can click on this push button is going to have a script python and inside that script i'm going to say print right and that's this is python so that's python syntax and well i need an icon for this tool as well so let's go to icons eight good website to oops icons eight click on the eight let's search for area maybe i want the color version well actually this one is nicer download i hope it doesn't ask before can i not register okay nevermind um anyway so i'm going to just use a different png i don't want to waste your time in this here um let's go and click on one of these buttons in here analyze let's go click on this and i'm going to steal the icon from this other one what is this icon yeah this one's right i'm going to steal the icon and put it here so icon script now i'm going to go to pi revit notice that i'm not closing revit at all right so go to part of it go to settings tell the pirate where you want your extensions to be found add a directory desktop the my extensions directory that we created i'm just going to add it here and this tells padre that my extensions live in the directory the reason is that this way you can put your extensions wherever you want them to be let's say it's a shared drive and it's safe nobody makes changes to them you can change the part of it uninstall do whatever you want to it's not going to affect your extensions and you can just save save the settings now i'm going to go to pi revit and i'm going to say reload so pirate can do a live reload while it's running and i'm going to say hit yes and it's going to reload yourself this is the example of the outward window that i showed you when pirate launches first it gives you a report of like what's happening what version of revit you're running on what extensions is loading and the process of like creating all this uh extra stuff for the uh for the extensions you see that it says the example the extension assembly created for that new extension kinetics that we we had that we created and uh it took a while because i have like this developer extension added to oh that's my stuff so you don't have to worry about it this thing took 28 seconds on my machine this is a vm on your machine this is going to take about like i don't know 10 seconds tops um usually it's not going to take that that much longer but you notice that there's a kinetics tab here with an area panel with the button that says calculate area and i can just click on it and it would just work so creating tools for private is really that easy and then it's just it's your imagination of what you want to do inside this this script and how you want to combine functionality and stuff like that and use the revit api to get to what you want this place um the developer guides right here and this course is very helpful to get you started on python for revit it's got it's a seven session course it's about i think like six seven hours or something like that tops but it'll teach you the basics of programming uh python for revit it assumes that you have a basic understanding of python uh and python is super easy to pick up if you want there's like there's lots and lots of courses online on how to how to learn uh python you can literally pick it up in a weekend so that's pretty much it as far as i wanted to show you about pi revit and then you can share your extension with anybody else so um like this directory extension you can share this with anybody else and they will be out expanded on your drive place it there add that to your to their um pyramid and start using it there are more advanced systems that you can um sort of like share part of the extensions and stuff like that and all of this is documented on the developer docs on how to share your extensions and basically what happens is that if you share your extensions i'm going to add it to the extension panel and when other users open this they'll see that hey there's a lot of extensions that's been created some of these are built-in stuff that you can disable or enable from here but let's say like pi apex is alexa linkov he created that extension i'm going to say install extension under the file directory or the directory that we just added this is the default and this is what we added i'm going to say just install it there and it would install that drake that extension for me and it would reload pyruvate automatically so getting the extension is really as easy as this you're going to see a lot of stuff because some of these extensions need to be updated hopefully this goes through pretty quickly but on your machine on a normal machine that doesn't have all this developer stuff in it um it's actually the reload time is a lot faster and you don't see any of these bugs and errors and warnings and all that kind of stuff but as you can see this is a good example of how the um the output window actually is very colorful and very interactive and all that kind of stuff so that loaded and that new pi xpx extension has been added and you have a whole new set of tools that somebody else created for you in this example i'm going to show you a couple of things that a pirate private output window can do with pirate bundles this is what we call a bundle this thing the directory that has the stuff in it and it has an extension sort of like a custom name it's called a bundle because it has some stuff in it it comes with scripts and tabs and tools and all that kind of stuff but it can create different types of bundles you can see some of these buttons on push buttons some of them are sort of like you can open them like this the pull downs um some of them look like this for example let me go here some of this some of them look like this that's i call it content bundle so when you click on him instead of running a script it can actually place imported revit family for you uh if you go inside that bundle you see instead of a script it has a revit family and it's a content bundle so that's a very good way of delivering some standardized families that you want the people to use maybe you want to mark the points in a revit model in certain spots and that you have a really special family for that marker this is a very good way of doing it you can add its icon there and stuff like that um you can add hyperlink uh button uh bundles that all they do is that when you click on them they open a link for you that's how these work so it's a really good way to link the standards in your company and all that kind of stuff and put it in the revit user interface um there are there's another one of the bundles that let's say i want to show you this charts engine so private output window because it's html it can actually render charts and the charts js comes as part of the pyramid prepackaged so you can very easily uh sort of like analyze data in your models and do a report of like this and that's interactive right people can go and turn off things on and on a lot of that kind of stuff you can use the charge.js framework to do that so there's a lot of possibilities that you can uh that you can uh use the output window and the private system for um for whoever of you that want to use pi rivet as part of the advanced sort of like an environment with your team pirate has two things that are super valuable for you number one is that the pirate telemetry system so you can turn on the telemetry system and it would report to your database uh every time a user calls a command in revit or a script or all the actions that are being done inside the revit environment opening tabs activating that stuff um any event and you can select these events that you want to listen to very selectively in here this is not obviously to spy on the user this is to grab uh bug information and behavior and stuff like that so you can help the users better so if you review the script fails you get a full uh failure report inside that report that you'll send to your database so you can use that to sort of like analyze and see which one of your tools are more popular which one of them are failing and stuff there's a workshop for private coming in a couple in the next couple of weeks that i'll announce and there's a full just a single workshop on the telemetry system that if you want to join also look at on the twitter channel for it uh the other one is that's sort of like in development it's called the private roots api this will give you to create web applications inside pi revit and revit and create endpoints that you can call from a remote server so you can put a revit on a machine and run pyrate on it and create your own functions and add stuff to it and have an application outside on a different machine calling to it and get some information on all that kind of stuff you can pretty much do anything you want to do in terms of like web apps over over part of it uh i showed you this stuff to sort of like show you that part is really a framework it's not just set of tools that's a lot of tools um is there to show you the power of what pirate is and what it can do for you um the rest of this stuff will open to you um to use and contribute to obviously the the project is open source so you can see everything every little thing about private source uh encodings like you know the logo and everything else it every even stuff that are not about the private code inside this repo and um you can you know select to contribute to oh i've got two pull requests that i need to merge um so there are a couple of people that actually help improving the existing tools removing the bugs adding new tools to pyruvate and all that kind of stuff it's becoming a more more and more vibrant community um i want to close my talk by this is not private related but check out the check out the rhino inside revit 2 right now inside revit is a extension and add-on for pyr for revit that brings the power of grasshopper to revit so you can use grasshopper components to deal with walls and all that kind of stuff to grab the geometry automate stuff this is kind of related to pirate because part of it is a programming language but it's a what we call it an imperative language to kind of write in script what you want to do rhino inside of it is a visual programming language uh kind of like what dynamics but this gives you the power of the rhino's geometry engine and everything that you can do on top of rhino i didn't leave you a lot of time for questions sorry that's totally okay in here and then everybody has extra questions there's a q a box down below um assigned that was amazing that was so thorough um really really awesome to watch um and walk through that with you so i'll open up with a few questions and again if anyone has additional questions there's a q a button down at the bottom there but the first question is um why would they use the pi revit keynote tool um so i guess you have you have a lot of options on what you want to use to manage your keynotes um as i used to be a manager and an architect and one of the biggest most important things for me was that as an architect i'm liable to store this project information somewhere there's a lot of tools that sort of like connect this to the cloud and they manage it in the cloud and i kind of didn't like them because it takes the keynotes away from the project and every time you want to be able to read that you kind of need to have that extension installed now so i wanted to create something that's first of all it's free the private users don't have to pay for um it has a good feature set so it's got like you know almost everything that you need from a decent keynote manager not too many options but what it has they're pretty good and um one of the other things about it is that it's multi-user so if you have a keynote text file that's sitting on a shared server and you use the keynote manager and somebody else is adding a keynote it actually tells you that that keynote is being edited the main benefit is that it provides some sort of a consistency over the managing of the keynotes you don't get duplicate keynote numbers and sort of like it shows you a keynote in a very very nice structure i'm going to go back to this one to quickly show you something this other project that i opened um it's it gives you a really powerful search tool over the keynotes that you have um so if i open this and you wanna i don't know you wanna search for any keynote it's very easy to search for those keynotes so it's got it gives you a lot of like features in terms of like consistency and management of the keynotes um you get more with other add-ons i'm sure but this comes free and it works with bim360 also awesome um thank you for showing us that um the next question is how many times can you append items in the m append tool how many times you can append items oh to this to this to this memory yes there's no limitation i think the actual limitation is like because it stores all of this in an external file so you know as much as you want you can add to them i've never really hit any limitations on that one and it actually stores that information on a file so you can close your revit and open it again and if you're in the same project when you click on it it'll actually load them back again for you because it stores all of this in an external file private if you want to know about it however it has a cache directory that's under app data roaming pi revit and for your revit version 22ne it compiles all the dlls that it needs to to here it writes its logs in here and you see all these pickle files there are all the um sort of like extension processing data and this pi the m the dot pi m these are the memory files so even if something gets stuck and you want to delete it and stuff you can just come here and delete that file that's where all that information is being stored for every project and you can see their tag by the revit version and what kind of action they're taking and what project that is awesome um the next question we have is from george does it matter if you have different versions of python installed so pyruvate doesn't care about your c python versions it comes with c pythons that's a different topic but generally with iron python it's better not to have fire and iron python installed on your machine anywhere else because one of the things that our python does is that it adds a lot of stuff to the what we call it the global assembly cache or gac so when revit is loading it might load different versions of the part are in python runtime so it kind of might conflict and that might affect your uh manufacturer dynamo as well dynamo comes with 2.7.3 but pyruvate under the settings if you go under core settings under the engines it'll give you the option to select what engine you want to have so it comes from 273 for compatibility with dynamo to 2710 which is the latest stable iron python you can use any of these i generally stick with 277 because i don't use our dynamo a lot but if you want you can switch back to 273 close your revit restart it it'll come back on with the 2173 and you won't see any conflicts with dyno awesome um last question unless someone um type something in real quick here is how do you batch make sets or sorry sheets with different names for example if a100 is named floor plan and a200 is named elevation oh so so you kind of add more lines to the thing it's not a single line so you can say 8 100 to 8 to 8 110 is i don't know floor plans and you can just say 8 200 to 200 to a 210 or i don't know sections let's say so you just keep add more stuff to it and you can do single lines too so you can see it like 110 what i don't know like 300 is mechanical info whatever you don't have to use the range you can just define whatever whatever you want to do with it and then you can save this list somewhere i can just copy and paste it between different projects and get the same get the same sheets that you kind of want awesome so that was an example so you get all these different sheets and a single mechanical info right there oh that's perfect wow this is an amazing program this is awesome that you funded this and developed this uh i'm gonna let gabrielle jump on here and say uh any last words that she's got before we jump off and again if anyone has any questions we'll try and get them answered really quickly gabriel yeah thank you so so so much and so on this was absolutely amazing um it's just it's really great i think everybody that's here you're going to work so much smarter and faster in revit um and i'm so glad that we got to show this off and you did a great job presenting everything so thoroughly i actually learned some things some tools that i don't use very often so that was awesome um and then just briefly we get these webinars um every other week for you they are um just part of what we do here with cadence u trying to spread some good revit knowledge and best practices across the internet for architects engineers construction you name it if there's anything that you really want to learn that you're excited about finding out feel free to message us and um we would be happy to create a future webinar for you thanks gabrielle so assan i did post that link that you gave in the very beginning of the website up onto the chat so if anyone needs to go there if there's like a very comprehensive page to ask you any questions is there any other ways of contact or things that they should be following to get updates with player of it i i did hear you mention a twitter is there anything else yeah so a part of it has a twitter channel that's basically i'm managing it um i usually post stuff that are like more important like new releases and stuff like that under pyruvate so just search for private on twitter um the it used to be that you know i would tell everybody hey you can email me whenever you want to you can still do that but we just started this forum so one of the beautiful things about the forums is that whatever questions that you post and what our answers you get they get documented so you can just link from there and you can you know share answers and all that kind of stuff it's been a long time that i've been like answering the same thing to multiple different emails and whatnot and hopefully this would be an environment so i can respond to you and all the other private users in the community if they have the answers they can actually contribute to so i would highly highly suggest that if you want to get into pyramid and ask questions about the tools about the development whatever you want whatever that's private related or revit development related if you have like c sharp questions and all that kind of stuff feel free to join the private forum and ask your questions there yeah that's a really great idea so you don't have to answer everything 15 times yeah and it's and it gets everything gets documented so it's nice that you can it could becomes its own wiki after a while that's awesome awesome all right anything else that you want to share uh for us to follow or for any of the members to make sure they check out before we get off this guy check out doing doing sound driven yeah that is that's cool all right well thank you everybody today for joining asan thank you so so so much this was so comprehensive and awesome to see um you go through so we really appreciate your time today uh and obviously we'll be keeping in touch as we go through we may have some more specific things we may ask of you for the uh kinetics of course yeah absolutely such a great opportunity of course thank you everybody you have a wonderful day all right goodbye everybody thank you so much for joining bye goodbye
Channel: Cadnetics U
Views: 1,571
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Revit, Python, pyRevit, Autodesk, BIM, Programming, DIY, Tutorial, AutoCAD, Architecture, Engineering, Drafting
Id: Z76lk25lM7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 17sec (3737 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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