How To Sublimate On Wood Using Polycrylic | No Residue, Vibrant Results EVERY Time!

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel or welcome if you're new in today's video we're going to be sublimating on some wood rounds from amazon so they look like this so they're fairly thin um but a sweet couple friend of mine roxanne and her husband curtis um she actually has a youtube channel is beach bungalow sub shop such a sweet sweet sweet couple um they let me in on a little secret that you can celebrate on these amazon wood rounds so pretty cool if it really does work and i've seen it work um they showed me a picture and it's pretty awesome that you can celebrate on something that is fairly low cost and it isn't as high as some of the sublimation blanks that you might find so we're going to test it out today and see how it works and i have heard that the design is a little bit muted um but we're going to test it out and see if we can figure out how to get it a little bit more vibrant i did do another round and i put some poly acrylic on this one i just brushed it over the top and then lightly sanded it so we're going to try sublimating on both of these and kind of see how they both turn out if the poly acrylic makes a difference or if it's good to just have like this so um pretty cool project that you can do for such a low cost so i figured we would test it out today and i also printed out my design is just gonna say hello pumpkin with a cute fall background can you guys tell i'm in fall mode right now totally involved right now so we're gonna go ahead and test these out and see how they work i'm really excited i put my heat press to 385 um from what i've heard a lot of people do 400 degrees but i've always kind of liked 385 um it makes my designs a little bit more vibrant so we're going to test that out and just see how it works and if we need to up it to 400 we will so let's go ahead and get on into this project so what i'm going to start by doing is just cutting around my design and then we're going to put the wood face down on top of this and then tape it together and then add our butcher paper so a trick when you're working with rounds like this and sublimation always make your design slightly bigger than your wood because if you do that that way you have a full bleed as you can see i just made sure that my hello pumpkin was gonna fit inside of my round but um always make it slightly bigger i usually go about an inch [Music] larger [Music] okay now i'm just going to lay my butcher paper down one piece on the bottom and then i'm going to put my wood round flat down onto the press make sure it's in the middle so you don't have it hanging over or anything like that and then i'm going to put i put your paper right on top and then we're going to go ahead and press at 385 for 60 seconds [Music] okay 60 seconds is up oh it came up with my came up with my press okay now we are going to peel it up oh it's hot it looks great it only problem is it smells like popcorn yeah okay so i'm gonna take this off all right so here are the results of the two that we just did so the top one is at 385 for um 60 seconds and i stopped as you can see i stopped the video and i said okay i'm gonna have to go do 400 degrees um because the lettering is green and you can't really tell by the way the camera is picking it up um but it is like a dark green but i guess what it could be entailing is it's just duller because you know like i said it's not there's no coating on this one at all so anyways i decided to stop and do 400 degrees and as you can see it did make the color a little bit more faded so honestly the 385 was better results than the 400. so i mean it's hard to tell but the lettering and the background is more vibrant in this one than it is on this one so let's go ahead now and try the poly coating and put it in the press and see how it turns out okay one thing i did want to mention that you probably want to grab if you put poly coating on it is water and a cheap like dollar tree sponge um because they say that the paper usually gets stuck to the poly coating so we're going to go ahead and just test that out and just see if it makes a [Music] difference okay let's see how the polyester or the poly coating made it oh my gosh okay okay it looks better but there is paper at the top so i'm going to take my sponge and i'm just going to lightly go over the very top where it got the paper on it and kind of wipe that down [Music] okay it looks so much better can you guys tell how much more vibrant that is okay so let's go ahead and go over our results now so the first two rounds were done just right out of the box nothing done to them whatsoever um the first one is 385 at 60 seconds and as you can see well you can't really tell because the camera is not picking it up well but the letters are very green uh hard to see on the camera like i said but the letters are green so i thought maybe we should try 400 and i did 400 at 60 seconds and it was honestly more dull than the first one so i knew that 385 was the correct temperature i just needed to figure it out from there um so that's all i did with the plain wood rounds the next one i did was the one with a light coat of poly acrylic on it the minwax polycrylic and then i took just a sanding block and i just lightly went over my whole round with a sanding block and it worked so this was done at 385 for about 65 seconds and as you can see the colors look great the letters are the right color the hello pumpkin was supposed to be black and it is black the background looks super vibrant and it definitely works i'm really excited i'll go ahead and now share with you guys exactly what i did to create this look so you can do one too oh and i also wanted to go ahead and mention the first two did warp slightly as you can see so that is not something i would want to make and sell um so for some reason the poly acrylic coating one did not work but what i would do to fix it is while it's still warm i would go put something extremely heavy on it to kind of flatten it out i have another heat press that i'm not using so i would probably just put that in while it's warm into that heat press and close it up and then it will flatten it out a little bit more and we can at least try that out but i just wanted to mention that for some reason those two worked slightly and this one did not so i just wanted to mention that okay so i'm going to go ahead and show you guys how i put the polycrylic on it and then how i sand it just so you can get like a full um tutorial on how to do these um so like i said i have my foam brush um with polycrylic minwax and i just coated the whole thing and luckily you can see like the spots that are wet so just coat the entire piece and i just thought of something like really cool that you could do with these um you can make first day of school like little signs that your kids could hang or hang so that your kids could hold so i'm gonna make two for my daughters and i'll also include a picture or maybe even show that in this video just to kind of practice a little bit more and make sure that this method works well [Music] all right so my wood is dry it's been a couple maybe like an hour and a half not as long as i let them sit last time but it's okay we'll test it out um next i'm just gonna take a piece of sandpaper i think this is only uh this is a hundred grit and normally you know i think any grit should be fine i normally do 120 but 100 is fine as well and then i just take it and slightly sand over like this through the whole board [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay so i definitely took this last time took a little bit more effort getting the paper that kind of stuck off of the wood but the reason why i think is because i didn't let my poly acrylic sit as long as i did the first time so i would definitely recommend letting the first poly acrylic coat that you put on your wood sit for a while and that way you don't have the paper residue because i didn't have hardly any on my first piece okay now i'm going to go over them with my polycrylic one more time and then they will be finished [Music] all right so here are the results of the signs i think they turned out so good um these two had great results as well like i said i definitely next time would just let the poly acrylic you know cure a little bit longer but they still turned out great um and i already put my final coat of poly on there so they look so cute for the kids to hold on their first day of school and don't you just love how this full bleed um pattern turned out it just looks so good so sublimation can definitely be done on wood rounds you guys all you need is just a little bit of polycrylic and just a little bit of time and you can get some great results all right you guys so i guess that wraps up for this video i hope you all enjoyed it i had so much fun getting to try something new i like i said i've had that wood sitting around for a couple of months and i've been waiting to do it i finally got the chance to do it so now you guys need to go out there and get you some wood rounds and sublimate on some wood and make some cool projects and make sure to send them to me and let me know how it turned out for you so i hope that you guys enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up if you did and subscribe if you haven't already and i'll see y'all in the next one bye
Channel: Simply Sallie
Views: 125,122
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Keywords: how to sublimate on wood using polycrylic, how to sublimate on wood, sublimate with polycrylic, sublimation tutorials, sublimate on wood rounds, beginner sublimation tutorials, sublimation, epson et 15000, cosmos ink, sublimation temperature for wood, plydolex wood rounds, wood round projects, fall sublimation projects, simply sallie, dye sub, epson sublimation, how to sublimation
Id: Lw2CDbvd_f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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