How to Use Microsoft Word to Populate Metadata in SharePoint Columns

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Microsoft Word can be used to take data from the Word document itself and push it or promote it as information in the SharePoint document library columns as metadata now this functionality is referred to or is called quick parts this metadata information that gets populated into the SharePoint document library could then be used to filter data to sort data and also to create various views of data within the library let me show you how you can use an expense report form template using this functionality we'll start here by going to the side actions site settings and now we're going to go to site content type because we need to make a new content type for expense report so the name here is going to be simply expensive part it will be a document content item and we're going to go ahead and put it into a new arbitrary group we just call it a adventureworks or a aw so our content type is done we're going to make a new site column for the content type and that will be employee the employee is going to be a single line of text side column we're going to put this into a new group as well adventureworks now this is the adventurous group for side column the other one was for the content type we need a couple more side columns here so we'll make a new side column for this content type call it Department this will be a choice column and we'll define some choices okay we're going to put it into the adventure works group and the choice is going to be IT marketing and we have production and HR okay so we got four choices the first one IT was a default but we're removing this right now next side column will create this side column is going to be the expense and of course this is going to be currency once again we're going to put the adventureworks group and that's it for this one so we have employees department expense in the Advanced Settings for the content type we need to define a template for this expense report now I don't have a template some bringing up word in Microsoft Word I will make a new template from scratch of course you want to make this nice and fancy in reality but we're going to make it simple here named department expense are going to be that three to three placeholders here basically for the information and I want to just be saving this as a document template so I'll put it into the templates folder and we'll simply rename this as expense doc ok so now we have a document template for expense report I'll browse to this document template from this advanced setting screens that I have and I won't select it so now this will become a part of this content type the template will become a part of the content type here it is ok so going to the specific document library where I want this to be shown I'm going to the library settings in advanced settings for that we need to make sure to allow management of content types so now you'll see the content types section here you can say now I have some existing content type and then pick from aw the expense report content type right so this expense report content type is what we had made and now it's associated here to this document library going into it and going into advance things here's our expense report doc I'm going to go ahead and modify this template this time so I'm going into the template that's part of this content type that's associated to the documents library and then within the template expense doc I need to put in some quick parts this is what makes the whole functionality work from insert tab you have the quick parts icon and here when you go into the document again move the screen a little bit the document property I have all these different properties I can choose from so you'll see this in a second that I'm putting in the choices my department employee my expense all that stuff I'm going to put in right in front of the labels that I have in this expense report template okay so these will be living columns these will be dynamic columns here they are and a person can actually put this information in the document when they're filling out the document using this template and it will become part of the library as metadata you'll see how first I'm just going to go ahead save this template work asam back save this template great now the next thing over here I'm going to go ahead and go over here to my library once more I'm going to modify this view I need to modify the view of this library to show a set of particular columns that I want to see and in my case of course that's going to be the employee column expense column the department all the different side columns that I had created it's part of the content type can I'll change the ordering a little bit just when they show up all right clicking okay it brings me back to the library now you can see the columns in this view the employee department expends now we'll make a new expense report document and see what happens so when you make a new expensive or documented it shows that document template of course that we had modified and here it is now I can go ahead and define an employee define a department or choose a department actually because it's a choice column and then put an expense and all that information is going directly into the document information panel up above the document information Paulo panel also known as dip is showing me the metadata which will later get promoted into the library as columns these are all server properties okay so let me go ahead and save this here I'm saving it without the same documents library which is the shared documents library simply what the name osip's expenses and now you'll see what happens with this information it becomes part of the library it shows it will show just a second old information in the library there we go and then you can use this information to sort to filter to create new views you can even use this information in workflows that are attached to this library so there's lots of different usage scenarios for this information that have now been promoted from the actual document library or the document to the document library as columns you
Channel: European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Community
Views: 27,455
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Word (Software), Microsoft SharePoint (Software), SharePoint, Asif Rehmani, sharepoint conference, metadata, sharepoint column, european sharepoint conference, sharepoint community
Id: n2uHdf8ERd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2013
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