SharePoint 2013 Metadata Rules Folders Drool Demo

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environment here we are in 2013 the first thing that we're going to do is create a library that's going to be our folder library in order to do this I go to the cog in the upper right hand corner click that and from this drop down I'm going to choose add an app in SharePoint 2013 lists and libraries are now referred to as apps so once I click that add an app notice I can simply click the template for a document library I click that template I give it a name I'm going to call this animal folders and I'm not going to put a space spaces in the name are going to add a percent 20 to my URL I'm giving away 3 spaces for the price of one go ahead and create that document library I'm going to open the document library first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to fix the title so that's going to be friendly for my users click on the library tab and go over to the settings group and click on library settings and then in the general settings column click on list name description and navigation clicking here allows me to change the name of the library without changing the URL also you may want to consider displaying this library on the quick launch bar so that you can find it more easily it will be displayed under recent until it rotates out now let's go back into the animal folder library and we would start creating the folder structure from the files tab we'd go into the new group and click new folder so if we have a bunch of animal photos and we want to categorize them perhaps we'll have dogs so I'm going to create a dog folder and these are all at the top level we might have cats and for now we'll add horses but you get the idea then I'm going to click into the cat folder and create my second level a folder structure click on file and I want to be able to group my cats into small cats medium cats and large cats that will take care of our jungle cats now within each folder I'm also going to probably want the colors so that I can put the cats in the different colored folders based on their color so orange maybe I'll spell it correctly white black you get the idea now one of the joys of this is I'm going to have to do this over and over and over again in each folder better yet I'm going to also have to do it for dogs and horses so you get the idea we're going to go ahead and we're going to set up our folder structure then what we would do is drill down into the folder that works for us and then we're going to open up our pictures and we're going to select the orange cats orange large cats and drag them and drop them into that folder I have to tell you that drag and drop for documents is pretty much my favorite thing from an end-users perspective for SharePoint 2013 so again to set up this demo you would need to set up all your color folders all your size folders cats dogs maybe a couple other folders and then drag and drop the images into the appropriate folders now remember we still have to create one more library that's going to be our metadata live library so we're going to click on the COG in the upper right hand corner which has taken the place of site actions so it was nice that in 2007 it was on the left 2010 it was on the right oh I got that opposite 2007 it was on the right in 2010 it was on the left and now it's back home on the right hand side just to keep us guessing so we're going to go ahead and add another app it is going to be a document library we'll call this animal metadata go ahead and click okay and just like we did in last one we're going to go into the new library go to the library tab and in the settings group we're going to click library settings under general settings we'll click list name description and navigation put in the space display it on the quick launch and click Save now instead of going back to the library and setting up a folder structure we're going to stay here in the library settings page and we're going to set up our columns so the first column we might want to create is animal so we're going to type the name animal we're going to make it choices anytime you have an opportunity to provide your user with choices you have a much better chance of actually getting that column filled in so we'll put in here cat dog horse you get the idea we're going to scroll down we are not going to have a default value so we simply delete that from the field and we click the ok button now we're going to create a size column remember when we were in our folder library first we created the animal folders then we created the size folders so following that logic we're also going to create a size column size column or field click the choice button for the type of column and we'll put in small medium and large we'll go ahead and leave that as a drop-down and we're going to delete the default value and click OK now we're going to create the color column and one of the things that we're going to do differently for this column is we're going to allow our users to select multiple colors that way they don't have to just pick one color which they would have to do if they were using folders so we're going to change the type of display from drop down menu which only allows one selection radio button displays all of your selections but you still can only make one we're going to choose checkboxes because it allows our users to select multiple items then on separate lines we're going to type each color black brown white red blue and how about champagne because there are some poodles they call champagne and again we're going to delete the default value and click OK now when we go back into the animal metadata library we can simply select our photos and drag them in here now before we go ahead and do that because we want to have the correct metadata assigned to them what I'm going to recommend is that before you start dragging images into this library that you're going to use for your demo is you go back into the library settings page and let's say I'm going to upload dog photos first so I'm going to go to the animal column and I'm going to put in a default value of dog I'm going to make it match my choices and let's say I'm going to do my small dogs first so I've selected dog as the default value for animal and for size I'm going to put in a default value of small and here's why now when I drag and drop my animal photos into the animal metadata library we'll go to small dogs I will grab all of the small dogs and I will drag them and drop them they are all uploaded notice they're all labeled dog they're all elated labeled small and now all I have to do is go into the library tab go into quick edit and notice how I name these W Terrier that's white terrier which means I can simply click into the color column choose the drop-down and select white now that one only has one color I'm going to hit the enter key the Boston Terrier is black and white so I select black and white and press the Enter key go through and do this for all of your pictures and then eventually you'll have all of your metadata signed now just like a cooking show I've actually put together the full demo but I wanted to show you how to build it so if we go up to the top level site you'll notice here I have an animal metadata library and an animal folders library now this is where it gets interesting what I like to do is I like to go into the animal folders library and I tell somebody to find me a medium sized black dog now they go little okay I'm going to go into the dog folder I'm going to go into the medium folder and I'm going to go into the black folder and here have a black dog fabulous well that wasn't hard to navigate at all that's wonderful now I'm going to go back up to the top and now I'm going to ask my user to find I want to do a photo spread of all red animals all animals that have red in them how are you going to find all of those well I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna click into birds I'm gonna go into the large folder and then well let's say I want to find Brown Birds I want to find all the brown animals so then I have to drill down into this brown folder then I go back up to Birds I go into the medium folder I go into the brown folder and pull out all the brown medium birds then I go back up to the bird folder I go into the small folder you're seeing where this is going right yeah so then I take them over to the animal metadata folder and I say you know what show me all of the small animals well we can actually set up a view that actually groups by size and here we have all of the small animals that have been uploaded all of the small cats all of the small dogs will do this so it gives us more flexibility because we're not tied to just that one folder structure here I can see all brown dogs regardless of their size because we've set up a view where color contains the word brown so this just gives us a lot more flexibility we can even group by animal I want to see all the cats I want to see all of the large cats well these are all the large cats images that we have okay so it's easier to pull the information that you need so if you can show this to your clients come up with a couple scenarios and ask them to find certain images based on criteria that you give them ask them to navigate through the folder structure to pull out all of that information make sure it's something that goes across the folder structure then allow them to do the same search or get another volunteer and have them do the search within the animal metadata library so that they can make use of the columns they can filter in sort by the columns they can make use of the views because that metadata has been captured which means we don't have to play by the hard-and-fast folder navigation metadata allows us that flexibility to get at the data any way that we need to
Channel: Tamara Bredemus
Views: 49,635
Rating: 4.6981134 out of 5
Id: ipuLsmBnOMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2013
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