How to Use Mentimeter for Classroom Quiz Games

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hi I'm Richard Verne in this video let me give you an overview of mentum meter which is a neat tool for pulling your audience let's take a look at how it works so here I am in my account and we're going to make a new presentation now my presentation is just going to be called fun facts and it'll be done at presenter pace you can also do it at an audience pace but we'll do it at presenter pace and now we're going to go in and we're making slides and you can see here on the right hand side we have a variety of slide types and question types that we can use you can make it a competition if you like okay so let's just do a quick little multiple choice type so we're going to choose our slide type or multiple choice and we're ready my question who won last year's World Series I'll put out some options [Music] and you can see here we have options for how we want it to be laid out when we get the feedback from the audience you do it in bar shape done' pie shape dot shape or dots now we can add as many questions as we like but for the sake of this demonstration we'll just go in and present this one and when we present it the audience will use this address menti calm and use the code 5 1 1 6 7 9 so let's take a look at how the audience sees this so you don't present that and my audience will now go to the address and see it across the top there so they're gonna go just like this they go to menti calm and then put in that code and that code is 5 1 1 6 7 9 and submit and now they see the question they can vote and submit they can see the voting results to see the voting results they're going to have to email put in their email or they can simply look up here at the big screen in front of the room and see the results coming in now when I'm done with this I can just go back in and I'm no longer presenting just it my back button I'm no longer presenting now if I want to take a look at the results I can download them I can reset them and you can reset it for just one of the slides in your set of survey questions or you say all slides now another thing about men Tomita that's neat is they have this section called inspiration and in the inspiration we'll see all manner of pre-made quizzes that you can use in your account now I'm in the fun competition section but we have a section for teachers and students check the students biology knowledge I don't know what that one's about but other than biology you can scroll through all those and take a look or hit all let's do fun competitions and we can scroll through this is a game of Thrones The Avengers weird foods around the world what happened in 2018 your reality show skills let's try that one I know nothing about reality TV shows so let's try that one so I've added that to my presentations now over here on the left-hand side my account will see your presentations keeping up with the kardashians click on that one and now I can go through and take a look at each one of these questions that are in here so let's go ahead and now present this one and again the class will go to mentee calm and use the code that they see projected to go to mentee calm now we'll use this new code [Music] and now we're playing keeping up with the kardashians game and so as the teacher I'll say start question one right what's her first name I have no idea [Music] and he'll see if the responses as they come in now the correct answer is Kim okay so I've learned something new about the Kardashians today so now I'm back here in my mentor meter account and I can go back into that inspiration I could make a new presentation you can change your branding and colors to make your make your template not be the simple white and black backgrounds you can change out any response every what not with the upgraded Mendte meter accounts but everything that I've shown you so far today is a free part of a mint meter so that's a neat little tool for making quiz games to play in your classroom as always for more tips and tricks like this please check out free tech or teachers calm and practical ed tech calm
Channel: Richard Byrne
Views: 25,446
Rating: 4.6981134 out of 5
Keywords: Mentimeter, How to, Quizzes, Quiz Games, Educational Games, Games,,
Id: 4zgqid4KZqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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