30 Ultimate PowerPoint Tips and Tricks for 2020

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30 Ultimate PowerPoint tips  and tricks. Updated for 2020. This video is the ultimate compilation  of PowerPoint tips and tricks to enhance   your skills using Microsoft PowerPoint.  I've combined long established tips   and tricks featured in previous  versions with prominent new ones   Microsoft added in 2019 and 2020.  You'll find these tips and tricks   useful whether you're using PowerPoint  for the first time or just wanting to   enhance your PowerPoint skills. For the  complete list of contents, please refer   to the description of this video.  Let's get started. #1 Stock Images.   In 2020 Microsoft added stock  images to PowerPoint for office 365.   It's available under the Insert tab,  Pictures, Stock Images. Here you'll find   thousands of royalty-free images that  you can insert into your presentation.   Select between stock images, cut  out people, icons, and stickers.   Choose one from the list or select  from a category of different choices and you can insert it into your  presentation. Then it's resizable,   movable however you want. Add some stock  images to your presentation. #2 Remove   Background. PowerPoint comes with a  great tool to remove the background on   images. So let's say we insert a  picture from our stock image list   and we'll select this bird. You'll see  that this picture has a bird in the   foreground and a background that we want  to remove. So let's go into the Picture   Format which becomes available anytime  you click on an image and the first   option is to remove the background.  Click that and it highlights in color   all of the background image around that  object. It's not perfect so we're going   to mark areas to keep like right here  where it's missing part of his wing. It does a pretty good  job once you click on it and now that we have this set, click  Keep Changes and it removes everything   in that colored area. Now you have an  image with nothing in the background. #3   Edit Shape. If you've inserted a shape  into your PowerPoint presentation,   did you know that you can customize the  shape even more. Once it's selected you   have an option here for Edit Shape  and Edit Points. Click on any corner   and now you can drag and move the  points to change the shape even further. When it's all done, click outside  and you have a customized shape   to fit your needs. #4 Morph Transition.  Morph is a great tool to use to   transition from one slide to the next.  Let's say we duplicate this slide.   Click on the second slide and we want  it to transfer these two images from   one side to the other. We'll go  to the Transition and hit Morph   and now you'll see that transition from  one slide to the next. When you're in   your presentation that's the action  that will occur. #5 Enhanced Morph.   We've seen how we can morph from one  object to the next by doing a duplicate   slide and taking the object and moving  it and then going to Transition, Morph   and it moves that object from one place  to the next. Let's say the second object   we didn't want the same square and  instead we wanted it to be a circle. Now when we do the transition morph,  it doesn't work like we expected it to.   It just transitions from one object  to the next and doesn't do a smooth   transition between the two but there is  a solution where you can make this work.   Go to the first object, click  on it, under the home tab   look under arrange, and there is a  Selection Pane. This tells you the name   of the object that we've selected. To do  an enhanced morph you just need to use   two !! and a name so that's what we're  going to call that object. Now we're   going to go to the second object and  we're going to name it the same thing.   Now that they're the same name  when we do the Transition Morph   it does a smooth transition between  the two and that's how you do   enhanced morph. #6 Ctrl-Drag to  Copy. If you hold the Ctrl key down   and drag an object it makes a  copy. This works for text too. #7 Design Ideas. You can take a boring  presentation and turn it into something   much better by using design ideas it's  available on the home tab just click on   design ideas and PowerPoint takes text  from your presentation and transforms   it into different layouts choose one  of the recommendations and it updates   your slide you can also add pictures  as part of your slide presentation and design ideas will use that picture  as part of the recommendations as well   it's a great tool to enhance your  PowerPoint presentation and it's   available with a click of  a button. #8 QR4Office.   If you need to add a 3d barcode to  anything in your PowerPoint presentation   go to the insert tab choose get  add-ins and search for qr for office   this brings up the add-in app that  generates 3d barcodes click add and from the menu you can choose between  a url a secure url a mailing address a   telephone number a text message  geolocations or do a custom code   for a url just type it in and it creates  the barcode you can expand the size   change the colors change the  background and when you insert it   it adds it into your PowerPoint  presentation that barcode is now   scannable by any phone or device  that can scan 3d barcodes and it   will take you to this link this get  add-ins feature is available in any   of the office 365 current versions  of PowerPoint. #9 Filled Map. You can   create a map in PowerPoint using data  in a table. Just go to the Insert tab,   click on Chart, and from the menu  select Map. Hit OK and it inserts   it into your PowerPoint presentation.  This table represents the data that   shows up in your map. Let's remove  some of the data from the list here   and you can see that it updated  to just North and South America.   Let's get rid of those two and now it  shows a map of just the united states.   You can enter just states in here   and it updates the map to reflect that  data. You can use countries, regions,   cities, zip codes, or any other location  specific data that can be mapped   and a nice feature is you can select  from the list up here of chart styles.   So for a quick method to show a map  in your PowerPoint presentation use   Filled Map. #10 Dictate and Translate.  Brand new in PowerPoint is an option   to dictate text directly into  a text box. Just go to Insert,   Text Box. Set it up somewhere on  your screen and then click inside.   Now click on Dictate and wait for  it to record your voice. "This is   a test of PowerPoint dictation".  Exclamation mark. New line. Smiley face. You can also choose from a variety  of different languages to record.   Translate is available  from the Review tab.   Just highlight some text and click  the Translate button from the menu.   It brings up the translator and  converts it into any language that   you choose. Here you also have a number  of languages to choose from. Choose one   and then hit Insert and it replaces  the text with that new language.   You can reverse the translation and  insert it back. Dictate and Translate   adds a new dimension to how you handle  text in your PowerPoint presentation.   #11 Quick Alignment. The quickest  method to align objects on a slide   is to select all of them, come up to  the Arrange button on the Home tab,   select a line, and then choose whether  you want to align to the left, center,   or to the right. This aligns  them all in the same location   and then you can also align the  distribution vertically or horizontally,   which makes the spacing  between them even.   The other options to be aware of is  if you have one object over another   and you want to move the  order. Come to the Arrange   and you can choose to bring something  to the front or move it to the back.   That changes the layering of  objects on top of each other   and if you have multiple objects that  you want to combine into one choose   Group from the menu. Now they move  and act as one object. So remember,   all the quick alignment options are  available under this menu Arrange. #12   Ink to Text. PowerPoint comes with a  great drawing tool that you can convert   ink into text or shapes.  Just pick Draw from the menu,   select a pen, and write  some words on the screen. Now choose the Lasso and select that  area and click the Ink to Text button.   That converts it to text. Now the key is  make sure you turn off the Draw tool and   now you can select this text and even  edit it just like a regular text box.   You can also convert Ink to Shapes   and this time we're  going to draw some shapes   like a square. We'll call that #1.  We'll do a circle and we'll call that #2 and let's do a triangle  and we'll call that #3. Now lasso those and we'll choose Ink to Shape and that converts them all to shapes.  We'll turn the drawing tool off   and now you can select each one of  those and move them around as needed   and even edit them with the text inside. You can also work with  math. Let's draw an equation and we'll lasso that and do Ink  to Math. It converts to text   similar to the Ink to Text  option but it knows about math   and formulas. You can also use the Ink  Equation Editor. You can write a formula   and it fills it in on the fly. Insert  it into your presentation and you can   drag it where you want. It also has  an equation menu where you can select   from different formulas and operators if  you don't want to type them in yourself.   So if you need to work with math in  your presentation that's a great tool. There's one final option from  this menu and it's Ink Replay.   If you draw something you can do Ink  Replay and it replays the whole drawing   that you created. This can be used for  some animation in your presentation.   Obviously this works best with a  pen device that you can handwrite   but you get the idea. #13 Eyedropper.  Eyedropper allows you to apply a   specific color to multiple objects  on your PowerPoint presentation.   Let's select multiple objects  by holding down the Ctrl key   and if you go to the Shape Format  menu under Shape Fill. Let's choose   the Eyedropper and now we're  going to select this red color   and it fills all those  objects with that color.   You can do the same thing  with the Shape Outline and it applies that outline color to all  the objects we've selected. Eyedropper   is available in a bunch of different  locations like under Shape Effects,   Glow. So if you need to select a color  from your screen use the eyedropper.   #14 Chart Animation. You can add  animation to your charts in your   PowerPoint presentation. Just select  a chart, go to the Animations tab,   select an animation like Float-In and   you can see that the whole chart  floats into your presentation.   Click on this Animation Pane and you can  see the animations that are in effect   but right now let's add an effect  option and choose by Series. This floats each series in one at a  time. You can also choose by Category   and that brings the entire category in  one at a time. Other options available   by Element in Series, or by Element in  Category. You can adjust the duration. So to spice up your chart use Chart  Animations. #15 Alt-Shift Order.   If you have a list and you need  to change the order of those   items just highlight the one you want  to move, hold down the Alt-Shift keys   and hit the Up Arrow to move it up and  the Down Arrow to move it down. That's a   quick trick to change the order of items  in a list. #16 Quick Access Toolbar.   In the upper-left corner of all the  Office apps is the Quick Access Toolbar.   This gives you quick access to some of  the common functions that you want to   access from within the program and  in this case it has Save and Undo   and some other items available. If you  click this Down Arrow you can customize   this Quick Access Toolbar. First you can  select from a number of common features   by just turning them on and off but you  can also come down here to More Commands   and select from popular commands  to add to the Quick Access Toolbar.   For example, if we wanted to add the  Eyedropper Text Fill hit OK. It now adds   that to the Quick Access Toolbar and  you can just go directly there when you   want to use that function. Some of the  common ones i like to add is Quick Print   and also Spelling so that you can  check the spelling of text that you   insert in your PowerPoint presentation.  Just remember you can customize this   toolbar any way you want and it is  available in all of the Office apps.   #17 Smart Lookup. Smart Lookup is a  feature in PowerPoint that allows you to   select text and look up information  about it from the web. For example,   in this presentation let's select the  Covered Call text, go to the Review tab,   click on Smart Lookup. It looks this  information up on the web and provides   a definition, different web results, and  even pictures, and within each one of   these you can select See More Results  and it provides other information.   You no longer need to copy and paste any  information into a web browser. You can   just do smart lookup directly from your  PowerPoint presentation. #18 Slideshow   Tricks. There are a number of keystrokes  available while you're in a presentation   to help communicate your message. You  can hit F1 to see the list of options.   Some of the more helpful ones  is W to white out your screen.   Hit it again and it brings it back.  B blacks out your screen and B again   brings it back. Ctrl-P brings up  a pointer where you can circle and   draw lines and arrows anywhere in your  presentation. Hit the E and it erases.   Ctrl-P again turns that off. Ctrl-I  brings up a highlighter where you   can highlight different areas of your  screen. Ctrl-I again turns that off   and E erases. The plus key zooms in.  Minus zooms out and if you hit it all   the way out it shows you all of your  PowerPoint slides or you can select   and go directly to one. Minus again  to go back. Hit a number and Enter   to go directly to that slide. Two-Enter  takes me to the second slide. One-Enter   takes me to the first. Hit Ctrl-L  to bring up a laser pointer. Hit it again to turn it off. These are  just some of the shortcuts available   to help control your presentation while  in presenter mode. #19 Animate Images.   Did you know you can add  motion animation to an image.   Let's select this bird.  We'll go up to Animations.   In the pull-down menu select Custom Path  and now we're going to select and draw   the direction that we want this bird  to move. Double-Click at the end and   there's your animated motion. You can  also come up here and click this button   to edit the settings for that custom  path. We can have it Auto Reverse   when it's done. We can set sound  and do other triggers at the end.   You can also set the timing. Let's  say we want to move this from two   seconds to five and we'll hit OK.  Now it's moving at a slower motion   and then reversing the  direction when it's done. You have a great deal of flexibility  about motion animation and you can do   this with any image. #20 Instant Photo  Album. It's really simple to create an   instant photo album using some of your  pictures. Just go to the Insert tab,   choose Photo Album, choose File  Disk, and then select all the   images that you want to insert into  your photo album. Click Insert.   Choose these options. You can make them  all black and white, you can have them   fit to the slide, but the defaults  generally work well. Hit Create and   it instantly created your photo album  complete with slides for each picture and if you want to improve the look a  little bit use your Design Ideas and   select from a format that makes it look  nice. It's that simple. Congratulations   you've made it through two-thirds of  the tips and tricks list. The rest will   continue in 15 seconds but please take  a moment right now to subscribe to Sele   Training and click the bell icon to get  notified when new videos are released.   Don't forget the entire 30 tips and  tricks list is in the description of   this video with hyperlinks to each. Now  let's get back to it. #21 Reuse Slides.   You can add slides to your  presentation directly from   another PowerPoint file by selecting  Reuse Slides from the Home tab.   It shows a list of  recent PowerPoint files.   Click on one and select each slide you  want to insert into your presentation.   In the left pane position the location  where you want the slide inserted.   If you scroll to the top of the slide  list and uncheck this Use Source   Formatting option, when you insert  a slide it will convert the slide to   match the format of the slide above your  insertion point. In office 365 you'll   also see recent PowerPoint slides that  have been shared with you from other   team members. This feature makes it easy  to collaborate on team presentations.   So save yourself some time and use the  Reuse Slide feature. #22 Link to Excel.   Let's say you have an excel chart and  you want to link it to PowerPoint.   Just click on your chart, do Ctrl-C  to copy. Go over to PowerPoint and   do Ctrl-V to paste. Now before you do  anything else click on this link and   make sure you select one of these two  entries with the chain representing   the link to Excel. You have a choice  between using your destination theme   or use the source formatting in your  PowerPoint presentation. We'll go ahead   and use the destination theme and link  the data. Now when you right-click you   can edit the data and it takes you back  to Excel where the source of the data   is. So let's say we change this  number right here from 15 down to 6.   When we go back to PowerPoint the  data is updated. Change it back to 15 and it's updated there. It's now linked  between Excel and PowerPoint. Just   remember, make sure that you've saved  your Excel spreadsheet so that there's   a file that it can link to and make sure  that you select one of these two chain   options. That's all there is to it. #23  Animated GIF. You can create a custom   animated gif to use in your PowerPoint  presentations or in other applications.   Let's start by inserting a Smartart  and we'll choose this Gear tool   but you can use any graphics  that you want or create your own.   We'll label these A, B, and C and then  we're going to duplicate this slide   and we'll take each one of these  and rotate it part of the way. Now we'll duplicate this slide again and we'll rotate it again and you get the idea. Create  some motion for your graphics   that you'll create into a gif.  Now we're going to go to File,   Export, and choose  Create an Animated GIF.   You can set the resolution and  the speed between each slide.   When you're ready create the  gif and we'll choose a name   and hit Save. Now to see how that  works let's create a new slide   and we'll make it a blank and we're  going to insert a picture from this   device. Choose our test and  there's your animated gif.   #24 Layered Images. Another form  of animation of images can use   layering. Let me show you how this  works. I'm going to insert a picture   from the Stock Images and we're  going to find a mountain scene.   Let's select this one right here  and insert it. Let's crop it   to the aspect ratio of 16:9 so  that it fits nicely into the frame. Now I'm going to right-click  and duplicate this slide and on   the second slide I'm going  to remove the background. We want to remove all of this area here  but we want to keep everything here. We'll keep the changes and now I'm  going to Ctrl-C to copy, go back to   our first slide and paste it over the  top. We'll line it up just right and now   we have two layered images. Let's add a  third layer. Let's insert Stock Images   this time we'll pick the moon and let's  select this one right here and insert it   and I'm going to crop that one but I  just want the area around the moon. Now let's remove the background  on that image as well. Keep those changes and we'll take  the moon and move it down here in the   corner. Now we want this moon to move  up so I'm going to go to Animations   and from this menu I'm going to pick  the Up Animation and you can see that   it moves from this location to this one.  Let's move this up a little ways farther   and when you look at the Animation Pane  this is what that's going to look like.   But with layering we want the moon to be  behind the one image and in front of the   other one so if you go back to Home and  Arrange, the Selection Pane you can see   the three images in order. This one is  the picture of the moon. We want to move   that down behind the other picture so  it's in between the two in the layer.   Now when we go back to play it you can  see that it raises behind the image. Now   let's double-click here. Let's adjust  this so it's a smooth start and end   and we'll change the timing to 5 seconds and now we have a smooth transition  motion graphics using layering.   #25 Slideshow Loop. Sometimes you want  a PowerPoint presentation to play in a   continuous loop. There's a couple  things you need to set up to make   that work. First go to the Slideshow  tab. Click on Setup Slideshow and   check this box for Browsed at Kiosk. Hit  OK. Now go over to your Transitions tab   and on the After check that box, change  it to the amount of time you want it   to be on each slide, and Apply to  All. Now when you hit Slideshow -   one, two, three, one, two, three  and it repeats in a continuous loop. #26 Embed Fonts. If you intend to  share your PowerPoint presentation with   another person or send it to present  on a different computer then it's a   good idea to use embedded fonts. This  ensures that the fonts are in the file   with the presentation. You can enable  this by going to File, Options, Save   and check this box for Embed Fonts  in the File and hit OK. Now when you   save your PowerPoint presentation it  saves the fonts within the file. #27   Compress Media. You can insert videos  into your PowerPoint presentation but sometimes these files can be  rather large. One thing you can do   is go to File, Info, and this  Compressed Media option will be   available if you have a video in your  presentation. It gives you the option   to compress the media down to a smaller  size format by adjusting the resolution.   So let's go to HD 720p and you'll see  that the initial size is 35.6 megabytes   and it's compressed it down  to 29.6. Not a huge savings   but it depends on the type of  file that you're compressing.   Hit Close and now you can save that  file and send it to someone. If you   need to adjust the media compression  come back in here, choose Undo, and then   you can compress it again at a different  resolution. So if you need to reduce the   size of your PowerPoint presentation  with a video use Compress Media. #28   HD Video Export. You're already familiar  with presenting your video live but you   can also record your video and present  it as an exported HD video presentation.   To do that just go to File, Export, and  choose Create a Video. You have choices   here where you can set the resolution of  your video Ultra, Full HD, or Standard.   You can choose to record  timings and narrations. This opens up your presentation for  video editing. Here you can record,   stop, and replay your video.   You can mark different points on your  screen with a laser pointer or with a   highlighter, change the color of that  device, set your audio on and off,   turn on video, scroll through your  different presentation screens, even   refer to your notes, and when you're  all done recording close this window   and it comes back to your Create Video  screen. If you don't want to record   timings and narration just set the  seconds between each slide and choose   Create Video, give it a name, and hit  Save and it exports your video out into   a file and now you can share that  file as a pre-recorded presentation.   #29 Shape Intersect. Here's a neat trick  to intersect pictures and images. Let's   go up to the Insert, Pictures, Stock  Images, and we'll select this boat. Shrink that down a little bit.  Now I'm going to go to the Insert,   Shapes and select one of these  stars down here. We'll draw that   around the boat so that it covers  it up and here's the trick,   you need to click on the image  first, hold down the Ctrl key,   click on the shape secondly  and now go up to Shape Format,   Merge Shapes, and choose Intersect  and you've just created an image shape   intersect. You can do this with custom  shapes as well so let's go back and   Insert a Picture from our Stock Images  again and we'll pick our bird this time so we'll shrink this down a  little bit. I'm going to go to   Insert, Shapes but this time under  Lines I'm going to select this one   right here. Then I'm going to draw a  line around the outside of this object   and when the points connect  again it creates a shape.   Now we're going to do the same  thing. Click on the image first,   hold the Ctrl key down,  select the shape second.   Shape Format, Merge Shapes, Intersect  and now we have a cutout of just our   bird. So if you want to get creative  with your images use the Shape Intersect   technique. #30 Picture Fill. It's really  easy to add a picture to a shape. Let's   go ahead and insert a shape and we'll  pick this circle and we'll go ahead and   change the outline to a different color  and make it a wider line. Now if you go   to the Shape Fill there's an option  here where you can pick a Picture.   We're going to go ahead  and select our Stock Images   and we'll pick our bird again and  that adds a picture to that shape.   Now it is one object that you can  move around. I don't quite like the   alignment of that picture so what I'm  going to do is click on the Picture   Format and we'll do the Crop  and now i can edit that image,   change the size, and  adjust it however i need and now we have our final picture. Hey  if you want to see more videos like this   one, please subscribe and if you've  enjoyed this video be sure to click   the thumbs-up and leave a comment.  I really do appreciate your support!
Channel: Sele Training
Views: 1,177,051
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Keywords: powerpoint tips and tricks, powerpoint tutorial, microsoft powerpoint, office 365, ultimate powerpoint, powerpoint tips, shape intersect, picture fill, hd video export, slideshow loop, powerpoint link to excel, quick access toolbar, chart animation, dictate, translate, morph transition, powerpoint morph, stock images, sele training, powerpoint 2016, powerpoint tricks, powerpoint presentation, powerpoint animation, tips and tricks, powerpoint 2020, powerpoint 2019
Id: 0GW4vT7d3nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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