How to Use Filmora 13 - Complete Video Editing Tutorial for Beginners

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Fila is one of the most beginner friendly video editing apps out there and it's really easy to get started editing your first video with Fila and in their most recent update they also added a lot of new AI options to really speed up and make editing much easier and I've been editing for over 15 years and I've used ton of different editing apps and I think this is one of the most beginner friendly editing apps out there and this video is going to be a very step-by-step process on exactly how to get started with your first edit all the way to finishing and exporting it the first thing you need to do is you need to download the film app so I'm using a Mac this works for Windows PC they do have mobile apps and it's multiplatform meaning you could edit across different platforms but I recommend using the computer version for this that's usually where most people do their editing is on a computer the mobile apps are still not quite there yet for what I'm about to show you so we're going to get started for free and I'll link this website in the description you could click that and get it and when it comes to pricing we're going to get started for free but at the very end that's going to have a little Watermark that's going to be probably something we want to remove so they do have different plants here that you could pay so this is like a corly plan they do change these from time to time or you could just get the annual membership so we'll worry about that later we're going to just use the free version with the watermark just to show you the whole editing process and if you decide it's a good fit after you learn how to use it then you could get the subscription plan from filur and when you first install filur you're going to land on this page here and if you get a starter guide just press X here there'll be a little X here to exit the starter guide because it walks you through a simple step-by-step process but I'm going to show you a much better more detailed way in this video so press X then you're going to have control on this page right here new project is where we're going to go ahead and get started but this aspect ratio is something you may want to change right now so 16 by9 is what it's set to by default that's a traditional YouTube type video or TV size the 9 by6 that's your portrait format so if you're going on YouTube shorts Tik Tok that's what you want to choose so you have to decide where you want to go with the video first and then choose it from here I'm going to start with 16 by9 we could change this later too and then we're going to press new project and all the different AI modes are also available here so you could explore these on your own some of them I'm going to show you within our project but these are available over here so let's go ahead and start there okay first let me show you exactly what you're looking at for a second and then we'll start the actual step one which is importing media over here you have a panel right here where you could drag any video clips any photos images any audio it's going to appear over here and these are the things that you're going to use in your video I'm going to show you this in a second the official step one once you create a project is importing media so we'll go through that over on this side is going to be the preview window so basically this is a video player so I don't have anything so it's black right now but I'll show you how that works and the actual editing takes place down here on what's called a timeline so right now again this is blank but I'll show you what ends up happening over here and then this right panel here changes depending on what page or what you're doing so right now it's just showing project info let's go to step one which is importing media to import media you could either click here or drag everything so let me show you how I organize things so I have a folder on my project right here I just made a fold fer called sample footage so everything in your project depending on which project you're working on you want to organize it into one folder or even organize it more to have video and images and audio as separate folders within that folder then what I have here is so for example this is a JPEG this is a photograph this one is a video so if I click play on here this is a little video I have and then I have a little audio file and I could have animations I think this one's a little animation I have so all I have to do is select all these and then bring them into here so you could select just about any type of media file you have then it's going to ask if I want to create proxy sometimes this is if you have a really slow computer it basically creates these little offline files again a little too advanced for this beginner tutorial so just say no here and there you go you have your different files as you can see when there's a music file like this one is a music track I'm going to use it has this little icon all these are stock footage here I've downloaded from a website and then everything else here are things that I shot on this submarine so I'm telling a story here this World War II story here of the submarine so these are the ones I shot on my iPhone and I Dro them with air dropped onto my computer now if you don't have your own media by the way there's also the stock media library so if I want footage of a ship for example I could go ahead and do a little bit of search and then with these if you do want to use these you could go ahead and import these to your project as well and let's go ahead and start our editing which is our step two basic editing so what we need to do is drag things down here from up here so I'm going to take this clip let's say I want this clip to start my story I'm going to grab it and put it over here and it's going to give you this popup to basically make sure that what's down here matches however the media was created so again this is a little more advanced but you could just press usually match to Media is what you want to press to match the settings of your edits to the media and now you could see everything so let me just go to the beginning so here's your preview window now if I press spacebar it's showing that clip here that I took on my iPhone and as you could see bunch of different things change now I have a brand new panel here on the right side that's going to let me do more customization again I'll cover some of this in this video and over here is this red line is exactly where I'm at within the clip so that that's the preview so if I go to the end it should cut to Black because there's nothing when this clip ends this is a 6sec clip okay so typically for your basic editing you want to just bring clips in back to back okay so this is the next clip that I want to cut to and you could see it snaps onto the previous clip and leaves no Gap in between so it goes from One Clip to the next clip if they had a little separation like this it will show black in your final video so every time there is no actual footage it just shows a little black area that's not what we want so I'm going to bring this back and it's going to go from here to here and what's the next one is this one we'll take this one down and you start to get the idea here you just basically want to tell your story with the different clips then I'm going to show you how to make the edits okay now before we start editing these down because some of these are going to be too long they're not going to start at the right place if it's you talking you might might not had said the right thing or made a mistake I'm going to show you basic editing in the step two but assembly is really the first step in to start telling your story so the clips go one after another in the future if you decide to change the order of Clips just select them you see how it's highlighted and just grab it over here and put it at the end and it created this black space here so you could select multiple clips like this together and close that black space you basically don't want any black space between your different clips right you just want them to go from one shot to another shot and then grab this red thing here to preview on top what you're looking at few other useful options here you'll have a whole new menu here where you could shrink this down so as this gets more crowded you may want to shrink this down to see your whole project down here or if it's small like this just make sure I increase the size here and then on top of that let me decrease it a little bit more you could see the time so over here is showing that if I take take this all the way to the end you could see this is about 27 seconds right so this is 25 seconds this is 10 seconds so this is going to come in handy to see how long your project is just having the time up here it starts at zero now let's do some basic editing so I showed you assembly rearranging by just selecting and moving things around and like selecting things like this and moving things around I'm going to just bring this one back so this is basic reordering of Clips but a lot of times you want to make a clip a little bit shorter so if it's a clip like this one let me increase the size you could just grab the end of it and bring it down so this cuts out that end part and if you want to cut out the beginning again bring it in like this so now our clip is a little shorter when you do that it automatically moves it back so you don't have to manually move it back to close that little Gap same thing I could go ahead and Shrink this one down or change the beginning of it right and it's going to snap to the previous so now my video if I take this red this in this is your indicator is called it goes from here and it goes to there okay so it's good actually I want to start it this way okay then sometimes you want to edit something from the middle of a clip right A lot of times especially if I'm doing this kind of video where I'm talking I may make a mistake so what you do is I'm going to bring this one down I could cut something from the very middle of this so to do that I'll come over here let's say I want to cut from this point on but I want to keep the beginning right you have all these tools but the one I need over here is this scissors icon if I click it it creates a little cut right here I'll go a little bit further and I'll click the scissors icon one more time and now I have this middle part and if I select it and delete it it's going to delete that part let's say that's a part where I said something that I shouldn't have or I made a mistake I just cut it out like that right so now it's going to go from here to here and if I want to fit something in between between these two I'll just drag this one out I'll bring in let's say this one I haven't used I'll bring that in and then I'll close the gap right there we go so now I'm telling my edit this way and it goes back to this one that's basic editing right trimming the beginning ending telling your story with each clip and then taking out any mistake from the middle part so that brings us to The Next Step which is actually adding what's called b-roll or things to a second video track let me explain how that works so right here if you look on the left side we just have one video track and this has this green section which is the audio from those clips and then we're going to have another track the audio track underneath which I'll explain in the audio section but if you want to add a secondary video clip usually when someone is talking like I am and I'm using additional footage on top of that that's called b-roll it's a very important part of editing and storytelling in this case I want to use this map for example so if I grab this I could put it you see now it's not on the first track that will overwrite what's there I want to put it on the second track so this is what's going to happen it's going to go from this to this and then when this is done it's going to come back to my first track and I could again just like every other editing Basics make any adjustments so I could again make this a little bit shorter so it ends over here maybe right so then it'll go from this to that and then to my regular track so imagine if the first track was someone talking whatever they're talking about could go on the second track and then you could come back to them and you could keep doing this right you could add another thing to the second track and tell your story that way so your second track becomes your Boll track and sometimes you'll see your footage doesn't quite match so if you select your footage you have bunch of options over here on this panel called transform so you could actually go ahead and make things a little bit bigger right so if you want a picture by picture a fact like this you could go ahead and do this this kind of thing and this lets you kind of move things left and right and up and down or if you just want to make it full screen just go ahead and stretch it out here and even zoom into a footage okay so that that makes it little bit better for what I'm using it for so this transform panel is very useful for being able to resize footage and make them fit your screen over here and I do want to show you this other website here this is invado elements I'll link this below as well but that footage and all the animations I showed you I got them under the stock video tab so film Mor has some invado elements is one of the biggest libraries in the world this is another paid subscription though but to take my b-roll to the next level I've been using this for many many years under the stock video Tab and they also have music so royaltyfree music because you have to have permission copyright protection here when you get music from online you can just use any music and posted on YouTube for example and this gives you royalty free music so anywhere you look you basically want royalty free music again fil more has some this has a whole lot more so when you decide to take your editing to the next level I do recommend invit elements because this gives you all inone to all creative assets so you'll get your stock videos here they have Graphics sound effects music everything basically everything I want the photos that I'm using in that image all came from here okay that brings us to step for which is actually working with the audio and adding music okay that could be couple different steps but I'll kind of combine them here to make this a little bit shorter so working with audio if you come over here let me come to the beginning of this track you see how there is a green track underneath one has these little lines this is your audio track down here so if you rightclick on any clip like this you're going to get this huge menu of different things but a lot of times you want to detach the audio so if I detach audio you see how it's put the audio from this clip onto its own track so I could just now delete it and the video clip doesn't get deleted only the audio okay I'm going to go ahead and undo that so you do have this little arrow right here that undos your steps and this one does a redo if you select this one and you want to get rid of audio and press delete you get rid of the video too that's not what we want that's why I like to detach it once it's detached you see how when I click on it like if this someone talking you see how I have all these new audio settings on the right side so this is how you could decrease the volume if you don't want anything at all in this case maybe I don't want any sound I want the music actually to be what's going to dominate this track which I'll add in a second so I'll take it all the way to zero and I could do the same with these other ones and there's a bunch of AI stuff like AI speech enhancer if you turn this on and someone is talking it's going to basically Den noise it it's going to remove any kind of background noise or wind noise here if you turn that on you could also let me show you if you detach the audio there's this line as well so this line over here could decrease the volume so if you go to Infinity that means you can't hear at all and then around 50 or so you start hearing it and usually audio is somewhere between like zero and -6 something like that if someone is talking and you have track control too so if you want to mute the entire track you could see that's how you mute the entire track and you won't hear or anything on that track if you don't want to individually make any adjustments to anything okay now adding music so this one is from invado elements I added this track okay let me go ahead and pause it so you could hear a little preview but all I have to do is grab it and put it on a new track so this second track this works like the video track right one two that's the video you see it has a video icon now audio my first track is anything from the clips that I could mute and then my second track here is going to be the music track and maybe I could have a third track for voiceover or someone talking I'm going to decrease the volume here so for music you don't want it to be at zero if there is someone talking since I'm going to add someone talking here I'm going to decrease it to like -25 -25 DB -30 DB that's typically where you want your music to be if it's background music if it's not background music if it's a full music video basically you just keep it at zero so your volume again see this is where it says that if you don't want to use the line okay so let me just go ahead and show you a little preview okay so you get the idea now this needs a little bit of voice over narration here to tell a more complete story so I'll show you that right now as well this little icon right here if you click it it says record voice over then here make sure you have a good quality microphone like the one I'm using for for this video is actually not connected to this computer so I can't choose it here so it's not going to sound good at all if I press record I want to record with a professional quality microphone with a USB I'll link one in the description if you want to pick one up from Amazon and that'll connect to your computer and it'll show up over here as one of the sources and that will become your third track for example if you do voiceover if you're talking on camera again that probably becomes your first track or is part of your video track here that you can mute and play around with the volume but that should cover the basics of audio and music mixing and editing now let's go to step number five which up here remember we're kind of going in order so we imported media and stock we added audio now let's go ahead and look at this title screen here because with titles you have bunch of different options like adding different text and this has bunch of different templates so that has a trending tab here but we have just plain text if you just want to use plain text or we have 3D titles all all these could be just added by grabbing them and just adding them like this as another video track and it's going to download it from the internet here and there you go so now if I just press play look what happens right so this overlays on top of your existing video right and then to edit it basically this is editable right here on the right side remember every time you do anything different this whole right panel changes so this would be World War II story you could type that in you have a bunch of presets you could go ahead and change the size of it if you want make it smaller bigger all kinds of different options available with these and if you didn't want this 3D one or it doesn't look good there's some YouTube selected options here you could select one of these let's see what this looks like okay this looks a little bit different and he has a bunch of different boxes right so you could see this has three different boxes I could edit like down here up here and in the middle and same thing with these titles you could actually make them shorter here by making the same edit adjustments that we've looked at in the past so next is our transitions that's our next step and with transitions basically every time a clip ends and a new clip starts the thing that happens in between that is the transition when there's no transition at all this is just called a cut so it cuts from this scene to this scene very usual in movies but sometimes in online videos you do want more of a transition so this transition tab gives you a whole bunch but typically I just use the basic transitions here so dissolve is the most common transition ever probably so you grab it and you put it between these two clips you see how it lays between these two clips and let me show you what it looks like if I go here and press play that's what a dissolve is now that's far too long so you could shrink that dissolve down you see how it's making it shorter now so dissolve from this to that let me delete this dissolve and then you also have fade so fade is another common transition I'll apply it between these two again let me make it shorter let's go ahead and press play okay so that faded to Black you could have a flash Fade to White again I recommend usually you stick with the basics or the zooms or the popular and not really overthe toop things the speed blur is kind of cool too so do play around they have ton of different categories here but some of them could get a little bit carried away with how overthe toop they are so depends on the type of story that you want to tell this is where the creativity of the editing comes into play with transitions after transitions we have the effects tab that's our next step so effects is what happens to the clip itself not what happens in between Clips so there's bunch of them here again under the effect tab let me go to video effect and let's see we have Basics right so this is just Auto enhances so let me go ahead and drag this one and drop it right on top of the clip actually this one doesn't show it was very subtle let me show you glow cuz this was going to be a lot more easy to see so you see the difference there so now my my clip has this little glow effect to it and there's bunch of different ones here so shattered glass you just drag it dump it on top of that and there you go and with each one it stays so if you add another one it's going to keep the one previous to that one so make sure you undo that if you don't want to add that ton of them available so some of these shakes or glitches could be really interesting so usually think of effects as kind of filters and alongside that there's also stickers too you could add those to a different track like this and they'll show up on top of your video and remember we have the scaling section where you probably want to shrink this down we or want to grab it and bring it over here or use this position filter here to move it right maybe you want to add that down here in this case I'm going to delete that now when I select the clip over here we also have ton of different tabs so it's worth kind of exploring this gets a little bit more advanced but you could change the color of something this is a whole color correction panel I'll just hover over here just to show you this basically could make things cooler or warmer or you could just totally make things more vibrant and make the colors pop with vibrants and you have all these different presets to just choose that and it choose the color for you so this whole color correction is useful so let's say we're done with this project so this is all I got right now it's 37 seconds long let's go ahead and save this here to be shared out of this project so before I export it I want to go to file and I want to go ahead and save project okay so you could save project as for the first time and give it a title so this is the World War II story and make sure we save the project in this folder this is one of the steps in the process you could do this early on you could do this before you export the project saving it doesn't give you the video file but it lets you come back to this projects folder so I'm going to save it over here to this projects folder then it's always going to be on the homepage of my fil Mora account now I'm going to go to export this is the last step okay go to export up here and now you finally have to actually create yourself a film moral account so let me go ahead and do that and then log in and come back and once you log in it's going to bring you to the exports panel so this is where we're going to decide all the the these different settings so let me show you so local it means it's going to download it to my computer or export it to my computer that's usually what I do and then I open up YouTube or Tik Tok or wherever I want to post you can choose those options here and log in directly and post to those platforms directly too so you could see Tik Tok and YouTube are the most common here or Vimeo in this case I'm going to do local name it has a little AI option too to write the name for you based on using a text prompt again they are really heavy on using these AI tools which is really cool where is saves two this is where you decide what folder my movies folder in this case preset match to project settings that's usually right format MP4 is almost always right that's the most common video format online then it's going to say recommended yes this is 1080p so 1920 x 1080 that's HD footage and then the frame rate this is going to again choose it from your project mine was shot on 50 frames most of the times it's shot on 2997 or 24 those are common but again you could just not worry about this this is going to do a good job selecting from what your footage was go ahead and just export from here and then here if you don't want the watermark which you most likely don't want to you need to go ahead and purchase here and if you don't mind it you could export with the watermark and then you could always come back and purchase and remove that Watermark but you can see that's probably not good if you're going on YouTube or Tik Tok you probably want to pay but this is one of the most affordable editing platforms their subscription price is cheaper than most of them out there so I think it's worth the price for everything I showed you and there you go it's exported so if you open that folder there it is this is your video file here and then you could take it from here and post it online again all the resources including this whole 10-step process of editing is included in text format underneath the video description so make sure you check that out hope you found it useful I'll see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 2,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Use Filmora 13, howfinity, how to, tutorial, Youtube, filmora video editor, filmora 13, filmora 13 tutorial, wondershare filmora 13, filmora 13 new features, filmora video editor tutorial, wondershare filmora 13 tutorial, filmora tutorial for beginners, video editing tutorial, filmora 13 complete tutorial, filmora 13 complete tutorial for beginners, how to use filmora, complete video editing tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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