Wondershare Filmora 13: My Honest Thoughts & AI Feature Demo

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so this is a little bit of a strange video for me because if I'm brutally honest I don't actually want to create it I want to sit here and tell you that everything's great when actually It Isn't So if you've seen my channel before you may know that I recommend a piece of software called wondershare Phil MOA as a video editing software that's perfect for beginners it's affordable it's feature and it's really easy to learn it's been my go-to option for all of the content I've created on this channel now film AA have just released version 13 which is their next major release and I was looking at the feature list of all these brand new things that are going to be part of that version thinking oh I'm going to create a video and just show everyone all these different features and how it can help them edit videos faster better and all of the good things embracing AI technology to take video editing to the next level if you like and I got all excited and I started looking at all the features and testing them out for myself and to to be perfectly honest I was I was really disappointed and underwhelmed sadly not everything is sunshine and rainbows all the time and what I'm going to do is I'm going to walk you through these features and I'm going to show you which ones I think will actually help you with your video editing and which ones maybe need a little bit of work from the team at film AA before they're going to be any use to you so make sure that you stay tuned so that you don't waste an absolute ton of time trying to use these features when perhaps they're not quite there yet what I'm not here to do is rain hate on the team at Filmore I've worked with him in the past I hope to work with him in the future it's a great bit of software I just feel like some of these new features have just fell a little bit short okay so I've just upgraded and launched Fila I'm just going to click on new project now this is the first feature that film have launched and this one's not too bad to be honest but it depends whether you've used film before or not so just here you've got this little icon if we click on that this is called the film co-pilot so if you're thinking cve chats GPT or like a little AI assistant that's what the co-pilot is now you get 50 queries a day that you can use and you can basically just ask it questions so let's keep this basic and just type a question in so what that'll do is that'll go away and it will give you a little bit of instruction on what you need to do and also a little bit more further reading as well so let's try something else so we'll try something that's outside of film just to gener question and see what it says so I asked it how long a good video length is for a YouTube video and it said 5 to 15 minutes which is probably about right but yeah if you think of this is just like chat GPT now if I'm going to be brutally honest I'm probably never going to use this because I've never clicked on help um if there's ever anything that I want to learn or do in film war and generally I'll have a look on YouTube and see if there's anyone else that has done it and follow their tutorial which hopefully is what you're doing now but it's a nice little ad and once you've got Filmore installed on your machine I'd love to know if you actually use it and what you think of it so next we're going to look at a feature called AI text based editing now I'm really excited about this one because I've used a tool called descript before that does this exceptionally well that's kind of their thing that's what they do now I'm kind of hoping to fil more of replicate that but let's see what you think so I've already created this video now it was a bit of a pain because I'm trying to demo film more and also record film more so I've had to kind of record a little bit on my mobile and then um create the sample video as well so this should hopefully make sense but I've basically created a little video and I'm going to drop it into the timeline now this video is full of me going um um um constantly now what descript would do and what I'm hoping Phil Mora would do is that it would identify all these Ms and let you chop them out with one click of a button so we've just dragged that into the timeline I'm going to right click on it go to the smart edit tool and do AI text based editing silence detection now you can do sound based editing which will look for any gaps any pauses and it'll just automatically remove them we want text based editing that's the new feature where you can delete the clips you want to remove based on the text converted from the video I'm going to choose English UK so what that's now going to do is it's going to go away it's going to convert that video by transcribing it it's going to take all the words everything I've said and it's going to put it onto that right hand pane there so as you can see and then on the left hand side and at the bottom we've got a preview of the video and also if we click through the video you can see it's added these captions now it's easy enough to delete the captions so don't worry about that if you don't want the captions to show now on the right hand side so what I found this video was actually not too bad but I've actually found that the transcription is hit and miss now that could be my accent not everyone understands my accent so um some of the transcription tools do struggle um but I didn't find it was particularly accurate now the other thing is I said the word m or not even a word the sound M um um um I must have said that 500 times in this short 25 30 second clip and if you look at it I don't think it's picked up one if I click here put the curse here and press play it'll press it'll start actually showing the video from that point um have lots of um um so it hasn't picked up any of them Ms which is what descript would do and you could then remove them and it would chop them out your video now as it's not identified them because it doesn't see it as a word then I'm kind of wondering what's the point what's the use in that so yes I could edit this like a text document and let's say we don't want let's say we don't want this part of the video we can just highlight it press delete and there it goes you can see it got chopped out of the video at the bottom but if I'm not seeing all the filler words and all the nonsense how do you really know what you're editing it just doesn't quite work if you like it's not as thorough as it needs to be the other criticism I I would have is is that once you've put like quite a large video in here the formatting just isn't right you've got like odd gaps and little indentations it just doesn't look particularly good um so the whole point is that it looks like a text document and I get that and I get how that could be really useful but it just doesn't hit the grade for me now if you do like it and you want to use this feature then once you've got this looking like you want it to look and you've deleted the words out if you click export to timeline it'll then add that video in at the bottom and it'll also put your Cuts in there as well so let's say you play this back and this part actually cut too soon you can always click on it click on the little um edge of it and then drag it back out and add that word back in so maybe I'm doing it in Injustice and it will actually help you edit your videos faster let me know what you think next up we have to go out of film and go back into it because next up we've got this AI text video so the theory behind AI text video is exactly like it sounds you basically copy copy and paste a script in it's going to generate a video automatically now I'm always a little bit wary of some of the tools that promis to do this because potentially if it was that easy everyone's just going to copy paste a script generate a video automatically and flood YouTube and I think as you'll see in a minute I don't think it's as straightforward as that so once we've clicked on that option it comes up and asks what the script is You' got two options here you could go to the scripts that you've already pre-written and you could copy and paste just note that there is a 20 character limit or you can generate one with AI so let's try an AI one now informative explanatory article an opinion piece product coverage or other well we're going to go with informative because that's what works well on YouTube and type the topics let's just try so we're just going to put the five fastest mammals and see if it creates us something in here so we just put a little bit of a description in as well now at the bottom here you can see where it says estimated consumption so there your AI credits now when you sign up for a trial and different things you do get some credits I've got 2,600 I've have no idea why I've got that many or what I've done in the past and but plenty that we can play around with and we're just going to click on generate text now it's gone away and it's come back and it's G us um it's G us a little bit of run down I'll be perfectly honest that's very brief that I'd probably um probably won't even make a YouTube shot but um what we'll do is I'm going to take that and I'm going to actually go to chat GPT just to expand on that a little bit so please excuse my um shocking spelling so we're going to put this script in and we're going to make it uh let's make the most of that 2,000 character limit that we've got okay so it looks like that's finished so I'm just going to copy minimize this and go back to here and I'm going to overwrite that and now that's saying we've gone over so let's just right so it was actually slightly more than 2,000 characters but that's fine so we've got a um we've got more content in it here now now I don't actually know what you do if it's if you need to create a video that's more than 2,000 characters I guess you would have to break it down and do almost chapter by chapter but it may not be relevant as you'll see in a second Now text language you've got languages in there just going to leave it as English us and video ratio if you want to create a short form video then you can do and video voice you've got four different voices in here and if you click on these little um buttons here you can hear a preview wondershare creativity simplified so I'm going to choose Davis and I'm going to press text to video so what that's now going to do is it's going to take that script and it's going to go away and it's going to try and do all of the video creation itself making my life really easy or does it so overall that took about 2 minutes to create which is pretty impressive really because as you can see from the timeline it's added some music it's got a voice over that it's not quite resolved yet it's added captions and it's added lots of different videos all exactly the same um length of time by the way looking at that now this is where it all falls apart in my opinion so as I kind of drag through that as you can see we've got a video here that's about um animals fastest M mammals and then out the first three videos it shows if you look at it their cars going fast down the road and leaving like trailing lights then we do actually oh no we've got a train as well because it's picked up the word speed then we've got a cheater then we've got a pen a clock a car a speedometer a speedometer and more car there's a cheater again a motorbike a clock someone skiing a clipboard a clock so for a video that's about the five fastest mammals we seem to have a lot of car videos um let's press play Oh I tell you what it's not done it should have also added the voice over so we chose that voice over before it's not even added to that it's missed that off now what I would say is you're not missing out on anything then voiceovers they're okay but there is um there are tools and software that you can get that is much much better at doing voiceovers so even if you were to just add that bit in yourself later but yeah the theory is good I get it it's that you just put the text in and it creates a video but the actual result the output and I've not had anything tell me otherwise I've tried this numerous times everything I've actually generated has been pretty poor it's usually kind of music that doesn't really fit videos that don't really fit and then a voice that sounds a little bit too robotic so no one is going to actually take that put it on YouTube and have success I'm I I just cannot see it happening so my other issue my other issue is that if it was that easy everyone's going to do the same thing so you're still going to have to differentiate yourself from the others so it just seems a bit of a pointless tool in my head but I could just be missing why it would be useful maybe I'm too focused on creating YouTube videos and growing a channel maybe it's actually very useful for a different purpose and I'm not being fair I don't know so next feature is the AI thumbnail generator so if you're a YouTuber and you want to create your thumbnails from within fil Mo to make the whole process of uploading videos a little bit more streamlined then now you can so I've just opened this video that I've already created quite a busy timeline now I'm going to go up to the export button at the top as if our video is finished and we're going to export it to a file and then on the left hand side see this part here where it says thumbnail so if we click on edit so it takes a couple of minutes to kind of go away and try and pick out some sample thumbnails now you can see here the three that it's generated are all very similar so I don't think they're really that useful um and then it's got this current thumbnail at the top so what I'm going to do is you can scroll along the timeline at the bottom here and it'll change to whatever that point in the video is so I'm just going to use let's find a little bit where there's not text I'm just going to use I'm going to use that bit as an example if you wanted if you didn't want to use a kind of freeze frame from your current video then you can click on from local and add a picture and then you can just upload a picture if you so wish so we could upload one like this for example this is one that I've created earlier in a different um program so we could create that but there's a little point cuz I created that in a different program anyway so I'm just going to go back to from video we're going to choose this as our thumbnail I'm going to click on edit so that then loads up and this is like a thumbnail designer that we've got now so we can add text you can resize it you can do all of the usual stuff so you can change the font so we'll just make that slab of black you can change the color you can make it bold italic change the formatting the um letter and line spacing you can be changed you can rotate it change the scale you can put a fill on it you can add an outline so all of the good stuff that you can normally do you can do in here as well so this this is all right actually this isn't too bad and we can add a shadow let's make that shadow black so there's lots of playing around with the text that you can do um ignore the fact what I'm creating here looks rubbish I'm just showing you just to show you the options um there's also um some templates that you can use as well so if you click on templates on the right hand side and it just gives you a few examples so you've got like a few food ones um you got some Vlog ones so you could actually double click on one of these if you wished and load these in and and kind of use that as a starting point or you can create your own and you can add an image if you wish so let's just add um it's going to look pretty rubbish but let's just add this microphone phone like I say this is not a high quality example in fact it is abysmal um you've got this removed background Button as well so you see there with a microphone see how it's just removed the background from that so that's um that's actually pretty useful I like that so we can just resize that and let's just put um a drop shadow on that as well to make it just stand out a tiny bit so there's lots of different options you've got with images and text um and you've also got these templates what else can we do so we can also replace it we can crop it and that's about it really so it's mainly text images and then the options that you've got in between um you can even take the background off the main image if you wish so if we just click on the main image and click on remove background it doesn't do a bad job um there is a little bit of kind of background looks like my chair that's showing through there but it doesn't do a bad job at all um now some people might find is really useful um I'll be honest it depends what else you use so I think a lot of the I think what Phil MOA trying to do with a lot of these is they're trying to replace your other tools so that you don't need a subscription for 50 things you can do a lot more of it within Phil MOA so the text based editing thumbnails the the uh the voice overs it's all stuff that you might have all these different subscriptions for and that's fine and I like that I like the fact that they're trying to put everything into one place if you like personally um I'm not exactly a creative whiz so I don't use Photoshop or anything but I'll probably continue to do my thumbnails in canva cuz I think it just gives me far more flexibility in options but this isn't bad I'm not going to knock him too much for this it's got It's got premise and it's got some good um options in there as well it's just um probably a little bit too basic so whilst I've got this video open and I've got quite a busy timeline on it like I said I'm going to use um use this as an example for another feature that I've created which I actually quite like it's called multiclip editing it's where you create a compound clip so if I just highlight some of these clips that you can see there and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to rightclick and I'm going to create a compound clip now I'm just going to call these screen recordings and press okay now do you see how it's grouped them together there and added them in green and what you'll also notice is on the left hand side where I've got the main timeline I've now got screen recordings which is what I've just created now if I click on okay it takes me into a timeline that just contains them one things so where this is good is if you've got all these different separate Clips but you want to apply the same edit or effect to them all at the same time sometimes it can get a little bit confusing using a video editing tool where you've got all these different clips and you're trying to remember what you set on this one and what you set on that one so this just gives you a way of doing them all at once so you can go into that timeline or if we just go back to the main one if I change um let's just open it up as an example so let me change the uh scale if you like of this part and let me just find it again it's just gone off screen so let me just drag it back over so you see we've made that Circle bigger and we could also add a drop shadow and what you'll notice is even though this was made up of lots of different clips if I scroll along that timeline see how it's applied it to the mall you'll notice the difference if I just if I go to the next part which wasn't included see how it drops back down and it's less of a drop shadow so it just applies that setting to all of them so that's really useful I like that and I I could see how that could be very useful for someone who's got quite complicated setup if you're a beginner then I wouldn't worry too much about this I don't think you'll use it as often but yeah good feature well done fil MOA now let's look at some of the audio options that they've introduced with fil MOA 13 now if you go to the audio tab you'll see there's an AI music tab now so what you can do in here is you can actually generate your own AI music so this has got some real promise so we're going to click on start as you can see at the bottom it's got estimated consumption so you are using them AI credits again now you've got different moods and you've also got different durations so let's just create a 40c clip and let's put some um epic music around it generated music count uh not too sure what this is so let's give it a test I wonder if it means how many it will create let's try it let's set that to two and we're just going to press start and we get a network error that's not a great start is it okay so I've just closed fil Mora down relaunched filmm let's try again so AI music tool and start now again we're going to change it to Epic and we're going to shorten that right down to 30 31 seconds and we'll leave that generated count as three Press Start that's looking better it's not giv us that Network ERA this time so we let's give that a minute and see what happens okay so good news is give us three different samples so we were right the generated music count just means it'll give us three different clips now if we just play these let's see what they sound like [Music] [Music] okay and I can get that I can see how they would all be categorized as epic if you like now we can download these here so that it's available in fil Mo so let's just download all three of them and there's also a learn more button now it does say music download catalog commmercial use let's just double check what non-commercial use what they're trying to tell us here because it could affect us if we're using it for YouTube maybe so uh we're allowed to use it for web videos audio blogging uh personal channels social websites okay and okay so I'm happy with that so we can't use it for commercial performances advertisements promotions um or any media Transmissions so that to me suggests that we're good for YouTube and we're not going to get kind of um any copyright strikes I would hope not really because it is AI generated music so this doesn't necessarily belong to an artist this is supposed to be unique and generated by this feature itself so um you wouldn't have thought that it'd fall under any kind of copyright but always good to check with these things so let's close that down now and if you go to the generated one we can see that they're in here so we can add that track as we normally would so there you go that's how you generate AI music film Ora 13 next we've got the AI vocal remover now the whole purpose of this is it should separate any tracks where the music and the vocals are kind of linked in together so you could use a song for this but I'm actually going to use a test file that I've created so if I just drag this over this test file basically is me talking but with some background um music playing over the top of it as well and all I've done is I exported it as a w file so that it's all within the one track as you can see down down here so let's just press um play on this as you can hear this is me just talking doing a voice over and this should show on the timeline nice and easily there you go so you can hear it's just me talking with some music in the background but the problem we've got is all one track so let's say I wanted to remove that music change the music or just wanted a cleaner audio where it's just my vocals and that's where Phil Mo come in with the AI vocal remover so again I'm going to right click on the audio and I'm going to go to AI vocal remover and that should do is automatically just try and separate the vocals and the music as well so let's just let that run okay so that's now split that into three files now what I'm going to do is this is our original where it's mixed in together I'm just going to delete that and I'll I'll just play the difference between these two as well so let me know what you think so let's just let's make these a little bit bigger so they're clear to see so one of these is the voice that one and one of these is the music now I'm just going to mute the music so we can just listen to The Voice here this is me just talking doing a voice over and this should show on the timeline nice and easily and what I'm going to do is put some music over it and I'm going to try and split the audio split the vocals so not too bad actually that one's actually worked out much better than some of my other tests um it does sound a little bit like I'm underwater but I do have that kind of voice anyway where I've got a bit of a blocked nose so it sounds a little bit different to my usual voice I think you would notice it compared to kind of just clean audio and I have had tracks where you do get the music leak into it as well so it removes 90% but leaves 10% in but that's actually pretty good I'm I'm I'm I'm quite happy with that so let's mute it and then let's mute the background so this one should just be music let's press [Music] play so I don't know if you can hear that but you can hear it's almost like playing the music and there's like little um little Whistling noise and blips and it's just where it's left like a little bit of the um the vocals in as well so I actually think that doesn't do a bad job um I don't know how you would clean it up further you do have lots of audio options where you can remove wind noise and D noise and Reverb and hum and these kind of things so maybe you'd be able to get it into kind of almost a perfect position I'm not too sure how often I'll use it and like I say results do vary but it's got the premise of being a good feature so now we're going to look at AI smart masking now if you don't know what that is a mask is when you create almost like a shape or a layer um so that you can cut an object out and then you can put maybe a different background behind it so as an example we've got this clip here which is just me talking to the camera and it's basically just me sat my desk holding a cup of coffee then I've added this clip here which looks like it's um a field now what we're going to do is I'm going to put that field underneath that clip So you you're not going to see the field because the clip above it takes up the entire um screen now we're going to use the AI smart masking to cut me out so the way we do that is we click on the clip that we want to cut and on the right hand side in our properties I'm going to go to mask and we've got this AI mask now when I click on that I get these different options you've got smart brush select character which will go away and it'll actually pick out my character so you can see there it's already put all these points around it now you can see there's a few of them that aren't quite accurate so if we actually can drag these across and and put that closer to my face um he probably picking up the chair that I sit on in the background so you can kind of manually fine-tune it so that's that's fine and you've also got to select subjects which again if you've got multiple subjects it'll do the same thing but the character one's a bit more accurate you've also got smart brush what smart brush does is it lets us just kind of draw down and choose the actual thing that we want to um put a mask around now I've just done that there and you can see it's actually included the chair so let's let's just undo that go back to Smart brush we'll actually delete um we'll delete that use Smart brush again and I'll actually draw more around instead of just doing that line let's kind of draw around what we're looking at here it's obviously because I'm wearing dark clothes and I've got that chair behind me so there you go that's more accurate and again we can just pull in the results a little bit and manually do it now what we do next is we need to tell it to go through that sequence of video because you can see there if I just scroll down a little bit see there it's cut out based on what we've just selected but if I move I'm outside of that mask so we need to go back and we'll uh we'll choose this mask and then down here you've got this path button so path basically um follows through and checks for like the motion so let's press that and let it run through so what that will now have done is it's run through and it's basically looking at um where I move and where the mask needs to adjust now here's my problem so let's just play that and see what we think and uh whether it's done a good job I'm just going to mute it as well so you don't need to listen to it so you can see that the mask is moving but it's not moving very accurately is it it's um it just shows all the gaps kind of around me so at times it's lined up at times it isn't now that's me sat there barely moving on a chair imagine where it was a clip where something's actually moving quick I found the results are even worse so again it's got potential but it just doesn't work it's just not accurate enough and hopefully that's something it can improve but I am going to jump to film's defense ignore this ai ai mask feature I'm going to show you a different feature here that actually to me does the same thing and works much much better now this isn't a new feature that's the strange thing so let's change that mask back to nothing and I'm going to go to AI tools and I'm going to click on Smart cutout and we're going to click on this button here to to start it so like I say this isn't a new feature um we're going to do the same thing we're going to brush and we'll just go around what that should do oh it's included the chair but that's not a problem so what that does is it automatically highlights what it thinks you should highlight so you can actually choose this eraser as well so you can got brush and you've got the Eraser and we can make the brush size bigger as well so let's actually just try and get rid of that chair let's see what it does all right get rid of it mainly and this is just a very quick demonstration I don't want to spend ages obviously you could tidy this up much better if you had the time and I found generally it's pretty accurate I think it's just cuz I've picked a video with a very dark background so that it's done it um but it is what it is there you go bit of a rough tidy up there now this is the bit that's kind of frustrating because now we've chosen what the subject is if we click on this and it's going to it's going to run through in the same way it's going to track the movement it's going to process it in the same way that that AI um Auto mask did as well so let's just wait for that to finish okay so that's now finished now I that will be sped up when you're watching this on this video because that took about 2 minutes there to run through on what was it like a 15sec clip so not fast at all and but I'm now just going to save that little caveat you can see little bits of the chair but that was me coloring it in if you actually had a bit of a cleaner background that would be more accurate but let me know what you think here so let me know if you think this is clearer or worse than the AI Auto mask that they've um that they've released so I'm just going to press play so I actually think that that's much clearer it's not a great example because it needs Tiding up a a little bit but I I think the smart cutout feature is far more accurate now I'm not a professional video editor I just do this for social media and for YouTube so you tell me if you're an editor what's the difference what's the difference between smart cutout and the AI mask I just don't understand it I don't I don't quite to me it looks like two features that do the exact same thing but with a smart cutout you've got a little bit more control because you can delete and add bits and it just seems more accurate yes it's not particularly fast and maybe that's the difference but it just seems a more accurate way of doing this kind of effect for me one thing fil MOA have done which I do like is they've actually improved the screen recording now this is a bit of a bug bear of mine because I do a lot of screen recording and I have to go out and use different applications because film just don't seem to invest in it quite the same and so I'm pleased with this one I will cave at that and say it's quite a basic feature that they've added now what I might have to do is use my mobile phone and just show show you this because I'm currently using a different application so it's not really going to let me use the webcam twice if you like so let me jump onto my mobile phone apologies for what this is going to look like but let's do it okay so we're on my mobile phone now and we're just going to click on record and record PC screen and we're just going to zoom back out a little bit now in here this is where you got the options where you choose what you're going to select so we've got the microphone and we're just going to put the webcam on as well oops going to put the webc on so because I was using a different application that was blocked out you can't use the same camera on two different applications at the same time and we're just going to press record now this is going to let me move things around it's recording the screen and then when we're done I think it's F10 we press okay so we're back on the laptop now and we've got the screen recording here so I'm just going to drag that into the timeline now what they've basically done is they've now separated the webcam so you've got that here on this line fine there's the screen recording and there's the audio now it seems such a small thing but I can't tell you how useful it is now that they actually separate the webcam so I can take this little circle of me and I can move it around you can change the mask type so we've got much more flexibility so at certain points you might want to show the full screen so you'll be able to just kind of chop this and move it out the way so that it kind of goes on and off it gives you a lot more flexibility rather than it all being tied into the same video footage if you like where you had to set this kind of pre-recording and then you were stuck with it because it was always in the bottom corner now that sounds like a really minor thing and to be honest most other screen recorders let you do this anyway so I'm not going to go kind of over the top and say it's the most it's the greatest invention I've ever seen film AA but it is a welcome addition so thank you for that I do think the screen recorder needs a lot of more work and I would love to see auto zoom and a little bit more around the Transitions and animations that you can do um add there's some really really good screen recording software out there at the moment so um it's an area that I use heavily and I would I would definitely like to see a little bit more from Phil MOA so that's my quick look at all the different features of fil MOA 13 I'd love to know what you think is there anything in there where you think I'm being too harsh too critical is there anything in there that you think will be really useful to you with your video editing like I say this isn't to rain hate on wers share I've worked with him before and I hope to work with them again and I really do like this software I'm just feel a little bit underwhelmed with what I've seen so far in this new version now if you're using filmor to grow your YouTube channel I've actually got another video that's got something on there that I think will really help you with this and it's coming up next
Channel: Create With Jon
Views: 20,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wondershare filmora, filmora tutorial, filmora video editor, filmora, filmora 13, filmora ai, wondershare, filmora 13 new features, filmora tutoriel, new ai tools, video editing, video editing software, filmora effects, wondershare filmora tutorial
Id: qLmavEPR3gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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