How To Use Elgao's Stream Deck For Stratagems In HellDivers 2

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all right so let's try it we're going to do auto Cannon tyny but Justice is your cause oh that's sick look at this hold on guys so you can see my stream deck here right watch this I'm going to do um that is so flipping sick so if I'm running around like crazy and I need to just hit a button oh that is dope all right my friends welcome to this channel um today I'm going to show you guys something I just discovered recently that I think is huge news for you hell divers um so recently I found out that if you have an Elgato stream deck which I absolutely absolutely do which kind of looks like this if you guys don't know what it is um the stream deck is an Elgato product that lets you basically use shortcuts to help your stream work life all of that stream decks are amazing if you don't have one I highly recommend this um but check this out so we found a strategy profile plus icon pack so if you want to figure out how to like up your game when it comes to Hell divers um instead of sitting there and pressing in the keys you can simply just hit a button on your stream deck I don't know how well that works but I'm going to show you how to download this in the whole process so let's dive into this the first thing that you are going to want is to pull up your stream deck so this is what the stream deck looks like once you have it installed onto your computer um as you can see over here on the right side I have different setups and different profiles such as Zoom OBS stream elements multiaction um 4K capture my face cam um My Stream deck is really really important to me so let's show you how to go ahead and install this so right up here is the Elgato Marketplace so what we're going to go look for right here in the search bar hell divers 2 you're going to see a couple profiles here um or icons so there's a $3 pack there's a stream deck icon pack um but what we're looking for is the profiles which is going to be right here which is probably the only free one so it's going to be H divers 2 strategy we're going to click on that I'm going to actually copy this link so I can save this for you guys later at the end of this video um and again I'm showing you what this is going to do um all strategems preconfigured including Mission strategems call in strategems with a single key press keep moving while calling in the strategems um so we're going to go ahead and hit get and look at that look at all of those strategy already binded to my stream deck as you can see here let me show you so now with a simple press of the button all my strategems are here um but we're going to take it a step further because I don't want to run on this right here because this is going to be all of the hell divers profile so what we're going to want to do is go over to my main profile which is going to be this um super easy now so we're just going to go to page two which I programmed a little button here so now when I just hit page over page back super easy so now what I'm thinking is what we're going to do is we're going to go into hell diver strategems um let's see copy paste favorite action orbital so we can actually program it for all of my favorite weapons so I really like the autoc cannon right so we're going to copy that and we're going to move that over to Main and we're just going to do a simple paste down left down up up and it already has it all programmed that's beautiful that's beautiful so again we're just going to go through and copy all of the ones that I use the most so now that we got that what we got to do is we're going to come over and open up let's close this out we're going to open up hell divers to so right now we just got to our ship so we have all of our um things set up on the stream deck so now what we need to do is go to our options controller excuse me Mouse and key we're going to can I do that on this one too and we're going to do tap and then we're going to go mouse and keyboard change bindings and again what we need to do we're just going to do tap we're going to do up down left right all right so that should be it so now let's go into a mission and actually see if this works okay so I think I got this figured out hopefully this gets us uh exactly where we want I think that we got to figured out we'll find out here in just a moment let's see if we got these programmed in here right all right so let's try it we're going to do auto Cannon tyranny but Justice is your course oh that's sick look at this hold on guys so you can see my stream deck here right watch this I'm going to do um that is so flipping sick so if I'm running around like crazy and I need to just hit a button oh that is dope yes oh my God look at this look at this this is beautiful this is beautiful so um that is how you go about doing that
Channel: Comic Dads
Views: 6,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldiver, helldivers2, helldivers, elgato, elgatostreamdeck, streamdeck, streaming, gaming, twitch, tipsandtricks, pc, pcgaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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