Full Helldivers 2 Cosplay Tutorial - The Freedom Dispenser

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requesting orbital strike [Music] [Music] Jamie that might have been one of the dumbest things we've ever made yeah I can't believe I get paid for this so I'm an artist I I paid you to make this and we made that with it yeah I never expected to roll one of my products into a toilet six times yes thank you big Fred Customs for the files the these are from him go check them out but we're going to talk about making a hell diver costume a what yeah can you imagine look at this and you look incredible I am comfy wow yeah probably a little bit warm I took my gloves off and yeah the helmet off cuz I was getting warm this a super comfy kit one of the comfiest I've ever seen I am sitting down on my butt which for anyone that doesn't know that is impossible usually uh-huh I feel like I could go to the bathroom myself wow all by myself like a big boy too watch it here so this was a big project and this is actually a project that we brought in the whole team at Galactic Armory to get involved in this is a combination of a lot of different materials a lot of different skill sets and yeah and we've got it all on display here and we're going to tell you all about it this might be a little bit of a longer video so we're going to go into extreme detail yeah on every part so that this could be a good reference for you guys down the road so all the 3D printed parts were printed on our bamboo lab X1 Carbon 3D printers at16 layer height so very nice deta smoth uh they were printed in polymaker cos pla which is the more sandable version version a version a y of their cos pla blend yeah fantastic stuff really really sandable really great to work with more durable normal pla we really recommend them super hard to get it right now though yeah so find it if you can otherwise normal pla or pla plus will work just as well but the first thing we've got to do is kind of glue some of the pieces together we had to cut them up to print them on our X1 carbons yeah they have a smaller build plate and these are some big chunky pieces so they require a little bit of welding and glue to get all those pieces but honestly it's worth it I'd rather work on cut up pieces on a X1 Carbon than a full piece on a cr10 or something like that that really says a lot it it's the sheer amount of quality that you get from these prints make it all worth it which is super important because that is what all of our DIY kits are sold in thank you Jamie for the Shilling yes that's that's what we're printing all of our armor kits like this yourself so check out the links in the description if you want to follow along with the build it's the exact same kit that I'm wearing right now that's it we are wearing it and that is what we want you to receive and we got a lot of cospla on stock at least for a while so we'll see so what is the attachment process our fans at home might be getting a DIY kit themselves what is the process of attaching these parts we got a few couple things like on The Shins we use some metal rods to connect the two pieces just kind of as a reinforcement bar and guide the two pieces together right uhhuh otherwise it's just CA super glue and activator yeah the activator really helps best combos in prop making in my opinion but yeah just glue those together you are going to have to hide the seams between those parts cuz otherwise those will show up to do that we just use some Bondo glazing and spot putty right to fill in those gaps and to prepare it for sanding yeah and then to ensure that it is as strong as possible often a lot of people will weld the parts together on the back side that is using something like a soldering iron and it's just melting literally welding the two pieces together and so that there's no seam and you can even do that in the front if you really want to ensure that it is nice and strong absolutely now we got to get rid of most of the 3D print lines yeah to do that Margaret is going to use some UV reactive SLA resin yeah this stuff is really good to work with it's really quick to apply a nice smooth finish that's really sandable to bring it all the way back down so this if you're unaware is basically resin 3D printer which is a different form completely than what these parts were printed in but when this resin reacts with UV light it hardens that means that we can brush it on all of the armor pieces hit it with a UV light and that will harden which will give us something to sand away right if it isn't safe to do this in your own home you don't need to there are other methods of smoothing these prints absolutely there is filler primer a classic method we even use that on this build yeah it's an easy way to ensure that you are adding enough material to bring back down just to fill in the space in between all of those layer lines that's essentially what you're trying to do when you receive one of these kits yep if you're going to do the SLA resin make sure that you wear gloves and a respirator cuz the stuff is gross it's not its intended purpose is for filling out fdm Prints but we can use it to great effect in our shop in fact aha as you see you can get a really nice smooth finish like a metal finish on this just by using a couple layers of this method sanding it back door using something like a mice sander or just grit I took it outside and blasted it with the sand with the mouse sander I used like 120 grit same that bring it right down real quick pretty rough it took me 30 minutes to do the first pass of sanding on the entire armor uh yeah definitely recommend a mouse sander for large builds like this so in terms of order of operation what comes after that once you've hit that with a 120 grit and brought that down what do you then apply to it so the process is very messy using the mouse sander what I like to do in between stages is take it to the sink and give it a nice uh bubble bath yeah hit it with some soap and water get that dust off that'll just clean all of the dust off it will really show you what parts need filled it'll wash away any dust that could be collected in the 3D print lines MIM and if you applying anything like a spray paint that is just keeping that dust on the surface so you want to make sure that that's all off before you start your next part of your process right so after the sink wash then I hit it with the filler primer right which is basically just a thick spray paint that's going to do a couple things it's going to fill in some of the 3D print lines cuz it is pretty thick spray paint and it'll settle down in those lines mhm second it'll show us what spots still need work yeah so we can do a additional sanding on any spots that we still see you know those horizontal station lines right or any other parts that need a lot more sanding after a few passes of that that's when we hit it with it's usually around a 400 grit wet sand just to sort of Polish it off and that's essentially just using a little bit of water on one of these surfaces and just polishing it smooth you're not really going to take off much material you're just going to make it nice and shiny that'll make it so much smoother and be a really great surface for painting yeah I man yeah so how does the painting process start well it is the exact same process as this bad boy here just across the entire armor set which is you start off with a nice base layer of black primer that is across the entire armor you'll notice that within some of these areas you actually keep the primer so you're already off to the races with your first paint color in total it is three different paint colors the black it is the charcoal metallic by rosum and it is the yellow Ginger folium just like you just like me my jaundice and that is it it is the black you use some masking tape to keep these black edges make it look like I know it's like a rubber base or something then mask that off spray in the center areas with the charcoal metallic and then once that's nice and dry and really make sure it's dry first because these metallics often stay a little bit tacky so mass that off and that's when you get to just select your yellow piping lines yeah there's like three different paint schemes for this bo1 basic tactical default armor yeah we just went with the classic the box art cover um and so when that's done when you've applied your yellow Ginger that's when you need to do something that's very important for our method very important indeed you need to seal this armor yeah you need to apply a clear coat of some sort on this armor for our next step which is applying an oil wash right we used a matte clear coat didn't we yeah we used a matte clear coat it doesn't matter because at the end of the day you will be applying a top coat to this whole thing to give you the finish that you want okay so all a oil wash is is just some craft oil pants specifically oil pants mixed with some mineral spirits and you can get these anywhere absolutely anywhere by applying that with a sponge you are staining the surface you're just applying some variance and some dirt and grime just wherever you want it and it'll darken that metallic make it a bit more you know closer to a metallic black gunmetal and then wipe it a little bit away at a time with some mineral spirits on a rag okay and once that's dry you've got some you know some nice variation of tone across the whole thing dirt in the recession yeah it's a super easy process anyone can do it at home really easy and all we have to do to finish this off is just apply a little bit of silver scratching and there's plenty of methods to make it work I just used a chrome uh by Army painter or vjo one of these Brands uh just a sort of metallic or a white just to hit the edges and dry brush some metallics just to make it look like this is real metal it's a simple and effective job at uh replicating something that came from plastic to make a little bit more metal yeah definitely like looks great honestly that was it once this is all nice and dry we hit the whole thing with a satin clear coat just to add a little bit more reflectiveness back to it yeah it'll make it you know in any photos that we take it'll really like pop on top of the more matte Fabrics underneath especially the metallics make those really shy in the light you can see oh yeah it's real nice really popping off these lights and and that's it that's uh that's a large amount of my job on this process it was a couple days to paint the entire armor set very little work for a lot of results it's this kid is probably like 50/50 hard uh hard Parts like this to to soft Parts like uh all this other stuff when it comes to all the soft parts we are now going to be introducing another person who led the entire push for all of the soft Parts you see here today ladies and gentlemen Christopher spear hi Chris hello what do you do here oh I'm in charge of soft goods here yeah you do a lot of of our like clone commas our leather stuff that's correct uh anything soft is your domain really pretty much yeah and there's a lot of soft parts to this kit but first uh the undersuit the undersuit is a set of army bdus that I got off Amazon link will be in the description uh it's a very basic kit it's just kind of serves as the the the undersuit to all the all these parts I did go up one size I got a double XL instead of an XL that's because you want it to be pretty baggy in the game there's a lot of wrinkles like this between the arm joints and on the legs so you want some extra bagginess so I'd recommend going one size up the first part that you worked on is kind of this Kilt skirt Yeah so basically it's um kind of the bottom half in game it's kind of a military jacket if you will but we went kind of the simple route and did kind of this little skirt setup essentially uh essentially we just took some of the uh the leather or pleather that we had on hand and then uh had it you know measured around about the mid chest area kind of deal and then we added a um an ironon lining to get that that edge trim the way that we wanted to there went on well with a with an iron and the other thing that we had is that we have a um a strap that goes around almost like a belt um yeah it really goes like around here underneath my armor and it ends just above the crotch but it just folds it around me it overlaps a little bit in the front like just but it's real nice it's nice and leather and uh looks and feels real good yeah and the advantage that we actually had with the BDU is that there was actually a piece of velcro right in the front right there's lots of spaces for like patches and yeah and and as part of the design we saidd okay okay let's put a piece of velcro to really kind of keep that in place and then it can hit that spot consistently every time which is nice right now Chris let's talk about this waffle texture that's all over the armor most prominently on the shoulder piece yes yes yes uh what kind of fabric is this first of all so yeah this is a cotton waffle fabric it's sold at a bunch of different places there's a couple different grades and types and everything we got ours from Joann I believe leave a link in the description it's a very lightweight fabric very stretchy very flexible takes a ironon vinyl very well yeah so that's what the skull is right just yes we cut that out on the silhouette yes right it's like a Cricut basically uh but just cut out the skull emblem and then you just ironed it on right pretty much yeah basically what you do is you want um you want have a nice hard surface actually you don't want to do this like on an ironing board or anything like that and you'll take like a piece of butcher paper or something like that just as a as a in between so that you don't Scorch the final material iron that on for about you know 10 15 seconds kind of deal and then lift up it is pretty well adhered which is great yeah and then you just use some spray adhesive right to actually stick the fabric to the shoulder plate yes uh we used basically super 77 but any normal spray adhesive that works for Fabrics works for Plastics will work for this Jamie and I actually in the shop we stretched it over the material to give it a little a little bit of totness and then I carefully cut it to size with an xacto and then we actually put this bit of foam lining around to kind of give that little little texture as well as make it nice clean edges at the same time so luckily this fabric matches a lot of other parts on the armor yes so not only is it on the shoulders the cape which we'll talk about later but it's also part of the forearms I'm going to take this off as an example oh that feels better this fabric is just lined around some foam yes uh wrapped for the forearms uh it's got like a little you know wristband connection and then a connection around the forearms so it's kind of a little bit weird it's like that but you just cut out some uh craft foam overlaid this on top of it cut it out to shaped size yep gave it a little leather trim on the outside and it's super easy to apply like I'll need Chris's help to put it back on just a little bit of vcro and I got to give Arrowhead props to this actually this wrist band here in the front makes it really easy to um both take on and take off and get things in place before you do the strapping and everything on the arm itself cuz otherwise it's going to slide all over the place and it's kind of ingenious actually that they added that in some other parts okay so like it's also around the thigh here so we've got uh foam underneath there yes the the fabric on top on the thighs the forearms anywhere else abdomen section yes so right around here this is more foam with the Stitch lines and it's in the back at the moment as well so it kind of is a mirror of itself in a way so it might be tough to show that off with the the setup but there is some in the back as well yeah no it's it's all over the place which is great and it adds both padding to the armor it kind of bul you out a little bit so yeah I won't say no to that there also some buckles all around the armor so these are like tactic cool buckles they're the same ones we got for our ODST build but they're pretty simple latching mechanism uh but we got one on the shoulder Bell here here and uh down around the thighs as well yes that's where they connect to each other those will be linked in the description as well and I've got like holes pre-model into the the the models for I believe this is 1 and 1/2 in strapping I believe so that'll fit right in there it make it look real good and it'll help it help connected to your body absolutely we've got the cape yes and you've been making a lot of these lately absolutely they they sold out in probably half an hour uh yeah we're going to do a lot more capes do a lot more designs tell us about the cape sure so um really actually early on and one of the first softs that I began looking at but really was kind of the last thing I put together was the cape and something that I noticed right away looking at screenshots in the game was that it was kind of this it wasn't this solid texture it was kind of this this W waffle texture basically and I immediately thought of man this looks a lot like some of the various waffle Fabrics I've seen out there let's see if we can grab ourselves some samples and everything and see what it works and it turned out great and then uh we then figured out that the ironon vinyl worked really well one of the things I love about this stuff is that it actually shows the texture when you ired and on through the fin itself that's uh really important because that's the way it looks in the game absolutely absolutely and then the the second thing that we have with this to give the cape a little bit of weight we actually added some 10oz duck cloth which is right basically a fabric canvas for all intents of purposes yep so that's an interior lining like on my back basically that gave the cape uh a little bit more weight which sounds counterintuitive if you want the cape blown in the wind yeah uh but having more weight to it means the the cape waving is a lot more beautiful it's not like just going nuts in the wind folding over itself you know coiling wrapping up in our first test of this we basically had it such that it was just the waffle fabric by itself and it like it curled on itself you can even see through it oh yeah in certain lighting so adding that duck cloth to the the inside the side that's touching my back uh definitely Chang the game a bit oh look found my CES you can kind of see duck cloth waffle cloth they blend together beautifully can't even tell they're different Fabrics unless you look closely and then the last thing that we kind of added in as part of this process was uh an attachment system on the inside of the chest plate right uh quite simply I just put in installed grommets on the tabs that go into the the chest plate itself right got a little hole model yep right up here and uh Jamie actually model up these little Clips uh that just are mounted to the inside but ideally uh you can just take like a a clasp and hook it into the gamet itself little Carabiner or something yeah exactly and then uh it can reallyis you can mount that in any such way that you want on the inside of the chest and then you know it's it's a really great system to kind of keep the cape in place yeah definitely we do sell The Capes on our web store online y you can check the link they might be sold out they they sell out real fast but we want to do a lot more different designs yes like there's some yellow designs and yellow skulls and the Malon Cape would be pretty cool actually now I think that would be really cool uh the last little thing last little piece of the puzzle is a my belt buckle here yeah so this one is actually cold casted silver nickel Ed like some metal powder in it and cast it we offer those in the shop as well online Link will be in the description but otherwise the belt around is just uh some leather yeah right yeah leather and velcro holds it all together got my nice belt buckle front and center doesn't actually hold anything up it's just kind of around the waist pretty much we got a nylon strap that goes around the waist that goes underneath everything that actually holds the thigh pieces up yes correct and like all the Shins have lots of Buckles in the back side and there's lots of strapping and buckles for sure like you will feel very tactical with with all this stuff for sure yeah so uh let's give everything a try on quick and uh give a more in-depth look at how all of the pieces actually go onto my body okay Chris we're ready for the first try on of the hell diver armor we got torso here and we got a whole slew of Parts over here we're going to run through the first trial test of putting it on we'll see how it goes yeah so Chris where are we going to start we're going to start with the legs uh it's basically a bottom up approach um very simple so we're going to start with The Shins and the knes Let's uh let's give them a good look of uh The Shins so they are currently two parts that sandwich together fit pretty well got a whole bunch of elastic strapping on the back some foam padded inserts and a whole lot of buckles to keep keep it on now these are mirrored so it doesn't really matter which side of the leg they go on but in Chris is going to have to help me yep out here he's going to buckle me up that will still hold in place pretty well even with two and we'll do the other side here this is the less than glamorous side of Cosplay does one man putting on another man's clothes no big deal next are the thigh plates of course so so this is um this is going to be right side um I've basically engineered it such that the the front Buckle here that we have these are the tack buckles that are just purchased off of Amazon yep yeah uh those are in the front so are they face front I'm going to actually have to loosen this a little bit thick thighs and then we've added these Loops here basically such that the belt can go through and then we'll we'll extend that belt obviously as well [Music] well next is going to be the skirt now what I've done when when I've engineered this is that this is worn upper around the chest and then the lower trim here kind of hangs around like crotch level basically so okay and now basically to cinch it all together we're going to actually just tuck this right in place I'll cut that to length later then we have the belt oh okay which uh is basically again kind of this you know thin leather material with a couple pouches and showing off of course our resin buckles basically our cast of resin buckles Jamie's telling me to pull up my skirt off camera because we haven't sized this yet I just put some velcro in the back just to make that easy and this kind of cinches around the look around does it cover the buck it it actually is lower a little bit so the armor covers this stuff here so I'm just going to undo the back of the adhesive covering there and we'll go about there and that is cinch basically right in place sweet I'm going to have to put some stuff in these pouches yeah lots of room in there for put like a Dr Pepper right right in there and now uh we're going to go ahead and throw on on the armor top which includes the chest the back the shoulders um we're actually going to take off the shoulders right now so they're not interfering with the uh the setup here okay not having that fall okay and we're going to just go up and over we might need to undo this one potentially there we go that gives us a little bit more maneuverability there oh oh let me grab the mic I'm going to undo this side a little bit so it's not interfering with your head there we go the birth of a hell diver uh next are the shoulders and just like the thighs we've um made it such that the tack Buckle is in the front they're technically two of them on the other side in game so and we've also on the inside we've Incorporated not only velcro but also a little bit of foam padding such that it doesn't chip or scratch the armor chip and shatter exactly and we'll probably add more and adjust strapping of course yeah my arms quite aren't as big as I'd like them to be there we go perfect that's cool my [Music] cape and now we're going to throw on uh gloves and then it'll be the forearms cuz those go over top of the gloves so these these are just uh kind of like driving gloves nothing too uh warm or insulated that will kill me in the summer heat uh they just cinch at the wrist cuz we got a lot of forearm business going on absolutely I don't think they need to be extended too long I don't think so yeah cuz these will go over the top of them yeah so we have our our main forearm plate here on the left side we have the tack pad which we're going to do some fun stuff later on with that um and then like with some of the other parts we have the same same kind of thematic arm padding in this case um which is going to be quite comfy so rude and the really easy way to do this is we do the wrist cuff first which is just velcro in place and then this is just velcroed around like so nice and snug and you got your tpad access and then the other forearm goes on the same just without the tpad itself yeah really comfy that a lot of these parts are soft and we we separated out the models of the hard armor parts and of course the P resistance [Music] it's John hver welcome back Jamie thank you thank you glad to be here so we covered all the uh hard Parts all the soft Parts yeah we put it on now we just get to put it on whatever we want and do you get to Basque in it do dumb stuff yeah yeah some democracy that's the that's the question what is this kid for other than just simply looking cool oh well uh I'm trying to convince you to do up a whole Squad and go to Dragon Con yeah wouldn't that be pretty cool that' be pretty cool I guess everyone bully him in the comments to do it you just want me to do that what is that like whatever of the free savior of the free savior of the free best helmet in the game with the bunny ears helmet glorious angel wings gross yeah I'll think about it Dragon Con 20 but yeah we uh we recently had a photographer in and you did a whole photo shoot that's it yeah we got some really good shots from that photo shoot yeah David from silken Thorn photography Sil Thor came up and uh had a big old backdrop did lots of cool action shots uh got the Liberator here from Dungeons and Starships you print you printed that out finished it in like a day yeah something like that we wanted it in time for the photo shoot we felt weird we finished the kit and we're like oh we forgot a weapon didn't we yeah it's pretty important part of Hell divers see him with the uh SC ball which you all saw at this start of the video yeah very rushed build but it came like fantastically one heck of a build I'm getting a little bit warm in here yeah it's a lot of moving Parts but I hope uh this tutorial was informative for you all out there building your own hell diver kid kits it's a very complex kit but very cool one of my favorite ones just based on Mobility like I can put my arms fully down to the side I am sitting down right now you're not suffering comy it's a little bit warm but I'm also wearing a yeah a b CLA we do not have AC in here yeah but uh yeah we'll hopefully see you folks the Dragon Con 2024 yes where we're all be hell diers will be in this kit all right bye everybody bye this chair is stamp it's so damp it got cold time of me standing up back no keep that in
Channel: Galactic Armory
Views: 188,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, cr-10 3d printer, star wars 3d printing
Id: CV9EEnw9bYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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