How to use EEVEE - Blender 2.8 Beginner Tutorial 2 of 2

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hey guys it's Steve here back with part two of our little blender tutorial evie series where we learn how to render the scene you see here open up right now the car scene and blood a 2.8 Evy yes I'm copying everyone else and doing a wet rainy scene and Evie because it's cool so I hope you guys enjoyed part 1 and welcome to part 2 we're going to render the car the rain that some of the details in the scene and basically just fill it out with some lights and making it look even more awesome I'd also like to again thank anime render for sponsoring this blender tutorial series check them out with the link in the description and let's get started [Music] all right so for our current material it's actually very simple I didn't go crazy on this material with any elaborate node setups it's just using the basic principle node here let me zoom out and select that car and all you have here is your base color which I went with the green so I'm gonna go ahead and give this a nice green sort of color kind of an older vehicle color I think which looks pretty cool right about there anything looks that looks okay and then you want because I'm making this a wet scene where it's in the rain you want to add some reflections to it so first off you don't want anything too soft so the roughness right here you can see is point five and that's way too soft of a reflection we want it to be a sharper reflection that kind of reflects the city and stuff so I'm gonna take this down to about a point one all the way down you can see the reflection start looking much sharper which gives more of the illusion of being wet I'm gonna give it about a point one like I said there and that looks much better already to seeing some city lights in the hood which is looking pretty cool and the next thing is we can use the clear coat option on the principal shader here to give it a little bit of a really sharp reflection so for this I'm gonna crank it up to about a point four and as soon as I do that you can see that we have some really sharp reflections without and with it just really kind of sharpened some of the reflections there and I found a point four is all I need and that looks pretty cool now the IOR which is kind of controlling the overall IR of this paint value i crank this up to about 0.65 and i found that looking pretty good I'm just controlling the reflections and stuff with that so that's looking just fine for the car paint we'll be adding some more of those water droplets like I said earlier to really give the impression that it's wet but for now that's fine that's a decent car car paint job if you ask me nothing fancy nothing crazy at all very simple and then for the windshield here we're gonna go ahead and use nodes but what are you gonna have to do and this is because we're using transparency in the window is gonna have to scroll down to the blend mode and you want to change to alpha blend on your transparency otherwise you're gonna have a problem where you don't see through the transparency because it's using the opaque option there so you want to change it to alpha blend and now what we can do to add a little bit of transparency to the window is let me quick pull this over here first of all let's give us some full specular highlights because this is glass and then we don't want it to be very rough at all because of course it's gonna be very sharp reflections you can see we have some sharper reflections I'm gonna go ahead and give it a little more clear coat as well so we have some sharper reflections in that and if we had some lights you'd probably see yet right there we've got some reflections in the window it looks pretty cool but now we want to make it mostly transparent so to do that I'm going to go ahead and add in a mixer straight shader shift a mix shader' and then a transparent shader so let's shift a transparent connect the bottom shader into the mix shader' there so we have some transparency going on you can already see through the window see the city behind it but I want the IOR to control the visibility of the transparent shader so do this I'm just gonna add in an input for now now we have the IOR value there and have this be the factor of what is transparent and what is not so now if I drop it in there give it a second to update maybe you can tweak this a little bit here you can see a bomb let me first change my base color as white is way too bright we want this to be mostly black that we have it right there now the the reflections are still there as you can see right here when you're looking at an angle but when you look straight through it you can see transparency you can see some of the city lights back there these are kind of like tinted windows so I don't want anything too crazy if I want to be more transparent I could change the Alpha mode here but I want it to be like tinted windows and then you have it so it's some nice darker reflective but still see through windows and that's uh that's just a little note stuff but I found out for the the windows there and I thought that looked pretty cool so before we do anything else I'm gonna go ahead and finish off some of these other materials and then we'll come back to the window and add those water droplets that look we're really cool all right now it's time for that higher material and this is just actually recreating the tire that actually came on his model so I'm just going to use what he had already painted on for this model and it's a really simple note setup actually I want to mention that Eevee is really good at already converting cycles materials over to Eevee blender I should say is good at that converting cycles materials over to Eevee and for the most part it gets are pretty good most of the nodes that cycles has already work in Eevee so really cool progress is being made really quick and it's looking really great so for this basic material it's just a mix shader' like you saw me add there a diffuse shader let me drop that in right here pop that into the bottom socket with the glossy shader in the top socket here so we're just gonna shade her glossy pop it into the top one the roughness is gonna be pretty reflective as it's wet so I'm gonna go point one five so we have some glossiness in our wheels like they're a wet from the rain and then just to color this glossiness here we have a mix shader' so I'm going of shader I'm sorry not a mix shader' a mixed texture or color so mix RGB right there under color and this is just going to be a mostly black color with kind of a dirty color am i darken that up a little bit get a nice dark gray kind of grunge color there and all we have to do now is make this be the color of our glossy here the diffuse color is kind of just a dark brown so I'm just gonna bring that down to be about a dark grape not brown dark grayish and same you can see we have the reflections here already it looking pretty good and then it's just an attribute node because there was some painting that was done in this model so all you have to do is add the attribute node he inverts it so I'm gonna go ahead and do that color invert and drop it in there and drop this into the factor bone right there and you can see that is our material then you can kind of control what he has painted here if I go to this you can see what this is what we're dealing with with a color ramp so converter color ramp drop that in there and all he does is pull the whites over a bit here and you can see this is kind of creating a mask here that you can control and pull it up just a tad there this is just creating a mask here that you can control the dirt with and you don't see anything yet and that's because you have to type in dirt right here and then you can use the mask that was created for it you have the dirt and the tires and stuff and it kind of control it with this here so that's what you have to do with this object here and that just mixes in the colors here on the dirt and the black and then it's coloring our glossy note here which ends up coloring our mix shader' here and you end up with a result like this that looks alright it's not a super fancy node shader by any means but it gets the job done and it looks pretty cool so just a simple tire shader so for these steel kind of rims that we have around the lights here it's a very basic material so this is the material here it's just a simple dirt material attribute just like we did before into a color ramp with the factor mixing in just a basic color here this doesn't even have to be connected it can be that doesn't make a difference mixing these two together and just stuck into a principled shader now what I did is I just take the principal mache Durr and a shader and make it metallic and that gives you the nice sort of reflective metal steel look and it looks great in evey doesn't it and then of course you can tweak the the colors a little bit here if you want to make it a little brighter a little darker change the factor of how much dirt is added in to the scene by using this here and you get a little bit of a different results using those painted textures that he has on here but all in all I think that looks just fine we can make it a little bit brighter if you wanted to we can also give it a little bit of clear coat here as you can see it half there and then the roughness again it can be a little bit less to make it a little bit wetter looking somewhere about 0.35 I think is good and there's our steel rims so almost there we're getting close guys the last little bit to do here is the chrome wheels so let me just grab a wheel here we'll just give us a quick basic material as you can see here it's just a principled shader I'm going to go ahead and add in a grunge map and a color ramp to control the roughness and that's it so this grunge map is just another free texture from textures calm that I will link to in the description so go ahead and open it up it's just a texture image texture click open and it's a grunge map we have it right here crunch map one three six now I'm going to put this as I go to it right here real quick you can see it's kind of grungy looking kind of cool drop it into a converter color ramp we're going to flip the inputs here and then I'm gonna pull the black values up a bit and then I'm gonna make it a little less black because I don't want that kind of intensity so I'm gonna make it kind of gray which works better for a roughness map and then the same thing with the whites I don't want to be a hundred percent white let me grab that and pull it down to be a little less intense as well somewhere around that should be good and then we just connect this to the roughness on this principal shader and if I go to it now you can see we got some crunchiness on that wheel rim but it's still nice and reflective it's looking pretty cool so that's all we really need to do for that wheel rim and it's it's looking good in its own so finishing up the materials here the wheel Ram is the same material I believe as the yep has a light there so we already got that covered and the basic material to our car is already done now it's just gonna be a few sort of finishing touches to really make it pop and we'll be ready to roll so I think this texture here is a little bright and make it just a little bit darker like that and yeah let's do a few of those finishing materials now to really make this scene pop so what I'm gonna do is first you can see there's two materials here well the one material is the emissive material here and that's what I'm gonna do right now I'm gonna make that an emissive materials I'm going to delete the default material here shift a at a shader I'm going to add the emission shader drop that in and we're gonna make this a nice warm sort of city light color like you might see in a park or something I'm gonna go ahead and make it nice and warm and we'll give a strength of like ten or so something pretty intense so there we have it and you can see that all of these are lit up because there are an array of objects here and the last thing is to do now or not the last thing - the next thing I should say is to add some lamp lamp objects to this to give ourselves some of those colors so I can go ahead and close off this window now and as we're done with the materials whoops that's just making more all right there we go back in our 3d view here I can go ahead and go shift a let me switch it to rendered as we can see it happening in real time it's the coolest thing about evey I'm going to add a light and make it a point light and you can see right off the mat we have the extra shadows that we're getting from that lamp being emissive right there we're going to pull it right to the surface of that area there we're gonna give it a nice warm color just like a evening spotlight and we'll make the energy about a eighth or so and the radius I'm going to crank up a little bit larger this kind of affects the reflection looking at the reflection right there the radius change how big that reflection looks so I found around a 30 centimeter to a 40 centimeter look good and that's looking pretty cool now we're going to just go ahead and duplicate these if I scroll down you can see we have shadow definitely want the shadow on and you also have contact shadows now this adds a little bit extra to the shadow so it adds shadows in other areas as you can see here where other objects are interacting with each other so turn both of them on if pres slows the render time down just a little bit but it's definitely worth in my opinion and now I'm gonna go ahead and duplicate this light over to the one back here just making sure we put it in the right spot and we go to top view that's a little easier right there go ahead and duplicate it to the last one down here as well shifty put it right there and then we have another lamp up here and you can see just by the shadows and the reflections that this is adding super cool looking all done in real time really fun to play around with I've been really enjoying experimenting and Evie and you can see that with those reflections that makes those puddles look even wetter and the things are looking pretty cool now I had a sidewalk texture that I went ahead and added on to this but if you didn't want to add that you could get by with just using more asphalt for the edges there if you feel like doing it go ahead I'm not gonna show it in this tutorial as I've covered the ground enough so I'm just gonna go ahead and give this the road material and it will just kind of look look a little weird but I'm not worrying about the edges of the scene right now I'm just kind of focused on the middle so I won't really see it anyways okay so with those lights set up it's time to add a few lights to our vehicle so the more lights you add the cooler it looks of course but now I'm gonna add some lights to the vehicle so I just hit period on my number pad to zoom in on the lights here and I'm gonna select those little orbs that are in the center there and I'm gonna give that a quick material so without anything switching to the node editor you can just do that right here by choosing the surface to be emissive giving that's the color of a kind of a warmer headlights yellow or hint right there and cranking the strength up to about ten as well so that looks like a nice yellow headlight beam it pulls up just a little bit in there we got one over here as well and then I'm gonna add a spotlights to these headlights just put my cursor right over it there let me go shift a and add in a spotlights I'm gonna go ahead to the side here rotate that out and again you can see all these lighting and reflections and shininess happening in a real-time specular highlights so I'm gonna rotate that out to be like a car headlight would be pointed out in front of it of course I'm gonna give it contact shadows as well and I'm gonna change this the light to be a bit warmer just like I had it and then change the energy a little bit here as well to be a little bit brighter actually I think it was all the way up to ten there that's as high as it goes okay and then you can also change the radius something something around there looks good about a fifty I think it looks well now you don't see this too much you see in the reflections this upper you don't see too much everywhere else and because we haven't added the volume to our scene yet soon as we add the volume these headlights are just gonna pop out and look really cool so I'm not gonna add that yet I'm just gonna pull these let me go ahead and grab out a little bit right in front there and we were top view and duplicate it over to the other side as well and we'll just leave those there for now and then as soon as we add the volume in a moment here they'll look really cool so the last light to add are some little brake lights that I added now technically there might not be brake clients if the cars just parked here but I thought these look cool so I'm just gonna go ahead and add them there little point lights back here not really intense you know want them to be red of course and then take the energy down quite a bit take the radius down again to be something not very visible it's about a 15 and then the energy can be way down to about a three or so and then it's gonna grab these and duplicate them back where those headlights might be our taillights I should say in this case they're no longer headlights just something like that it looks pretty cool and yeah so the last thing is gonna be the volume and those water droplets to really push this scene to the next level now what I'm gonna do and there's a reason that I left this for the end and it's because it slows down the render times just a little bit but if you go to your render settings here and scroll down when you're in the Eevee render engine you'll see the lung a little bit further that we have all these options for volumetric screen space reflections subsurface scattering and be the clusion and these are all things that can be added in real time in your viewports so it's super super cool really but they're off by default just to keep things moving fast in case you don't need them but I've kind of run into this before where I've been like how come not seeing my subsurface scattering and it's because it needs to be turned on here so go ahead and turn on right now I'm gonna save it first and then I'm gonna turn on the screen space reflections and as soon as you turn this on you're gonna start to see some reflections of your vehicle in the road at least you should if I can find an angle here where yeah you can start to see that things are interacting with each other a little bit more and you're getting a little bit more reflections in your vehicles from the Road and the road into the ground now this sometimes might be all you need to do but if there's also an option to add in light probes and I'm going to show that real quick I'm not going to really cover that in this video but of light probe is basically can telling Eevee that there's a certain area where it wants objects to be reflecting each other in and if you add that in then you can go ahead to the indirect lighting here and baked like a I'm show you here real quick volume irradiance volume and that adds sort of the indirect lighting that you get in cycles it's kind of faking it it's an option that most game engines use to kind of fake indirect lighting as running it in real time is super slow but yeah it just has some of those extra things I actually didn't find it added too much in this scene so just using the screen space reflections there give it enough interaction with the scene to look good enough for me so that's what I did and I didn't bother with that but that's for another video so for now I'm gonna go ahead and turn on ambient occlusion and that again makes things look like they fit in the scene a little bit better you can adjust these if you want maybe make the distance a little bit further as it's pretty cool-looking I'm just gonna change the distance there to be about 40 centimeters and leave it whoops that's 40 meters that's a little too far wait a minute today maybe not maybe that's what I wanted 40 it looks pretty cool okay oh I think some of the things just updated there all right you see the ambient occlusion in there around the tires and stuff making it look nice and cool and now the last thing is subsurface scattering is something I turned on for the nature that I added again I'm not going to be adding that yet because the assets aren't quite ready to be added but if you don't need it you might not have to enable it if you're not using anything like assets or grass or anything well that uses subsurface scattering but I'm just gonna leave it down for now and then we have volumetric so for our volume metrics all I'm gonna do is add in a cube let me go shift a and in cube skilled up so it's covering the top of our vehicle and our road here I'm skill on the Y real quick to make it even bigger it's crazy cool how beautiful okay I know I've been gushing over it but how beautiful Evy looks I just it's it's cool I love it I'm gonna scale along the X as well just to cover our whole Road there so we have this chunk of cube that's gonna be volume I'm gonna go ahead and split this here and this is actually the scene I want rendered here so I'm going to change this one to be rendered this one to be solid as I'm gonna change this one by scrolling up here to be the shader editor okay now you have to choose volumetric here in your 3d render settings if you want this to work and then let me just create a new material here on this cube new material it's a principal shader and I want to delete that because I want to be a principled volume shader so go ahead and add that in right there shader principal volume now the volume shader connects to the volume output on your material output there so go ahead and connect that right there and with that set up there we're just gonna change the color of our volume to be a little bit purpley as it's kind of the color of the lights and it will kind of do this on its own but I just thought it'd look cool to give it a little bit of a purple color to begin with and then we know change the in Ostrava to be higher as this really kind of as you can see here makes the lights control the volume more and just looks really cool so it's in the INA strophe up to about at 0.8 0.8 0.9 and then the density needs to come down this will be about 0.15 and with that done if i zoom in here now like I said those highlights start really showing up on your headlights and suddenly those look super cool and you can see our road texture hasn't updated yet with the volume but those headlights are looking are really cool these spotlights again are looking super cool everything is looking pretty cool right now and as soon as the the ground here updates let me see if I can't make that happen by switching back and forth here there we go you can see that it's looking really really cool all right so the last thing to do now is a few finishing settings they'll do at the end and adding those water droplets on the scene like I've been promising so I'm gonna quick show you guys how to do that to really push the realism and then I want to call this scene good I mean how cool is this Evie the next I was gonna say something cool there but I didn't come to me okay so for those water droplets on the glass here like I mentioned the beginning of the video I had initially tried this with some particle systems and I was looking kind of cool but it was hurting the real-time performance of Eevee and then so I try and doing it with materials I thought it looked almost just as good and the render times in Eevee were super quick so I still had my real-time performance so that's what I'm gonna do now I'll show you guys how to set that up so with our glass here selected let me see if I get that I can get that there yep our simple glass material here I'm gonna show you guys now how to add those water droplets so it's going to start with the texture from textures calm this texture is included in the description like everything else and you can go ahead and open that now it's just a basic water texture right here so all I have to do is take this texture throw it in with a input texture coordinate and ay vector mapping my vector mapping and connect those two up so we have the UV going into the vector and then the vector going into the vector on our texture and I'm going to change this to be a 1.8 on the scale so this is kind of how you control the droplet size 1.8 I found look good and now all I have to do is throw that into a color ramp so convert our color ramp plug that in right there let's take a look at what that's looking like you can see our water droplets there it looks pretty cool I'm just going to pull the blacks in a little bit and then pull the whites in to really kind of isolate just those water droplets like I'm looking for right about there that looks pretty good excuse me all right and now that's gonna be plugged in to the normal with the bump node let me go ahead and go vector bump we're gonna drop this color in to the height of our bump node here I'm going to take the distance down to about a point one and a strength down to about a point six so we have those two things set up to choose invert and then connect the normal to our principal shader and if we check to see what this looks like now you can see we have water droplets it's not it's not finished yet but they're looking looking pretty cool I think maybe take the strength down just a little bit to 0.5 and you have those water droplets all over your class so that's the first step now the next step which is gonna look pretty cool is to make it affect the glossiness of it so kind of like the glass of it because glass is basically what water looks like and that's what we can do so first of all we can have this normal also affect the normal on our fur nail shader there as that will give it a little better look across the the glass there and then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add in a new shader so shift a shader I'm going to go glass right here I'm gonna change the Iowa value to be 1 point 3 3 3 which is the IOR value of glass and then I'm gonna drop in a mix shader' so shader mix shader' plug that into the bottom there and now we're gonna use those water droplets as the factor for what should be glass here I'm gonna go ahead and grab that same node there and drop it into the factor here and if we give it a second you can see we have water droplets and it's looking pretty cool and one thing you might notice is that it's not really as see-through as it was before and so what I did to fix this is it actually made a new color ramp so shift a convert or color ramp connect the same texture to it and this is going to be the factor here but and this one I flip it here and then increase the black values a little bit and you can see it's a little more see-through it's looking kay pull up the white values a little bit as well to kind of isolate those water drops if I go here you can see that we're kind of isolated just the water drops with this color ramp here and then if I go to our mixture to here I want to flip the inputs on this so flip that around and it should be a little bit more transparent and you have those water droplets all across your window and that looks that looks pretty cool again you can adjust the intensity then with these color ramps and with the factor on your your bump node node here but I think that looks very good you can also have the material here that I have right here affecting the transmission I found this made those water droplets just look a little bit cooler the transmission is also sort of a reflective sort of water type of look and you can see that that looks a little bit better with that if I take it away it looks a little worse if I add it it looks a little cooler so I just added that as a thought it looked kind of cool I haven't used the transmission and puts much so I can't give too much input on how those things work unfortunately but I think it looks pretty cool I might pull the black feathers down here just a little bit something like that alright maybe a little bit more black value up there just kind of cut back on the droplets a little bit but yeah there you have it you got some nice water droplets on the windows I think it looks pretty cool and you can go ahead and do the same thing I'm a very similar setup works on the car paint so I'm not going to show you guys how to do all that as it would be repetitive but that's the same process basically that you can set up on your aluminum and your steel across your car to keep those water droplets that look really cool so jumping over to evey here you can see that we have a few more settings here bloom depth of field and motion blur so I'm gonna choose bloom and if I check that box you can see right off the bat we got all kinds of cool clothes which it's really easy to go over the top with these things these things are really fun to play with and I see a lot of people go way over the top with the bloom and that's because it's fun to use but I'm gonna try and turn it back a little bit I'm just turning down the NEET we know the threshold the radius can be turned down a little bit as well basically turning everything down just a little bit and the clamp is basically the factor of what intensity gets glow and what intensity doesn't this is something to play around with in your scene but generally I think right under one is pretty good and then you can also change the color of your clothes a little bit if you want it to be a little bit yellow or a little bit bluer this is kind of a creative adjustments I might go for a little bit of a yellow hue as I think that looks kind of cool and there you have it so now won't you dip the field and you can see right away we get some super sweet looking bloom going on it looks pretty cool I have to grab my camera now let me get that yes I think I did nope camera just grab the camera if you can't grab it just go up to the collection here scroll down to see your camera unless I have it hidden which is possible option H let me just search for the camera real quick here let me have it grab the camera my throat is getting dry all right and with that camera selected all we have to do is grab the depth of field option there and we're gonna focus on that spotlights so I'm just gonna start typing a spot and spot right there so the spotlight is right at the front of the vehicle and so all we have to do is put that in there and then we're focused on that spotlight and then you have it we have some sweet looking depth of field what I like to do is give it a little bit of that bouquet blur and that's by giving you some more blower blades here forgive us about a five you can see if I make it really intense you get that bouquet blur which is really cool and even lets you do that super easy I'm gonna go ahead and turn the depth of field down a little bit here though so here's a look one more time real quick at our finished scene where you a have the water droplets added over the front of the vehicle and on the aluminum and stuff just to kind of show you guys how that can look if you want to go ahead and do that I think it looks a bit cool so go ahead and add that to the other material if you like that and yeah that's gonna kind of do it so if I jump to camera view here you can also see the motion blur working in real time if I want to crank that up to be even more exaggerated I could scroll down to the motion blur here change the shutter to be really blurred and you get some really cool-looking a real-time motion blur as well so some pretty cool things coming in Eevee I'm really excited for him as you might have been able to figure out do the course of this video but yeah that it's gonna do it guys so there's our finished real-time or rendered scene hope you enjoyed this video hope you leave a like and I'd like to give another big thanks to anime render for sponsoring this video they keep me going as well as you guys over on patreon thanks so much for your continued support I hope you enjoy the video and I'll catch you guys in the next video so bye I said bye you can leave now bye you can click on one of those other cool videos that are probably showing up so see ya
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 71,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, 2.8, EEVEE, realtime, render, car, vehicle, tutorial, beginner, how to, realistic
Id: njuUYxp2CzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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