Easy & Fast Graphics in Ecamm (from scratch)

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if you're a Mac User who wants to add graphics to zoom calls record videos or live stream but you feel intimidated by ecam live this video is for you I use eam every day for live calls to record lessons and YouTube videos like right now and I used to go live but it's been a minute now since I teach OBS I often get asked why do I prefer ecam when OBS is free well early on it was because I preferred the user interface and I loved the community now I still love the community and I prefer the interface but the features ecam has added in 2023 have changed the game you can create custom overlays like adding names and titles adding a sidebar with some animations adding a full page animated overlay or creating a scene with a countdown timer all of these can be done without importing a single graphic Yes you heard that right you do not have to import Graphics to make everything I just showed you and in today's video I'm going to show you how you can actually build all your own Graphics directly in ecamp and I'm going to show you how to do it in under 20 minutes all right we are in live demo mode so I can show you my screen while I am recording and we're going to set up some simple Graphics now one of the things you might notice is that the screen is very simple with what I have on here meaning I've got this window that I am in the preview window and just to the side I've got my scenes and then also a little bit lower is my overlays I purposely stripped this back so I don't have all the different eim Windows showing at once just so we can focus on the most important aspect which is scenes and overlays however you might be noticing that uh this is not my usual camera so we are going to change that so if I hover over here I can see the different controls to open and close windows and the top one on the corner here I want to show my camera switcher and I am going to choose my Sony camera instead of my built-in FaceTime camera now that I've chosen it I am going to just close the camera switcher but this is clearly way more than I usually show so we are also going to adjust the camera settings over here the fourth one down the side is the camera effects window we are going to click zoom and pan and then I will zoom in to let's say around here and I can use my little hand to you can move this box around so I'm going to place it around here that looks that looks centered I'm going to stick with that so we will just now close this now we just have our main window and our scenes and our overlays but you'll notice there's lots going on on the screen and I want to hide this while we build our Graphics so up over here under window the window menu I am going to hide the main window controls now it's just me and the graphics let's get started with a scene where I just have my name so I'm going to take this default scene and and just duplicate it using this copy option now that I've clicked copy down here I am going to call this name oh I am going to rename this name so that that doesn't drive me crazy so we have name and the first thing I'm going to use is this text box overlay and if I click on this it's the last one on the top row under these overlays we now have a text overlay option and first of all I want to just address Style I'm going to choose dynamic because dynamic means that if I adjust the size of the Box the size of the text will change with it I I'm going to stick with this white text color and then we've got the background we can edit the background if we like and choose a different color so I'm going to choose you know you got to know I love purple so first I'm going to go over here pick purple and then go to this wheel and just adjust it actually think yeah this is kind of more more my speed so we've got this purple background and I'll close that color box now let's just I'm going to write my name and I would like to Center this text so we'll just choose it Center it and I'm going to change to a different font I've been enjoying this one recently and I can adjust the size here either by sliding the slider or just picking a font size but because it's Dynamic it will adjust so I've now added my name and I can just use this placement tool and you can it help guide you in the center so I can put it down here if I like because it's Dynamic if I go bigger or smaller the size will adjust with it and what's nice is you can actually make this wider so I could have it centered like this or I could actually pull it all the way across and we can adjust let's adjust this and have no Corner radius so it'll be square and let's just make sure that's yeah centered so now that is centered right now I just have a solid color with my name on top but we could make some adjustments so you can either use the little pencil to open the different changes or beside the overlay itself this is my text box overlay I can click on the Little Wheel and then that's another way to access so I can go in and edit the text I can change the style we can change the background so let's actually make this a gradient background so we have a couple of colors so it has picked a slightly different color we can adjust where the gradient is so we can rotate that around if we want I'll just leave it here at the top and the gradient option we can also adjust the text margin if we want more of a margin or if we want less of a margin we can adjust that here you can add a border so I could add a color border around the whole thing if I wanted to stretch this off the sides I could definitely do that for now I'm just going to leave it as none but we can also adjust the opacity so if you want to have some of your background showing you can absolutely do that that's something I usually do with some of my overlays but let's make it a little darker and I want to show you a cool feature here cut out text so if I cut out the text now there's actually it's just chopped out of the background which is a pretty cool effect obviously it depends on what's in the background or maybe what what you're wearing where your overlay is and but this is a really cool feature and so these the things you can play with you can also have different blend modes Etc but we're going to talk about those a little bit later so let's actually just leave it like this because I kind of like this and now I've just created the name let's go to the default scene and we are going to create a sidebar I love a good sidebar so we'll name this sidebar and I'm just going to have some text beside me let's choose this overlay down in the bottom left corner it's called a new shape overlay and this will just give you a rectangle to start if we click on the pencil you can see the different options rectangle square circle or squirkle let's stick with the rectangle I am going to get rid of the corners because this is going to go along the side and we are going to have this be gradient and I I thought it was going to remember the other colors but let's just kind of do this we'll pick pick a purple and then maybe for the other we'll pick let's go sort of more of a blue all right let's move this we're going to move this over the side and you just get to pick how wide you want it it's so simple and if you do want some width but you think well but now I'm really close to it and I don't want to be positioned here we can actually adjust your camera and what I like to do as a cheat is just add a camera overlay so I'm adding myself in a different shape so click camera over overlay we are going to pick the camera I want which is my Sony there we go and I am going to choose the shape of custom and custom lets me put it wherever at any kind of shape so I'm not constrained and if I move this over to the corner just drag this over it will adjust dynamically and I can move this over to the side if I want am I not centered anyway let's do this and I am now the order of your overlays matters so whatever is on the top is going to be in the front so if we think of it like this we want to make sure that the sidebar is at the top so I'll just drag that so now I've got the sidebar here and I want to add some text so let's add a text overlay and in this case I do not want a background so let's edit this background and say none and here let's make a list first of all I'm going to put this on the left and we are going to just list out a few types of Graphics you can create so we'll add a bullet using option eight which is a little trick and first we made a we made a name you can also do a title we are now making a sidebar and let's do a full overlay we'll do that next and if I say add now I can drag this over to the side I can adjust the size of this if I want and if I realize I want more width I can just take this shape and just drag it and I I'm not constrained by anything and I can always adjust my camera over to the side a little bit it just makes it so easy and you've got these guide bars that will snap into place and tell you where you are and if you want maybe I want to change the background of the rectangle and do this motion so the motion I wouldn't overuse this but what motion does is if you have more than one color if you got a gradient it will actually move the colors around almost like it is spinning so it's just it's it's kind of a cool feature you can play around with it it can be what's nice is it's pretty subtle depending on the gradient that you actually use so we've just created a sidebar pretty easy let's actually do one extra thing on this scene and actually let's duplicate it and one of the things that I really like about duplicating scenes is if you have a scene you like you like the graphics and the text just make another one and then update the text so we are going to copy this scene you can also use command D and we'll just say sidebar line draw because you may have seen in any of my previous videos sometimes I'll have a line kind of draw down the side of the sidebar we can actually make our own so let's add one more shape it remembers the last one this one though instead of being gradient or motion we're just going to have a solid color and we will pick Let's just pick an almost white not 100% white but almost white and then we're going to drag this shape and make it really really really skinny and then we'll just kind of actually let's it'll be easier to move if it's fat we're going to move it over and then we'll make it really skinny and this one we are now going to edit it's easier to do over here to open this and you have an option to transition your graphics your overlays into the scene and I want this to fly in from the top so that when we start this scene that shape is going to fly in from the top I could also do that with the name so if I wanted to I could say that I want the name to fly in but let's just stick with the line so if I'm on my main camera I'm talking and it's time to go to this sidebar line draw when I pick that scene then there's a line draw and I did not have to animate anything I did this all in ecam just using the shapes and in this case the transition so now let's do a full page overlay I'm going to go to my default scene duplicate that and we are going to create a full overlay so let's do first a static one I've got overlay we are going to pick a shape again I don't want a really skinny one we're going to drag this out to the side drag this out to the side let's go back to a gradient so I'll click on the settings change this to a gradient and we'll instead of white we'll do more of this kind of purpley color and we can close that and now we have a few options let's do this from the side first of all we could just have an overlay and just have semi-transparent so that you can see your camera through the background you can go really transparent so it's really faint or you can have quite a bit over top it's completely up to you and I want to show you a couple couple of features though so if I make it fairly dark so it's still you can still see my camera there is something called blend mode and if I choose blend mode right now it's just the camera and then the picture but we can do things like choose darken and so this will actually blend into the background in the darken mode we can multiply so this changes the shape I can also do a color burn which is a little bit harsh not my favorite linear burn which is a little bit soft we also have you can lighten the shape so it can lighten everything around it you can color Dodge now it won't go through every single one so it's almost like adding filters to your camera just using the shape one that I like is we can do the overlay which is a pretty cool effect depending on the colors you chose there's also soft light this one really does look like an Instagram filter we also have hard light which is a bit darker so you can see what you can do with this there's some more I won't get into all of them things like Hue Etc this just got rid of the Hue saturation that's a bit intense so really I like things like the soft light is pretty nice and if you wanted to you could you can also darken this or you can lighten this up depending on how much of an effect you want so imagine that while you are waiting for people to join a zoom call you can throw on let's say a countdown and say it's starting in 5 minutes I can put this up in the corner and I can have this here if I want to add a little bit more of an effect maybe I want to add a circle so this showed up as a rectangle but maybe I want it to be a circle this is a really big circle I'm going to pinch just to help Zoom this a little bit faster and this is the same color so it should kind of look okay with it and we are going to move the countdown on top we can adjust that and so you can can have now the color in the background if you want to you could have this be have more opacity so if we want this circle or maybe we make this the motion while there's a countdown going on you could add a border to this you could have the Border having some motion so all of this I have just set up using ecam in a matter of minutes which you can absolutely do too we're going to do one more full screen overlay this is one I get asked about in my videos I don't do it anymore but when I would go live I would have a transition come down over top so let's do an overlay and actually let's I'm just going to steal this last scene and I'm going to duplicate this one and I am going to hide this I'm going to hide this we're going to play with the rectangle that I already made so you just add a shape over the full thing but in this case I am going to still with the opacity but instead of blend mode I'll just have normal so it's just the shape that that's pretty opaque so we're going to maybe make it this level and we are going to have this come down from the top so we'll say fly in from top so when I go to the scene it will come in from the top we're going to add some text over top so maybe I say welcome to the live workshop and let's make this centered so highlighting it centering it add the text let's make it bigger this is just one example now here this is where I might want to change the line spacing so if I edit the text and here I will say line height let's just adjust that a little bit and if you want you can adjust the king oh wait I think we need to if you want a little bit extra space between the letters you can do that play around with that and we'll click save so got welcome to the workshop and this one I also want to transition from the top fly in in from the top so I now have my background I've got my text I'm still here in the camera and let's maybe we'll call this introduction so if I were to be on this scene first and then I switch to my next scene for the introduction I have the overlay that falls on top and then I can maybe switch back to my main camera all of that is something that I have done without reporting a single graphic I did not have to go into any other program I did not have to create semi-transparent backgrounds I did all of this in ecam all of this in ecam what I shared was just a few examples of what you can do and you can absolutely explore and make it your own but you can also keep it really simple with just a few key Graphics you can recycle and update before any meeting video Lesson or going live and it can definitely help you run more professional engaging and seamless virtual presentations
Channel: Cat Mulvihill
Views: 3,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ecamm Live, Ecamm, Ecamm graphics, Ecamm live tutorial, ecamm live for mac, ecamm overlays, ecamm zoom
Id: tdHx3loOQvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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