EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW - Stihl 2 In 1 Chainsaw Chain Sharpener

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hey guys welcome back to Steve small engine saloon I got a really cool product review and demo for you today I have never used one of these in my life we're gonna test it out together today I got a steel two-in-one chainsaw chain sharpener introductory beverage of the day today is Budweiser guys I have got six comments now on my individual videos in my channel asking for this review and do a demonstration on this I figured to myself you know if six of you actually took the time to type in a comment to me asking for this review there's a hell of a lot more of you guys out there that actually want to see this - so here we are I told that to Scott Clark from steal Canada Limited and he said no problem I'll send you one of those sharpeners do a demo and a review for your viewers and keep the sharpener when you're done you Inc thanks very much Scott love it I do have another video I'm already made on my channel put a little link up here in that I button in top right corner your screen there click on that go back to that and it's gonna show you a lot of in-depth stuff it's like 19 minutes long it takes you through all the ins and outs about you sharpening a chain go see that one if you want to right now for today though we're just gonna actually try this sharpener out and see how it works on my little m/s 230 steel chance all right here so let's start with the instructions that come with this sharpener right in that little pouch just the instructions that come with it I think are extremely clear you know what I love about this there's no words on it it's like pictogram they don't have to print out a hundred of these for each individual language no matter what language you speak you can figure it out from this I think they're very clear I'm going to take a quick two three second video of this and close-up as I can if you guys want to see the instructions just get ready to hit your pause button when you see that come up hit your pause button look at it all you want and then unpause it and continue on with the video so let's take a close look at this thing then you pick that up this thing's heavy I was quite surprised when I picked it up I can tell by picking it up just from the weight of it that it's not just a cheap piece of plastic it's gonna break on you to wear out in like a year from now this feels like a good quality piece of equipment right here you open up one side right here one little end on there two opens up like a trapdoor that's for getting your files in and out let's see what happens let's pull those files out of there and see what this looks like with no file the reason that you do this is because your files will wear out after time and and you're gonna replace the files they're just standard files they're like these little round files right here they're like you know in North America I think they cost like two bucks each they're cheap to replace you got your square file for the rakers and then another round file for when you reverse that thing here's what it looks like when there's no files in it that is the jig sharpener itself with no files in it there's four little square rails on here that are part of that those rails are made to ride on the two teeth the front tooth in the back tooth as you're cutting it to keep the depth of your the files at the right height so you're not you know you're not riding too high you're not writing too low so the files that actually go in there you got two round ones and you got that's the square one on there the two round ones file your cutter tooth and the square file that you see in there remove your depth gauge at the same time that's why they call it a two-in-one sharpener even in the description it says right in there right on the instructions it says re sharpens cutter and lowers depth gauge in a single operation that's why it's called a two-in-one sharpener so I do have a link in my description too of the description that's at the beginning of this video I got a link in there for you to go back and buy one of these if you want to before you buy one of these little guys you have to make sure you're ordering the right one there are different sizes of these things they have different sizes of files in them and the little space these things are spaced a little different and whatnot make sure you buy the right one you need to know what pitch your chain is pitch if you don't know what pitch your chain is look at the side of your bar like this one right here it says right there three two five right on the side of your bar that's the pitch of your that chain on my chain saw right now so you're gonna see that there's some three H ones out there like full-size three eighths you're gonna see some that are that say three eighths pekoe or low-profile chain just make sure you're buying the right one I'd hate for you guys to order one and then you go oh I got the wrong one you gotta send it back and all that stuff alright back to the instructions now step number one is showing you that you need to tension your chain properly if you don't know how to chant tension your chain properly I also have another video on my channel I'll put a link up here again and that I button how to attaching your chain properly it's important that you do that because your tin-can tip backwards and all that stuff so check that out tension your chain properly if you don't know how moving on to step number two we need to have some way to clamp this thing it's way easier for you to actually clamp this in right in the instructions that's it actually shows a bench vise pinch it in a bench vise so you can do this using two hands this thing is made to use with two hands works way better yes you can do it with one hand if you're out in the bush cutting firewood open your tailgate of your truck throw that on your tailgate you got no way of clamping it you can do this with one hand it's just so it's kind of awkward and everything if you're gonna do that put a rag or something over that when you're holding that obviously best-case scenario use a leather glove hold on to the barn chain with your glove and you can actually do that like that with one hand if you want to way easier with two hands in a bench place step three and four on those instructions actually show you to do this they say get like three teeth lined up ready to go and then put your chain break on to walk that chance all won't move I would suggest you're gonna just save some time and save a little bit of hassle here try it with no chain break on just start going on there and if your chance start slipping and starts moving on you well then click your chain break on lock it so you can do it easier I don't really think it's gonna be necessary but give it a shot anyway okay I got all my files back in that jig it's ready to go ready to rock now there's two things that you got to worry about if there's two different angles that you got to worry about here there's one oh this is real easy one right here what you want to do when you have that that sharpener on there you want it flat it's gonna be a ninety degree from the end from your bar over to the sharpener like that you don't want it tip down like this you don't want to tip down like this you want a completely flat hope you can see that that's the angle number one that's how you want to keep it the other angle is these sharpeners are actually made for 30 degrees you can do twenty-five thirty thirty-five degrees this one is made for right in between the two thirty degrees this is how you do it when you put this on top of your chain chain to start sharpening it there's an arrow you want to make sure that arrow is always pointed away from you you got four different indicators where your angle is on this the edge of the handle itself is thirty degrees then you got these two little marks right here also shows you thirty degrees those ones there thirty degrees and that one again thirty degrees so you hold that so those angles are are completely even right in line with your bar and you know you have that angle correct now you set that in there and the arrow is pointed away from you the angles proper and you can start sharpening like that so the idea is you get that set up you know you're going the right way you sharpen all of the left-hand teeth or all the right-hand teeth whichever one you start with first you do them all you go around and around your chin until they're all done and there's no more damage left on the teeth they look sharp to you it's probably good then you flip the thing around in your vise and you flip that sharpener over and you do the other side of the teeth we're going to go put this in my bench vise right now we're going to give her on this and we're going to sharpen it right now now let's look at least James I just took the channel off after I sharpened it I'm gonna put it side-by-side with a brand new chain and we're gonna see if what the difference is here so look at your top one right there is the brand new chain this one chain has never been used and that one below it is the one I just sharpened if you see this those cutter teeth look at those cutter teeth the hook is the same the distance between the top of the counter and the depth gauge the raker is exactly the same depth it looks exactly like a brand new chain except the tooth is a little shorter obviously because we had to cut some of that off we had to file some of that off it looks exactly like a new chain to me okay it looks good we're gonna take this thing back out I'm gonna put it back on my chain saw we're gonna go on a field trip I got some logs out the back here we're gonna cut with that thing and we're gonna see how well it cuts um we're gonna look at the chips coming off of that thing we're gonna see how this does part of the review guys let's go [Music] [Applause] well what can I say you guys just watch that cutting as far as I can see I want to see guys that cuts like a brand-new chain I can't see any difference it cut just as fast as a brand new chain you saw the chips coming off that they looks like the same size chips as coming off of a brand new chain I gotta say I am really impressed with this I think that it's honestly worth every penny of what you're gonna pay for having one of these so that's probably the easiest filing job I have ever done there's nothing else on the market that I've ever tried that makes your chain cut like a brand new chain and it makes it that easy this thing is a high quality apparatus right here you're gonna I think that's gonna last you for years and years and years you just replace the files when the files get dull I do got to bring this up as a part of my review though I was talking to Scott Clark and Karl Wallace both from Steel Canada Limited this morning they brought it to my attention that these are actually designed for full house chain they work with skip tooth chain but they're actually designed for full house I'm gonna show you really quickly here what I mean by that if you look at this this tall one right here is what we call it's commonly known as a skip tooth chain you have a cutter and then you have two joiner links and then another cutter this one down here on the bottom you have a cutter and 1/2 joiner link and then another cutter so they're designed for full house chain because those little rails right there are spaced the right spacing so each one of those little square guides on their rides on top of the two teeth if you try to use that on a skip tooth chain the the cutters are spaced too far apart so one of the rails doesn't actually ride on that talk on that front tooth on a full house chain it fits perfectly flat you see how that's perfectly flat on a skip tooth chain it's not riding on the front tooth so it just tests forward a little bit like that all you have to do on a skip tooth chain is just manually hold it level like that and you can file a skip tooth chain and it works just as good as long as you're conscious of that that it's not riding on that front tooth so I hope I helped you guys out again I know there's a lot of you guys out there that wanted to know that share this video with your friends there's a lot more people out there that want to see how one of these things work I would say buy one of these in a second I honestly would not just because I got a free one either I honestly believe this is an awesome product subscribe to my channel guys if you haven't already and like the video give me that thumbs up button that would be awesome and till the next time I'm going to show you how to repair something on the next video again till then Steve out
Channel: Steve's Small Engine Saloon
Views: 924,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, diy, lawn, replace, cut, tutorial, help, broken, small, engine, repair, fix, start, simple, basic, easy, chain, saw, install, blade, bar, properly, tips, tricks, efficiently, stihl, husqvarna, husky, echo, honda, shindiawa, hand, held, dull, not, direction, diagnose, save, money, tech, clogged, bogging, idle, up, weedeater, outdoor, power, equipment, leaf blower, lawnmower, Stihl 2 in 1 Chainsaw Chain Sharpener, sharpen, donyboy73, vise, powersaw, sharpening chain, file, chain brake, chainsaw chain, teeth, cutting teeth, depth gauge
Id: marzGaMq6pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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