How to Upload Videos to YouTube Like a Pro

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I've uploaded over, 1500 videos to YouTube Just on this channel so I want to show you the proper way to upload a video all the different settings you need to know about so you could actually get discovered by the YouTube algorithm now the first thing you want to do is you always want to try to upload from a computer and not your phone that's going to be very limited on the settings on a computer all you have to do is as long as you're signing to the right channel press this plus sign right over here and you want to go ahead and upload a video from this tab now that's going to bring you to the dashboard so you could just grab a video from your computer that's finished I've already edited a video it's ready to go and here's the video so I'm going to grab it and drop it right over here this is the finished video and whatever the title of the video is it's going to actually pull that name as your title and you could always go ahead and make any revisions to it if you need to I usually make sure the title is the same as what I want over here some little extra things that I'll delete are no problem and typically you want to keep this under 70 characters it says 59 out of 100 usually 70 just looks better on mobile or under 70 so I'm on 59 so this is fine for YouTube and then you want to go ahead and copy and paste any description you have so I usually kind of keep it short but you have up to 5,000 characters available over here and if you want to add any links or anything like that you could also add them over here as well and then next to that is your thumbnail section so here's where you would upload a thumbnail and this is the thumbnail that I made for the video that I'm uploading and if you want to learn learn about exactly how to make thumbnails for free I have a different tutorial that shows you how to make thumbnails from scratch and this is going to be the thumbnail for that video by default it will give you three options to choose that get autogenerated and pulled from the video you never want to use those you want to use the custom thumbnail if you don't have this option available you need to go to the settings down here there's a settings menu and it lets you verify your YouTube channel so if you haven't done that already go to the settings verify the channel it asks asks for a phone number and then you could basically upload these custom thumbnails if you're planning on growing on YouTube custom thumbnails are essential there's no question about it no Channel ever takes off without having custom thumbnails and good custom thumbnails then you have this playlist which is optional but typically I've created playlists for different things that I make videos about so this one is an AI tutorial so I'll go ahead and add it to that you could add to multiple playlist and you could create new playlist down here if you haven't basically if you make variety of content on your channel you want to bundle them into playlists those help you get more watch time on YouTube next you have this audience section which is very important right here this is required legally so you do have to answer here and YouTube makes you answer this question in two ways is this video made for kids or is it not made for kids that's the two choices you have so I don't make videos specifically for kids if you make videos specifically for kids you do have to say yes that will sometimes remove the comment section in most cases it will probably just put it on YouTube for kids a different app but you do have to actually answer correctly here based on the video you make if you make a video for everyone and kids could watch it too that is not a video made for kids kids could technically watch this video but I didn't make it for kids I made it for everyone right then you have this thing called show more this is going to give you some Advanced options that I'm going to go through paid promotion if someone is paying you directly a sponsorship basically to make a video for them you have to check this on as a matter of fact this video is a sponsored video so I have to check this on and it gives a little disclaimer in the top of the video and I mentioned that is a sponsored video in the video then this section is for AI content so if you use content in your video that is AI generated this is actually an AI platform so I'm going to say yes but usually if your content is AI generated in some way AI voices AI characters you actually have to answer this correctly as well then automated chapters it by default figures out any key moments and it breaks up your video when someone is watching your video they could kind of skip around I usually just leave this on right here these places too automatic places if it knows a key place that's mentioned in the video it will also show that you could always check these on and off too if you want automatic Concepts this is something that they're experimenting with I always leave this on as well none of these kind of hurts the performance of the video then you have tags I always use tags and and the way I use tags is I use a Chrome extension here it's up here right now it's called Tu budy I've used it since the first day I started YouTube back in 2017 and I've used it every single time even though it says tax can be helpful they're not going to make a difference I always made sure I just take the time to do the tags with tu budy it takes seconds so before I used to do research figure out what tags to use now all I do is it recognizes what the video is about as long as you have two Budd installed and I'll put a link in the description where you could get Tu buddy and all you have to do is take some of these suggestions that make sense for your video and these numbers that is next to them is basically showing you your chance of showing up in Search and this is the placement that you will show up in now Tu budy has ton of different options besides this option but I really like this because it takes me almost no time here to go ahead and choose this and again you have 500 characters here I have 288 right now that's good enough then language and captions if anything is different here change that recording data I never said this but you can license and distribution typically you want standard YouTube license but they have this other thing called creative common that one basically makes your YouTube video available to anyone to download and reupload and use however they want I almost never do that but that is an option and then allow embedding if you want other people to embed this on their website you could choose to allow that or not usually you can in this case I'm going to leave it off here but usually that's a great way to get more views publish to subscribers feed you always want to make sure this is on otherwise it's not going to notify your subscribers then you have short remixing basically your long form videos could be turned into short form by other people so allow video on audio for remixing I could allow that I usually do allow that but if you don't want to you could actually turn that off you usually want to choose a category and you want to be consistent so I always in this other channel I always do education on the channel you watch watching this I always do howto this other stuff that comes up based on what you choose will change but I never fill these out and I do choose my country here I don't do the rest because these are not exams or courses it's just education video comment and rating I always leave that on sort by top show how many people liked the video you could actually turn this off dislikes have been removed for years but likes still show up you still want to show them but you can't for any reason if you want to remove likes to you could go ahead and check this off if this is for a fundraiser you could add the fundraiser over here let's go to the next tab now this is if you have monetization available so typically if you are in the YouTube partners program and they pay you for the views you get on YouTube you will see this page if you don't see this page you're not in the partners program I have different videos about monetizing a YouTube channel but in this case I will monetize it so I'll say yes and then it lets me if you're monetized you could review right here where your ads are being placed so if your video is over 8 minutes you could actually add more ad breaks like this okay so it's going to show you exactly where the ad goes or you could place automatically by clicking this I usually like to manually place an ad somewhere in the middle of the video as well so sometimes you'll have the intro ad and a second one so I kind of get two ads out of the same video and then I'll press next then you have ad suitability this is again if you haven't monetized channels but if you do you have to actually say does your content contain any of this following in appropriate language adult content and it will use that to actually categorize it for advertisers that are buying ads on YouTube so in almost every single video I make I don't have any of these so I put none of the above and you have to submit the rating for that okay on the next page you have video elements and you should have this if you're monetized or not but the only thing I do here basically you could if you have music licensing if you bought music from somewhere else you could go ahead and add it here if you want to add subtitles it does it by default but you could actually add your own subtitles here and upload any type of subtitle file you have so that is an option that you have there adding end screen and adding cards so I always add end screens but I hardly ever add cards let me show you what these look like I'll press add basically end screens if I choose this one right here it lets you put a video that you could recommend to someone to watch and your profile option option right here so people could subscribe from here and they had other elements too so you could add video playlist channels or direct links so you could choose if you want it to be for your recent upload this is a great way if you make very consistent content or best for viewers I'm going to choose most recent upload here actually and press save and you can see just now my automated subtitle in English showed up so it does do subtitles by default automatically I'll go to next and if there is any copyright issues it will run a check before you even upload now this can't check all kinds of copyrights but it usually does check the audio to make sure you don't have any music that has copyrights and if it does it will tell you right there if it has any copyrights and then you'll have to add or remove it or go ahead and add some kind of a licensing if you have it add suitability I checked on press next and your last page right here is your visibility so right here I could go to public or I could leave it on unlisted or private or I could schedule it right here for a later time okay so usually I leave it unlisted I just press save right here then it appears right here on my dashboard as unlisted so I make sure everything is good right now I might be missing some links actually I want to probably post this tomorrow so I'm going to leave it on unlisted and before you change it from unlisted to public which you could do Again by clicking on it you want to make sure the video quality SD and HD are complete otherwise it's not going to look quite good so if you go back over here you could click again to publish your video or just over here you could go ahead and press public and then save and your video will be live so I usually leave it on unlisted for a little bit make sure all that processing is done maybe like 30 minutes make sure the subtitles appear then I press publish when I'm ready from that point forward and then when it's all set if I wanted to make any edits I could come to this details tab I could change things about the description and all the things that I'm showing you is underneath the video so you could always change any of the settings things that we looked at during the upload process now if you want to grow your YouTube channel monetize it and even use it for business I have a completely free training on my website that shows you in an hour all the different things you need to know in order to get more views and in order to get more subscribers and grow your channel correctly so I'll link that in the description below as well but right now you should have a very good idea on how to properly upload a video to YouTube thanks so much for watching this video and I'll see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 2,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Upload Videos to YouTube Like a Pro, howfinity, how to, tutorial, Youtube, how to upload videos on youtube, upload videos to youtube, how to post on youtube, how to make a youtube video, how to upload videos on youtube channel, how to upload videos to youtube, upload video to youtube, how to upload youtube shorts, how to post a video on youtube, youtube video upload, video editing tutorial
Id: _voCFmAMprk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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