Stop Overpaying for YouTube Premium

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hey what's up my name is Cameron Dougherty and today I want to talk about YouTube premium and there's a couple different reasons why I want to talk about YouTube premium so first for those of you that might not be subscribed now you may have seen YouTube premium come into the news recently because YouTube and Google were experimenting with increasing the number of ads served on the YouTube platform and some people were reporting as many as 10 unskippable ads to get to a video now that's a ton of ads and I cannot blame you if that made you then say how much is premium and start to consider the possibility of paying to have an ad-free experience so I want to talk a little bit about what premium is and then for the people that are subscribed or people that are considering subscribing I want to talk for another reason which is that I had been subscribed for YouTube premium for about a year and a half and then I finally realized that I had been just straight up overpaying and so I'll talk about why that happened and how you can avoid it and how you should make sure that you're signing up if you choose to or if you choose to continue to be a member of YouTube premium so first let's talk overall about what is YouTube premium and to me there's three main benefits the number one biggest one is that you don't have to watch any ads that goes for skippable ads non-skippable ads mid-roll ads those ones that pop up right in the middle of the video right before an important Point any of those ads don't appear anymore banner ads things like that that appear on the YouTube app as you're scrolling on your phone as you're scrolling on your laptop those all go away as well so it's a great clean experience you can go straight to the videos that you care about and that by and large is the thing that drives most people to want to become a member now the second biggest thing in my mind at least is being able to play videos behind the scenes so if you're on your phone and you're a non-premium member you're watching a video and you want to swipe away to go to a different app or you want to close your phone entirely you can't continue watching the video and it pauses the video and this prevents you some people like to use it for playing a song playing some music maybe you are listening to a podcast through YouTube and you want to put it in your pocket rather than having to leave the screen on which is what I'm assuming people would use as a workaround today now you can lock your phone and go and that's something that I do a lot because I like to walk and listen to podcasts and because so many podcasts these days have shifted to video focused podcasts there's a lot of times where I'll be listening and until they bring up a point where I want to see the visual then I'll pull it out watch the segment the portion of it that I care about seeing the visual and then close it back in my pocket so you get kind of The Best of Both Worlds of being able to have the audio only experience that you would get in a normal podcast app and the video experience when you want it when and you need it so the third piece is that you can download videos and I use this very infrequently but if you're somebody that travels regularly that wants to have YouTube specific content to watch on the plane this is a great option you can download a video and you don't need to worry about having any service in order to watch it now this is something I've experimented with a little bit uh I know some people for those of you that really care about the creators that you're watching worry about how that treats monetization for those views and the good news is that it actually counts as a complete view as soon as you download it it counts as a view for the entirety of the videos if you watched 100 even if you only wind up watching half so you don't have to worry about that if that's on your mind and what it gives you is that flexibility to watch wherever you want so those are the three main benefits of YouTube premium and there's one bonus one that for me I never touch for some people can be even better even bigger and that's that you get access to YouTube music and so this means that your one subscription covers both all of those YouTube premium benefits as well as the YouTube music platform so I'm personally a Spotify user I don't touch YouTube music at all but it's there and so that could be either a huge bonus to you or something that you don't care about at all so now let's talk about if you want to subscribe or if you are subscribed how do you make sure you're not making the same mistake that I did for 18 months and paying too much for your subscription so in order to do that we need to talk about the Apple tax so you may have heard the the term you may be aware of the lawsuits between Apple and epic games around the 30 fee that YouTube charges I'm sorry that Apple charges for any transaction any monetary transaction that takes place on their App Store so what that means is that for the regular YouTube premium fee if you pay it through an Apple device through an iPhone specifically 30 of that is going to Apple which reduces the amount that comes through to Google and so what this means is that you have a problem where Google has a certain point where they have deemed this to be sustainable have been able to you know recoup the money that they're investing or that they're the benefits that they're giving you Etc and so in this case they're missing out on that money and this is where you get into a little bit of a complication and something that is extremely frustrating to app developers everywhere because that Apple tag is impossible to get around if you're a small developer however as we know Google has quite a lot of Leverage and if they took the YouTube app off of the App Store there'd be a lot of people that chose not to get iPhones so Apple gives them an exception you have the option where you can either subscribe through the App Store and pay a higher price or you can do it outside of the App Store and pay a lower price this is something I did not realize at all and I had been subscribed through the App Store and was just straight up overpaying so let's talk about how you can fix that and how you can switch your subscription and I'll just walk you through the steps really quickly so that you can make sure that you're paying the right price so laptop hopefully that transition worked I don't usually do those but I figured I would try and be funny so first uh on my phone here we're going to look at how you unsubscribe if you are subscribed on an iPhone because if you go through your computer as you might think to switch over to a Google payment you can't actually do that or if you go through a web browser on your iPhone it's going to push you to the App Store there's no way around it from your iPhone so let's walk through this first if you click on your face in the top corner it's going to bring you into your settings menu click on your premium benefits and now here just in case you didn't believe me in case you were wondering there it is 1 000 hours since January of 2021 so I subscribed in January of 21. this uh this little screen capture on my phone was from August it was when my subscription was going to run out after I realized it um and so that's what I think I said 18 months earlier I think it's 20 months because it'd be a year plus another eight all I can say is hopefully my wife doesn't watch this because she probably would not condone how much YouTube I watch but I do watch a lot of podcasts I listen to a lot of stuff in the background you know like I said as I'm walking all of that but let me know if you've watched more like comment down below how many hours you've got if you're a premium subscriber because I'm really curious where I where I sort of rank in that so let me know down below so from there you got to scroll all the way down the page go all the way down and click on the manage your membership option and now you can see the for the first time what I was paying and what I hope you are not paying and if you're going to subscribe what you should not pay so the 15.99 is the jacked up Apple tax price because that builds in a 30 extra so that Google winds up getting the same amount that you should be paying even if you do it through this method so if you want to cancel this and you want to get out of it you're going to click into it you can see a cancel membership option you're going to click next it's just telling you you're going to lose your premium benefits the one good thing is that you do retain them to the end of the month so you don't have to worry about waiting to do this in the last last day obviously I selected the don't want to pay the current price option ultimately this does send you out to the App Store so another path would be to go straight to the App Store and I think you can manage your memberships there but this is going to ultimately kick you out to the App Store you'll see your existing membership you can click into it and you'll see the option there to cancel subscription so this is how you get out of the 15.99 if you find yourself in it and you can see there that it is confirming it is valid until the end of the renewal period And so you're getting them getting everything that you paid for but then ultimately it will end so hopefully you don't have to do that but just in case you are paying that I would recommend doing this immediately really because there's no reason not to there's no reason to overpay there's no reason to give Apple extra money they're you know absolutely massive they're going to be just fine so now in order to re-subscribe and be able to take advantage of the lower price you're going to need to actually go on to a computer so if we go on to now on a laptop on a device again clicking on your face going down to purchases and memberships you can see manage membership so we're going to go into that and it's interesting here because at the top you can see renew your individual membership 15.99 and it says build through Apple so this would allow you to bring that back but if you go down recommended offers 11.99 so that's four dollars less per month absolutely crazy and the next page will show you kind of a refresher of what those benefits are make sure you understand you know the things that I just walked through click on that get premium button the next page is all of the payment details so I'm not going to show you the last four digits and the security code on my credit card nice try but once you get past that screen then you're good to go then you're you're a premium member again you get to enjoy all those benefits immediately and it's just there and so if this is something you've been considering I will say you know for 20 months aside from the fact that I've been overpaying um thanks Apple uh otherwise I absolutely love it I think it's totally worth it if you are somebody that watches a lot of YouTube um you know I don't love subscriptions in general I try to keep them to a minimum but this is one that I have found it is totally worth it because it's one of my primary methods of consuming entertainment and sitting through a bunch of ads is possibly the worst thing in the entire entertainment world so YouTube is a way to get away from the regular traditional entertainment history to support independent creators to support people all over the world that are making amazing content and using YouTube premium is a way to enjoy all of that without having to watch any ads to get there so saves your time lets you see more of that great content and it's just kind of a win-win in my mind so let me know down in the comments what you think are you a subscriber are you not a subscriber are you thinking about it and if you are and if this was helpful absolutely hit that like button give me a follow subscribe whatever uh and yeah thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Cameron Dougherty Tech
Views: 599,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple, Apple Tax, YouTube Subscription, YouTube Red, Overpaying, Overpayment, Overpay, YouTube Premium Worth It, YouTube Premium Cost, YouTube Premium Discount
Id: p-bd_NP-90g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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