How to Upload a video to YouTube the BEST settings

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You are just done with your latest YouTube video. You have been scripting, filming, editing and putting this whole thing together and now you are ready to show it off to your audience, to your viewers, and to your subscribers. But first we need to upload the video to YouTube, and I will be showing you guys what you need to do. and over to the YouTube studio. So this is kind of what it looks like when you have uploaded your video. You need to fill in your video details. This is just my latest video. I decided to just remove everything in order to show you guys how we going to do this. So the first thing we need to do is to have a title, a title that people will click, a title that matches your thumbnail, and a title that people might search on YouTube. So stuff like how to, why, or if you are able to provide a feeling like the biggest secret or the actual reason of “na na na na na”, that's pretty good. As you can see, my terminal is already the YouTube logo and I have planned, so I really don't need to have plan in YouTube videos to begin with, but in order for YouTube to understand what is this video about, I need to provide some details also. So you need to mix between not having too much and not having too little. Also, combine it with a good thumbnail and not repeat the same stuff. If this was a minecraft video for example, I don't need a minecraft logo in the thumbnail and I don't need Minecraft in, the title. But if this was a canon review or a Sony review from the latest camera, I probably will put in review of the new canon. And like the numbers Mark two, for example, So if I undo all of the changes, boom! We have our title, description and everything. I will quickly go through this so you can apply this to your video. So now I have a title. Now I need to fill in a description. And this is where people tend to go wrong. They just stuff this with keywords. They want you to understand. Oh this video is about na na na na na na. And they put in basically tags don't do it. you want to briefly just describe your video. Want to know how to plan your YouTube video. Boom. There you have some sort of description of the video for success. In this video, I'll show you step by step how to plan and create engaging content. Na na na na na, all of that stuff is good. This is mainly for YouTube to understand. Okay, who am I going to show this video to? What are the audience of this video? So that's why I described the video as good as I can. I don't stuff it with keywords, but I try to use like, okay, YouTube and I have YouTube in a title. how to in the title. So I try to of course tell YouTube that this is a how to video with. This is a tutorial basically, but I don't want to just fill it up with just random keywords because YouTube will actually analyze that stuff and they can remove your video. Then I go to a bit more of the detail of the video. Then I have my timestamps also called chapters. This is basically for the viewer to understand. Okay, the video starts at zero zero and they can click through the video to see different parts. And that's super helpful. Also, then I have like the default description. This is basically for the new viewer. Welcome to Espion, your go to destination for mastering the art of content creation. “Na na na ” I know it's a bit fluff, I know it's a bit much, but it's basically for a new viewer to understand. Okay, Espion this channel is about how to grow, how to make videos and all about YouTube and stuff like that. And then I will have, links that are related to the videos. Maybe I have like a VidIQ, for example, I have a affiliate link that people can click and maybe if you are reviewing a camera, you can have links to the camera in the description and like helpful links and of course, social. I have my Instagram snapchat. Feel free to follow and add me on. And those socials. but the description is mostly for people to find quick links and stuff like that, and for YouTube understand. What is this video about? Then if we click over here, we have our subtitles. This is basically for people to be able to read my video, if they can listen to my video, If they have problems with hearing, or if they can't listen to my video because they are on the bus. But I didn't bring headphones, but they want to watch the video. They can read the subtitles. this in your video for YouTube to understand what is this video about? Because obviously YouTube doesn't know exactly what your video is about, but YouTube are able to use their AI thing to read your subtitles in order to understand, oh, this video is about how to upload a video, for example, Then if we go over to the next step, we have the end screen. This one is kind of important. You want your viewers to watch your latest video. You want your viewers to subscribe to the channel. Please go ahead and subscribe to this channel if you enjoy my content. But anyways, this is a good step for you to be able to get some engagement in the next video and to recommend people on your website or whatever. So the end screen can be really important. So that is the end screen. And now if we go over to this next part, this is called cards. This is where you are talking about something in your video and you are mentioning something in your video. Let's say I talk about VidIQ, boom, up in a corner there comes a card. Hopefully I can be able to provide that for this video. About my video like the viewer can basically just click that card and they will see the video if they are interested in that topic. now over to the tags. The tags was used back in the days for YouTube. To understand a bit more about your video. It still puts YouTube in the right direction of oh, this video is about this. We show those type of viewers, this video, but now is generally just for misspell, like if you are searching Minecraft, but you put in mint craft, for example, you can just put a bunch of stuff, misspelling and stuff in your tags. I have not really been experiment ING too much with the tags. I normally just go to a website, put in my topic, and it just spits out a bunch of tags that I just paste into there. But it can be good for YouTube to understand what your videos about and who they are going to show your video to, and of course, misspelling and stuff like that. then we have the playlist tab. This one you can just choose whatever playlist you want to add. This one is good if you have several videos that are in the same type of topic. So the viewer can just watch one video and then another one, then another one. Or if they want to see a specific video in a specific series, it can be really good to have a playlist. remember to save. It can be important to save every so often. If you are doing any changes in here, You also need to disclose if this video is made for kids are not. If your YouTube channel is not specifically for kids, do not click yes Because if you click yes, YouTube will understand. This video is for kids. This channel is for kids. It will restrict you with getting comments on your video. It will only be focused on kids. so if your YouTube channel is not specifically for kids, don't click yes on this one. Always click no. and then we have this tab over here. I only recommend clicking this one if you know that this video is going to be an 18 plus. And then the last part, it's basically for YouTube to understand where are you from? What type of language do you speak? Are you speaking English? United States, you allowing people to remix your video? What type of category are you videos in? This might change from what type of videos you are making. It doesn't really affect the video that much, but of course, if you are making a type of how to or education, it really depends on what you feel like. I am in the education niche. I feel like I'm definitely not in the music industry, so I will just just choose one of those that that makes the most sense for your channel. And then before you are done you have to click on this visibility tab. And then you click on publish and you click on save up here in the corner. And and the video is public to everyone. If you have any questions, leave them down in the comment section. If you don't have anything to say, please post your favorite emoji. It will help out with engagement. Or if you want to learn a bit more about the YouTube algorithm and all of this stuff, watch this video right here. Remember to subscribe and leave a like and I will see you guys in the next one. Espion peace out. Bye bye. Bye bye bye
Channel: Espion
Views: 140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to upload videos on youtube, how to upload videos to youtube, how to upload a video on youtube, upload videos to youtube, how to upload video on youtube, how to upload youtube videos, how to upload a video to youtube, upload video to youtube, how to upload a video, how to upload videos on youtube channel, youtube video upload, how to upload videos on youtube from phone, best video settings for youtube upload, how to set upload defaults, how to use youtube upload defaults
Id: mdNdjCssrzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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