How to Upgrade Nextcloud when using Docker

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hi guys so we're going to take another look at next clouds in three separate parts and in this first part we're going to focus on upgrading next cloud sounds interesting the Nets get started [Music] okay so I think it's time that we take a look at next cloud again now for those of you who don't have next cloud already installed then please take a look at my videos on how to do that but for those of you who already have a working next cloud instance then these videos are for you in this first part we're going to look at upgrading next cloud then the second part we're going to look at some common problems and how to fix them and finally the third part we're going to look at installing and integrating only office straighten are self hosted cloud ok so let's start and have a look at upgrading next cloud from an older version ok so here I am logged into an ax cloud instance and if I go to the top here and go to settings and then overview we can see here that the next cloud version is quite old it's running 15 point 0.2 so how do we actually update this so here we are on the docket tab and I can see that there's an update available for next cloud and for most containers that's the way that we do an update we only update the docker image by clicking on apply update when there's a new version okay so the docker image is now updated so if we go back to the web UI of next cloud and again go to overview we can see that next cloud is still on 15.0 point two and it says here that there's a new version of next card available 16 point 0.8 now let's go across and look at next cloud and see what is the latest version available well we can see this version 18 here and I'm currently on version 15 on this instance so I've got an update to 16 then 17 are then on to 18 so let's go back and do that now so what we need to do is click on to open up data and then click start update now I've got an error happening while it's moving the new files in place so all you need to do if that happens you just click retry update and now that's been successfully completed and here where it says keep maintenance mode active we need to choose no ok so that's done so now we click on this button here to go back to next cloud to finish the update and these are all the things that are going to be updated bringing up to 16 point 0.8 so now let's click on to start update and then just wait for this to finish so let's continue on to next cloud and let's go back to settings and overview now we can see we're on version 16.08 and we're able to now go to version 17 point 0 3 so let's go back to the updater and start the update again so again here we've got the same error as before so this is clip-on retry update and again we don't want to keep maintenance mode active and now we'll just go and finish the update now this time this is what's going to be updated so it's to come to start update ok so that's done so now let's continue to next cloud and again let's go to settings and overview and we can see here now it says that the versions up-to-date but in fact version 18 is actually out and we can see here that version 18 was released on the 17th of January 2020 the version 1703 was actually January 31st 2020 so version 18 is actually slowly being rolled out to various people you may find you can update to version 18 right now but if you really want to update to version 18 and you don't have the option here then if you switch from the update channel from stable to beta and then just refresh the page you can see now that version 18 is available now normally I personally wouldn't update to anything in the beta Channel but because version 18 is already out I'm going to do it anyway but just before I do you see now I've got security warning here saying the HTTP header is not set to same origin and this is a potential privacy and security risk so this wasn't actually displayed before so this is something in the newer version of next cloud there's throwing up a warning anyway let's go on to version 18 ok so during this update I've got an error here creating the backup so I'm going to click on to retry update again that's creating the backup now so I'm going to click on to continue update okay so here we are at the maintenance mode active question now I'm just going to show you what the page looks like if you try and log in whilst maintenance mode is on basically you can't login so be careful not to accidentally skip this part and like close this page otherwise you're going to be stuck in maintenance mode so I'm going to click no and continue the update okay so here we are in version 18 so let's go back to settings and overview I've been see now it's saying that there's a version 18 point zero one available but that's because I'm on the beta Channel so I'm going to actually switch back now to the stable Channel and now it says my versions up-to-date okay so if we scroll back up we can see there's a few security and setup warnings and so the next part of the video we're going to look at fixing these ok so that's the end of the first part now if you liked it then please hit the like button and share the video with anyone else who you think might like it but for now I'm going to go but whatever you're up to for the rest of the day I hope it's good and I'll catch you in the next part
Channel: Spaceinvader One
Views: 30,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: upgrade nextcloud, upgrade nextcloud 17 to 18, upgrade nextcloud 16 to 17, upgrade nextcloud docker, upgrade nextcloud Unraid, nextcloud docker, nextcloud unraid, fix nextcloud, lime technology, unraid cloud, self host cloud, spaceinvader one, spaceinvaderone, nextcloud, unraid
Id: un4L5inokZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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