Securely Access any PC or VM Remotely using only a Web Browser with Guacamole

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šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 7 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/billyvnilly šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Amazing video on some amazing software! I just created the smallest docker container that I could for guacencode, but I had no idea about the project you mentioned. That is WAY better. Definitely going to have to look into that very soon.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/bamhm182 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

I swear you can read my mind.

Didn't want to use Chrome Remote Desktop for this purpose, but wasn't sure what to do.

Thank you!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Watched this and followed the guide. Spot on as usual.

Just need a video setting up Swag to enable the reverse proxy bit. šŸ™ƒ

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Jammybe šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Is this more secure than connecting to a secure tunnel via Wireguard to access my LAN while away from home?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/dirkahps šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 25 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone manage to get the reverse proxy working? Iā€™m getting a 502 Bad Gateway error.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/3p1cBm4n9669 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 25 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

If you use custom: br0 network type, you cannot SSH to the Unraid host, unfortunately.

Apparently you can enable an option in Unraid Settings > Docker called "Host access to custom networks" to make it work; however, I am unsure of the security implications of this. Also, there appears to be quite a few issues that crop up when enabling this option. /u/spaceinvaderone - any thoughts/comments?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/spacedecay šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Another quality video!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/canfail šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
hi there guys and welcome to another video well it's been a couple of weeks since my last one because i've had a little break but it's great to be back bringing you another video so in this video we're going to look at how we can connect to any computer on your network whether it's a physical machine or a vm totally securely from any computer in the world with no software installed using only a web browser sounds interesting then let's get started hi there so any of you guys out there fancy a bowl of guacamole no you're not hungry well how about giving it to the unraid server then because you know i've heard that the unraid server when given guacamole is like giving popeye spinach when you give the unraid server a little bit of a patchy guacamole it gives it some extra powers can i hear you saying these powers you speak about space invader just what are they what exactly is apache guacamole well basically it's a clientless remote access gateway so what that means is it allows us to have easy remote access to the computers running on our network from any device just using a web browser yep that's all we need we don't need to install any software like we do with teamviewer or splashtop desktop it just works so this can be really useful if you're on a computer where we're not actually allowed to install anything maybe we're at work or school and we're having a coffee break and we want to log into one of our computers or vms on the unraid server well with a little bit of guacamole we can do that we can not only control the remote computer but we can also transfer files to and from it as well so nowadays with all how the world's changed recently a lot of us are working from home maybe you run a small business and you've got some staff and you'd like to better let them work from home well a guacamole server is going to help you in that way you can create multiple users that have different permissions you can control which users are allowed to remote into which computers and you as the admin you can see who's logged in when and for how long and for all those bosses out there who think yeah i might know how long my staff are working for but are they doing any work well for you guys you can even record their screens so whilst they're remoted in you can play back what they've done at any time if you really want to check that kind of thing so there's a whole bunch of things we can do with a guacamole server and this video isn't going to be long enough for me to show you all of them so just what are we going to look at in this video then well we're going to look at setting it up as a container on an unraid server but of course any system running docker you could actually set up on that too and obviously we're going to want to access our guacamole server remotely and very securely so we're going to run it through a reverse proxy and then enable two-factor authentication allowing secure access this video will look at remoting to various different os types we're going to be remoting to windows machines linux machines and mac os and these computers some of them will be physical machines and others will be vms running on an unraid server and we'll be looking at a useful feature that guacamole gives us which is to be able to turn on a computer that's switched off by using a wacon lam ping and as well as being able to do this to physical machines we're going to do this to vms running on the unraid server as well so actually from apache guacamole we can start up a vm and remote straight into it we're going to look at a couple of ways how we can set up file transfers when we're remoting into machines we'll even see how we can remote into the unraid server running this and bear to access the files from away we'll look up setting up multiple users and assigning them to better connect to various different computers and for all the horrible bosses out there who want to spy on their staff we'll have a quick look at how we can record the screen as well okay so that's what we're going to be looking at in this video so yeah i know that's a big bowl of guacamole and a lot to get through so this video it's pretty long so to make it easier i've tried to split it up into bite-sized pieces and you can see which section we're on by looking at the top bar at the top which will have the name of each section and what it's about so hopefully that will make it easier navigating through the various parts of the video anyway as it's such a big bowl we've got to get through let's get started and tuck in okay so here i am on an unraid server that's running in one of my clients offices now before starting i'm going to go across and create a new chair and this chair i'm going to call it guacamole and so i get faster write speeds i'm going to cache enable this share okay good so now i'm going to access this share on my computer using finder on the mac but on windows just use you know the windows file explorer and i'm going to make two folders in here the first folder i'm going to call it rdp shares and the second folder i'm going to call it screen recording okay so with that done let's close this and now head across to the apps tab and type apache guacamole and you can see there's a few containers here and the one i'm going to install now i hope i don't butcher this guy's name is from tardus's repository here so i'm going to click on to the install button now there's a few things i'm going to change from the default template here now the first thing i'm going to change is i don't want this to run on a network bridge i'm going to set a custom ip for it now the reason being if i don't do this then i can't actually use the wacon land feature that apache guacamole uses um it doesn't seem to work on a bridge connection so i'm going to put in the ip address here just put in whatever ip address you want that's in your subnet okay i'm going to leave the port number as 8080 because it's on its own actual ip it does recommend to change it to something else that's only if we're using a bridge network okay so now i'm going to scroll right down to the bottom for now i'm going to leave all of this as it is and i'm just going to add another path for the name i'm going to call this rdp and screen and the container path i'm going to just make it forward slash share that will be fine and for the host path i'm pointing across to the share that i just made a moment ago and now i'm going to click on to add everything else leave the same and click apply to pull down the container okay so when the container's pulled down just click onto done then let's go to the docker tab here we can see that apache guacamole is running so let's click onto it and go to the web ui to log in and the default username and password is quack admin so pop that in and log in and it will bring you to this screen here now at the moment you can see it says recent connections and all connections and obviously there's nothing there yet because we haven't set anything up now the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to create a new user you can see we're logged in with black admin so i'm going to go to settings here and then navigate over onto the users tab here and next i'm going to click on to new user and this page is really straightforward we just put in a username and password like i'm doing now and next we just fill in the profile full name email address organization and role now there's various account restrictions that we could put on here we'll look at that later but when setting up your first admin user just be sure to check all of the permissions boxes so your user has full permissions on guacamole server so now we can see the user's been added to the list so let's log out of this user and log back in with the user ed that i just created so then once logged in we need to remove the default quack admin account now we've got our proper admin account set up so again we just go back to users click on to the username here then just scroll to the bottom of the page and click on to delete now you could add additional users now but i think it's much better to add all of the connections to the remote computers first and then add the users giving permissions to which computers they can connect to after you've done that okay so let's add some computers to be able to connect to so click onto here where it says connections and now we need to click add new connection and at the top here we can see protocol if we click the drop down box here we can see the various different protocols which we can use to connect to remote machines and the three types of connections we're going to be looking at in this video is rdp which we'll use to connect mainly to windows clients although we can actually use this to connect to a linux client as well if we were to install something like xrdp onto our linux desktop ssh which we can use to connect to a terminal session to mainly linux computers we'll be using this to connect to the unraid server and vnc well we can use that to connect to pretty much any computer where we've got a vnc server running on so to be able to make a connection and use one of these protocols obviously it must be running on the computer which we want to connect to so i'm going to go across to a windows computer now and make sure that rdp is running correctly on that one so that can be our first computer to set up okay so here i am on a physical machine that's running windows 10 professional now rdp is only supported in windows 10 professional it's not officially supported in the home version although there is a hacky work around way to install rdp on windows home but i'm not going to be going into that in this video but i will post a link in the description for some information on how to do that anyway let's enable the remote desktop service on windows 10 pro so let's do a search for remote desktop settings and so all we need to do here is toggle the remote desktop onto on and then click confirm and if we click onto user accounts here here you'll be able to see the users that are allowed to connect via remote desktop at the moment the main user here tash already has access if you had other users on this computer you just add them here now just quickly let's go across onto another windows 10 machine which has got a slightly older version of windows 10 where you access the settings to the remote desktop slightly differently so we want to go across to system and then remote settings now it's not this remote assistance bit at the top here that isn't the remote desktop it's this bit underneath here so we just want to check allow remote connections to this computer and i'll get this warning here it says that the computer will go to sleep so when you're connecting to a remote computer you want to make sure that the computer never sleeps otherwise it might have gone to sleep when you come to actually access it but we'll also be looking at something later on to better send a wake on lan ping to computers that support that okay so that's the two different ways on windows 10 to allow remote access to the computer let's go back to the other windows machine and what we really want to do is to set a static ip for the machine that we're going to remote to so i'm just going to have a look at the ip address which it's been assigned by dhcp and i'm going to set the static ip address to be the same now you should be able to use the host name but i find when i do that it doesn't seem to work for me so i think it's always best to use a static ip address on every computer you want to remote to okay so we've enabled remote desktop and we've set a static ip so now let's go back to the guacamole web ui and set up the connection there so the first thing to do is name the machine and this computer is called sales and they're going to change the protocol across to rdp under concurrency limits we don't have to set anything but i'm going to set the maximum number of connections to one and the maximum number of connections per user to one we don't need to fill in load balancing or guacamole proxy parameters however under the parameters section here under network here we want to put in the static ip of the machine we're remoting to and for the port number the default port for rdp is 33.89 next under authentication we need to put the username of the user logging into windows 10 and their password on that machine if the computer's on a domain then put in the domain here this computer isn't on the domain so i'm going to leave that blank and for security mode we're going to use network level authentication and it's important as well to check ignore server certificate okay so next we want to go down to display here and i always think it's good to set the resize method here to display update virtual channel and what this will do is resize the display when you resize the browser window so really useful but if you wanted to you could put in the exact width and height for the resolution and the dpi and color depth i normally leave these just blank and if we scroll down a bit more under device redirection we'll come back here and have a look at this later when we set up file sharing with rdp but for now let's just go down here to performance and here we can enable the wallpaper theming and various other things i just normally enable the clear type font smoothing and there's nothing else we really need to actually put in here but again you can see the screen recording here this is where we'd put in details to be able to record the screen i'm not going to do that on this machine and down at the bottom here this is where we put the wake on land details in order to wake up a machine when it's gone to sleep or it's switched off now i'm not going to do that on this machine here we'll do wake on lan when setting up guacamole to start up a vm on an unread server so for now i'm just going to click on to save okay now here we can see the machine under the connections this is the only remote setup but to actually access the remote i need to go up to my username here and then go to home and then under all connections this is all of the remotes i can connect to with this user so i just have to click onto sales to make a connection and here we can see it logging into that windows 10 machine with the user tash now the screen's black here because i didn't enable the wallpaper i didn't think there's any reason to do that the performance will probably be a bit better without having the wallpaper transmitted and everything's working fine i've got full control of the machine now if i leave this connection open and go back to the guacamole web ui you can see under recent connections there's the sales computer running and we even get a little preview window of what's happening on that machine and if i wanted to log back into that machine i could just click on the preview window and it will go straight back in now i'm going to go ahead and make connections to lots of other machines and then come back and take a look okay so now there's a bunch of windows machines all with rdp connections and you can see here the various preview windows of machines that i've recently opened or which are running now and if i log into one of these machines this time windows 2012 server but then because i'm still logged into the sales computer i didn't actually close the connection we can see the preview window here being shown in the bottom right hand corner and if i wanted to jump back onto that machine i just click the window but as it is i can kind of see what's happening anyway from the preview window showing what's going on and the little window will stay there in the background whilst i'm doing other things unless i want to get rid of it whereby i can just click on the cross on the side and close down the window now on some windows systems when you want to actually log out if you try to do so in the normal way you'll find that you actually can't find that part on the screen so what to do in that case is if you just press ctrl alt and end it will bring up a screen whereby you can sign out and then just click back onto the home button to get back into the guacamole server okay so we set up an rdp connection and i've got a bunch of them here so now let's connect to another machine using a different method this time let's connect using vnc and for this i'm going to connect to a linux vm running pop os we go to settings and then the connection tab and obviously click new connection but before we do that let's just prepare the pop os machine now like i said this computer is a vm running on the unraid server so i'm going to go to the vms tab and just vnc into it from here okay so when using the vm we can't use the webvnc that unraid uses to connect to this we need to use a proper vnc server running on the os now pop os already has all of this built in so we don't have to actually install a vnc server but to activate the built-in one we need to go up to top right hand corner click onto it and then go to settings and then go down to the section where it says sharing and then in the top right hand corner we need to enable the sharing button here next we want to go down and click onto screen sharing and toggle that on and it's also important that we select this here to allow connections to be able to control the screen and next we need to set a password so we need to select this here require a password and then put in the password here i'm just going to use the one that i actually log into the vm with normally so that's it that's done that's the basic vnc server that's built into popos setup so now we can go back to the guacamole server and now we can click new connection and we can see the protocol is already on vnc so let's just name the connection obviously pop os so now let's scroll down to where it says parameters and so here i'm going to pop in the ip address now i didn't actually show myself setting up the static ip but there is a static ip address set up on the popo svm and the port number by default that should be five nine zero zero now under authentication i'm going to put in the username which is the username i log into and the password the password that i set in the vnc server that's why i set it the same to the username and password that i just used to log into normally and that's it that's all i'm going to fill in so i'm just going to click on to save now under my user go across to home and click onto pop os to log in and here we are in popos through guacamole and everything's working fine yeah we've got full control over the machine the vnc connection's working fine and now if we go back to the guacamole homepage we can see our recent remote connections let's log back into windows 2012 and now in the bottom right we can see the other two open connections the pop os and the sales computer i click onto pop os we just go straight in and across onto the sales computer and back again into pop os it's really nice way of working with multiple open connections just clicking on which one you want to go to anyway let's go back to the guacamole home screen so we've set up rdp connections and a vnc connection so now let's connect to a computer with ssh and so for the ssh connection i'm going to connect to one raid so i need to know the ip address of the unraid server and this one is so let's go back to the guacamole server and as always let's go to settings and connections then new connection okay so first let's name this obviously i'm going to call it unraid and for protocol we need to change this to ssh now let's scroll down to parameters here and under network we need to put in the network ip of the unraid server so for me that's and ssh uses port 22 by default so we'll pop that in there now under authentication i'm going to put the unraised username and password in so that's root and then my password under display here i'm going to change the color scheme to green on black so that's basically for the terminal window how it displays the text font size i'm going to put that up to 18 i think and now let's scroll down to the bottom and click save so now to test it let's go to the guacamole home screen and go to unraid here we can see it's slightly different to the other remote connections because of its little icon here which represents a terminal window anyway let's click it and log in okay right so here we are in an ssh session on the unraid server so let's change directory into the user shares and let's list out what's here okay so now we've got an ssh connection as well over to remote computer so now we've got rdp connections a vnc connection and an ssh connection now i did mention earlier in the video that we can actually transfer files between client and host so let's have a look at that now so if we wanted to actually connect to the shares on the unraid server that we can see here then we're going to have to make a little change in the connection so here we are back on the guacamole server and if we click onto the unraid connection here and let's edit it and now we're going to scroll down until we come to sftp so we're going to enable this here and then under this part here where it says file browser root directory we're going to put in forward slash mnt forward slash user and so our root directory is going to be straight into the shares of unraid so let's scroll down to the bottom and click on to save okay so let's remote into onraid again now let's change directory into the unread shares and list those out again so now let's access these same shares using sftp so on our keyboard let's press shift control and alt and this little window will pop out and you can see here where it says devices we've got the forward slash mnt forward slash user so if we click onto that then here we are browsing the unread shares let's go into the iso share here and then into this folder vbios and if i click onto the file it will download it but also if i want to upload a file i click on upload files and select the file and click open and that will upload the file straight into the share so we've got full access to the unraid shares through the guacamole sss remote connection okay so let's quickly double check that file's actually there on the unraid server i'm going to go across to the shares tab and then click on the view button for the iso share and then go into v bios file here and there we have the file that rx 6800 rom okay so now let's actually go and have a look at sharing files with an rdp connection so let's head back to the guacamole server and so let's go and edit the sales computer here and let's scroll down and we're looking for device redirection here and we want to click here where it says enable drive and for drive name i'm going to call it guacamole if we wanted to we could disable the downloading or uploading of files i don't want to do that and now for drive path this drive path needs to be where we've mapped inside of the container so let's go back to the unread server quickly and this is the share we created earlier and inside this share we've got screen recording and rdp shares so let's go into here with the file browser and inside here i'm going to make a folder for the sales computer so let's make a new folder and call that sales okay so there it is now if you remember in the mappings of the container we map the guacamole share to forward slash share so where this is going to be is going to be forward slash share forward slash rdp shares and then forward slash sales so let's go back to the guacamole server and for drive path we're going to put forward slash share forward slash rdp [Applause] shares forward slash sales so there we've got our location so with that done let's scroll down to the bottom and click on to save so back on the guacamole server let's remote into sales and again like before on the keyboard press shift ctrl alt and here under devices we can see shared drive let's click on that and if we click on to upload files and we'll upload this rom file here again and so now we can see the file here but whereabouts is that in windows well it's actually been added as a network share it's this one here guacamole on guacamole rdp and in here there's the file we just uploaded so if i wanted it on the desktop i can just drag and drop it there now if i go into this download folder here and i drop something into the download folder well that will transfer straight across over to my browser and download onto the computer that i'm on now so you know it's pretty cool so that's how you do file transfers using rdp okay so the next thing we're going to look at is how to start up a machine that's shut down whether it's physical or virtual by using a wake on lan ping ok so the machine that we'll send this wacom lamping to it's going to be this windows 2012 one here now the reason i'm choosing this one is because it's an unraid vm so let's shut this down and edit the template and let's scroll down to the bottom here and where we can see this virtual network adapter i'm going to copy the mac address onto the clipboard now obviously if this was a real machine we'd take the mac address of its actual network adapter okay so let's go back to the guacamole web ui and click on the windows 2012 configuration here and let's scroll right down to the bottom and here it says wake on lan let's check this to send the packet and now here we need to put in the mac address which we just copied a moment ago so let's put it in here and now for the broadcast address we're going to put and here we can put a wait time for guacamole to wait until it tries to connect to the remote i'm just going to leave this blank because if it times out i'll just connect again so okay i'm going to click on to save now let's go back to the unraid server because we're not finished here yet now what we need to do is to go to the apps tab and let's just type in here virtual machine wake on lan and we need to install this plugin okay and then click on to done and now let's go to the settings tab here go to vm manager and now if we scroll down we can see here we've got this extra part here the wake on lan so we want to enable that by setting it to yes and apply and done and so now let's go back to the vms tab and keep this open here and now let's go back up to the guacamole server and click onto my username and go to home and now i'm going to make a connection to the windows 2012 machine here okay so it's connecting waiting for a response so now let's go back to the unread vm tab and just refresh this page and hey look it started awesome okay so now back to guacamole and we can see there was a connection error because it timed out it's trying to reconnect again and here we are it's logged in awesome okay so the next thing we're going to look at is how to record the screen while a remote session's going on okay so here we are back on the guacamole server in the connections list and this time i'm going to edit this pc here this one called claire and if we scroll down to where it says screen recording and this recording path here again it's mapped inside the container so if we look at the template it's mapped to this location here forward slash share so let's pop that part in now and so this share is mapped to the guacamole share i've got here and inside of here we've got this folder here called screen recording that's where we want all the screen recordings to go so back editing the connection we now want to put forward slash and then screen recording now for the recording name that's the name that the video file will be called so i'm going to call it claire pc and that's all we need to do here so now scroll down to the bottom and click save okay so now whenever there's a remote connection made to the pc clear it will record the screen and we'll find the recording in the share that we created okay so i just remoted into that pc to make a screen recording so now let's go across to the share where it is to play it back because playback isn't as straightforward as you might first think okay so let's open the file browser into the guacamole and here's the folder called screen recording and here's the recording called claire pc now a lot of people think you can just open this file with something like vlc but sadly that doesn't work because this is a special type of file that's created by guacamole but there is an easy way that we can actually open it now let's minimize this and i'm going to open another browser tab so paste the link in the description into a browser and we're going to download the glyptodon enterprise player and at the moment it's version 1.10 and we need to download this file here then once that file's downloaded i'm going to paste it into the screen recording folder here and then extract these files okay so i'm going to remove the compressed file and just rename this to player and now let's go into this folder here and just the index.html file let's open that with a browser just double click it and now here we're just going to click on to browse and just browse to the location of the file and here's the file here clearpc and i'm going to click on to open and then down on the bottom here click the play button and here we are we can see it logging in and now we can see the screen playback okay okay so that's how you easily can play back a screen recording in an apache guacamole server okay before we go and put the guacamole server behind a reverse proxy and enable two-factor authentication let's have a look at using users and groups now obviously i've got all of these connections here but i want to restrict them to be able to be accessed by various groups and users only so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to create a new group so for that we obviously go to groups and then click new group this one i'm just going to call standard and here we can see the various permissions i can give to this group as it's a standard group i don't want them to have any type of creation or administration permissions at all and also i don't want members in this group to have automatic connection to any of these computers at all so i'm going to click on to save and next new group let's call it advanced and this group i want to be able to create new users only so anyone that's in the advanced group will be able to create new users and again scrolling down i don't want this group to be able to connect to any particular computer here so i'm going to click on to save and next new group let's call this group directors now for the directors group i don't want them to better create new users or any of this here at all but i do want the directors group to be able to connect to any computer except for the unread server through ssh just the workstations in the office so let's click save and finally for the last group let's make this admin and the admin group obviously is going to have permissions for absolutely everything and to be able to connect to all of the computers here okay so we've got four groups now so now let's go back to users here okay so at the moment obviously i've only got my own user here so i'm going to click on to add new user and for the first user let's just call it accounts and give it a password and next let's fill in the profile details okay so here under account restrictions we could disable this user from being able to log in if we think maybe we want to enable them at a later date but i want this user to be able to log in straight away all of these fields are pretty straightforward you can allow access after a certain time you can deny access after a certain time if i wanted the account to say be enabled in one week's time i could put the date that i want the account to be enabled on here and if i only wanted the account to be used for a short amount of time i could put the date that the account is going to expire and the user time zone we can fill in the time zone for the user here for me that's going to be gmt and here under permissions and here under permissions obviously this is the permissions of what the user can do now the only thing i'm going to tick here is to be able to change the user's own password and next i'm going to add the user into the advanced group so if you remember my advanced group allowed the user to be able to create new users so i wanted to do this through the group rather than through the individual permissions here and scrolling down to connections now one reason i didn't want to give the advance group connections to various computers is because i want to do that individually with the users so for the accounts user i just want him to only be able to connect to the account's computer so let's click on to save okay so basically that's how we set up users and groups yeah it's pretty self-explanatory so i'm not going to go through and set up a whole bunch of things now but what i am going to do now is i'm going to enable two-factor authentication before i go and put this behind a reverse proxy so to do that we need to hop onto the unraid server and go to the docker template here and go to edit and let's scroll down and we're looking for this variable here the totp variable and we want to set that to yes by putting a capital y okay so now let's click apply to save the changes and done and now let's log back in so i'm going to put in my username and password and now it's saying multi-factor authentication has been enabled on the account and so i want to get my two-factor authentication app and i'm going to scan the qr code and now scan the qr code my apps generate a number so i'm going to put that in here and click on to continue okay so now two factor is enabled on this account and now when any of the other users log in for the first time they're going to be asked to set up two factor as well right so now it's time for us to reverse proxy the apache guacamole server and we're going to use swag to do this now if you remember earlier i set a fixed ip address for this container the so if you're using a fixed ip note down the ip address of what the container is running on and then we're going to have to head over to the app data folder of schwag which is my reverse proxy of choice okay so we need to browse to the app data folder and go into the schwag directory here then engine x and then proxy confs then if we scroll down in alphabetical order we'll find the guacamole server and we're going to edit the subdomain one and the first thing to look at here is this part which says guacamole this is the sub domain name which will be pointing through so you would need to have the sub domain set up for i'm not using this as my subdomain i'm just going to use remote that's the subdomain i'm using to point through now because i'm using a custom ip address i'm going to have to change this line here where it says set up stream app at the moment it's set for the name guacamole but you can see here that the container is called apache guacamole here so if i wasn't using a dedicated ip address i would put in the name of the container here in order for schwag to be able to find the container that it's pointing to but because i'm using a custom ip address i'm going to change it where it says guacamole here to the ip address that i set the container to use so for me that is 192.168.1 so all this little part here does is it sets the app name or ip address the port and the protocol okay so that's done so now we need to save the file so when saving the name we need to take the dot sample off the end so the name reads guacamole.subdomain.conf and click save okay and so now i'm going to open the template of swag and you can see here i'm using a wildcard for my sub domain so i don't need to put anything else extra in here if you weren't using wildcard then you'd have to add the sub domain into the list that you'd have here okay so now we need to restart schwag to reload the configuration file and so now i can access it using the sub domain and get straight through to the login page so now if i log in it's asking for my authentication code too and so here we are logged in on the web ui okay so there we are with reverse proxied we got two factor authentication so we're totally secure and with that it brings us to the end of this video wow that was a long one this time guys this video i think that's the longest one i've ever made well i hope you found it useful and you enjoyed it if you did then please hit that like button show me you liked it and if you're not already a subscriber what you're waiting for click the subscribe button and join the channel now as always i want to give a huge thanks to the guys that make all these videos possible to my awesome patreons and supporters thank you so much for enabling me to make these videos and if you feel you'd like to join these great bunch of people and help support the channel then you'll find links in the description of how to do that anyway guys it's getting late here now and it's time for me to go but whatever you're up to for the rest of the day i hope it's good and i'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Spaceinvader One
Views: 47,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apache guacamole, guac, guacamole, guacamole apache, guacamole docker, guacamole unraid, guacomole, space invader, space invader one, spaceinvader, spaceinvader one, spaceinvaderone, swag unraid, unraid, unraid guacamole
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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