How to update a source animation in Sequencer and keep your additive layers in Unreal Engine 5

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hi so one of my favorite things to do with control rig is take animation and do what's called a backward solve so that basically takes the animation that is like from motion capture or uh maya and you can convert it to a backwards solved onto the control rig itself under the controls so you can animate these controls afterwards and it's really simple to add an additive layer in control rig to then make adjustments in this case uh so we're gonna we're gonna name the source this is the base controls that we we just converted here is the additive source call this add and we can go and we could find for example like the head and let's say we wanted to animate this on top of the animation this could be for corrective motion if you're if your mocap didn't have the character looking in the right spot the arms were poking through something lots of reasons why you'd want to take the source animation you know maybe you animated maya and then you brought it in you made some changes and doesn't something doesn't line up so you want to just tweak it right you do an additive tweak but the problem with this is people have said okay well i did this but now i need to bring in the source again i need a new source right so how do i how do i replace that source without losing all my additive curves here so you can actually create a new section let's go back to beginning in this case we wanted absolute because we wanted to be the actual keys um we can me see here we can mute the source you can see here it's just ahead by itself right um we go to the new source we're going to make this a run let's name this you can tell what's going on right click in the timeline and you see this import nm sequence into this section what this will do is it will automatically do your backward solve and put those channels right into the timeline so now he's running you see the head animation is still preserved so we've basically removed the old animation let's mute this here again we have just the head this is the source unmute it and we also have the new one and you can then delete the source but you're keeping all of the adjustments now if you did f k and f k um solve then it would all be f k if you did the uh um the backward solve in the control rig then they all have to be the same you can't mix different types of background solve but this is a great way to update your existing source animation with something new um so hopefully that helps you guys thanks
Channel: Tony Bowren
Views: 17,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4GmTlZtNq5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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