How To Unlock Super Saiyan (Restrained) Skills In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

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all right you guys welcome back to the channel here for some more Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 future Saga chapter 1 content today I'm going to be showcasing all of the brand new DLC pack 17 super and ultimate attacks for cac's doing this complete breakdown but before we get into that I will be showing you guys how to unlock every single new skill so without further Ado please make sure to drop a like on today's video and let's hop straight into it so first and foremost of course you do need to purchase the DLC pack after you do that we'll unlock 12 new par Quest missions which is the most we've ever seen before in a single DLC I also went ahead and unlocked the win conditions for you guys now do keep in mind that getting the ultimate finish does not 100% guarantee in you getting the rewards right but always try to do your best in terms of performance uh like bring in capsules do as much damage as possible try to complete the quest with full health uh maybe even do this online with some friends just because it'll be a lot easier at the end of the day this is all RNG based but it's always good to aim for the ultimate finish so for the first mission we do have 163 Broly the Invader clear in under 10 minutes and defeat Goku then hopefully we'll get the super attacks gigantic cluster and eraser bomb both being from Broly restraint the unexpected DLC character it's still surreal to me very epic next we have 164 where is Goku clear in under 8 minutes and defeat Super Saiyan blue Goku then we'll get the Super Soul this place will be your grave and all the different artworks but for the ultimate attack again being from Broly restraint uh we'll get gigantic explosion moving forward Mission 165 anniversary Antics clearing under 8 minutes and defeat blue Goku once again we have variable snip shots and steel Mirage two super attacks from Android 18 DB super mission 166 escape from West City clear an under 7 minutes and defeat Super 17 we'll get the Super Soul hope you're ready for a trip and pendulum bullet which is again Android 18's ultimate attack now I forgot to mention but you can lower the difficulty setting if you want to it will cost you 10 time Patrol medals uh you can see it now says easy I don't think this will better your chances in getting the rewards but it'll be a lot easier in completing the mission and getting that ultimate finish so I do highly recommend that we have Mission 167 fighting for family clear in under 10 minutes and defeat Gohan adults we have the artworks and Sagar combination as well as burning Swan uh both super attacks from Videl DB super we have 168 Videl Super Mom clear in under 7 minutes and defeat golden Frieza and the others uh oh this is the very first Quest where we get a new accessory being videll's wig of course we have the super so as well and the ultimate attack Justice Drive 169 reclaiming a holy vessel clear in under 10 minutes and defeat golden Frieza and the others uh no super or ultimate attack for this specific Mission but we do get orange Piccolo's outfit Mission 170 a field study clear in under 9 minutes and defeat Andro 18 DB super will get videll's outfit no super or ultimate attack Mission 171 Fighters with finesse clear in under 9 Minutes defeat great San 1 and the others great San 2 might be in this one as well just because it does specifically State great San 1 we get Crimson Edge and divine spear two super attacks from Ultra super villain Rosé Goku black 172 Little Big Brother claring under 8 minutes and defeat zaru Baby Vegeta that's funny little big brother um the supers are big bang knuckle and wild sting of course from Ultra super villain god Vegeta 173 decoding clear under 9 minutes and defeat beerus himself look at that we also go up against the previous DLC characters power Awakening and DB super Gohan but we'll get the Super Soul you will know the power of the Gods and divine Ray bomb of course again this is Rose's ultimate last but not least we have Mission 174 hypers special training clear with your own health over 40% and defeat Supreme Kai of time and Trunks yo are we playing as a Time breaker I am assuming so uh the Super Soul I'll surpass you as I am with my own power I'm assuming that's Vegeta's and final Rampage being Vegeta's new Ultimate now that that we got all that out the way let's hop straight into the Showcase started things off with videll's skill attacks then we'll move up to Android 18 supers and ultimates then the ultra character and then finally Broly himself so first up we do have burning Swan this one is a bit more basic but this is the first variation of it where it slowly follows the opponent when it eventually does hit the opponent it doesn't necessarily do that much damage however it does stun them so we can follow up with different combo string it definitely has some combo potential because of the side step that we can do afterwards so after we use it look how fast can dash out the way it's very fastpaced so let's say we do that Dash and then do a combo do that again oh that didn't necessarily land but you know what I mean right we can also burst Dash if we want to so you know kind of put this out there and distract the opponent maybe go behind them and then you know they have an enemy behind them and in front of them so you know it's kind of strategic in a way you can also press and hold the inputs to charge it and increasing the damage and plus it will travel a lot faster and further the same rules still apply after the chargeable variation you can snap out the way continue into a different combo string and then you know rinse and repeat so it it's pretty dang epic if you ask me moving forward we have Sagar combination this is probably like my new favorite Super Attack we have many different variations and it's also extremely versatile so this is the first input of it where you just press it once we do a series of punches into the up kick attack uh If We Hold on or keep rapidly pressing the inputs we do the combination three different times right there doing a total of 13 hits however if we finish the combo string with the triangle preset we'll go ahead and do an unblockable strike attack right there so let's go ahead and have the opponent set to guard first we'll demonstrate with the original preset oh oh oh wait wait he wasn't guarding my bad my bad here it is do that up to three times and yeah nothing happened however again if we press triangle boom unguardable strike attack it kind of reminds me of super saian 2 Team Gohan's uh evasive or not evasive I I think he has a Super Attack something similar to this I mean even the animation is the exact same we also have some style points because we can side side step we can do this up to three times as well o look at that so if the opponent decides to guard side step boom and right there nope where are you going oh oh yeah so if they keep on guarding like that then just finish off with the heavy guard right there so we have like two different outcomes the side steps and the triangle preset as I said before this super attack just basically grants you style so let's go ahead and set the opponent to Super Attack two check this out we can side step out the way from incoming supers hey hey once more Broly go on ye o with the weaves so cool if you ask me uh let's do that again and I like the range to it you know it has a decent amount of range so there's also a cool thing to this uh let's go ahead and have them set to standing we can use this after burst dashing something similar to focus flash only a certain amount of super attacks can do this but you can see it's highlighted right now it works just like that and we can use everything else afterwards the triangle preset the side steps and whatnot and there we have it moving up to videll's Ultimate attack we have Justice drive so let's go ahead and reset just because we have a secret technique to this after we utilize cigar combination but as for the first variation it's a close range attack and it has a very timeconsuming startup animation so you definitely have to land this within a combo string or a stamina break but the animation to it is Flawless look at that boom hey this kind of Suits my character's outfit right G because doesn't he have like the water energy fist attack whatever the technique is called yeah I really do like the new outfit that I'm rocking over here but pay attention to the startup animation it takes about what 1 second or so so after we perform Sagar combination I believe we have to land this about two times fully so that's one and this is two go ahead and get some side steps up in there and now if we pay attention to the startup animation look how fast he throws out the punch yeah a big difference so Sagar combination upgrades I guess you could say just this drive but not only that we can link Sagar combination into Sagar drive or Justice drive right but we have to upgrade it first you know to get the fast-paced Vari ation so let's go ahead and perform s combination a few more times and let's see if we can land it within a combo string so let's just do this why not and combo oh you see you see so yeah it's just so cool how versatile sagot combination is and you know it gives the ultimate attack just as drive an additional power increase the speed animation to it and that concludes videll's skill sets now we have Android 18's super and ultimate attacks steel Mirage oh yeah it's this one I kind of forgot but this is pretty straightforward that's all there is to it we do the fast-paced movement we teleport behind the opponent and then we throw out the Destructo attack however um if the opponent is guarding then the attack will not work so let's set him back to the guard feature right there and I'm glad they did it this way because otherwise it would have been extremely broken uh but check this out huh oh oh yeah I forgot to activate the CPU status there it is there it is so yes you can guard this super attack next we do have variable snipe shots we do have three different variations this is the first one where we just throw out the keyi blast however again it has great combo potential look at that it stuns the opponents with ease something similar to dodon Ray but I think do on Ray is a bit better just because it's faster right you can dash out of dodon Ray uh for steel Mirage you can't necessarily well you can Dash afterwards but the stun animation itself is too great that it doesn't matter at all next we have the second variation which is uh the backflip version where let's say if the opponent snap vanishes we go ahead and do that something similar to masenko right however do notice that the range to it is not as great but the original one yeah it has a greater distance now for the third and final variation if we press and hold the Super Attack we'll snap vanish close to the character and then throw out the gigantic keia blast now for pendulum bullets we have two different variations this is the first one I don't necessarily get the snap vanish I don't know why the character has to snap Vantage I guess it's for the incoming key blast you know how it goes back to the original character so I'm assuming that's why but that's all there is to that one now if we press and hold the ultimate we play tennis we literally play tennis man so I think we hit the opponent about six different times but notice the animation not only do we swipe it away but we also kick it away very very cool and different because we don't normally kick key blast attacks now let's move up to the ultra super attacks first we'll go ahead and showcase Ultra gu Vegeta's moves we have big bang knuckle now for the two supers that we have here they're pretty straightforward we don't necessarily have any fancy Tech to them but that's totally fine because these attacks work wonders after a knockback so let's demonstrate that real quick yeah it doesn't necessarily matter how far away we are from the opponents if we hit the opponent with the consecutive barrage key blast attacks then we'll just automatically fly up to the character doing one single punch but we do two hits which is cool when you think about that next we do have wild sting now we do two kicks which you know providing very epic Godlike Aura and after that we can follow up with any type of super like so again pretty straightforward with these two nothing too fancy now for the ultimate attack we have final Rampage It's a combination of a two-hit combo series with a key blast attack and yes the key blast attack is a prominent flash uh however we also do that Savage strike like move at the very end just capitalizing on the damage yeah that does even more damage than the blast itself wait I think this might be considered a strike move I I think it is yeah look at the damage it does more than the two consecutive hits and a key blast combined interesting interesting that's it for Ultra God Vegeta now we have the epic moves that will all waiting for divine spear so this one again has great combo potential after we do that we can Dash forward do easy damage look at that even after a knockback the opponent still gets stunned of course you know this is not like the most ideal combo string but you know what I mean it just stuns the opponent no matter what uh let's see after we do a heavy knockdown let's see what happens yeah it still stuns them no way so if we use it up close it does a little bit more damage let's pay attention to the health bar it's right under the G in Goku but if we use it from afar like right here it's right before the world Goku a unique thing for this super is that it's unguardable so let's go ahead and demonstrate that for the one time go on guard if you want uh it's not unguardable from afar I don't think yeah so he can guard it from a distance which is fine but up close let's just say we're punching like this and then Super oh look look unguardable wait we kind of used that from the side huh there it is there it is perfect perfect and then afterwards we can continue into a combo so cool that's like a lot of people are going to be using this attack specifically in online matches because look how fast-paced the starup animation time is like you can't escape from this next we have Crimson Edge we finally have the Rosé Scythe wait while he's falling down right there can we follow up with a combo string uh no we can't oh so it's more like a Super Attack finisher right after you do a certain combo string for example combo into divine spear like this and then Crimson Edge yeah yeah that links perfectly so you guys probably saw the blade like move how the Scythe was spinning around in order to do that we have to move the analog stick forward and this will deflect incoming key blast attacks oh oh and then afterwards we go straight into the original one so yes the this can you know overpower basic key blast attacks and some super attacks stay tuned to the channel because I will be testing out if this can deflect every single super but for now let's go ahead and set Rosé Goku to Super Attack 2 just because that's divine spear and let's see if this can overpower that from a distance right because this has the ability to break guards anyway here it is oh so cool we got it it actually works once more Goku nice and then afterwards we land the two consecutive strikes so up close this time around from like right here oh wait wait wait not entirely sure all right so the reason why I'm keeping some distance is because I don't want to hit the opponent with the sze because this does do damage like so so I think right here will be good enough yeah so up close divine spear does overpower the spinning Crimson Edge now for the super Divine Ray bomb really do like the animation to this one the Instant Transmission into the gigantic one-handed keyi blast and then he laughs like a maniac of course it does look cooler on the original character but the Scythe itself woo we are a master at sword wielding or I guess you could say Scythe wielding perish hey and that's everything for the ultra skill set now let's move up to the final character Broly in my personal opinion is the most unique DLC character in all of Xenoverse 2 history just because he has his original skill set and move set but after he transforms we get an additional upgrade same thing for the cac's not in regards to the combo strings obviously we don't have a Super Saiyan restrain transformation but in terms of the super attacks uh they change as well so first up we do have gigantic cluster um this one uh we do get the alternate variation but I will showcase that afterwards of course the further you are away the more the orbs spread out of course not necessarily doing that much damage but the closer you are the more key blast attacks will hit the opponent and obviously the more damage you'll be doing so let's just say after a stound break up close boom infinite damage infinite damage where are you going oh oh he recovered no anyway that's pretty much it for Gigantic cluster next we have eraser bomb now I didn't necessarily really know how to work this attack during the cast character showcase but since I read the description and now understand so first you can add an additional input to increase the speed of the attack the damage is still the same but you can change the trajectory of the key blast attack with the analog stick so if you move it to the left it'll go left if you move it upward it'll go up move it to the right so on and so forth right I mean this is great to catch the opponent because obviously they can burst dash out the way or even s side step so if they do that you know you can go that way as well it's very handy now for the ultimate attack I don't think this one gets an upgrade so first let's just go ahead and transform we do have Ultra instinct which apparently received a buff stay tuned to the channel because I will be uh breaking all that down as well now for the re variation gigantic cluster we pretty much throw out more consecutive key blast attacks also increasing the damage and the AOE explosion they're just everywhere now for eraser bomb this is the coolest one just because it does a lot more damage however we can follow up with a combo string check this out oh yep knock back real quick and then once more with a string oh oh so it just depends how far you are from the opponents so look at that so it's very useful wait I think even the original one we can follow up as well yeah yeah we can all right I noticed it for the upgrade variation that's why I mentioned it for that one specifically anyway now going to the ultimate attack we have have two unique features to this or at least I think one but this is the St alone variation oh yeah wait 1 2 3 4 five I have wait how much key bars does this attack need I think this might just be the very first ultimate attack to utilize six bars of Kei I also went ahead and changed my transformation just because Ultra Instinct does not necessarily work for what I'm about to Showcase uh but now I have enough because of the specific super so that I went ahead and equipped so now it's highlighted let's go ahead and revert you can see we can't use it so that's the first step you have to transform after we do that we can do a crazy amount of damage look what that does one almost two health bars keep in mind that my key blast attribute slot is not even maxed out and I don't have you know a specific key blast Super Soul stuff like that so you can do crazy amount of damage um but the cool thing about this is specifically how you get to utilize it so let's say for example the opponent is attacking we have super strong uh we can use this as an evasive you can see how it's highlighted right there and everything else is not besides the evasive skill of course um but it will utilize four bars of stamina so let's try this look look it just catches the opponent off off guard of course you would want to use this um as soon as your opponent has no stamina because then they can't use their invasive unless they have a Super Attack that can be utilized as an invasive like some of uh Broly's moves I believe gigantic charge uh gigantic explosion the ultimate of course we can't use it during a grab animation but everything else yeah it's over it's done it's done I like the aesthetic yo wa we technically have the Super Saiyan restraint the green aura and the blue [Music] hair hey that that's cool I just realized that but oh he broke my stames it's over anyway this is it for the new DLC pack 17 super and ultimate attacks for cac's as always thank you guys for the immense support and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: RikudouFox
Views: 88,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon ball xenoverse 2, xenoverse 2, xenoverse 2 super saiyan restrained, xenoverse 2 how to unlock, xenoverse 2 how to unlock skills, xenoverse 2 dlc 17, xenoverse 2 dlc 17 update, xenoverse 2 free update, xenoverse 2 how to unlock super saiyan retrained skills
Id: cUxg67ht5gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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