Ranking All Transformations In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

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I finally unlocked all the awoken skills so I'm going to rank [Music] them so like I think Ultra instinct is like really cool and really fun to use but like I I just kind of think it's the worst transformation like mainly because like it doesn't give like any stat Buffs like you Lo out to be able to the ability to key cancel and stun honestly there just better stuff to use in general also it's hard to use cuz like the counter it doesn't immediately activate on when you transform I think it's the transformation that needs to buff the most honestly but like in terms of like visually speaking I I do think it's my favorite [Music] though it's like power P Pro is cool but like I don't know just like one grab and you immediately get knocked out of it I'm not really a big fan of that I kind of just wish like it wor like how it normally does like where you just get get hit you get like get comboed and like I guess you could use it kind of cheap it's just not really not really for [Music] me so like d Super Saiyan isn't really that bad but I just think that like all the other versions of Super Saiyan are just better I'm pretty sure the stats for it are basically just super saiyan 1 but you get your key back faster I I definitely I definitely use it more than some of the uh Transportation I have higher like it just really isn't that special [Music] honestly so like the main reason I use Visa just for like parallel quests and extra missions and raids like it does a lot of damage don't get me wrong but like I just like it's not really worth using online I think it like definitely works the best on a meching though cuz they can regain health and they just have a lot more Health in the M Sai too and the best way to go into the transformation would be like the stamina break him and knock him away but I can just get the kill if I just use an ultimate or something like [Music] that so I wasn't really sure where to put purification I think like the big reason I don't like it is cuz like it just turns you into kid boo but like a different color and like same combo strings too the cool thing about it is the like the key blast get turned into the kicks and your uh L1 becomes your Dodge or your block becomes your Dodge but you also lose out on the ability to perfect block and I don't really like that either but I'm just not a big fan of it [Music] honestly I think turn GI is really fun like once you first unlock it like the more you start to use it it starts to get really boring and like it can be kind of cheesy like if you super guard with it and like you picked for tournament stage but other than that like you could kind of just step vanish around the entire game also I still don't know why we have it for our cscs but we can't use it for orange Piccolo or L [Music] SL I might be kind of crazy for having Kaio kin this high but I it's honestly one of my favorite transformations like it definitely would be a lot lower if the supercell I've been saving this Kaio Ken didn't exist I think the only reason you would use Kaio Ken is to use times 20 though and like it's really really good if you combine it with uh neot Tri beam your final explosion or even some uh some key blast supers that take stamina to use while you're being attack like Broly's moves that's like when it really shines [Music] so for Super Vegeta and Super Saiyan I'd put them I'm putting them basically that the same I'm just putting Super Vegeta a little bit lower because I believe uh Super Vegeta 2 gives you a smaller basic attack buff than Super Saiyan 2 I think before they added like all the new transformation or all the new Super Saiyan Transformations and stuff it definitely be like way higher [Music] so Super Saiyan 3 used to have like a stamina debuff and if it still had that I definitely put a like a little bit behind super did too but now it doesn't have that and the only thing the only downside is the key uh key debuff but I mean I don't really think that matters anymore because we just have burst charge it just got outdated cuz blue and blue Evolution do does everything does transation do but better it does change your stance though so that's pretty cool a big reason I have golden form so high is cuz I just think it's the best thing to use on a Freez race and I think I think he like a 30% uh keyi blast buff I'm also pretty sure the only downside is that it's a got a defense debuff and obviously gives the like the key blast the charge key blast and there's like pretty decent damage [Music] actually [Music] I think before they added like all the new Transformations potential unleash would probably be the best Transformations for a lot of people uh it used to be one of my favorites and like still is obviously but I just think everything else is a lot better I mean and it's available for all Races too uh appearance-- wise though it is kind of boring cuz it just it's just a wi AA but it does have no downsides and you can use like the the transformation thing to like knock them away so I mean it's pretty [Music] solid so super saiyan blue this is the first new transformation they added after the game came out I still think it's weird weird that we got blue before we got God but I mean I guess I guess we didn't know if Vegeta could go Super Saiyan blue at the or God at the time I guess it kind of makes sense I think the key drain isn't as bad as it used to be and the it definitely makes up for it with the damage I think it's like a 25% damage bust to everything and it gives you like a stamina buff or stamina speed recovery bonus so yeah [Music] and now time for blue Evolution I think blue Evolution does like everything Super Saiyan blue does just better but it also like drains more key but like also you know you just got burst chars the yeah just get everything back also in terms of like appearance I think it looks cooler too [Music] yeah so Super Saiyan God is definitely my favorite transformation in the universe I mean it's just like it has no downsides and like it gives you like an insane buff to your basic attack I think it also has the coolest uh animation for when you transform too I think the basic deck buff is like 40% I could be wrong I think other people might put blue BL Evolution higher than this I I wouldn't be mad at that honestly I think just really all depends what you go [Music] for okay so like this is my tier list like as a this is as like an actual tier list basically I don't know why I'm getting so many ads but I am I think I probably put Future Super Saiyan a little low honestly I think I definitely if I were to make it again I'd put it like right above [Music] Beast yeah but Ultra insing definitely needs a buff I a like that yeah that's definitely the worst transformation and everything else I think I lose the same yeah let me know what you guys think
Channel: AydenSenpai
Views: 15,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbxv2, dragon ball xenoverse 2, ultra instinct
Id: llB4ztPNfJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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