How To UNLOCK Shark ANCHOR Blox Fruits...

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today we were going to get the shark anchor in Blox rots and this is it right here look at number school doing like little jiggy with it it looks sick people are no oh yeah yeah that's that's it right there people are saying this is the new best weapon in Block sech if that effect showed it enough I think it is this is probably the best looking weapon in the game and number is it the best in the game see he said yes number School said yes that's why we must get it I might be 2 weeks behind but I'm going to be 2 weeks ahead by getting it now you know we're going to Tiki upos so I heard that you get it over here so you go talk to this Shark Hunter man over at the tiki Outpost you talk to him he says looking for trouble or you going to keep bothering me if you can create these two accessories I've got something for you so we're going to click Craft and there's one recipe two recipes and then a third lock recipe first you got to craft these two their tooth necklace which is 38 of these green tubes and 32 bone tubes we're going to craft it right now boom we got it and it will craft a second thing called The Terror jaw which is 15 eyes more tubes more gold gold that we don't have and more teeth so all of these materials right now are required by going in the sea and hunting for different things I guess we're going to be doing that for a while so we're going to hop on someone's big boat and then hunt for seea things there's Terr sharks there's electric sharks there's so so many little mob guys in the sea and you what I am going to be the captain of this boat okay so right now we need Fool's Gold we only got six how do we get it as we go deeper and deeper into the water further away from the tiki Outpost chest telling me that I have to kill ghost chips and then that's how we get fool's gold and I should probably switch my fruit to magma cuz that's the best for hunting everything what's funny right now is that nothing's spawning literally nothing when I want things to spawn these SE beasts are just our friends spawning it so we don't run into rocks dude we're 2, M away and nothing has spawned look we're in extreme difficulty right now oh sharks have spawned let's kill them wait I just realized my stats aren't right we're we're going to refund this is awkward refund and put everything into defense blocks fruit and melee and all the sharks are gone oh wait but boats have spawned come here boats oh I'm going to use all my moves on you volcanic storm am I doing 15,000 damage 177,000 damage I'm going to kill this boat all by myself hey dude boom more damage that did not do more damage come on give me some Fool's Gold give me some Foo gold I earned 25 fragments I'm not getting any Foo gold volcanic storm okay I'm just using all my lava stuff that ship died too okay we did not get any Fool's Gold from that I think cuz they were normal ships and not ghost ships I'll try to get ghost ships next time and by the way chat if these random Islands spawn in here I'm pretty sure they also drop Fool's goat I can't speak do I get anything I did not get anything but more ships have spawned but those are not the right ships I got a evade aade go go go stop back Hooligans back go into the sea where we'll find the actual ships you want I then a teror stru to spawn uh hold my v and probably our boat just sink what is happening chill we're going to use all our lava moves on this guy and hopefully we get something cool I'm going hold ah chill chill chill 11,000 damage that's not much chill dude I don't know what's happening I'm going up magma shower okay I just did 12,000 damage that's pretty good I'm going to just hold my C over there hope that is something okay we got a a terai and a mutant tooth our boat's dead I guess we just all reset now we're on another boats oh this one's cooler we're run away we're run away okay finally the ghost ships have spawned let's just do a whole bunch of damage to all this okay I just did 23 damage 41,000 we're just killing oh I got some full goldo I got three from that oh I'm shooting my own ship that's awkward did we kill all the ships I only got three from that messed up I have got nine Fool's Gold how much more do I need someone chest said I needed one more so hopefully next ghost thing oh I get itam bam we just killed all these guys die boom we got some shark dupes can't see nothing though so after the next ghost thing spawns we should be able to get it so I just ran into this thing chat what is this oh wait no there's a ghost ship Ghost Ship Ghost Ship I don't know what that is but Ghost Ship I need the fool's gold and you just blocked my entire attack what the heck B bom die die die 15,000 I need more 25,000 come on okay I got five more Fool's Gold from killing this ship oh are there more ships there are more ships yes I just smacked that ship This ship's about to get smacked too boop boop that ship's down oh I think our ship sink but chat what is this since when did they add this to the game can I get Fool's Gold friend this blinking everything there's just a sunken ship I've never seen this before can we get Fool's Gold friend this uh I got some fragments I'm just looking around for a little chest that's interesting wait I just realized that we have enough fool's gold look look look look chat chat ready Fool's Gold we got 17 so if we go down here hello Shark Hunter we talk to him craft teror jaw we need this craft boom now that we have that we got the terar jaw and we got the tooth necklace now we can actually get the Monster Magnet which is 20 fools gold eight of these electric things and we already got the other stuff so electric things we kill Electric piranhas I think and Fool's Gold is more ships this is going to be painful we got to do even more grinding this game is a a lot of grinding okay chat this is probably our fourth run right now on this ship four runs in a row probably like 40 minutes and guess what zero piranas so do you know what that means we're getting at this one cuz all I need is like four different fins how much look I'm at five right now I need I think three fins I need eight Electro fins or five I don't know but it's insane of how many ghost ships we got look look look at my Fool's Gold Fool's Gold I'm at 43 now but no piranhas oh piranas B Piranha's Bon come on yeah die die give me all your stuff yoink yoink I'm sucking blood out of one I got two from it wait how many electric Wings am I getting so many are spawning right now how much do I have uh electric we got 12 woo dude so many times so many times I was losing my mind dude we went like for 40 minutes not finding any piranhas and just then three of them spawned three like groups of them just spawned right then I'm this game just look watch leviathan's about to spawn chat you guys probably can tell my voice after a long time of not finding things you kind of lose your mind in this game blockb is just a mental game you know is that the Mirage Island what is that what is that what is this I found the Mirage uh we got enough after this boat dies we're going to back and get the anchor okay so the boat died to a terror shark I've calmed down a little bit my mind is a little bit more at ease look at these like from all that we' got 55 FS gold and then 14 electric wings so we are way past what we need now so now all we got to do is get the anchor and then find another Terror Shard so we've talked to this guy craft boom Monster Magnet look we've got more than enough we got more than double the amount of Fool's Gold we needed for it because our luck kind of weird but boom We crafted the Monster Magnet and how do we use this thing monster do I just hold it in my inventory I think we just go out there with it in my inventory and then it will spawn so someone in the chat said you can't use it right now it gets used randomly in the sea so I guess we just go on another boat ride get another Terror shark and maybe it will spawn with an anchor but before that happens chat we're going to all roll and see what we get let's go okay let's see what everyone gets so cat roll something good good roll everyone everyone's rolling all my homies roll all the homies roll with all this bad luck we're going to get something good oh Spike fruit oh love fruit is this no this that's rubber fruit so we got a rubber we got a spike what else what else we were getting got another Spike oh wait wait wait wait no no cat got a spirit wait pull out the spirit fruit oh someone got a sound fruit no way okay he just stored it okay that's a fake leopard fruit he's lying okay I think everyone's capping right now but now that everyone's capping I'm going to roll my fruit myself okay we're going to go hello zis all right we're going to roll a fruit and we got okay we got of SP fruit okay fun now let's store all these things door door door someone just what is that is that a gravity or what is that I don't know but we just stored all of them okay someone just stor a rocket fruit someone just rolled a rocket fruit all that luck was so bad okay I guess we go back to hunting we're going to go on the boats cuz I'm going to carry the boat chat I'm going to carry the boat okay so we're on our way looking for the terror shark come on Mr magnet spawn something Mr magnet I believe in you Mr magnet come on oh NOP that's a SE Beast bro I thought a terror shk spawned but someone just getting me that refund you're so funny Terror shark has spawned yeah okay how many meters we're 5,500 and no Terror shark come on oh a terror shark has spawned but it's not is it the right one I don't think it's the right one wa it's not the right one come on no and then the Ghost Ship spawns at the same time this is so weird we're just going to just kill everything you're dead you're dead you're dead stupid Terror shark you're not even the right one ow chill why is like half the people on the ship over there other half of the people was trying to kill this Terror shark that dude is about to die over there die die Terror shark I do not like you you trolled me oh that's so laggy dude the shark just in the water deep down there come out out why is he so deep I can't do damage to him uh is he glitched I think we glitched Tire shark deep into the waters he's just going to chill down there go get it get it oh I did some damage this is the longest ter shark fight I've ever had and I'm kind of losing spec spec someone to chest that spec spec what oh if you use blizzard you can it I don't care here you go see go my little balls get it get it my little balls hit it okay he's deep down there oh he's back up he's back up okay come on teror shark you're dead now thank you thank you for all your goodness okay well that's dead we got the Ghost Ship we got to spawn another Terror shark so do I reset just in case we're just going to portal back we're not going to reset okay do not run into the Rock do not run into oh okay the rock disappeared o oh it did it did it your monster Maga has distracted an irregular Beast we did it okay I actually got to do damage though here it is I I so dark right now I can't see nothing okay I got to Spa oh it's going after me why is it going after me okay I'm just going to where is it there it is we're going to we got to do a whole bunch of damage to it let me kill it oh okay it's going after me stop going after me stop going after me okay 10,000 13,000 okay it's like half Health now I think I did enough damage in order to get it but I got to do more okay where is it at okay there it is just throwing my magma over there got to keep my distance we're going to be cool with it it's so close to dying come on yes we got the mut we oh item drop shark anchor we got it we got it oh come on come on we've got it look at this look at this chat look at it we finally got it this took so long and it's only got two moves but this took so long look at me I'm going smack someone right now who wants to get smacked I'm removing everyone you all get smacked oh this is a safe Zone but we finally got this thing after so long ah
Channel: Spekツ
Views: 41,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox blox fruits, roblox bloxfruits, roblox bloxfruit, roblox first time playing bloxfruit, roblox noob to noob, blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits noob to pro, one piece, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, roblox one piece, blox piece, noob to pro, russo, MeEnyu, NotOG, Kitt Gaming, TheGreatACE, Gamer Robot, DernD, ShisuiXI, Axiore, Foltyn, Third Sea, rektway, numberskull, mythical, fire fruit, awakening, permanent fruit, update 20, shark anchor
Id: n74J_qYkTI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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