finally got Shark Anchor.. (Blox Fruits)

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okay so if you have been watching my video for the past 2 days you know I've got the sound fruit and you know I have the madma fruit right here it's pretty cool right look at that thing but there's one thing that I really want to get too shark anchor this thing right here do you know how sick that looks I want to get that I just want to get that there's one problem though okay look at me am I look at me wait you can't really see me all right there now look at me there's one problem I have no idea how I'm going to get it time to watch a YouTube video okay I found a video how to obtain new shark anchor hey guys oh my guys screaming at my ear wait do I do that to you guys do I scream at your ear I'm not watching that video I'm just going to find it myself I'm so stupid I could just search it here shark anchor just like that boom okay how do you get it obtain the Monster Magnet from Shark Hunter who the freak is Shark Hunter Shark Hunter is an NPC that was at blah blah blah blah how'd you find this guy though the user can find this NPC and Tiki Outpost located at the first door at the okay wait I know where Tiki Outpost is I think just kidding I have no idea where it is okay so uh Tiki Outpost boom there we go okay now where do I go I don't know where to go okay you know what maybe it's a good idea to watch the Youtube video after all right right bro where do I go am I stupid there's a guy here no don't attack me please don't oh he's lagging haha over here bro am I dumb it's here yes it's right here okay how do you get it looking for trouble or you're going to keep bothering me huh if you can't create these two as soon up now blah blah blah CRA wait what it's locked oh I think I have to get those first oh I could get this oh yeah I fought some CBS whatever that is craft this and then I also have to craft uh this right this thing down here of course I can't have it oh my God I don't know what is this I need shark tube and what is this oh okay that's going to take forever oh 10 Fool's Gold how do I get Fool's Gold Ghost Ship randomly out of chest uh the thing is I don't know what the freaking a ghost ship is okay so like now I got four of my Discord members here apparently this is what I need okay this is all I need but like I don't have any of them I'm pretty sure I have none of them so I need three Terror eyes how many do I have I have two okay really good I need three mutant tubes I have four that's more than enough and I need 30 Fool's Gold I have none I need 20 shark teeth I have one and I need eight electric Wing I have two so uh let's go let's go find it we don't even know where Roxy is okay let's go find Roxie so it could be anywhere right it was here last time but it's not here anymore so it does change wow guys look my Discord members they're doing a really good job finding it like staying here doing nothing bro let's go find it why are they just following me oh New Island okay oh yeah they were right here okay so all we have to do is do SE events and the best fruit for it is winter fruit so uh let's get everything you know all right look at this flying boats oh yep weather changed and nothing spawning wait the fly work nothing spawning there's nothing out here there's a bunch of rocks that's it can I fly over this rock oh no I can't are we sure it's here guys oh that's rumbling water yo so much is going on oh those are the gold ships we need those for fool's gold give me how do we attack it I'm doing no damage to it yo how do I attack this thing there we go 4,000 damage I got three Fool's Gold okay we need Fool's Gold okay that's what we need all right let's continue attacking these guys right here one of them is dead nice I just leveled up oh you level up a lot when killing these cbes very nice very nice very nice all right nice let's go find more ghost ships those are actually so easy to get oh wait wait rough see oh now this thunder right oh my God this thunder no I hate Thunder they do so much damage wait that means I can put more stats let's put more in defense we need to put everything in defense there we go bro where did my flying ship go I need one of those cuz these rocks are so annoying oh a terror shark wait they give us stuff too right that we need where's the terror shark oh they're fighting over there I see it I see it I see it I can't move I need to be a part of this they're going to kill it before I can even get to it let me and then we get something from the terror strike that we need right I'm pretty sure oh it's almost dead and it should be dead I got Terror eyes and mutant 2 those are what we need right yeah yeah yeah yeah we have the three Terra eyes already now we need three mutant TOS we have five wait so we don't have to kill sharks anymore all we need is electric wings and shark teeth okay so all we really need is the normal shark and the panas now that's it so let me tell them boom guys let me kill the small sharks and prian if you find okay wait it's piranas what the freak I said it wrong this whole time all right yeah I need those that's all I need and then fools go too and then I'm done and I could get it I think sharks my sharks die kid they have so much health oh they're level 2,000 too that's why okay I got shark tube perfect give me more I got another sh Shark 2 perfect we need to oh Terra shark oh my gosh we need 20 of this right shark two we have four oh I see sharks over there let me just go attack this normal shark it's trying to break my boat don't break my boat that's not nice let me kill you guys sharks okay I got two shark Tu very nice bro this big Terror shark is so annoying okay it's almost dead oh my God what's happening and we got more of those but we don't really need those wait why are we going so far out wait does further mean more events or what oh more even if you go far out oh okay should we get more boats yeah go oh more ter shark holy I need to no more strikes wait I just got electric Wing how what uh what's happening I I don't know what I'm attacking I'm attacking air it's okay where are the small little creatures I got one electric Wing I'm not going to complain about that we need like 20 though oh we need eight never mind to shark is dead very nice yeah we have three right now shark two we have eight oh my God okay we have to give so many more ghost ships give me these are ghost ships oh these are not ghost ships they do not look like Ghost Ship they they're normal ships oh they're not bro I thought they were stupid normal ships oh my God they actually spawned I need Michel ship they have so much HP though they have a lot of Health I think I need magma right and did the CVS oh why is so many happening at once right now all I care about is the Ghost Ship right now okay that's all I need that's all I need three fulls gold nice there's another Ghost Ship right there wait there's another one right here why is there so many I mean there's no time to complain but like wow there's a lot okay okay okay we did damage to this ghost ship it died what where did the ghost ship go it just despawned bro I'm going to die why am I so low what is attacking me it was fris crew member that was attacking me these idiots why are you guys attacking me go away go away they don't give anything too see Kev use saber to hit ships wait saber works really saber does not work what are you talking about oh it just does more damage that's why look at the oh okay okay oh we're at Rough C now okay we're already resetting we need more ships bro uh okay I spawn first I spawning I'm getting a flying boat this is mine wait everyone get a boat everyone get your own boat wait where is it which way do we go oh this way yeah back here there we go bro look at all the Vats Dam that's so cool all right let's go oh C Beast oh it's a normal SE Beast uh that was a fake C Beast bro I am the fastest boat here oh I wish you could fly over them that would have been cool okay why is something spawning there sharks come here shark I need this shark give me Oh gohost Ship I need that wait let me kill the shark first why is the shark not dying finally my two XP ended I I don't care I need the Ghost Ship give me this oh my God 7,000 damage yeah they were right this does the most damage I did damage to this Ghost Ship let's also do damage to this ghost ship in case it dies there we go 7,000 damage I need all the fullest gold in the world okay don't let them despawn do not let Gip despawn cuz it did happen last time there you go three fullest gold very nice very nice very nice I can't do any damage to this thing stupid Ghost Ship wow did 200 damage okay 5,000 there we go more F gold how many do we need we have 12 okay very nice there's a lot of sharks here I need all the sharks give me there we go they made a whole line here what is this I'm going to cut line guys this is stupid oh shoot ruy the stupid Thunder thing now I hate that thing I'd rather turn big let's turn big cuz um if I turn big I take less damage right oh never mind Ry is gone ranas I need that I need that I need that I need that give me that let me kill that thing die Kid die I got nothing what am I attacking I got two electric Wing yes we have five right now right we need eight yes okay okay that's so good there's one right here he's chasing this guy give me yes I got one again let's go we need two more oh Oh shoot wao what where is it I I don't need the raid boss all I need to do is kill the Normal Sharks here there we go two sharks to very nice and now we can do damage to the raid boss okay saber does a lot of damage but M1 does not do good damage so I think I'm going to change back to cdk honestly there we go oh I got more electric Wings wait I just got four how huh wait wait I have enough electric Wing right yes I have enough electric Wing I have enough Terra eyes mutant tooth electric Wing now all we need is shark teeth and we need five more shark tee okay and then we also need dirty fools gold how many do we have we have 12 okay now all we need is fo's gold oh my god oh wa never mind I also need shark teeth so I oh rough SE I'm literally going to get all my levels from attacking sea EV thing look see I just new quits available open your compass to find next Island bro sharks shark give me come here it's so hard finding these sharks and I just want to kill them all bro someone stole my kill bro stop taking my shark kills I made a low and he just took it shark two sharks give me two sharks my shark please please just let me have them I need the shark too so badly why are they not dying there we go one shark too very nice can the other shark die there we go two shark to let's go how many more do we need we need two more what is going on there's so many boats here oh my gosh oh these are all pirate boats bro the Rocks here are huge look at this dang wait there's two more sharks here after I killed them I think I have enough shark to I need 20 right okay I just got two that's enough yeah I got enough that's really good all we need is fool's gold now and why why do so many normal boats spawn not Fool's Gold yo rumbling wait there's th CS what oh my God two rumbling Waters back to back yo that's crazy oh my God I'm going to die I got electric Wing what okay interesting I don't want to die though I know that no one has any clue what's going on right now there's so many of these CVS holy I'm about to die uh-oh uh-oh I got to do that no no no no no no no I'm going to die no no I can't die I died six CVS bro oh I just got a level nice I honestly should get double XP you know what I mean is it worth it probably not but I'm just going to get it real quick for 1 hour yeah there we go now we got to go all the way back there oh no Ry that's okay wait this a damn a Treasure Island where oh oh oh oh this is a Treasure Island okay I never knew that thing existed until now now I'm out of here oh my God a terror shark of course of course my boat just Suk all right where's the terror shark let's go fight that thing I hate the terror shark they do so much damage too okay and the shark is dead Ghost Ship give me I did 100 damage to a ghost ship are you kidding ghost ship Ghost Ship Ghost Ship ghost ship goost ship I need pool go so bad these are so hard to find these stupid ghost ships my God can it die well let me do damage to the other one too so I could get stuff right I think I'm not sure oh dang full moon too so much is going on right now what another Terror shark why is so much going on right now I got three FS gold very nice now I need three more FS gold the terror shark is also here everything is here I got three more fools gold very nice I now kill this Terror shark wait how many fo gold do I have right now I have 21 okay we need like nine more no problem and it's dead mut too again and more levels another real cbies what bro one of them over with there's another one over here why is there just so many right now what the heck bro I can literally almost awaken wait I just got a bunch of electric Wing too can I awaken awaken I can't no I need something something to attack so I can awaken let me attack something my bar will go down okay it's going down no my Awakening is gone let's make my defense More Level there we go look at that we're almost at crazy 6 well I don't know what that really means they're saying it's super dangerous when we go to Six what what's the worst that could happen it's going to be hard if this ships mainly just guarantee death are we sure we're going to six why are we still moving forward I thought they didn't want to go to six oh no it's so dark what's happening oh this is six is that why we're at Crazy Six is that why it's so dark can't see anything now oh never mind we just went backwards okay bro why does a block Sho spawn okay let's go back yeah there's no ghost ships right now I want to go get the fruits bro it's 2,000 M away it has to be a port town right it's a hydro Island watch okay yep I'm super close they want me to get SharkMan karate so I'll get that afterward apparently it's super good for raids so we could get that let's see what fruit we get though new title unlocked I got ays Tamer interesting all right let's see what fruit is where is this thing right here what is that yeah that's barrier bro okay now let's go to sea castle and now let's uh you know get our thing SharkMan karate this guy right all right and we're going back I should get a normal boat as well then cuz they are getting a normal vat I should get normal vat they all use Guardian okay let's go let's go okay I think everyone's here again y okay oh Terr shark wait there's two sh oh my God there's two of them there's two sharks is that rare holy crap look at them two yo they're both after me oh no I died to the terror STK no no it's okay I got to go back I got to go back let me get this thing oh my god did you die while you at spawn why is he get so far uh maybe cuz I died okay apparently everyone died to the two Terror sharks I think so uh We're Going Back Again Terror shark is it two again no it's just one Terror shark this time okay good all right very cool stuff now let's go back to our votes I call it on this votes more terror sharks how many are there dude oh my gosh there we go we got M to very nice okay let's get out of here ghost ships oh my God give me them give me all right I did damage to this Gill ship now the other one I got to do damage to it I don't want them to kill it before I do damage to it must do damage there we go some damage and ghost ship is so annoying to get it is actually so annoying to get there we go three fo's gold and now this one there we go more damage it's almost dead there we go and it's gone three full gold how many do we need we need three more oh my God more ghost D yo let's go there's a lot now and then we could get it after this we get shark anchor oh my God three fulls gold very nice and then let's just get that one and we can get it get this one get this one go go go go go go go go go go go yes we have enough wait we have 33 let's go okay now um I'm resetting by I'm going to get my anchor now okay now the thing is what do I do maybe I have to watch a YouTube video again oh no it's right here okay so um craft wait this is locked how do I get this I have to get this right let's get that and then Monster Magnet C we got it wait I got Monster Magnet now what how to get Anor fight a 195k HP Terra shark oh okay let's go wait let's see the Monster Magnet oh okay okay okay okay okay you also need the last on Terra shark okay let me kill okay let's go okay guys we're all on the same boat apparently that's the that that's the plan so we're all just here look there's a ghost ship right there right oh no that's a normal ship there's a shark are they doing damage to our boat we got to attack it if it is oh there's ghost ship ships now real ghost ships jeez okay we got to ignore them though ignore them no I can't ignore them I want to go fight them but no we're ignoring them okay so we're on crazy level one more okay we're almost there we're right there and it's going to be super dark right and then we can't see anything oh my God okay we're literally right there and then we got these stupid boats attacking us it's doing damage to us it's annoying okay here we are now we wait oh my gosh and stuff wao we got to run we got to run now it's Ry oh no what if our boat just died just keep going all right just keep going just keep going just keep going I can't see anything dude so still dark can't see anything at all what is happening why why is no one moving I can see stuff now wait what now everything is dark wait what's happening where's our boat ah what is going on our boat is gone no wait if I reset do I lose my Monster Magnet if I reset do I lose magnet bro what's happening yo what's happening it looks like I'm drunk guys oh no okay so let's reset bro this is so stupid we didn't find it oh you're Monster Magnet okay I got it I got it this guy is's the huge one okay I need to have the final hit I can't see anything the terror shc is here where is it I don't see it it's over over there all right go for it go for it go for it I'm going to die what why am I so low okay I got to stay back until they make it low okay I'm going to stay back for a little bit there's also a Treasure Island over there I'm so low yo holy crap I got to back off a little bit do do a little bit of damage first and then back off back yo oh leave me alone please please please I'm low I'm low I'm low low I don't want to die all we have to do is kill the Ser shark that's all we have to do I 5 do damage okay I'm getting my health back slowly but surely this a normal shark here all right where's the ter shark let's get the guy low they're making it low for me I have great Discord members I think hopefully that steal my kill oh crap I'm not going to die right can I put more to defense yes again okay I have Max defense now the at 30k Health all it's at 20K Health let me do it now let me do it now okay wait what if I die though I'm not going to die right it's at 4K Health it's dead it's so close to dead I got it wait where's shark anchor item drop shark anchor I got it yo yo look at that guys I literally got it I'm resetting yo look at that guys I got it finally dude okay guys I'm going to make a whole separate video on getting this to Max Mastery if you guys want that this is cool look at that look how sick that looks that looks so cool all right well finally I can end the video we've been doing this for so long so see you guys in the next one
Channel: cKev
Views: 280,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, blox fruits shark anchor, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits update 20, shark anchor blox fruits, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit, blox fruits update, shark anchor, blox fruits shark anchor sword, blox fruits shark anchor showcase, update 20 blox fruits, blox fruit live, blox fruits shark v4, blox fruits codes, blox fruits shark anchor how to get, blox fruits how to get shark anchor, blox fruits new update, anchor blox fruits, blox fruits anchor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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