How to UNLOCK and SET any FOV on Palworld (110+)

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hello hello and welcome to my guide on pal World on how to increase your field of view above 90 so what we're going to do is we are going to probably bring ours to around 115 130ish and I'm going to show you exactly how to do that so what we're going to do is just quit out of the game and once we are on the desktop what we want to do is go and download one file this particular link will be in the description so you can go ahead and go to this URL and and then scroll down and click the download page here and then from here you want to find the version that works for you so for me it's the English one so as we can see here and then click the download per https once you've done that you'll get a sip folder and you can unzip that and download and install the program so once it's installed you're going to want to find your particular file where your F or V value is located so to do this what we want to do is go ahead to our app data so what you can do is hold your Windows key and R to bring up this type in percent app data percent then and click okay once you are here what you want to do is click back so you're in the app data then go to local and then go to Pal then saved then saved games all right so you'll have a file here that says user option. Sav what you want to do is right click that and click open with uh if you see the hxd hex editor click that and click okay but if you do not scroll all the way to the botton click look for another app on this PC from here you're going to find where you installed it so it should be your local dis then program files and then it should be hxd from there click H xd. exe and open it once you open this file it will look something like this so what we want to do now is scroll virtually all the way down to the bottom but not quite the bottom we're basically looking for something like this it says F oov then it'll say dot dot dot do dot then it'll say float property this is what you want to look for once you've found this particular string of text you know you're in the right location okay so just underneath it in between this and the enable motion blow which is this one there'll be some kind of letters for me for some reason it says PA a for a lot of others it says b for you it might say something else another piece of like text or something along those lines anyways what we want to do is want to highlight the end letter and then the three things next to it so a then 1 2 three so as you can see for me I've highlighted two dots and then a PA for you it might be Three Dots and a b could be anything as long as you get the last letter or number here like that highlight it and then go one two three like that that should work and then over here on the right side look for single Flo 32 the value you'll know if you've done this correctly because it will say 15 so what you want to do now is simply increase this number to increase your fov so I will go ahead and type in here 35 and that will increase my fov from here go to file save close it and then when you open up your game you will have a higher fov and I will show you that now all right so now we're in game as you can see our fov is noticeably higher if we go to our options Graphics you'll see now the Field view is 110 I assume if you push that value higher that you'll be able to achieve higher field of views but it may break the game or be a bit weird so I think 110 is the perfect balance as it looks really good and it's a much more clear Improvement versus the 90 fov that we was on before but anyways that is pretty much it thank you for watching subscribe if you found this helpful leave a comment a like and uh yeah check out my channel there's plenty of other videos that are a little bit more technical side you know about installing reshades about presets and stuff like that but again thank you for watching and I hope you is helpful
Channel: LEWIS
Views: 6,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pal, world, palworld fov, unlock fov, higher fov, 110 fov, fov slider, get more fov, field of view, unlock fov palworld, how to get high fov in palworld, high fov palworld
Id: nV5LxaDFlKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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