How to Install Reshade for RedM (2024)

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hello hello and welcome to the updated guide on installing reshade to redm in 2024 so there is three things on my desktop here just a couple pictures which will come in handy later so I'm going to move them over to the side but the main thing we're coming for is this folder here called redm reshade install guide so this file will be available for download in the description so check that right now give it a download put it on your desktop and then you're ready to follow this guide step by step so here we go I'm going to open this and then I'm going to open it again so I've got two different um Windows explorers but with the same folder open and I'm going to put one over here so it's small and one a bit bigger over here so what we're going to do is go over to the first folder here called shortcuts and files so from here we have two different things so I've included the latest version of Reade here if for any reason this is is no longer the latest version of reshade what you need to do is go to which is the official website and then just download the newest one I recommend the one with full add-on support just because some of the stuff I use in my reshade preset needs that but both will work anyways I'm going to open up both like this in the first shortcut and files folder and then in the bigger one I'm going to open the one that says redm reshade location click me when you do this it will bring you to the following location which is your user app data local redm redm application data data cach sub process if for some reason that doesn't open for you you can right click that go to properties and you can find the exact kind of Target here so you know exactly how to find this folder but hopefully that works for you and it opens up just like this so what this does is shows your different processes in redm so you're going to see one that looks like this where it says redm and then has some numbers for example B1 1491 and then it'll say GTA process if you've got multiple of these do not worry this is why I have this picture to find the correct one which you want to use it's going to be the one that you play uh the most on cuz each one of these is a server you play on I have this one particular server here and it's on build 1491 and I know it's the right server because when I load into the server in the top right it will look like this and it'll say redm and then it'll have the version and it'll be kind of like semi-transparent in one of the corners either in the top right or in the bottom right something like that so connect to your favorite server figure out which one it is and then you'll uh you'll know which one to use but if you only have one of these in this folder anyways then that's all that matters you're good to go so in the other one we're going to run the reshade setup and then we're just going to wait for that to load click okay and then from here we're going to click browse and we need to get to this location here so what you're going to do is Click click up here and it's going to highlight all of this you're going to want to do that and just copy it and then go back to the reshade and then you're going to do the same thing so you're going to go to the top there delete and then you're going to paste the location in hit enter and then it will bring you to this exact location and you're going to see the redm and then your version file GTA process so we're going to click that click open then next so when you get to this step this is a very important step so please do listen to this this will work says direct x 10 112 and Vulcan will also work I recommend Vulcan because that's what runs best on my PC but if direct takes 11 or 12 runs better on your redm then use that option but this is where it gets a little bit technical so when you launch into your game in your in-game settings under Graphics you will scroll down to Advanced graphics and you will see this setting here that says Graphics API so if it's if it's set to Vulcan then you're going to need to select Vulcan if that is set to dx11 or dx12 you're going to click this one and an extra step as well there's been a slight issue uh last year where people you know say for example you says Vulcan here you select ven here it still didn't work for some reason and it turned out that you had to actually launch Red Dead Redemption 2 the base game not redm and also change the uh Graphics API to Vulcan as well so both Red Dead Redemption 2 the base game and red M had to be both using the same Graphics API so it's probably good that you check that as well but I guess you can test it out first to see if you can get away with it but if it doesn't work go back and check that make sure you launch your base game and your redm make sure they're both running the same Graphics API and that is the same thing for the direct X if you're using direct X make sure both base game and red Dem are using that but anyways in this example I'm going to do Vulcan because I know that both of my games are set on Vulcan so I'm going to close that and I'm going to click next from here you can click Skip and then uncheck all up here in the top right and check all so every single box is ticked click next and then everything's going to download all right so once it's finished we're going to hit here and then that is pretty much it so as you can see I'm in the actual location here and you'll seen there's some new files which have downloaded you've got like a reshade preset this inii you've got a whole new folder here called re shade shaders so what you're going to want to do now is find your favorite reshade preset okay so there is many out there many on the market I have made one myself which I'm very proud of it's called enhanced reshade many many many roleplay users in redm and streamers use it and it's heavily vouched I'm very proud of what I've made so if you do want to download it the link is at the top of the description it's a patreon page um again I'm also in Discord at all times ready to answer any questions regarding it to help you get it installed if you can't figure it out this that the other anyways I'm not a pushy salesman so if you don't want to download it you don't have to but I do recommend it as I have put a lot of time into making it but there's plenty of other great options out there so you can decide but anyways I'm going to go through installing mine now so obviously I've got my preset here and I've got like a little image that I use in it as well so to install it what you want to do is go to your on the left here which is you know where the GTA process is going to make a new folder and you're going to call it Reade presets just like that and then what you want to do is put all of your presets inside this one folder and then you're good to go so I'm just going to quickly copy mine over so I've installed it and there we go that reshade is installed so the next step now is simply opening your redm so we're going tohe go ahead and open it all right so as you can see in the top it says reshade 5.9.2 and it will say press home to start the tutorial so what we're going to do is click the home key on our keyboard we're going to click skip tutorial and then from here what we're going to do is click the portion here that says reshade preset it's going to open something that looks like this you want to hit reshade preset select and then you're going to choose the reshade file that you put in there so obviously my enhanced reshade in there now I'm going to click select and as you can see everything has loaded up perfectly fine what I'm going to do next is got to settings and then here is where you can change your overlay key so if you don't want home to be the key that brings up your reshade menu you can change it right here um but the main one I like to do is the effect toggle key which is the one underneath it I'm going to select this as F5 because I want F5 to be the key that turns on and off the reshet so I can kind of see it before and after if that makes sense so that is done I can click my home key and get rid of that menu and now when I hit F5 it turns the Reade off and the reshade on which is you know nice and handy and from there you successfully done it you can go in a server enjoy your reshade and yeah if you are had any issues doing this whatsoever please join my Discord or leave a comment on the YouTube video and I will do my absolute best to help you and if you want other guides such as how to install all um what is it visual V or something it's basically the NV but for um redem I also have a video on that so please check that in the description and yeah thank you very much for watching have a great day
Channel: LEWIS
Views: 712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tzQvw8BS3GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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