How to Turn a Printer into a Wireless Printer with Raspberry Pi

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what's up guys hello and welcome to another video today we're gonna be checking out how to turn a regular Raspberry Pi into a print server and if those of you don't know what a print server is basically it's a way of taking any printer and basically turning it into a network printer that sounds like something you'd be interested in make sure your eyes berry pies are up-to-date and stay tuned because it's coming up right here right now on mi Sperry ok guys so as the intro stated we're going to be using our Raspberry Pi and building a print server and those of you don't know what that is a print server is basically something that is intermediate in between your printer and a network of some sort so if you've got an old printer that maybe cannot be networked or maybe you just have a multifunction printer or something like that that you would like to have the ability to print from your tablet or print from any computer in your house and you have a home network where you can you can do this you can put a print server on it plug it in USB into the print server and then connect it to your network and you should be able to print from any device now today we're gonna be using my HP 13 20 n computer which is already a network based printer but I've noticed that printing from iPads or any kind of tablet or your phone Android devices things like that it doesn't exactly find this network printer so we're gonna solve that by using a Raspberry Pi in between now the same setup works for just a normal USB printer like a local printer and I'll show you that as we get into the configuration but you can just plug the USB into the Raspberry Pi and then do this setup and like I said when it gets to the point where it differs I'll tell you which one is which and how to configure it but let's go ahead and get started like I said in the intro make sure your PI is up-to-date by doing a sudo apt update like I did it up here once that is done I'm just gonna clear it out so we can get to the top here once that is done we need to install cups which cups I can't remember what that stands for it's it's I don't remember the see in the you but it's printing server or printing service is what it stands for but very standard printing service it comes on all flavors of Linux is a very very simple very easy printing service so we're gonna go ahead and install that so to do that we're gonna do a sudo apt-get install and cups and so we will take and wait for this to install now it may take a little bit we're gonna say yes hit enter now this may take a while to install so I'm gonna pause the video and we'll be back once it's uh once it's done okay and just like that we're done installing cups so now what we need to do is we need to give the pi user some admin privileges so that way we can get into the cups stuff without actually having to do the sudo and some of that and it can run correctly so we're going to do is we're going to do a sudo user mod we're gonna do an add to a group LP admin and we're going to add the PI user to that so once we get done with that then all we got to do is set up our cups to allow any remote users to connect to it because currently cups is set up by default for only local use so only the local basically raspbian can use it so we want to set that up to where anybody connecting to it can use it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a sudo cups CTL - - remote - Annie so that should Annie help me do that so that way everybody can get to it once we do that then we need to restart cups so to do that you need to do a sudo Etsy init.d cups and then restart and we should be good restarting the service okay so the service restarted should be good so now to test that I'm gonna grab a web browser window if you don't know I need the PI's config so if I do it if config I know that my IP address is the 250 address so we're gonna grab a browser and do the HTTP colon slash slash and we're gonna do a 1 I 2 dot what 68 that one dot two 50 and then colon 630 all right and then you should see this page which is the cups page and I'm doing this from my PC not from the Raspberry Pi so that lets me know that that command worked and that we should be good to go in that regard so now for the ability to have windows actually see this device and actually be able to set it up correctly we're gonna need to install Samba Samba is a really cool sharing service essentially that usually you can do shared drives with that I think I've done some videos in the past where I've done shared Network drives and things like that using the Samba service so it's very good and we're basically gonna share this raspberry pi's cups ability so what we're gonna do is we're going to sudo apt-get install sa MB a Samba and we'll let that load up we're gonna choose yes and we'll let that install so while that's installing I'm gonna go ahead and pause the video and we'll be back once it's installed okay you know during part of the Samba installation you'll be asked about this DHCP server stuff just go ahead and hit now it's just for pulling additional information from the DHCP server but you don't need so just just hit no ok and like that the magic of editing we've got Samba installed so the next thing we need to do is we need to edit the Samba config VI so I'm gonna do a sudo vim now you don't have to use VI you can use Nano you can just do a nano instead of a VI but I like using VI because I'm weird like that so we're gonna do a sudo VI of the Etsy Samba SMB dot config file alright got it we're gonna go down to the printer printers section we're going to change this guest - yes that's what we're going to change as well as I'm aluminium ake sure that there's nothing else that I need to do no not on that one and then down here under this print dollar sign we're gonna choose the read-only it says yes we're gonna change that to a no we don't want it to be read-only we want to be able to send stuff to it right so we're gonna save all that now we need to restart Samba so we're gonna do a sudo systemctl for system control restart SM BD and that should restart there we go our Samba alright so now we need to go on to we should have everything set up on the PI it's now to go to the Webber interface and we need to set up the printer so I'm gonna go ahead and pull up another window we're gonna do the HTTP ey2 and sixty eight dot 256 31 oh well helps if I type the right IP address 1.2 50.6 31 okay so here's our cups okay so now we just need to go through adding a printer so to do this you need to go to administration and then under printers we're gonna say add printer now it does say that you must upgrade your credentials it'll redirect you you you get this little not private thing just because it doesn't have a secured whatever it's fine just hit advance I'm using Google Chrome whatever browser you're using just tell it to continue it'll remember those credentials that we put in for pi should be good now so then go ahead and hit add printer oh it's going to ask us for it so we're gonna say PI and then raspberry or whatever yo that you chose for your password we're gonna hit continue and then it should go ahead and load up the page okay so here we go so it does a scan for all printers whether it be network or local now if you're plugging in here's where I told you I would I would show you if you're plugging in a USB printer into it you should see that show up here under local printers ok local printers means a printer that is connected directly to the Raspberry Pi using USB or something like that effect okay so that's a local printer now my printer is already a network printer okay it's just the problem is it's an older printer it doesn't work really well with tablets and things like that so I'm gonna go ahead and configure up this print server for it okay but if you have a USB one you use you should see it show up here in the local printers area mine is right your HP laserjet series 13 2008 does see it so I'm going to choose that printer okay so we'll choose that and then we'll hit continue so it sets it up basically gives it a name you can change this name if you want to if you want to say like family printer or something like that and give it a description I'm gonna leave the default I know what it is when I see 1320 I know it's the only laser printer I have in my house now make sure that you choose to share this printer make sure this is checked because otherwise no one else would be able to get to it hit continue and then it should move on to driver's selection so we'll give it a second yep there we go so it brings up a whole bunch of printers that it knows about that a base that has drivers for now if you do not if you do not see yours here and you actually have a driver CD there should be a dot PPD file or whatever you can choose that file here and then you can pick that from the list okay now mine I believe shows up in here so let me go down mine's not a color one mine is just a regular LaserJet okay here we got LaserJet and then here we go LaserJet 1320 yen for English because that's that's where I'm at and that's language I speak so this one should be good enough 531 that's the latest print driver should be fine so we're gonna do that and then we're gonna hit add printer and this will install the driver it gives you a brief synopsis where you can change up color model you can change up some different print settings if you would like but you should be ready to go so now if you're using a Windows 10 PC what we're gonna do is I'm gonna go to the taskbar and I'm going to go to the little gear the settings window and we're gonna go to devices here now under devices we're gonna go to printers and scanners we're gonna go to add to print server it's going to scan for print servers in there it is Raspberry Pi third LaserJet 1320 @ Raspberry Pi so we're gonna click that and we're gonna hit add device now it may take it a little bit to connect and finally upload the information that it needs to upload but I promise it will start going you get basically a status bar up there it goes so you get a little status bar here and it creep across may give it a little bit I may I may end up putting a jump cut in and just like that it is ready to go so now it shows up in my printers so now I'll go ahead and I will exit out of this and let me just grab a quick let me just grab a quick notepad here okay and we're gonna just do a hello world this is a test print of the Raspberry Pi print server sure why not so now we're gonna go to our file and we're gonna say a parent and now we should be able to see that printer in the list and there it is printer at Raspberry Pi and I'm gonna hit print and theoretically it should print out beside me over here I hear the printer turn on give me just a second alright and there we go hello world this is our test print alright and that's all there is to it guys I have now setup a Raspberry Pi as a print server using cups and using samba so guys thank you so much for watching thank you so much for supporting the channel if you would like there's some links down below in the description I put a link to a Raspberry Pi kit that is the exact Raspberry Pi that I'm using I'm just using a three b-plus it's what I'm using I put a link down below for a kit and the link also for the SD card a 32 gigabyte SD card that is a fairly speedy fast SD card that's for a decent price all on Amazon yes their affiliate links so that way if you would like to support the channel you can click on those links you don't have to buy what that link is just clicking on that link and then navigating to whatever you want to buy that you would normally buy on Amazon still helps the channel so if you want to donate to the channel you can donate by clicking on those affiliate links down below also check out the Amazon Prime membership down below it's a free 30 day signup check that out if you've never been a Prime member try on Prime it's 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Channel: misperry
Views: 37,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: turn printer into wireless, make printer wireless with raspberry pi, raspberry pi printer, raspberry pi printer server windows, raspberry pi printing, how to attach printer with mobile wifi, how to print from android phone to wireless printer, how to print from apple phone to wireless printer, make wired printer wireless, usb printer to wireless converter
Id: hdwqQjDjMzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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