How to Transform the Body in GIMP 2.10 (Warp Transform + Cage Transform)

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to yet another tutorial by Davies media design my name is Michael Davies and today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to transform the body using this is version 2.10 point four and this is essentially a tutorial showing you guys how to use the warp transform tool as well as the cage transform tool and these are similar to the warp tool in Photoshop and the puppet transform tool in Photoshop they're a little bit different you're gonna see that in this tutorial but they do perform similar tasks or create similar effects but of course before we get into that I want to direct you guys over to my website at Davies media as always we have tons of video and text tutorials on here as well as project translate playlist you could support us on patreon and of course we've got to pull the weak results on here so definitely check that out you can also enroll in our photo editing course from beginner to pro photo retoucher which is a best-selling course on udemy and I'll include a link to this as well as all the relevant links from this tutorial in the description so in today's tutorial I'm gonna be using this photo from pixabay and as always you can download it for free so here's the photo after I've applied the effects really I've just done some subtle editing here this is not in any way you know my ideal body type or anything like that I'm just showing you guys how these tools can be used and how they're commonly used and so here is an after and here's the before and so you can see some of the things I've done is I've used the cage transform tool to elongate the legs a little bit I've used the warp transform tool to bring in the arms a little bit here and then same with the neck I know a lot of people like to especially in Photoshop elongate the neck to try to make people look taller and thinner and whatever in this case I just sort of used the warp tool to make the neck a little bit thinner i didn'ti long gate it I don't think can do that really effectively and then I also enhance the eyes a little bit using the warp tool in my opinion I think it almost looks cartoony to do that but that is a common thing people do and so here is a before and here's an after again so let's go ahead and dive into this tutorial so here's the original and so I'm gonna start with the legs here and I'm going to grab my transform tool my cage transform and what you can do with this essentially is create nodes so I'm gonna click to create nodes and what I want to do is I want to go ahead and surround the legs with these nodes here and you can see there's lines attached to the nodes and I'm generally trying to follow the contours of her legs I'm not trying to you know intricately trace the contours or anything I'm just roughly contouring to the legs and including the elements that I want to basically elongate so in this case it's the feet and the legs and so I'm clicking to connect that last node there and so now we have a cage here and now what I'm going to do is select the nodes that I want to actually stretch out and then I'm going to make sure that the nodes that I want to act as anchors are not selected and you could tell when a node is selected because it's in a rectangle shape versus a circular shape so I'm going to click on this node here and then I'm going to shift click and I'm going to click these four nodes down here and I'm gonna leave these two as my anchors so that means that I'm going to elongate everything on here using these nodes as my anchor points and so you'll see as I click I'm just going to drag this down just a tiny bit I don't want to overdo it and so you'll see there that has gone ahead and elongated those legs there and if I hit the enter key it'll go ahead and apply that transformation so actually perform that transformation on my original layer and I meant to keep the original and do it on a new layer so what I'll do is just go to file open recent and open this file back up so here's our original and now I can just click and drag and drop this into this tab here and so now our original is on the top and I'll go ahead and click and drag that below here and I'm going to name this edit and then I'm going to name this one original and so now we've got an original copy and we've got an edited version and so now I can kind of show you guys a comparison so here's before and here's after so a side effect of doing this is that number one these are transform tools which means any area you're transforming is gonna lose a little bit of quality pixel quality so it'll look a little bit blurry number two especially with the cage transform whenever you move pixels you'll see some things start to not align like in this case right here there's a little line here forming from the shadow where we move to the original shadow so we're gonna have to take care of that and then the feet have also enlarged a little bit so those look kind fake right now so what I'll do is I'll grab my zoom tool and zoom in on this area here and now I'm gonna use my heal tool so I'll grab my heal tool and you can adjust the size of this heal tool here and what this is doing if you guys haven't used it before if I hold ctrl + click it's going to select pixels from that area within my brush head size and then if I just regularly paint right here it's going to pull pixels from this area as well as use pixels from the original area to basically create a combined result and it uses an algorithm to do that and that just helps sort of blend areas like this line here and erase really any imperfections so you'll see by doing that I've sort of recreated the shadow here and blended some areas together and that just makes this look like we didn't really you know warp this at all so while I'm in this area of the image I do want to shrink the feet a little bit because they did enlarge quite a bit when I perform that Cage transform so now I can go over to my warp tool here and there's several options for the warp tool if I click on this drop down here you'll see several options so you can move pixels we're gonna use that in a little bit you can grow an area we're also gonna use that but that just allows you to basically enlarge the pixels within your area that you're painting on you could shrink an area which is what we're gonna use in this case and then you've got some other options here you can swirl it so if you want to swirl the pixels around you can do that clockwise or counterclockwise you can erase warping and that's only before you apply the warp so if you warp an area and then you mess up you can click on this and erase that warping or he could smooth out the warping if you think it looks a little bit jagged or you know just a little bit rough you can also change the size of the brush area that you're painting on with the warp tool so you'll see here the warp tool does have a brush area it's around my mouse pointer and by the way you'll also see there's a wave on my mouse pointer that's what the warp tool or the warp transform tool will look like if you're using a different icon mode than I am or if you're using just an older version of it'll have that wave look instead of this look that has the checkerboard grid with the pixels that are being transformed on it so it could be one or the other but anyway you could change the size of your brush you could change the hardness so that's the pixels around or within the area that you're warping so how hard or soft it is the strength is just it's what it sounds like it's how how much warping is actually going to occur if you turn the strength all the way up it's going to warp all of the pixels within your brush area so if I turn this up to 100 it's going to apply a lot more warping like control-z so I like to keep this around 50 and that's what the default is and then the spacing is just the spacing in between your brush head as you paint while it's warping interpolation is the quality of the transform so if you set it to none or linear or even cubic that is going to perform the transformation faster but the quality will be lower and then no halo and low halo are these settings I recommend and that basically increases the quality of the warp but it does perform the warp a little bit slower it's not noticeable if you're using a pretty fast computer the abyss policy has to do with when you're painting pixels from outside your layer so in this case like this yellow and black dotted line if I try to warp pixels from outside this area basically has to invent pixels and so this is the policy you set as to how those pixels are invented so the clamp tool is going to basically take pixels your leftmost or your bottom most pixels and repeat them from outside the layer and you can't really tell what's going on here because it's all blue but if you set this to loop it will basically repeat the pixels around your brush as you draw outside the layer and then if you set it to none it'll just create transparency the high quality preview I recommend checking that because if you don't basically whenever you're warping it's going to create a low quality preview until you apply the warp if you have a really slow computer you can go ahead and keep this unchecked to keep your computer from getting too slowed down then you've got some animate features here which just basically allows you to create frames for an animation but we're not going to be using that today and that's a less common use for this tool all right so now that you guys know all that stuff I'm going to move on to shrinking the feet here and I'm just again going to try to make this as subtle as possible so I'm going to change the type of warp to shrink area and I'm gonna keep my brush size at 39 for now and I'm gonna paint on the inside of the foot here and you'll see as I do that the pixels in the area are sort of moving inside that area and it's causing the foot to shrink now as you turn in a corner like I just did the dynamics of the warp sort of change and so we're not getting as effective of results right here so what I'll do is I'll change this back to erase warping and just paint that area back and then I can switch this back over to shrink area and I can continue and so you'll see this is sort of a delicate process because if you warp the wrong area it can really just I mean it'll make it look like it's warped and that's not something you want so I went ahead and shrunk the size of my brush because I don't want as much war being happening on this foot here because it's already smaller and then I'll just try this side again and so here is a before and again you can always change us back to erase warping if there's a part that you think you want to bring back from the foot like so and so you'll see I got some of the toe back in there which is definitely something you want and then I kind of overdid it right there so let me go back to shrink area and see if I can get this back to how I want it so that's not perfect I'm gonna go over to smooth the warping and see if I can smooth some of this out make it look a little bit better and as per usual you don't want to overdo it I'm gonna hit ctrl C because that didn't do a great job but so you'll see that that's kind of smoothed out this strap here which makes it look a little bit more realistic and I think that's good enough for now so I'm gonna hit the enter key and that's going to apply my warp and if I grab my zoom tool I can hold ctrl and zoom out here and so there you can see what we've done so far with the legs again it's not perfect but you can see here's a before that's the original and here's an after so it does look pretty good and so now we're gonna move on to the arms so I'm going to click and zoom in here on one of the arms and I'm gonna grab my warp transform tool again and this time I'm gonna change it back to move pixels and I'm going to go ahead and increase the size of my brush using the brackets on my keyboard so you guys can see what size I'm using here so now what I'm trying do is move pixels from the outside here inward and it's going to cause her arm to move in inward and it's going to make her arm a little bit smaller and so you'll see here I'm trying to match the contour of the original arm if I don't do that it's going to you know look a little bit crazy like that so you want to just try to subtly move inward on the arm as you're following the curve of it and here's a before and here's an after and so I missed this spot right here so we can go ahead and try to let me undo that and you can just move over and over a spot until you get it right basically so again here's a before here's an after so nothing too major it's a pretty subtle change but depending on what you're going for what you want your final result to be looks a little bit better again there's a before there's an after and so now I'm going to move over to the other side and if I want to keep those changes I just made I can hit the move tool and that I'll go ahead and apply the warp so you could see there is what it looks like and that's before and so I'm gonna do the same thing on this side I'm just going to click and try to drag the pixels inward and that's going to cause the arm to the pixels from the arm and drag in a little bit let me undo that and again I'm following the contour of the arm and so there's a before and there's an after so that's a pretty subtle effect they're a subtle change and now what I'm going to do is come up over here towards the face and neck area and you'll see that when I grabbed my zoom tool and went ahead and applied that warp transform if you didn't use any other tool or click on anything else while using the warp transform tool you can just hit the enter key and that'll also apply the effects you made with that tool but I'll go ahead and click and zoom in here so for my next step I'm going to make some adjustments to the neck here so I'll grab my warp transform tool again and again I'm going to keep this on move pixels but I'm going to shrink it down a little bit shrink my brush down and I'm going to just click and drag those pixels downward on the neck and that's going to cause the neck to sink down a little bit which will make it look a little bit longer without having to actually move the entire head so you'll see as I'm doing that it looks like the neck is shrinking a little bit and elongated so here's our before there's an after and I would be mindful of this necklace because you could see that it did warp it a little bit so you can either move it back with the warp tool where you can change this back to erase warping and start again but I think this looks fine and I'll go ahead and hit the answer key and that I'll apply the warp so again before and after and you'll see as we're applying more and more warping it's making our image a little bit more blurry we're going to sharpen it at the end but I'm gonna grab my zoom tool now and this time I'm going to zoom in on the eyes this part is not something I really recommend but I'm just gonna show you guys how to do it anyway so you can come over here and go to grow area and I can you know grow these eyes it almost looks like anime or something when I do this so you'll see that this grows the pixel and sort of a side effect of doing this in my opinion is it makes it almost look like she's got like cataracts or something and that's obviously not great but you can see now her eyes are enlarged and then I can do the same thing if I want to do like shrink pixels shrink area you know shrink the nose she's all obviously already got a small nose but just for the sake of demonstration and now if I grab my zoom tool and zoom out so she kind of looks like a car tune character with her eyes like that so you can see she looks a little bit taller here I think her legs look a little bit thicker than they actually we're before so I'm gonna grab my warp transform tool set this back to move pixels increase the size of my brush and you can kind of go over the curvature of the leg here if you want to try to shrink it in a little bit the better job you do of going over the curvature while you're gradually moving in towards the leg the better it'll look and we're just doing this to try to bring the legs back to their original size because when we elongated them they kind of also became slightly larger and I'm hitting ctrl Z and just trying to get the curvature right you can see that if my hand is too shaky you can tell that I'm warping it too much because the legs no longer look straight and then the last thing I'm gonna do is really subtle and I'm going to grab the zoom tool zoom in on the waist here and you can use the Cage transform to try to bring in the waist a little bit which is a common thing and I'm gonna click to create nodes here and I'm creating them outside so I'm moving the waist in the part with the dress but I want part of the background to come in with it it's just going to help blend it in a little bit more so I'm creating these nodes outside of where I'm moving the waist in and I'm just making sure to select all of this stuff because I want there to be some room for this to move inwards and I'm trying to keep the arm out of this because I don't want her arm getting transformed but now what I can do is I can click on a couple of these nodes here or maybe just these two nodes closer to where the waist is and just go ahead and move those in you'll see that as I do that the waist moves in a little bit and let me reflect these with the shift key and I don't want to overdo it I'm gonna click on this node by itself let me click off these two nodes and then click on this one and try to move it back a little bit but anyway I just subtly move the waist in I'll hit enter and if you guys want to clean this up you can grab like the clone tool and shrink the size of the brush here just so it fits within this area hold control grab pixels from over here that are similar to these blue pixels and then just paint over this and that I'll get rid of the line that was created there and so I'll grab my zoom tool and zoom out you can see there was a little bit of an artifact created here and so you can grab the heal tool if you want and just choose within the dress here and ctrl Z actually I think the clone tool will be better right here and try to just blend this a little bit and I'll grab my zoom tool and zoom out and so here's a before you can look at our waste there there's an after so very subtle change but just a little bit of an enhancement there alright so the last thing I might do here is sharpen this image up just because the transformations perform did detract from the quality a little bit if you had it on no halo or low halo for the interpolation settings which again is inside of the warp transform tool right here you probably didn't lose too much quality but I'm gonna go to filters enhance and what used to be called the unsharp mask is now just called sharpen and in parenthesis that says unsharp mask and I'm gonna keep these settings the same the radius at 3 the amount at 5 and here's it before and here's an after so just sharpen that up a little bit and then I'll go ahead and click OK and there's our final image all right so that's it for this tutorial hopefully you guys liked it if you did please subscribe to our youtube channel at slash Davies media design you can also visit our website at Davies media design comm and you can enroll in our photo editing course from beginner to pro photo retoucher and i'll include a link to that as well as all the relevant links from this tutorial in the description so thanks for watching and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Davies Media Design
Views: 61,245
Rating: 4.7601295 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp for beginners, how to gimp, gimp graphic design, gimp photo editing, gimp 2018, GIMP 2.10, GIMP, basics, Warp Transform, Warp Tool, Photoshop, Cage Transform, Puppet Warp, transform body, vogue, model, GIMP 2.10.4, photo manipulation, photo enhancements
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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