How To Transfer Files From Android To Mac (Mac And Android File Transfer Tutorial!)

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here's how to transfer files from Android to Mac and Mac to Android quickly and easily we're going to cover the best options for mac and Android file transfer so that you can get the job done as fast as possible so I've broken this video down into four categories for the different transfer options that you've got so we've got cable Wi-Fi external storage and internet and feel free to jump around between the different categories you can see them all laid out down the bottom but what I would strongly recommend is that you're watching this video through so that you're leaving here with the best option for you so kicking things off first off we're going to look at methods by using a cable so you're going to connect your Android device to your Mac and then we're able to transfer files that way now for this you've really got two main options the first one is Android file transfer which is the official Android app to do this in my experience it's completely buggy and an absolute waste of time so the alternative is to use a free tool called open MPT so you want to go ahead and head to the open MTP website for this I just Google search it we'll have a link down in the description box below but you want to make sure that this is the one here and you can see here we got open MTP safe transparent open source and free for lifetime so you want to download on your Mac whichever version you need so I'm on an M2 so I'm going to go this one here once that's downloaded you want to go ahead and open up the app and this is then what you'll see when you first open up the app so on the left side here is your computer on the right hand side here is where your phone will show up so we're going to go ahead and plug in our phone now at this point you might get a popup on screen you'll need to enable file transfer if you're not seeing anything then you want to pull down from the top to go to where it says charging this device or USB options let's press on that and we want to make sure that we have selected here use USB for file transfer that's what we need to enable now from there we just want to hit refresh up here and then our phone should show up now if not like you see that I got a little error message up here error while setting up the phone usually what that means is that there's another device that's trying to control that USB port so I want to go through and make sure that I am closing anything that is using USB wherever possible so for me it's actually the screen recording software that I'm using right now to record my screen I have to close that to connect it and then open it back up but from here now that that's connected we can then see all the folders on our device we can then navigate through and find the files that we want to transfer on either side so I've got three video files here I'm going to hold down command so I can select all three just by clicking on them I'm going to want to put them in let's say this movies folder here we open up that folder I can then click and drag from this side so from our computer onto our Android device and that transfer is going to happen now you do want to make sure that you were using a highquality USB cable here if you're using a slow and older my USB 2speed cable then your transfer rates are going to be much much slower now that that's done I can jump back to my phone I can open up the files app or a file explorer then navigate through and find those files files you can see here I've got those three files there on my device and this works the same back the other way as well if I want to transfer from my phone to the computer again we want to find the files so maybe I'll grab this one here I can then drag it back to where we want it and that transfer is done really really quickly and we can see this is the screen recording video file that I just transferred back from my Android device to my Mac so that's the first option using a cable and using open MTP now we're going to jump to using Wireless so Wireless transferring files between our Mac and our Android device and back the other way so for this there is an amazing again free tool called snapdrop so on your computer you want to head to the website and this is what it looks like this is fully loaded so then on your phone you want to go to the same website and straight away on the computer we can see that we have a phone that has appeared here and on the phone we can see that we have a computer that has appeared here now both of our devices do need to be on the same wireless network work so even though we've connected to a website on both of these the transfer isn't going over the Internet this website is just created a connection between our devices on our local network so this is secure and it also means that we're not uploading our files to the internet and back down to the device this is a direct transfer between the two this is so awesome so if we want to send a file from the computer to the phone we just want to click on the phone from the computer we can then go ahead and find the file that we want to send so I'll pick a video file here let's choose open and we can see straight away that that transfer is happening and we're seeing the same thing on the phone as well now these names Jade mandrel and mccassen Panda these are just random names that are made up probably for some sort of security reason but we can see that the transfer is done from the computer side and over on the device we're seeing that there is a file that's been received and then we're prompted to save that so we hit save and that file is then saved on our device we can then hit open in this case it's a video so I'm going to open it in photos and this is the file that we transferred now if we go back out of this and come back to our snapdrop website now I did actually refreshed the page in between here so that's why the name here has changed but it's still the same device so if I want to send a file from the Android device back to the computer it's the same process on the device I want to tap on the computer we then want to choose media picker let's go through find the file that we want to send so I'll pick this top one here and that transfer is happening exactly as before and again this isn't going out to the internet this is just transferring between the two devices via your local network so this time on the computer we're seeing it's received a file we can choose to save it and it then saves it on our computer under downloads in this case and here we have that file again here back on the computer now so the next option for transferring is using some sort of external hard drive external USB flash drive to physically transfer the files from your Mac to your Android and send back the other other way now these days there are a lot of different options you can go something like this which is a USBC drive so it's going to plug straight into the bottom of your device or you could also use some sort of USB adapter or Hub giving you more flexibility in terms of ports that you could plug in external storage this option is pretty self-explanatory I'm going to plug this device into the computer we're going to copy our files onto the device we're then going to plug it into the phone and I'm going to show you how you can access the files that way and copy them off to the phone and same back the other way so I've plugged in my external drive here now and we just need to get our files that we wanted to transfer onto here so we'll grab this file here of the opal C1 webcam let's drag that onto this drive see if that transfer has now happened we can now come down here we can eject this Untitled drive and I can then go ahead and plug that into my device that's been detected now if we slide down from the top you can see that we have here SanDisk USB drive if we tap on that then that's going to open it up and we can see our file is there there immediately now if you're not seeing that cuz some devices will show things different ways you can also open up the files app scroll down the bottom and you can see your external drive there SanDisk that's taking us to the same place so then to save this to our device we just need to press the three little dots on the side and we choose copy to internal storage and then we find the folder that we want to transfer that to so we can choose download copy here and that transfer has happened for us so if we go back here let's go to downloads and we can see that our file is there at the top now the same will work back the other way if say we want to transfer this file here this second one over onto our Mac we can press the three little dots we can choose copy two and we can choose the SanDisk drive or your external drive we choose copy here the transfer is happening we can see that progress bar along the bottom and that has happened now it's a good idea again to safely eject this so come back up to your notifications area and pull down there and choose eject it says don't remove now it's safe to remove we can then unplug that we'll go ahead and plug the drive back into the computer let's open up our drive here our external drive and we can see that we have our original file and we also have our new video file on here as well so to get that onto our computer we can literally just drag it onto our desktop and that transfer is going to happen so the last method for transferring files is over the internet now this is where you could use services like Google Drive which makes sense if you're an Android Dropbox Google photos even depending on what it is you want to transfer so the idea here is so we're going to be transferring or uploading our files to these different services and then on the other device we're going to be downloading them from there to that other device so the biggest downside with this though is that the transfer rate of the upload and download is really going to be dictated by your internet speed if you've got terrible internet then this is likely going to be a terrible experience but it could work really well if you're only going to be transferring small files so generally for me if it's photos or videos I'm going to be using this method then that's where Google photos works really well but really for any type of files as well that's where the flexibility of Google drive or Dropbox or any other cloud storage service could be really easy as well so for the purpose of this video I'm going to show you using Google Drive so I'm on the Google Drive website now I'm signed into to my account I've created a temporary folder here so my drive new folder just called temp totally empty I'm going to upload a file here that I can then access on my Android device so I've got a file here Loom mov I'm just going to drag that here into Google Drive and we can see that that is uploading down the bottom here there is less than a minute left to upload this file that video is now up on the Google Drive servers so then over on my Android device I can open up the Google Drive app I could also just log in on the Google Drive website and be able to download it that way as well but I want to come across to files we're then going to navigate through to find that folder that I created I've got my temp folder here and in here is that file Loom so I can press the three little dots here and I can choose download and that's going to save it to my device now to go back the other way if we wanted to add something to this folder from this device then I can just hit new and I can choose upload I can then go and find whatever file that I want to transfer so let's pick again this opal video here and it says that our file is being uploaded now if you want to check the progress of this upload it's usually up here in the notification area so if you pull down from the top you can see that this upload is happening so when that file is uploaded then we can see here it appears on our Google Drive account that we can see over on the computer for us to download this we just press the three little dots and choose download or if we hover over it there's a direct download button here and we can then save that file to our computer that way so those are my top options right now for transferring files between Mac and Android now if you want to know how to get the most out of your Android device for making videos and check out the video that's linked on screen where we take you through step-by-step the ultimate filming process there's also a bunch of resources and links in the description box below to help you even further and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Primal Video
Views: 69,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PrimalVideoTV, airdrop android, airdrop on android, android file transfer, android file transfer app, android file transfer mac, android to mac file transfer, file transfer mac to android, how to transfer data android, how to transfer files, how to transfer files from android to mac, justin brown, mac and android file transfer, mac to android file transfer, primal video, transfer files from android to mac, transfer files from mac to android, transfer files mac android
Id: QxpIJeU0A9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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