How To Screen Record On Mac (UPDATED Mac Screen Capture Tutorial!)

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he's had a screen record on Mac whether you're looking for a free screen recorder or Pro level screen recording software we're going to cover the top Mac screen capture tools so that you can pick the best one for you so there's lots of different ways that you can do this and I'm going to take you through my top option starting off with the free stuff that's actually built into your Mac and then take you through some more professional apps which are going to give you more features more controls to allow you to create better quality screen recordings so option number one is what you've got built into your Mac and there's actually two ways that you can access this the first way is by pressing the keyboard shortcuts command shift 5. so when you do that you get this little pop-up down the bottom here which will let you create screen recordings and also screenshots or static images too so these first three options here is to capture an image so capture entire screen capture a selected window or a section of your screen and then these next two here are in regards to recording a video recording your screen and again we can record your entire screen or we can record a selected portion of your screen so we can pick this we can drag this around choose the area we want to record and that's what we'll be capturing but what you want to do first is come down here to options and make sure that this is all set up correctly for you so we get to choose where we want our file to save so in this case we're going to save it on the desktop we can enable a countdown timer in here five seconds or 10 seconds we can also select a microphone if we want to record us speaking or narrating at the same time and you've also got the option down the bottom here to show your mouse clicks so this is going to highlight every time you click your mouse or your trackpad to make it easy for someone to follow along with your screen recording so I'll enable that one let's say that we want to record our entire screen here we'll pick this one and then we're going to just click anywhere on the screen here when we do that the recording starts instantly there is no countdown timer but the way that you know that you are recording is from the little icon up the top here and when you want to stop the recording you just want to click on that icon and the recording will stop and you get a little preview down the bottom here if we click on this preview of our recording then in here we can play it back we can also do some really basic trimming so if we click the button up the top here we can trim off the start we could also trim off the end if we needed to we can then hit done and that file is saved out there on our desktop so really really simple now the second way that you can access this is through QuickTime Player so you can go ahead and open up QuickTime Player so for me I like to use Spotlight search so command spacebar on the computer and just start typing in it says QuickTime Player here you could also just navigate through to applications and go down and find QuickTime Player now when you first open it up you get this little pop-up window you can just cancel out of that but what you want to do though is come up to this top menu bar and then here we can choose file new screen recording and this is going to again pop up that screen recording toolbar down the bottom of your screen now it's a really cool tip that was shared with us in the comments on our older version of this video from Nick Friedman shout out to Nick for this comment and for this tip this is really awesome you can actually share your webcam on here as well so if we cancel out of this I'm just going to hit the little X down the bottom instead of choosing file new screen recording we can choose file new movie recording and this will open up a preview here of our webcam so from here we can choose which webcam or camera that's connected to our computer we want to use for this preview so I'll leave this one here as the insta 360 link let's scale this down and let's maybe move it off to the side here maybe we'll make it a little bit smaller so you can position this wherever you'd like and then we want to come up the top here to view and choose float on top so this now will float on top or appear above anything else that is shown on our screen now from here now that we've got this preview here we can choose file new screen recording as we did before we can select our screen to start recording so it's recording right now and again we can see by the little stop button at the top here that we are recording we can then go through record our computer screen whatever it is we want to show but we do have included in the recording now our webcam too and we can pick this up we can move it around if we need to while recording and that's going to be baked in or included in our video now one thing to note though is if you do put your mouse over it you see you get these playback or recording controls down the bottom here so it's not perfect but for simple quick recordings again for free it's pretty cool so yeah thanks again Nick good tip and again to stop the recording we want to hit the stop button at the top here let's close out of our preview here so this is our recorded file and we can see that we have the webcam here included and when we close this you can see it's just saved here on our desktop so while that's a good free option it really doesn't have a great level of customization you can't really control the recording format the recording quality there is a workaround to get the webcam in your recording but it's nowhere near as good or as customizable as the next options so the next option option number two is wondershare demo Creator and this one packs in so many more features and controls and things to what you were getting for free on Mac so it even says here an essential demo making tool that helps Learners educated Freelancers and Gamers to take idea sharing to the next level so this will work on Mac on Windows and on Chromebooks as well and this is a tool that really packs a punch but it's also really really simple and easy to use as well so of course it's got built-in screen recording functionality and it does support up to 120 frames per second if you are someone who is creating gaming videos then that could be important to you it's also got a really powerful and again easy to use video editing tool in there as well so you can not only handle the recording piece but you can also edit down and create great looking videos in here too it's also got some really powerful AI tools that they're building out in there and it's also got Cloud compatibility as well meaning you can work remote with team members or even just run it directly from your web browser too now for best results you are better off installing the app and not running through the cloud but you could use the cloud after your screen recording to collaborate with teams and things so to screen record in here once you've installed the program you want to come up here to the all-in-one recorder open that up and then we'll take into this page here where we get to customize up our recording so we can choose if we want to have our webcam recording here we can just toggle that on or off we can enable or disable our microphone likewise with system audio so if we want to record any audio that is played back on the computer we can turn that on or off here as well we also have a preview for the camera up here we can then specify our screen recording area up here either a custom size here that we've typed in or we can pick up this box and we can move it around very similar to what we could do with QuickTime or we can actually choose from down here either a preset resolution if there's a specific size that you want to capture or we can choose to capture our entire screen which we have up the top here there's also presets in here for portrait so if we're going to be creating Tick Tock or Instagram real style videos we could screen capture that way and there's also presets in here for other platforms too we also don't have to record the screen in here we can choose don't record screen and we can just record the webcam with microphone and maybe computer audio if we wanted to now with this preview here we can get everything set up for our webcam the way that we want it to look so instead of having a square or a rectangle here we could switch it to a circle if we'd like we can also have some effects and things that we can apply on here so there's an AI background removal tool here that we can enable and it's yeah removed the background maybe this will look better if it's on the Square and you can put me down the bottom here for the recording it's not perfect let's turn this back off we can also flip the image here if we need to and there's also some beauty effects and things that we could apply here too if that's something that you're into face then no thank you eye size nose Bridge I don't need to make my nose any bigger mouth size it's at 150 percent what's going on they're there if you want it I'm gonna go ahead and turn that off now what's really important to note here is that unlike QuickTime where we brought up a preview and that was essentially recorded into our video recording in here we actually get two options with this down here with the video that we're recording we can choose to export Express so export video directly after recording with no editing required or no editing happening or we can choose to edit the recording afterwards and this way we can actually enable or disable this webcam here and we can move stuff around after the recording has already happened and that's normally where I would leave it so I'd go ahead now and I'd turn off the camera preview now that we know that everything is the way that we want it so that we're not seeing it we'll leave this here for editing let's hit record we then go through record our screen show whatever it is that we needed to show to make the video but it's also worth noting that you've got extra tools and things on this menu bar up to the top here so we can expand this out so we can access the full menu there's a pen here so we can actually draw on screen let's go the blue so if we really want to call something out so we're showing something where we need to draw people's attention there or Draw Something on screen we have that ability here to do that my drawing skills are not great we've got arrows so maybe we want to call out our screen recording up here or draw a box around something and we can easily clear that here too with one button click we can also add markers so if something happens while you're recording and you want to come back to it'll be able to find it easy in your editing afterwards then you've got that button here we can pause our recording we can restart it if we made a mistake and we want to start again from scratch or we can click stop when we're done to stop the recording happening now from here has opened up this editing interface where we can see all of our recording elements on separate video layers so we've got our audio recording here we've got our actual webcam on this one and we've got our screen recording down the bottom here and each of these are totally different elements let's look at our preview up here let's say that we didn't want the webcam we could just select it and delete it and it's actually gone from our recording up here or if I undo that now if I select it I can come up here and I can click and drag and I can move it around I can scale it up and down we can really customize this up so in here you would have the ability to maybe start your video full screen let's right click on our webcam here let's go fit to Canvas so a video here can start with me talking full screen and maybe we want to cut it at this point we can right click on it we can choose split and then for the remainder of the video here maybe we would scale this back down so I was down the bottom corner so essentially you've got access to a video editing tool down the bottom here here to really customize things up to trim stuff out to remove it to pick things up to delete them you can add in text and titles there's lots of animated graphics and things that you can use if you come over here to effects there's lots of different things that we can apply to our recording so we've got this AI background removal again we can drag that down here onto our clip and you can see it's gone ahead and it's removed the background for us there too now you've also got the ability in here to add in Auto generated captions too so this is a new or a beta feature here but we can choose start to recognize and that will go through it'll analyze our clip and it'll add the subtitles or the text onto our videos for us think of these like Instagram filters or looks and things that we can apply so yeah a lot of customization and everything in here once you're done with your video you can come up here to export we can then choose our file format mov or MP4 is where I'd imagine most people are saving stuff out but you can also just export an MP3 if you wanted Audio Only You you can then select Height Middle or normal in terms of the quality of your project or you can click here on settings and dial all of this in then you need to hit export and your video will save out now in terms of pricing yes there is a free version of wondershare demo Creator but I really wouldn't recommend it given how limited and restricted it is so to unlock access to the main functionality and remove things like the Branded Watermark that's when you want to jump on either the standard plan or the Premium plan but there's also a few different pricing options and things here the standard plan is probably where most people will sit but if you do want to unlock more of the advanced editing functionality the ability to move between Mac and PC we've also got live streaming support unlimited downloads from their effects store that's where you want to be on the Premium plan for 15 a month but there is also a Perpetual a one-time fee you can actually purchase this outright 75 one-time fee or there's also annual options here as well 45 a year for the standard plan or 65 a year on premium the next option option number three is teller this is another really powerful really easy to use screen recording tool and this one as well will either run in your web browser or there's also some software that you can download as well and for best results highest quality recordings I would strongly recommend that you download and install the app now these guys have a big focus on helping you create content fast so yes there is a lot of more advanced features and stuff in here but the way that it's laid out and the way that you access it all is really intuitive and it really does make the content creation piece fast but it's also more of a web-based or cloud-based workflow too which there are pros and cons of but I'm a big fan of in some regards you could think of this like Loom but on steroids so when you open the app this is what you'll see very simple you then want to click this little preferences button here to customize up your recording we can set the quality of our screen recording we can choose where we want to show our cursor record computer audio yes or no we can choose our camera recording quality here let's go 4K and let's come back up here to close we can then enable our camera by clicking the button here you can see that that's working now and then we can enable our microphone for the recording here too once those are enabled we can select what our microphone is likewise with our camera we've got a little selection Arrow here for that we can see that our audio is actually coming through and it's going to be captured by the little audio bars here I personally think this is great and gives you peace of mind that you are actually recording audio and obviously we can preview our camera recording up here too now for the screen share we can come down here to this Arrow here we can either again select an area so we could draw out an area here or we can pick an entire screen or even a window or an application that's running I'm going to pick this screen here when you're ready to record you just want to hit the record button here that's going to give us a nice little countdown timer and we are now recording so if we want to minimize this while we are recording we can just get a little minimize button if you're using just the one screen we can access that again if we hit the little teller icon at the top here to bring that back up now here we can also hit cancel if we want to scrap this recording we can restart it so if we want to keep recording but start again from scratch and then to stop the recording here we've got two options we can just stop the recording and not preview it or we can hit preview which will stop it and it'll open it up in tela's web interface so I'm going to hit preview here so it's stopping the recording it's then going to take us over to tela's website we can see that our clip here is being uploaded because again we're using tellers server to hold the recordings here it's a very online cloud-based approach for this so we can see very quickly we've got access to our video file here we can play this back here we can edit trim we can share it out we can download the files back to our computer it's also automatically generated captions for us so we can edit those we can turn those on or off we can also customize up our view settings here as well so if we wanted to share this out we can just hit the share button down here or up here we can grab a direct link to this video to share it out for people to preview so again very Loom like for this functionality but where it becomes really powerful is if you hit the edit button then in here we can really customize things up so straight out I usually jump into the layouts area here there's lots of preset layouts that we can select from again these are updated here in real time you can see how fast this is so maybe we want the camera in a circle and down the bottom right we've got access to that here we could also click on it pick it up and move it around to wherever we want we can also scale it up or scale it down if we need to likewise with the screen recording piece as well so maybe we make this a little bit bigger we can also crop it down from in here as well so if we choose crop screen maybe we want to take off this top menu bar we could grab the top bar we could pull it down let's apply that and now let's recenter that we could also add a border here change the size of it so instead of it just being a square we could maybe round the edges maybe we even want to a shadow or a border they can also customize up the background in here as well so we could go a darker color we could pick a solid color a gradient or we could upload our own graphic or image to use in there but even in terms of the screen recording here we can zoom in on sections of it so if we were showing something off and we needed to zoom in the screen at that section then we can apply a zoom in effect here we can choose how much we're actually zooming in and if the transition speed to zoom in is slow fast all from up here so if we preview this now it's going to zoom into that section and then Zoom back out and again we can control how quick or how long this Zoom effect is going to apply for so if we made it really quick just for that section there hit play again quick in and out we're done we just hit done and that's now been applied now we also have the ability in here to add in extra clips and things to record more files so you can see here we can record directly from our web browser as well or we can upload a file down here I love how fast and how easy this is a specially that is done in the cloud when we're done we can hit finish we then have the option to download our video and then under downloads we can download the subtitle file we can download our video in a 4K resolution we can download our Clips as separate files on here as well so you just enable what you want here and then hit start export and then your files will start downloading so I absolutely love this workflow while for some people it might be a negative to have to upload your files to the cloud again it's not a step that you need to take it's done automatically for you in a lot of cases when I'm finished recording the file's already up there but what that allows you to do is not have to have a powerful computer because all the processing and everything is handled on their end but it also opens you up for online collaborations as well meaning that you could have a team member or someone remote that's able to log in and either edit live on their website and produce a video for you or to be able to download those clips to edit in another editing tool another editing application and this is how we're creating a lot of our content now for our Primal video accelerator program it's awesome for course creation but also for the screen recordings for a lot of our YouTube videos too we're using teller for those now in regards to pricing there is a seven day trial available so I strongly recommend that you try that out first to make sure it's a fit for you and then you can jump on their personal plan 15 a month where you can have unlimited videos unlimited recording times the ability to upload your own Clips 4K export and lots of other cool features too but rounding this out these are my top options for screen recording on Mac right now if you're just after something super simple use the built-in option option number one if you want more advanced features controls customization then that's where demo Creator or teller would come in obviously if you want that cloud-based workflow they both have it to some degree but teller is the standout there as far as I'm concerned and again that's what we're using to create our Primal video accelerator course content and training materials but also a lot of our YouTube screen recordings too now as always we've got videos linked on screen to help you even further and don't forget to check out the links down in the description box below look at a bunch of tools and resources down there to help you too I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Primal Video
Views: 148,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PrimalVideoTV, free screen recorder, how to record screen, how to record screen on mac, how to screen capture mac, how to screen record on macbook, justin brown, mac screen capture, mac screen recorder, macbook screen capture, primal video, record screen on mac, record screen on mac with audio, record screen with audio, screen capture, screen capture mac, screen record mac, screen record macbook, screen recording on mac, screen recording software, screen recording with sound
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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