How to Transcribe Faster in 4 Easy Steps: FREE Tools for Completing Difficult Transcription Jobs

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hello everybody welcome back to my channel jennifer marie vo where i teach you different ways that you can make money online working from home if you haven't already make sure to subscribe to my channel where i give you many different tips and tricks on how to make money online whether that is transcribing captioning doing paid surveys doing micro jobs micro tasks anything that you can do to make money online i am trying to create a video to teach you how to do it so a lot of my videos focus on different transcription jobs and also i have a huge playlist of 12 different videos on transcription tools tips and tricks to transcribe faster and get more jobs but a lot of people this is the playlist right here which you can find on my videos and i will also link you to this playlist in the description below but a lot of people say this is some so many different tools here what do i do how do i use these tools together what is the process from start to finish transcribing a file once you get a job for a company like scribby or transcribe me or rev or qa world and i am going to walk you through the quickest way to use four of these tools now this is going to be a quick demonstration i'm not going to show you how to download each of these tools because i want this to be a quick video but if you want more help on each of these different steps then i want you to go to this playlist look in the description below and i will link you to individual videos for extra help on how to install these different plugins or extensions and all of the tools i am going to show you that i'm going to use here are free so you do not have to pay a penny for any of the tools i'm going to show you okay so let's get started step number one we are going to download on chrome audio downloader prime this is an extension from the chrome web store i already have it installed you can see this one right here it says no audio is found and what we're going to do with this is we're going to download an audio that we are going to transcribe so let's say you just got a job with scribby and you want to use some of these methods with scribby okay i'm gonna quickly take a job just to show you how to do it let's say i want to take this job here and now let's say i've been assigned this file and i want to download this file so it'll be easier for me to transcribe i can click here and it says one audio found and it's down it has the scribby transcription assignment file that i can download as an mp3 so i'm going to go ahead and click on the download icon and you can see right here that it has now downloaded this file as an mp3 in my downloads folder okay so that is step one now we have our transcription file and we are ready to clean up the audio that is step two okay for step two i also have a video on how to clean up background noise let's say i just got this file from scribby and there's a lot of fan noises or background noise and the audio is really quiet and i cannot hear what they're saying and i want to clean up the audio and maybe even slow down the audio so i can understand it what we're going to do is you'll download audacity this is a free program again i have a tutorial showing you the details of how to do it you can download it for windows or for mac okay so all you have to do is open up this program we'll go to file open and you're going to open the file and all you have to do is click on the file that you just downloaded okay so this is what the file looks like you can see all of these different sound waves so what you want to do is you first want to remove the background noise and click on this zoom tool here we're going to zoom up you can see how small these waves are too we're going to make want to make this a lot louder so you can understand some of these parts that's quiet now because of privacy reasons i can't actually play this file for you so i have done my own sample of bad audio that i recorded myself so i'm going to go ahead and open that again file open okay so this is the audio file that i recorded for you and with poor audio so you can see what we will do in order to improve this audio i'm gonna press play on this so you can hear the audio quality before and after we do our edits hi i'm calling because i would like to speak with a representative about my internet i'm having some issues okay so i intentionally recorded this beside a fan to show you how we can edit this out what you want to do is take your mouse and just click on a section so you're going to find a section with the background noise so don't click a section where someone's talking click a section even if it's just a small section where you just hear the annoying background noise you want to remove through the entire clip so we'll go like this then go to effect then click noise reduction then click get noise profile okay now click off and we want to click this entire track so we're gonna on our keyboard the easiest way to do this is go control plus a and see how it has highlighted the entire clip that's control plus a you can also go select all to select the track then back to effect noise reduction and just click ok and as you can see see how that's cut all this messy noise if i go undo you can see how it all this noise has just been erased we still hear a little bit so we can do it again effect noise reduction get noise profile control a to select all effect noise reduction okay all right good now we want to increase the volume of this clip again control a affect amplify we're going to amplify we're going to make it go to -3 so we're going to amplify it by 9 db okay maybe you want this to go slower because i'm talking kind of fast or the person's talking fast we can go ctrl a again again effect change tempo we can change it down if we want to make it go slower it's a bit slow for me so let's say we want to go to -17 click ok and now let's try what that sounds like hi i'm calling because i would like to speak with a representative about my internet i'm having some issues okay so let's say i'm happy with that file i'm going to save it as an mp3 file export export as mp3 i'm going to go audio sample 1 edited save click ok and now we have this file saved for our next step okay so now that we have our audio file ready to listen and transcribe what we're going to do is open up a blank document in google docs and we are going to use one of two different methods go to tools now make sure that this is opened up in chrome and then you can go to tools and click on voice typing then here you're going to click on the language that you're going to be speaking so put english us and you just have to click this microphone to speak so what i want you to do is email yourself that file on your phone and then plug in some headphones or earphones and you're going to listen to the file on your phone and then repeat what you are hearing into google docs this is one of two different methods that we're going to use so i'm going to listen to one of the sentences and then say it into google docs and google docs will type it so i can save time and don't have to type it myself hi i'm calling because i would like to speak with a representative about my internet i'm having some issues i ordered internet with your company about two months ago and since then i have had so many issues with the internet okay so we can just click off that button here when we are done now this is what i have just done by repeating what i've heard the audio clip say and now the other thing we can do and this won't always work it will depend on how clear the voice is but if we just do what we did in audacity and improved the audio quality by removing background noise and increasing the volume and slowing it down it might work so we're going to do a sample with the same text and what you're going to do is you have it on your phone and you're going to plug out your take out your earphones and put the volume on maximum and we're going to play it as we record it because there is a way to upload an audio file and transcribe it automatically for you with but that's a paid service and before it was free up to 600 minutes per month and now they've changed it so you could only do three do it three times before you have to pay so this is another option for you i'm going to press record and then i'm going to quickly press play holding my phone up to the microphone on my computer and see if it understands what i'm saying so i'm going to click on the microphone and then click play on my phone playing the audio clip and let's see how it works hi i'm calling because i would like to speak with a representative about my internet and having some issues i ordered internet with your company about two months ago but since then i have had so many issues with the internet yeah nothing's been working it's been a struggle to even get a couple bars of service do you think you could send a technician out or someone to have a look at the problem because i work from home in this okay so as you can see it has done a pretty good job of transcribing automatically what the text says of course there's some weird things in like sun splash that i never said but more or less you can see it has done a really good great job both ways so it really just depends on what you prefer okay so now what we have to do is we have to go through and edit it so i'm going to just stick with editing this first one because this is the one that i said myself so the fourth step to doing this is we want to do a grammar and spell checker now you can see here this little lt thing keeps popping up and there's an icon here and what this is is the grammar and spell checker language tool and it is a free chrome extension and once you add it to chrome when you open up google docs it will be automatically uh installed here and this is an excellent little tool to check your grammar and your spelling so as you can see here we'll click that should be capital hi i'm calling because i would like to speak with a representative about my internet we're going to put a period here because they haven't suggested that if i click here they're showing me some more errors here they put cuz um on this one down here we would just click because and that's going to change it sun splash shouldn't be there this was do you think you could send a technician out and they put it as thank you for sun splash admission which is very strange but everything else they did a good job i'm just going to erase this because we're focusing on just this first one here okay they're telling me that there's two more writing issues but they want me to get language to a premium in order to see those so forget that we're not going to worry about that usually it does a really good job if there's lots of little spelling errors but there are no spelling errors here we can also click on tools spelling and grammar spelling and grammar check it says document looks good so let's just go through it manually hi i'm calling because i would like to speak with a representative about my internet period i'm having some issues i ordered internet now you see it's underlined if you right click they'll give you suggestions um obviously we are transcribing what the person said so we can't be changing around what they what they said so i ordered internet with your company about two months ago now here this will depend on the style guide if you are with one company maybe the company prefers you to put the number i know for most transcription companies if it's under 10 they want you to spell it out so that would be something you have to pay attention to so i would change that to two months ago and since then i have had so many issues with the internet i'm gonna put a period there and go yeah nothing's been working period it's been a struggle to even get a couple bars of service period do you think you could send a technician out or someone to have a look at the problem because i work from home now i'm going to put a dot dot because i cut myself off i did say more in my message okay so again some of these things will depend on the company that you're transcribing for for example some companies might not want you to put a dot dot they might want you to put something like this to dashes i'm just going to do the dot dot dot as an example another thing i put here yeah spelled y e a h some people you know companies might want it spelled y a so that will just depend on the style guide but basically this would be a perfect little transcription and then what you would do is you can highlight it and you can go edit copy or you can just put ctrl c to copy and then you can go to wherever you want to paste it for two maybe that's you want to paste it into scribby maybe you want to paste it into qa world or whatever platform you're transcribing for or maybe you get paid to do freelance transcription for someone so you're just going to transcribe it into microsoft word you would just put control plus v and copy that and if you were doing something like rev uh where or where you have to put it in line by line then maybe you would just you know copy one line ctrl c and then ctrl v and then do that for each caption group depending on what you have to do i know that this might seem like a lot of work but i have been doing it slowly to kind of show you how to do it and normally this process once you get used to all of the different programs it's a very quick four-step process step one download the audio step two clean up the audio in audacity step three voice to text or pressing play on your phone and having you the software do it automatically and then step four is spell check and editing your own work the only real thing that you need to do that's the most difficult is punctuation and that is just adding in your own commas and quotation marks and proper punctuation and spelling and a tool like language tool will help you with the spelling but sometimes with the punctuation you will need to do it manually so if you haven't already make sure to subscribe to my youtube english teaching channel sparkle english where i have videos on how to use commas how to use apostrophes and i am will be releasing soon videos on using quotation marks and hyphens or dashes and periods and question marks and all of the different english writing essentials that you will need to know when you are transcribing so make sure to check out my full playlist on transcription tools and tricks but i just wanted to show you this quick four-step process of how to transcribe a file from start to finish and if you can master and learn these four tricks and get really good and really fast at them it will cut down your transcription time in half or even more depending on how efficient you are so thank you very much for watching this tutorial if you liked it please click like make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos just like this one and thank you once again for watching
Channel: Jennifer Marie
Views: 115,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transcriptionjobs, transcription jobs, how to transcribe, transcription tools, transcribe faster, audio to text, voice to text, jennifermarievo, jennifer marie transcription, transcription for beginners, transcribing, transcriber, transcriptionist, work from home, make money online, speech to text, get paid to transcribe, paid transcription, fast transcription
Id: ZUFxUhR0who
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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