6 Fiverr Gigs for Beginners That Make Money in 2021: Learn Easy Skills You Can Sell on Fiverr

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Hello, everybody, welcome back to my channel,  Jennifer Marie VO, where I teach you different   ways that you can make money online working from  home. So a few months ago, I released a tutorial   on how to become a seller on Fiverr. Step by step,  I teach you how to create a profile how to set up   your first gig and give you general information  on what Fiverr is and how to use it. Now a common   issue for a lot of people is they don't know what  to do once they create an account, they don't have   any ideas for gigs that they can sell, or they  don't really know a skill set that they have   yet to sell on Fiverr. So in this tutorial, I'm  going to teach you about six different Fiverr gig   ideas that you can get started on today that  require very low skill or no skill at all.   And for those that do require some sort of skill,  I'm going to teach you that skill in this video,   which is why this video is going to be so long,  we'll go through what the idea is, then I'll show   you examples of these services that are already  on Fiverr and sellers that are having success. And   then I'm going to show you all the tools that you  need. And everything is free, I have found free   apps, free software, everything is free to get  started. All you need is a smartphone or a camera,   and in some cases, a laptop or a PC. But if you  just have a phone, there are some good ideas   that you can also do using some apps that I will  show you later on. There are a lot of different   YouTube videos, then people saying that you need  no skill whatsoever to sell on Fiverr. It's easy,   there's no work involved. Well, you do need to  learn some sort of skill. Even if it's an easy   skill to learn, it does take practice to get good  at something. And if you really want to make money   online, you do need to learn new skills, perfect  them and become better and better at them. And the   better you become, the more you'll be able to  charge. So I want to give you a head start by   teaching you six different skills today. Well,  five different skills and one idea and you can   get started creating gigs right away. I really  believe that freelancing is the best way to make   money online. Sure, you can do micro jobs paid  surveys transcription, but you're not going to get   paid a lot of money. And it is very time consuming  and exhausting. Whereas if you become a freelancer   and you learn a few different skills that you can  sell, eventually you build up a client base. And   those clients keep coming back for more work. And  that way you have a steady stream of income and it   becomes really easy for you, the better you are at  a skill. So the very first Fiverr gig idea I have   is to become a spokesperson. Basically all you  need is a smartphone or camera. And you will hire   services that you will create a video of yourself  promoting a product or a brand. You don't need a   green screen or any professional equipment to get  started. There are so many different examples on   Fiverr of people who are normal looking people  who don't have professional equipment. They even   have very thick accents when they're speaking  in English. And it doesn't matter. There's a lot   of companies that are looking for normal people  from all over the world from diverse backgrounds,   and they're willing to pay $5 for you  to promote their product or their brand. Okay, so now I want to hop on here on fiverr.com.  And if you click on video and animation, you can   click on spokesperson videos. And this will just  give you some ideas of the kinds of videos that   people are publishing, and an idea of what they're  offering and how much money they're charging.   So you can see there's a lot of, you know, really  top rated sellers who have had tons of gigs,   this person over 1000, this person 208. But these  are people who are charging a lot more money,   this girl is charging 85 euro, this one's charging  38 euro, these people are charging 300 euro,   you don't need to be completely professional  to do this. A lot of people don't want to hire   people who are top rated sellers. Because if this  is a company and 1000 people have hired this woman   to be their spokesperson, that means that you  know they're going to start having repeats.   And you're going to start recognizing there's  one girl on here and I see her all the time   in different ads popping up on Facebook. And you  know, she's just a paid spokesperson. So sometimes   people want someone who's a little bit more  authentic and a bit more natural looking. Okay,   and so maybe they'll go for someone who doesn't  look like they're completely professional, someone   who looks like they're just a normal person who  believes in a product. I wanted to show you some   examples here. We can see here, this woman and she  has a very basic looking video. The audio quality   is not that great. It's just sounds like she's  just using the microphone on her phone. There's   a lot of static, but this woman is doing okay,  she has a rating of 4.8 she has one order that   she's working on right now. She is charging $10  and what she'll do is 150 word up to 15 seconds,   basic video quality ad and that's it. And then you  can plug in how many words it is to up the price.   So actually 450 words it's 1285 100 words 1714 and  this woman, it's clear she's just doing this on   her mobile phone. We've got another woman here.  She also Has looks like she also offers a green   screen. But again, the quality is not amazing.  It just looks like a normal camera or a phone.   Okay, she has an order that she's working on  right now as well. And she's had nine reviews,   this person as well, I'll make a video in front  of historic wall, she has all sorts of different   pretty basic looking videos, but she has it  in front of a cool place where she's from,   in China. This guy, he's a bit more professional,  he's got a green screen, so he's able to charge   more, you can see that he has 2107 reviews, he's  a level two seller. And he's charging over $40   for a simple video of up to 30 words. And then you  can click on his other gigs. And they get more and   more expensive all the way up to this premium one,  which is 158 euro. So when you're starting off,   you don't have to have a green screen and things  like that you could literally be like this woman   here, she's just doing it, you know, in front of a  pretty blank wall. And here, it looks like it's in   front of a closet, the lighting is not even great,  and she's getting gigs. So I would definitely   recommend you check out the spokesperson videos  list and go down. And don't be afraid of the fact   that maybe you don't speak perfect English, or  that you have a thick accent. Because a lot of   these people do have accents. And people are  just wanting someone who's a little different.   There's a great need right now for people of  diverse backgrounds everywhere to make you know a   company look like they are inclusive. And this is  a pretty quick way that you can make money just by   doing a 32nd ad filming yourself. And if you  don't have any video editing skills, don't worry,   you can just memorize the script or have the  script beside your camera, do it in one take,   and then send it to the client that you're working  with. And then if you get more and more gigs,   you can start investing in things like a green  screen to even make more money. I actually just   bought a green screen that I haven't tried out  yet. And it cost me like 20 euro on Amazon,   but there's cheaper ones. Or you could just find a  bright green sheet bedsheet and use that as well.   The second Fiverr gig idea that I have is removing  background noise from a video or an audio file.   So for example, if I'm recording right now, and  imagine there was a fan right beside me, and it   was generating a bizarre Uh hum sound throughout  the entire video, a lot of people will just put   that video on YouTube. And they won't actually  take out that static or that hum or buzzing   sound. And it's actually really simple to do. And  basically, you can offer your services to clean   up people's audio, and remove all that static and  background noise. So they have a nice clean file. Okay, the next skill I want to show you that you  can learn really quickly, you can learn it in 10   minutes in my video. And I'm actually going  to show you really quickly a demo now. But   all you have to do is type in remove background  noise, and you can see all of these different   gigs. And you can see that they're quite  successful. This guy might be he's a top rated   seller, so he probably has a lot of  experience. But he's charging 40 euro,   there's other people that say that they're going  to remove, eco remove wind, cleanup the audio for   for starting at four euro. So let's look  at this guy, for example, click on his gig,   he has 171 orders that he's done five stars, basic  editing up to five minutes for $5. And basically,   the majority of these people are using some sort  of audio software program to remove the background   noise and it's actually really easy to do. So  I'm going to show you right now, a lot of people   maybe know how to do this with audio, but they  don't realize that you can also do it with   video in a free audio editor like Audacity. So I'm  going to open up audacity right now. And I'm going   to show you how you can import audio or video to  clean up. Let's click file, and then click Open.   And then just click on the file.  And even though it's an mp4 file,   when you click on it, and you click open,  it will import the audio from that file.   And as you can see, there it is okay. And so  after we clean this up, you just have to use   any video editor and just combine the two files  together which is really easy. If you need help   on that you want me to create a tutorial just ask  me and I can create one for the channel. So what   we're going to do is zoom up using this icon here  on the file. Again, I have a full tutorial on how   to download this program, which is free and how  to do everything step by step, but I just want   to quickly show you. So let's go to this start  and let's play it so you can see how it sounds.   Like guys. Well behind me is a wall that has like  a surface and you can hear there's a lot of really   bad background noise. So what we're going to do is  click on this icon here and select a sample of the   statics This is all static here. Let's listen to  it. That's all just street noise background noise.   We want to This throughout the entire file,  we're going to click effect, noise reduction,   get noise profile, which will tell audacity  that we want to remove everything that sounds   like this. Now, we're going to click Ctrl plus A  to select the entire file, then go effect again,   noise reduction. And just click OK. And  now audacity will go through the entire   file. And you can see it's just cleaned this  up completely. So if we press play again,   you can hear something. And you can do even do  this a little bit. Again, effect, noise reduction,   get noise profile, select all. Just do it again.  And you can see it's even cleaned that up even   more, the last thing we can do control a affect  amplify, we want to amplify this audio to minus   three dB. So we'll amplify it by two dB. And  make it easier to understand now let's try.   And even though it's not perfect, it's a lot  better than what it was. So this is just an   example of how you could sell this skill. And  then the more gigs you bet you get, the more you   can learn about audio editing. But really, that's  is pretty much as basic as it gets for removing   background noise. Okay, the third idea that I have  is removing unwanted objects from photos. So for   example, imagine you went to a beach and there  was a person right in your view, and you wanted   to get a beautiful shot of the ocean with this  free app that I'm going to teach you how to use,   you can remove a person or any object from a  photo. So you can help people fix up their wedding   photos, their travel photos, maybe they want to  remove an ex boyfriend from all of your photos.   Who knows. But it's a really easy tool, and  I'm going to teach you how to do that now.   Okay, so now we're back on Fiverr. And  I've just typed in remove unwanted objects,   and you can see all the different services  that are available. So we're going to click   look at some examples. But this guy, he's a  lever level to sellers, 17 different reviews,   he's removed all of this here from the  photo, this photo might take a bit more,   you might have to make use of the clone stamp tool  to replicate these bars. So it might be a little   bit more complicated. But he's also charging  a little bit more he's $10 for one image. This one right here, this would be quite easy  to remove this woman here and blend that in,   you could do this using the method that I just  showed you actually. And this one, he's actually   charging a bit less 10 photos with unlimited  revisions for 428. And this guy here is this is   super simple. This one here, you could definitely  do this with the method I just showed you.   And he is for one picture, charging $5.  And he is actually quite successful. He has   23 different reviews here with a five star  rating. Okay, so this is definitely something   I recommend you try out and you learn this skill,  it shouldn't take you too long to learn how to do   it. And again, if you're interested in a more in  depth tutorial on how to do more fine tuning and   images that are a bit more complicated with clone  stamping, let me know. And that's something I can   consider publishing. OK, so now I'm going to show  you how easy it is to remove unwanted objects from   a photo. So as you can see here, I have this  photo that I took in Scotland. And there are   two different signs on the lawn that I want to  get rid of. So I'm going to teach you how to turn   the image from this into this right here, where  we've easily removed the signs. And yeah, it's   it's it was super simple to do. So what you're  going to do is download Adobe Photoshop fix,   it's an app. So you're going to install this app  on Google Play, double click on it. And once you   open the app, there might be an ad that you have  to close off, just click on the X in the corner.   And now it has two different pictures that  are already there if you wanted a sample   of how to retouch photos, but we're going to  click on the plus icon at the bottom corner.   And then here you have to locate the photo that  you want to edit. So the very top button I'm going   to click because I've already transferred  the photo I want to edit onto my phone.   So that button right there will access my phone  library. So once you locate your photo, click with   your fingers to expand the screen to zoom up. Once  you zoom up on the object that you want to remove,   you're going to click on healing the little band  aid and then you're going to click on spot heal.   On the side you can adjust the size and the  hardness of the brush. And to do that you just   click on whatever you want to adjust either size  or hardness. And then again scroll up or down on   the screen with your finger to increase the size  of the brush. And then the hardness level will   just make it not as harsh so You can reduce  that as well. So it's a more soft removal of the   object. And then all you're going to do  is brush over it. And you're just going   to brush over it with, you'll see the red will  indicate the part you want to remove. And boom,   you can see how quickly and easily adjust, remove  the object that we didn't want, you're going to go   ahead, click the checkmark. And then we can scroll  over to the other side, repeat the same process.   And you can see it's blended it all in. So what  it does is it takes samples from what's around   the object and fills it in to act like the objects  not there. So this is great. If you want to remove   people from a photo objects, anything, you know  that it's making the photo not look as nice as it   could look without those objects. So now we scroll  back and boom, you have a perfectly edited photo.   There's also other tools here that you can use  like clone stamp and things like that, in case   you had a more complicated image that you needed  to make some special fine tuning. If you are   interested in a tutorial on how to do this. For  more advanced photos, let me know in the comment   section, because I do plan on doing a sellable  skills series. And if that is something that   interests you a little bit more detail on how to  edit photos, let me know I want to see if there's   interest for that. So then to save this photo,  you go ahead click on the share button at the top   and click gallery. And that will save your  image to your gallery. And as you can see here,   now we've just transformed this photo here  with these two signs that are kind of ugly   into this photo here. And it's a much more  beautiful shot. And you cannot tell that we edited   those photos at all. So this is another skill that  you can sell to people on Fiverr. Say you'll edit   five different photos for a certain price or one  photo for a certain price. And this is definitely   something that when people are interested in  buying. Okay, the next big idea I have is very   similar to the one we just did, except this one  is how to remove backgrounds. So for example,   imagine I took a picture of myself right now  and I wanted to remove the entire background,   except for my silhouette or my shape. There's  a free website that we can use. And it's   really automatic process where you just click to  remove the entire background. And then you can do all sorts of other features as well. And this  website is completely free for standard resolution   files. You might wonder well, why don't these  clients go and do that themselves if it's free?   Well, if you decide to charge $5, to remove  10 different backgrounds, for example,   it's worth it for them to pay someone  $10 to do a job they don't want to do,   because when people have money, they just value  their time. So let me show you how to do that.   Okay, the next big idea I want to tell you  about is removing the background. Now this is   a very popular gig, there are a lot of different  services available, but also a lot of buyers.   Because people always want backgrounds removed  from different product photos from their own   professional photos to do YouTube thumbnails. It's  a really quick and easy process. So usually with   these different sellers, you can see all of these  different ones here, they will offer a bulk set of   photo editing for a certain price. So if we look  here, this guy's offering a 15 image background   removal, JPEG or PNG. And you would normally want  a PNG file because that means, for example, if we   cut this woman out here, and we save it as a PNG,  that means it's like transparent the rest of it.   So you can stick that on any background that you  want. A JPEG would just save it blank, it wouldn't   be transparent when you put it on another  photo. So you want to save it as a PNG file.   And look over here, up to 10 image background,  remove plus crops resize, so that's $5 for that,   this guy $5 for 10 images and all this is  super easy to do. Okay, and you can see that   this guy even has two orders on the go. This is  a really popular service. I like that this guy   offers that he will change or remove image  background. Because you can also offer that if you   want to offer something a little different from  the other sellers can say Listen, I will cut out   these for you and I will add whatever background  you want. Or I'll choose my own background,   you could say that you'll crop it, so it's  ready for to go on YouTube or whatever you want.   So let's learn how to do that. You can do that  for free with this website here. remove.bg.   You can also cut out backgrounds with things  like Photoshop or a whole bunch of other   different photo editing software. But if you  don't have that, this is the easiest way to do   it. And it is free. Eventually, if you build up  more clients and you start to get a lot of work,   you might want to get a professional editor.  And that way you can do more things, but this   is an excellent website. So I'm going to do a  demo. All you have to do is click Upload image.   And then select the image you  want to remove the background from   and see you've got the original image and  it'll take a bit and look it just removed it   perfectly. It did such an amazing job of that.  So now what you're going to do is click Edit   and if it didn't get it like Perfectly like it  did, you could click erase, restore, and then   you could brush, you know, look, look, I could  brush away whatever I needed to brush away. And   then you click Undo if you don't want to do that,  let's go back to background, I want to show you   a few other things here. Maybe someone wants to  just blur it. So it the actual background and have   her standout. And so you can do that, which is  really cool. Or you can click here and just choose   whatever background you want from their little  library here and then apply that same effect.   And it makes it look so professional.  And you can even choose your own photo, let's just throw in the photo we just did the  last time. And then you could do something   cool like this. And blur that as well. You can  also click on color and choose any of these   different colors, you could click on that icon  and then choose whatever color so let's say you   have a certain brand color that you're you want to  use, you can type in your exact brand color here.   It really is amazing. So what I would recommend  you do if you're offering a gig like this is   just say, Listen, I will remove the background,  I will put in you know whatever photo you want,   and then offer these sorts of ideas for them.  And that way you could do it all for them for   a bulk set. So you do 10 photos for a certain  price. And that way you're offering something   a bit more than the other people on Fiverr. And  if you go ahead and use something like PicMonkey,   you can crop it to size as well. In the next  gig idea, I'm going to show you how to create   a thumbnail for YouTube. And this would  be an excellent option for that. So then,   if you wanted to download the photo like this,  just click download, download image. And then you   have the photo right here download it, if you want  to download it just the transparent because you're   cutting out the background completely,  you'll just click on this right here   with the checked because that is the transparent  that's nothing here. And we're going to click   download, download image. And then we have a PNG  right here of the image. So when you do this,   and you download it, you can download the file  size for free the good quality file size, which   is 577 by 433. But in order to download HD, you do  have to pay credits. So if I go to pricing here,   you can either do a subscription plan or pay as  you go. So for this 140 credits per month is nine   euro. So if you are selling five images and said  that they're going to be high quality, and you   charged $5, you know, you would be making money  because you would be able to use up to 40. But of   course, I don't recommend getting a subscription  plan. Unless you have ongoing clients, you can   also do a pay as you go. And then depending on  how many credits you buy, but obviously, you know,   don't start buying one of these big packages  unless you already have clients. But you could   just use the standard because most of most people  are wanting these for their YouTube videos. And   for YouTube thumbnails. It's a very small standard  resolution. So you should be fine just using   the standard version. And you can offer that just  a standard resolution in your gig as well. So in   this next gig idea, we can also use the skill  we just learned. And this one is very popular   on Fiverr. There is so much demand for it. And  there are a lot of services as well that are very   successful. And this job is creating thumbnails  or images for YouTube videos. And what's good   about this is if you get in with a client and  say you get a client that wants five different   thumbnails from you, and they pay you a good  price to do all five and they're happy with them,   they'll keep coming back to you for more images  because they'll get used to your style, they'll   you'll get to know their brand. And it's a win  win for both people. So you can use a free tool   to design beautiful different thumbnails and I'm  going to teach you how to do that live right now. Okay, so I've just typed in YouTube thumbnail.  And I want to show you all of the different   gigs and gig ideas for creating thumbnails for  YouTube, you can see that there are almost 7000   services available. But you can see that almost  all of these have over 1000 different reviews.   This is a very popular service because there are  so many different YouTubers, and it takes time to   create a really beautiful, catchy thumbnail. And  a lot of YouTubers just don't have time to do it   themselves. So if they like you, they'll probably  continue wanting you to create thumbnails for   them. So really, all you need to do is be able  to get a couple clients and if they're happy   with your work, then you will probably develop  a style for them or use their brand colors.   And then they'll just constantly hire you for all  of their thumbnails. It'll be easier for them,   and it'll be ongoing money for you. And all of  these you can easily create yourself. Let's look   at this one here. This guy you can see he has  16 orders he's working on right now. But you can   see this guy all of these different thumbnails  and all of these like look at this one. This is   such a simple thumbnail to create. It's just a  nice background image which you can get lots of   lots of stock photos for free from different  websites, and then just how to keto diet,   this one as well, this is a very typical  thumbnail that a lot of make money channels use.   And it's very simple to create if someone wanted  that. So he's charging $10. And he creates   one thumbnail for $10. This guy has 40. And he  does three for $5. So people who eventually get   more clients and have a lot of reviews and become  really popular sellers, they can charge higher   prices for less work. But if you're starting out  off, I recommend, you know, charging $5 and saying   you'll do three or something like this guy, just  to start getting, you know, more reviews. And all   of these we can create with a free software called  Canva, which I'm going to show you how to use now.   Okay, so here we are in Canva. And this is  completely free, I do not have the pro plan,   it's something I might consider getting because  it looks quite cool. I have just the free plan,   which you can get a link to in the description  below. And all you're going to do is type in   YouTube thumbnail. And that will give you all  of these different templates that you can use   to create your own thumbnails, you can choose  any of these to start off and then just make   adjustments to make it look like your own, which  is really easy. Or you can completely create   your own by clicking on Create a blank YouTube  thumbnail. I'm going to click on this one here   and make some edits to make this our own. Okay. So  as you can see, here, we have this nice picture of   this girl, if you want to use your own picture,  you can go to uploads and then add in your own   picture there. Or you can click on photos. And  here you can search for millions of photos.   So let's click fashion. And you can see here  that all of these you can either use that you   can use if you have Canva Pro, but there's  many that are free as well. So you can,   if they have the little crown it's pro and if  not, it's free. So when you want to use an image,   you can just click on it and it will pop up. And  then from here, you can make some adjustments by   just clicking and dragging. So let's say I want  to put that maybe like this, and I want to send   this to the back. So I'm going to right click, go  Send to Back, okay, so it can readjust it to how I   how I want it. Let's say now I want to change  the colors a bit. So I'm going to click on this,   and this blue icon, then click on the color icon.  And then you can select any color that you want.   Okay, now let's say I want to add my own picture,  I'm gonna go to uploads, and click Upload Media   to upload your own. I've already uploaded the  picture that we just cut out earlier if the girl   and then you can click on this text  and you can change it however you   want. Or we can delete it and add  our own text, which I'm going to do.   You can also click and make change any  filters that you want. So let's say I click   on this image here. And then I'm  going to go to filter or effects.   And I'm going to click on, you've got all these  cool different effects you can use and filter,   you can add any of these cool filters that you  wanted. as well to that image, I'm gonna click   on effects. I'm gonna click on violet, give  it like a purple kind of a look. Click Apply.   Now let's go to text. And you can either add  your own text and then just change the font   or you can go down here and look at any of  the cool ones that they have for us to use. Okay, so once you have the text you want to use   and change the color of it. So you want to change  this and this is really cool. You click here   and you can change it. According to they even  pop up the photo colors, the document colors,   so you don't even you can just use these colors  so it matches all together, which is really cool.   Here you can change any of the effects you  can add could make it like neon curve, glitch.   Okay, so you can have fun playing around with  that. And then finally, we can click on elements.   And then here you can add any sort of icons that  you want. You can add lines, shapes, stickers,   you can even add animated ones and make this  into a GIF. And again, you can look and see   which ones are free to use and which ones are  paid. So you just click on it to add the little   icon that you want to use and you can move that  around where you want and you can even change the   color by clicking on this icon here and then  just changing it to whatever color you want.   Okay and once you're finished with your thumbnail  and you're happy with it, just click on download   and then you're going to make sure to save it as   PNG which is a high quality image and  it'll save suggested so click on that   and then it will be automatically the size that  is recommended for YouTube. So you're going to go   ahead download it as a PNG file. And then just  like that we have done downloaded and created   a really beautiful thumbnail that we could sell  to our clients. And also use on your portfolio.   And then you can have fun trying to design your  own thumbnail art. And then if you can design   these pieces, you could put on your own little  logo for your gig and say like, this is some work   that I've created. That's the beautiful thing  about Canva is you can do all of this for free,   create your own style, and then start publishing  your gigs and start hopefully getting some clients   who like the style of your work. So feel free to  start experimenting and playing around and create   a bunch of thumbnails that look cool, and then  just add them to your portfolio on fiber. Okay,   and this last idea is not exactly a skill that  I'm going to teach you. But I'm going to ask you   to get creative. And think of something that you  can offer that you can show that's different from   other people. There are all sorts of people on  YouTube right now that have these crazy ideas,   doing crazy things, and they're making good  money selling these services. So sending funny   messages is one guy I'm going to show you,  he's in an inflatable boat, another guy has   a vegetable man costume. Another person is writing  messages in creating videos of them on the beach,   there's all sorts of different ideas that  you can have. And if you live in a place   that's different from other people, maybe you  live on a farm, or you live in the mountains,   or you live somewhere different or near a popular  tourist destination, you can make custom unique   videos for people because they're not in that  place. And it's impossible for them to do.   Maybe you live near the Eiffel Tower in Paris. And  you'll go up and take a video saying, you know,   I love you or Happy Birthday mom or  something like that. And it's a custom   video that they couldn't do themselves, but  you could do for them, and they'll pay you   $5 or $10, or whatever it is you charge. So  let's go and look on Fiverr for some ideas. Okay, so now I want to show you some of these  really fun, creative, crazy gigs that people   are offering and actually having a lot of success  with. So look at this guy here. He is a level two   seller and he has over 333 reviews. And he says I  will deliver an exclusive message as boatman. And   basically he offers for $10 up to 50 words, and  he hangs out in his inflatable boat in his house   takes a video probably on his smartphone. And  that's it and he's getting paid $10. And he's   funny, and people like his little, you know,  look at all those little videos he's done.   I guess they think it's funny. I mean, maybe  someone wants to say happy birthday to someone   or something like that. And they think it'd be  a funny message to get a guy to do like, I know,   this is a crazy idea. But it's working for this  guy. Let's look here, this guy, I will wish Happy   birthday and say anything with buffaloes. So I  guess he has maybe a farm I don't know, or is   near a bunch of Buffalo. So he goes there. And he  takes these crazy videos saying hey to everybody,   while he's with his buffaloes, and he also has  84 reviews. this other guy again, he says he will   deliver an exclusive message with his vegetable  man costume again. 371. So it's really all about   your creativity, what you're comfortable with  doing. And if you have a funny idea, or maybe you   know somewhere that you could go and do something  unique that people would think is interesting.   Try it out, why not, this person's a bit more  creative. I will write your message creatively   on a beach as a video or photo. And literally,  this person will write out different messages,   look here, it's a really beautiful message and  then put that just on the beach. And they'll say   happy birthday or whatever else you want. And it's  really cool. And this person is doing it for $5   one name with a heart M. And they've got 35  different people have given them reviews.   So all of these really creative fun ones  I'm finding in the lifestyle section. So I   recommend you just go to the lifestyle section  and just, I don't know, browse your message on,   see what kinds of things you can find. There's  a lot of models too. But again, you don't have   to be a model. This guy is literally dressed up as  a vegetable man. And he's actually more successful   than all of these models. So if you have something  interesting or something funny, maybe you want to   dress up like the Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus,  or Michael Jackson or anybody and offer a funny   message for $5 people will pay that sort of thing  to do a funny message for their friends or family.   So it's really all about what you're comfortable  with doing and I recommend you try it out.   Be creative, do some research and find something  that is unique and is easy for you to do. Okay,   everybody. So that's the end of this tutorial.  I hope you learned something and that you found   this tutorial useful. If you want any extra help  on how to use these different skills that I've   just talked to you let me know in the comment  section what skills you want to learn more about   if you want to learn how to become a better audio  editor or video editor or photo editor and what   sort of skills you would like to learn so that  you can sell these skills on websites like Fiverr   or Upwork or freelancer.com. If you liked this  video, please click like make sure to subscribe   to my channel for more videos like this one and  you can feel free to follow me on Instagram and   on Facebook as well. I'll leave the links to those  social profiles in the description below. And on   those pages I'll update you with new information,  new job updates, and when I have released a new   video, so thank you once again for watching this  video and I will see you in my next tutorial.
Channel: Jennifer Marie
Views: 66,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiverr, fiverr gigs, fiverr gigs for beginners, easy fiverr gigs, fiverr make money, fiverr how to make money, fiverr tutorial, fiverr review, make money on fiverr, fiverr no skills, fiver low skills, fiverr easy, sell on fiverr, jennifermarievo, make money online, how to make money, make money from home, work from home, how to make money on fiverr, best fiverr gigs to make money, fiverr gig ideas, best fiverr gigs for beginners, fiverr gigs that require no skill, fiverr gig
Id: AKDvGiPenwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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