We Counted Every Time Odegaard Checked his Shoulder in a Game

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on Sunday we spent the entire Arsenal versus Fulham game watching One Man only Martin verdigard you see that be your best we're a little obsessed with scanning and how it can help improve your game and we heard a rumor that this erdog guy is pretty good at him so we got our spreadsheet and counted every single one of his scans throughout the entire game what we found was some pretty amazing stuff [Music] first up is the total number of scans which for Odegaard in this game was a grand total of 493 an insanely High number now over the course of the game we found that other God had a scan frequency of around 0.5 that means in the 10 seconds before receiving the ball he scanned an average of five times it's not quite chubby levels who used to scan a massive eight times in the 10 seconds before getting the ball but it also isn't too bad either next up is critical scans now the critical scan is the last scan a player makes as the ball is traveling towards them for those of you who play football you'll know just how hard it is to take your eyes off the ball and still be able to turn back around and control it perfectly now the advantage that this skill gives you is being able to assess your surroundings as late as possible before receiving the ball so when you do turn around you have the exact picture in your head of what you're going to do it turns out erdogard is insanely good at this in the game he received the ball a total of 58 times and managed to perform a critical scan on 33 occasions that's 58 of the time to put that into perspective when we did the same analysis on Lionel Messi during the World Cup he only managed to perform a critical scan 30 of the time when receiving the ball which shows just how good a guard is in fact the God is so good at this that he even managed to pull off a couple of double critical scans during the game taking his eyes off the ball twice as it's moving towards him so we've so far learned that odegard scans a lot but how does it actually improve his game well it turns out numerous Studies have been conducted on this over the years a team of Norwegian scientists traveled around Europe filming hundreds of games analyzing players scanning Behavior what they found was that players who scan a lot are more likely to make a successful forward pass which in football usually leads to more chances and more goals in this game we found that to be the case as well under God made a total of 27 forward passes hitting the Target on 21 occasions that's a forward pass completion rate of around 78 to put that into perspective the likes of Bruno Fernandez and Kevin De bruyne have an all-round pass completion rate of around 72 percent this season what's even more interesting is in situations where under God performed a critical scan his forward pass completion rate jumped up to 81 showing just how useful this skill is to players we can see just how useful it is as well by looking at the times when urugod didn't perform a critical scam in this clip the ball gets fizzed into him so quickly that he's unable to scan before receiving it guess what happens next he gives the ball away without scanning and taking in a mental picture of what's behind him erdogard is unable to plan for his next move and ends up making a bad pass the final thing that we discovered about other guard from this study was just how insanely good he is at timing his scans you see in football there's a good time and a bad time to scan the good time is when the ball is already in motion with its speed and direction set this could be after it's been passed and is moving or it could be in between a player's touches this is because the ball isn't going to change course so it gives you a brief second to scan your surroundings without worrying about where it's going to be when you turn around the bad time to Scandal is when the ball is being touched or kicked this is because In This Moment the speed and direction of the ball could suddenly change so you need to be alert to where it's going to go next if we look at the clips of other God from this game we see just how good he is of this as you can see whenever the ball is moving uruguard scans to take in information but as soon as it's touched His Eyes Are Fixed back on it again it's moving so he scans and then as it's past it's all eyes on the ball to assess its speed and direction once he's done that here's another brief second to scan as the ball moves towards him now erdogard has always taken both his physical and cognitive development seriously an example of this is back in 2018 when he was out injured with a broken metatarsal despite being unable to pray he still kept pushing himself to improve and actually trained with our VR training tool be your best to improve his scanning to prove just how insane he is while training with it he actually asked for the speed of the training to be increased which is why we now have a mode with 120 speed on there now if you'd like to give this training a go for yourself you just need a meta Quest 2 VR headset and a be your best subscription from be your best.com I hope you've enjoyed the video and hopefully learned something useful and we will catch you next time foreign
Channel: Be Your Best Pro
Views: 693,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, scanning, perception, football, how to get better at football, how to get better at scanning in football, how to get better at soccer, how to get better at scanning in soccer, scanning in football, scanning in soccer, VR in football, VR in soccer, innovations in football, innovations in soccer, perception in football, perception in soccer, coaching tools in soccer, coaching tools in football, how to improve perception in football, how to improve perception in soccer
Id: 7fGvWAfoYCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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