How To Train A Hydrangea Tree from a Bush // How to divide a hydrangea - Part 2 of 2

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hi everyone welcome back to the part two of how to create a standard paniculata hydrangea from a bush okay so when you look at this um you would think okay how could you turn this bush into a standard tree with a single stem and this is the canopy right here of the single stem hydrangea tree to look like this right so it looks a little daunting so if you haven't seen the part one yet please do check out the links below so you can watch that first before you attempt to do this second one okay so you when you're looking at a bush like this i hope you can see this but uh i'm gonna try my best to show you so if you're looking at the bush from the bottom up like this you can see i've got some stems like this one that goes on an angle but i have one here do you see this stem right here i'm just gonna move the mulch back so you can see it better looking from this angle you can clearly see that this is probably the best stem for me to choose to pick as the main stem for my hydrangea tree right so number one reason it's got a single stem that comes directly from the root ball and it's also has the longest uh length right so you want the longest length and as i said before um the longer the length of the stem that you've chosen to be your tree um the better it will be because as the tree matures the length of the main trunk will not grow longer but what does grow is the diameter of that trunk so it does grow bigger but the length does not so you want to still choose a single stem with the longest sort of length possible okay so at this point once you selected the longest branch what you can do is take your scissors and or shears and cut the rest all the other stems all the way down to the ground and only keep this single stem take a stake stick everything up and that will become your standard tree for next year right so instead of doing that i'm going to show you another way to do this so that you can keep both the rest of the stems and still have the single standard so then you end up with two a stander and a bush okay so here's the full view of the bush again there's the bush so um what i'm going to do now is i'm going to dig the entire bush up and then just kind of study the stem that i've chosen to be the standard and just to see how much of the root ball it's still going to be attached to that stem because remember my main goal is to create two keep the rest of the stems as the bush and then have that one step that i've selected to be the standard right so let's do that and then i'm gonna show you how that looks and then we can approach it from there so um what i was just doing now is just to kind of move away some of the soil surrounding the part of the plan so i can see how much of the route i can salvage right because the stamp that i've chosen to be my standard this is this is the stem right here and i want to take as much of the root ball as possible so it's got better chance of surviving on its own right actually while you're at it you could actually uh divide this as well so maybe i will attempt to show you something else so i'm just gonna cut it smaller into two pieces it's gonna be harder i need bigger shears here there so i've actually just split it in half and you can you don't want to cut the root at this point you want to just want to gently tease it out so that you can keep as much of the root ball as possible attached to that plant so as you can see what i did was i kind of cut a little bit of the plant and i actually pull the two pieces apart right so i actually now have two plants so this is one plant right here that i could plant it and let that become a bush right and then this one is the one that has the stem that i wanted to be the standard okay so now i'm going to show you what i'm going to do next while i'm waiting to turn this into a standard hydrangea i actually took a bucket of water and fill it up and put the entire root ball of that into the water while it's waiting for me to start working with it right because you don't want the root ball to dry out and that could harm and decrease the possibility of it surviving so i did that and i'm going to show you what i'm going to do next okay i'm going to take this and plant it back in the same space okay and that will leave the [Music] bush so here's the half of the bush that i planted back in the same space and here is the other half of the original plant so what i'm going to do now is lift it out of the water and show you what the next step is going to be the stem that i want to see how it's the longest stem right here okay so that's the one that i want so technically if i work very very carefully i could try to cut away this stem here which is what i want and then try to save that and plant that as a new bush as well right or possibly a new uh standard but it looks like the only one that might have the longest stem is this one so technically i could turn it into two standard or one standard that i want in the bush right so i could do that so i am just going to carefully show you how the root ball looks like and see if i could try to save the rest and still manage to take this out so i'm going to set up my camera and uh show it to you [Music] so it looks like i might be able to pull this apart notice i took my gloves off just so it makes it easier for me to work with this okay so i took that one piece and i broke it up into two more pieces so i now have this one piece that has the original stem that i want as a standard and then i have another piece which i could technically plant down for another bush right so before i uh plant that standard what i'm going to do is take this piece that i broke up with the roots i'm going to dunk it in my bucket of water while i um i'm working with the other stem okay okay so now um what i'm going to do is cut away the stem that i don't want i only keep the one that i'm going to train into a standard okay so can you see i hope you can see that so i'm going to actually cut right over here and get rid of this now there it is so i just cut that away and then i have this it's going to move back so you can see so there it is this is the stem that i want to train into a standard okay so i'm going to plant that and then i'll show you what to do next okay [Music] okay so i'm gonna come a little closer so you can see the actual uh stem and all the side branches so you see how it's got so many side branches to this one side and there's nothing on this side right that's okay so i'm gonna go ahead and remove all the lower stems okay and only keep the few at the top right so sort of like um let's show you this one so eventually what i want to do is create something like this so i'm going to remove all the stems below and only keep the few stems at the top to make that look like a little canopy okay i'm gonna keep on doing that until i only have a few stems at the top okay [Music] there i think i'm happy with that what i'm going to do now is take a a steak and stick that up right okay and tie it to the stick so there so i sticked it and then i tied um the branch to the stake in three different places so i'll come a little closer so you can see and take a look at the stem [Music] so there is the trunk so these are all the stems that i cut down right so at this angle you'll probably see it better so i saved one stem two and then here's the [Music] here's the third and then the fourth right here right so there it is okay so i planted the last piece and i made it into a stander do you see that there it is so i don't have another stake so i haven't been able to stake it back up yet but i'm going to do that uh as soon as i'm able to go to the store and grab um one and stake it up and tie it to the stick so what i'm going to do now at the end is i'm actually going to cut the balloons off and the reason why i do that in the second part of the video is because i have just sort of broke this one plant and made it into three different plants and i've put a lot of stress on the plant by digging everything up so to help it along what i'm going to do is i'm going to come along and actually cut all of the flowers off right at the base so i'm going to show you that here to see where the flowers ended right there so i'm just going to do the same for all these of these okay i'm going to just cut it right below can you see that it's going to cut it so i cut it back all the pentacles are gone so i'm going to go ahead and do the other standard that i also created so i'm actually going to do the same because i wanted to focus all of its energy on making sure that the roots are going to be rooted in i also tied another piece of stick to it because look at the damage that the wire did to the stem so i don't want it to incur any more damage so i added another piece so i'm going to go ahead and do the same thing here by cutting all of the flowers off and then the half of the bush that i left behind i'm going to actually do the same [Music] so there it is i just finished cutting back all of the pentacles so like i said before there's a lot of stress that i put on this plant the roots are not going to be able to uptake enough water and nutrients to support all of the pentacles so by cutting off all of the flowers to pentacles you're going to help it just to maintain the lease and not have to worry about keeping those flowers alive following spring this is what you can expect from the standard hydrangea that you just created so you can see that the four stems that were left behind stand out more side stems making this canopy a lot bushier so let me come a little bit closer so you can see the remnants that's left behind from the cuts that i made so there was a cut here that i made and then here and then here as well right so those were the four cuts that i made this past spring when the buds started showing up so basically everything below the canopy you remove anything above you will keep so that the canopy will be bushier so anyway i want to thank you so so much for watching this video and if you haven't seen the part one of the video please click on the link to watch that and if you haven't subscribed already please do subscribe for more videos and again i hope to see you next time have a wonderful wonderful day or night wherever you are in the world bye now
Channel: Tracy’s Home & Garden
Views: 15,959
Rating: 4.9731092 out of 5
Id: dIVeLB1lkoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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