Why You Should Deadhead Hydrangeas! | Cranbury Fields Flower Farm

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hey flour tribe so today we're gonna talk about whether or not to deadhead your hydrangeas so we posted a hydrangea video a while ago about how to get more blooms from your hydrangea and we'll put a link to that in descriptions and we had like I don't know like over five or six hundred comments back and forth about hydrangea care so it's a really cool post to visit if you're a hydrangea lover because there was a lot of tips being given back and forth between members of our flower tribes so check that out if you like and one of the questions that came up a lot was should I deadhead my hydrangea flowers that you know have been passed like their if their bloom period so we're gonna cover that today and the simple answer to that is yes but be very careful because you want to make sure that you don't over prune while your deadheading and that could be a big no-no because if you over prune you may not get blooms this year and I'm gonna show you why okay so here's the story with the dead heading of the hydrangea so I'm back here and it's spring time with my endless summer hydrangea and it always helps to deadhead your hydrangeas because it will help more blooms come it will encourage extra blooms for the season but you want to be careful that you don't prune instead of deadheading at this time so what I mean by dead heading is you're gonna find some of the spent blooms like this guy's pretty Spence you're gonna go take a look down on the stem and I'm gonna cut right above a fresh set of new leaves so guys you're gonna take the old stem follow it down to where it has a new set of leaves and you're gonna make your cut when you're dead heading just above that you don't want to cut below this because you might be cutting off new blooms that are gonna come in this summer so make sure that you cut above any kind of new growth and that's your best way to deadhead no guys if you have a stalk that looks totally dead like this you can tell it's dead because as I'm going down there's no green inside this stem you see how it's all kind of white you can tell there's no green in there that means that there's nothing that's gonna bloom on here and it's an old stalk and it's an old cane and you can just cut that guy out altogether you can tell it's all white there's no green so you can get rid of though stems because your hydrangea likes to have a lot of airflow so guys you want to remove any kind of old growth or dead heading that you do from the base of the plant because it needs a lot of air circulation so I'm going to make sure I remove this so that it doesn't clog up the airflow because the airflow makes your plant happier so here's some more deadheading examples let go down I'm gonna deadhead this guy right here Tim I'm gonna do this guy all the way down here so guys keep in mind that when you're deadheading a hydrangea you're not pruning it you're deadheading it and the difference between deadheading and pruning is that when you're dead heading you simply removing the spent bloom and the stem that it was on when people talk about pruning back a hydrangea a lot of times they'll be talking about actually removing a whole third of the plant to either revive it or to make it more a better size for their garden and the time of year to do pruning would be the end of winter or very very early spring not when that all this new growth has started on it so yeah so they're very different we're gonna do some videos showing you exactly how to prune and we'll put that in links below once those are posted but keep in mind the deadheading is very different than pruning so guys here's another one of my hydrangeas and this guy has a lot of new growth really close to the old bloom so I'm gonna once again follow this stem down to right above a set of new leaves and I'm gonna give it a snip and that's it I'm gonna make sure I remove it so that it doesn't clog up the bottom of the base and stop that airflow and that's it so guys I showed you my endless hydrangea before these are my Annabelle hydrangea and these guys you basically do the same thing you're gonna go in here you're going to look for those blooms that are kind of they've kind of had it you're gonna follow that old worn-out stem down to here I'm actually going to take this whole stem out because I can see that this whole thing not gonna give me any new growth because it's it's white and it's brown and everything around it is nice lush green stems and this guy is like this real white beat-up looking like a cane so I'm gonna cut him out so I remove that whole section from the plant and now the plant doesn't have to worry about supporting this anymore and it can put more energy into bursting out more beautiful flowers this is my limelight hydrangea and spring and as you can tell it has a lot of dead blooms up top now I'm not gonna get to those because they're just too high I'm not gonna go on a ladder and kill myself getting them so it's not a big deal I'm still gonna get blooms out of this hydrangea anyway so guys I really feel like like God put all these beautiful flowers on earth for us to enjoy and bring us peace so don't stress out over your flowers don't stress out over your hydrangeas usually if you could just plant them in a spot where they're gonna be happy you don't usually have to even worry about pruning them and as far as the deadheading goes it helps them but it's not absolutely necessary to get blooms you don't have to deadhead to get blooms you're just probably gonna get more of them there was some seasons when I'm super lazy and I don't do any deadheading and I wind up getting blooms anyway so like I said enjoy your gardens don't stress out over them and I hope you guys have a great day so guys thank you so much for joining me in this video and I'm gonna put a link for my patreon page below in case you're interested in supporting my dream of providing tons and tons of flower tip videos so people all over the world can grow their own flowers in their own backyards and also please feel free to subscribe to this channel and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Kelly Lehman
Views: 324,192
Rating: 4.9332376 out of 5
Keywords: Kelly Lehman, Cranbury Fields, Cranbury Fields Flower Farm, Jardin, Gardening, Gardening Tips, Flower care, flower tips, gardening help, hydrangeas, deadheading, deadhead hydrangea, should you deadhead hydrangeas, why deadhead hydrangeas, hydrangea blooms, why hydrangeas won't bloom
Id: yGdyKr4ITgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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