The BEST “Punishment” for Barking at People that can FIX your dog and give you piece of mind.

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walk him over there correct him tell sit down no push him back your dog barking and lunging at people due to protection and resource guarding can mainly be fixed one way and that is separation from the owner for a period of time after the reaction that is the single best way to do it think about the motivation of the dog the motivation of the dog is to get the person away and to stay by their owner what is the single most punishing thing you can do at that moment that is the opposite of that it is separation from the owner and then accepting that person into your life touching that person hand shakings shake with that person hugging that person while the dog is on the outside looking in that is about the only thing that makes an impression on protection and resource guarding the other ways do not work the same they do not work in the dog's brain the same pain pain does not that's what we're doing right now I had my whole staff come up shake her hand pain will not work in the same way e-c callers prong callers if the dog stays by the owner they will they don't care about the pain treats from the owner doesn't make any sense love from the owner doesn't make any sense it is what I call the out of the circle of the trust method if you want to learn about this method more in depth and all my methods and learn about a helper dog and learn about running a business learn about having a facility and becoming a professional dog trainer that makes a difference in the world sign up for the Beckman coaching program I'll put the email on the screen right now Beckman Ventures tell us why you want to be a part of the program now back to the video nothing works quite like the out of the circle of trust method does but I am a big fan of the owner of you letting the person know that you have accepted them into their life so that you you're telling the dog by the handshake or by the hug you're telling your dog I like this person okay sometimes you have to proactively tell your dog go away walk into him if it's your house you walk into them you tell them get out of here then you shake the person's hand they come in you say get out of here No Nonsense you're going to see me do that with this client I'm actually showing you what I do right now what she's supposed to do and she does it as I'm explaining it she does it she brings him back then she comes back I say come back and talk to me she's talking to me he's hanging back there great he can hang back there all wants and then I'm going to keep showing her exactly what I'm going to do so removal from the owner separation from the owner as the consequence you give a little correction You're No Nonsense you're going to hear me talk about that in this session with her you have to let the dog know for lack of a better term that they're a dog and that you're the owner and you can do that you're you're strong you're capable you're fast you're all these things but you have ex this is not for creepy homeless guy walking down the street this is not for creepy guy walking down the street your dog can do exactly what this dog did in this because it really wasn't that bad he's now beating Prince he's he's going to do really good with Prince which tells us a little bit about his personality he can do that stuff to creepy people he cannot do that stuff to nice people who you have accepted into your life so you have to accept the people then so so I'm just going through scenarios okay trying get a reaction out of him he's on a muzzle so he's not going to hurt anybody and understand reinforcement from her is not that important okay if he does good for the handshake we do not need to be and she was really good this lady was a really good trainer she'd been to a lot of trainers her trainer actually recommended she' come to me and that trainer had done really well with this dog what he's fine he's perfect he's not hard staring I'm trying to make it difficult because it was kind of hard to get a reaction out of him but this but she has accepted me into the into her life she came to my property okay even if I had come to her house and she were to have a smile on her face meet me at the door and say hi come on in dogs know dogs get it okay or if they don't you got to teach them what that means so you're going to say oh treats from the scary stimulus that's my other kind of method okay I like I didn't go down this road a lot with this dog but hey Chicken Guy okay oh oh nice people give me chicken people that Mom has accepted into her life give me chicken it's just a bonus sometimes that's big with dogs with this dog she had done it a lot and the dog was still biting her boyfriend a little bit people at the house things like that so there's some so but I still like to do the treats from the scary stimulus method a little bit but it was not the main thing separation from her as the consequence you have to wrap your wrap your head around this concept now meeting uh BOS for the first time or Prince for the first time so and they're good together so if it's in your house you're going to sit there dog's going to freak out you're going to give a correction you're going to walk into the dog you're going to displace the dog you're going to put the dog 5 10 feet away make it sit and it might be looking past your legs going yeah but that person don't worry about that person I'm I'm the per you being the owner you're like I'm the person you should be worrying about I'm the strong one I'm the capable one I've got everything under control I open this door for this person this is a nice person okay you want your dog to be protective when they need to be protective you don't want them to be protective at Starbucks okay and maybe if you if if if it's creepy person walking up to you you allow the growl you allow the little lunge that's fine but don't allow it when you've accepted the person into your life when it's somebody you care about when it's your dad when it's your sister when it's your friend you're not going to allow it and they you can train them to understand when you have accepted somebody and when you have not accepted some somebody so if you're out at Starbucks dog barks they cannot stay at your feet they shouldn't even be on your feet and they lie right at your feet they lean on you they eyeball Mean Mug everybody coming by you got to get them away from you a little bit so they're not touching you what does that do when they're not touching your feet when when they're touching your feet or the leashes tight they can feel where you are they can feel your anxiety okay if you are anxious you got to be chill okay but they can feel you why would they check in with you if they're laying on your feet and they can they know where exactly where you are when you put them on an island off to the side a little bit guess what they're doing they're watching somebody come by then they look at you watch somebody come by then they look at you well what's the opposite of a hard stare at a person walking by the opposite of that is looking at the person then looking at Mom because we're not sure where Mom is where Dad is laying on your feet they're like I know exactly where you are I don't need to look at you because I am touching you tight leashes I I can Fe they can feel your energy through tight leashes they can feel every little movement you do okay and it causes stress loose leash away from you great go to Starbucks loose leash away from you dog gets up lays on your feet no get out of here okay dog's gonna I did a little like little correction on the hard stair and then I think he's going to freak out at me here in a minute and I'm going to tell her to back it up put the dog in a down stain I one want you to watch something not even a downstair downstairs operant I don't care about operant I don't care about operant stuff this is bigger than that now hear my original Audio Push back you can take it farther until it's not a big game okay like you can yeah like you can physically grab him and I would I would back him up and if he thinks get ready yes good that was that was perfect down no Okay so move him back take your two hands and move him six in back and stop this is actually important she asked the down right there by the wall he moves up about a full foot and says yeah I'll lie down but I'll lay down closer to Joel closer to you closer to the middle of the room whatever and I'm like no you can make a impression on their brain okay this is not a quote unquote punishment this does not hurt him in any way but pushing him back where you asked the down from will make a weird impression on their brain and and then even right now he's farther back the consequence of being out of the circle of trust away from mommy what I would do it has an impression on their brain I did not she did not ask him to lie down a foot in front of where he lied down she asked it where she asked it and she meant it where she meant it that matters dogs respect that dogs understand that this person follows up she sat down right there I ended up weirdly back where she asked me to lie down so that's the method on protection now it's Story Time with Joel I'll tell you a story Bosco my first Doberman was young but me and my wife that deck right there we were like dancing you know like for the first time and he bit Liz in the butt like kind of hard um so it happens they get weirded out you know
Channel: Beckman's Dog Training
Views: 45,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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