How To Torture A Narcissist.

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how to torture a narcissist now I know what you're thinking why on earth have I got a video titled how to torture a narcissist now as much as our inner feelings may have exquisite hate towards the narcissist in our life it's not a good idea to torture anybody I think that's an understatement so you're probably asking yourself why now for bite I told a video how to torture a narcissist so there's a little bit of a backstory to this there's a video out there called how to torture a narcissist in 10 steps now for some reason a lot of the viewers of my channel come from this particular video there's there's like am i available that tells me where people have come from and a popular source seems to be from this particular video out there how to taught for a narcissist so I looked you know I always like to check out what other people are doing so I checked out this video how to talk to a narcissist and I was really disgusted with it I just it's a pretty popular video out there you can check it out after after this but he was just like the most craziest thing and it just goes to show that people can just put anything out there and you know it's up to you the viewer whether to believe it or not and at what I would suggest is always cross-reference use personal experience and and cross-reference don't just use you know one person's information use multiple sources because trust me there is people out there on YouTube that to be honest they talk about things that I don't even I've never even heard of or understood it's just mumbo-jumbo this one particular person talks about up leveling and upskilling and you know collecting gold coins like Mario Kart or something it's just atrocious and they make a career out of this they build victims in my opinion so what we're gonna do today we're gonna have some fun and we're gonna analyze how to talk to a narcissist but I'm gonna do them a look at the video that is pretty popular on YouTube and I'm gonna go through all of the points that this person made in their video and I'm going to tell you exactly I'm going to tell you any families it's going to give you my opinion on why I think it's a complete disgrace that this information is being put out there onto YouTube so I've got my notes here on my phone so let's go through the point so the video actually starts off by saying something like don't try this karma will get you so already it that the persons telling you not to do any of this stuff so that the video is built on nonsense but then just look at some of the points that this person makes to torture analysis and just before I go on to this it's not good to torture anybody you should never stoop to the narcissus level you know you should always try and get the higher ground and something gonna go up on one of my tangents it's been a while right guys they don't stoop to their level because they want you to trip up a narcissist wants you to fail and what they'll do they'll prompt you with a stick from afar they'll do things to annoy you and as soon as you react they're going to use that against you they're going to talk about it they're gonna criticize you for it and this goes on for years these guys have the best memory like if you've done something ten years ago they'll drag that out and they'll bring that up in conversation oh I remember that time ten years ago that you did this so you're you know you're a horrible person they don't understand the idea that people change people grow people learn people make mistakes we're human this is this is life we all make mistakes a narcissist doesn't accept your mistakes so they'll drag things out and they're waiting for you to fail they want you to fail it's it's ridiculous you know right I'll come back to that let's start with the topic so how to talk to analysis this is the person's first point in this video so look as physically attractive as possible at all times narcissist need to feel like they've got something everyone else wants so make yourself desirable to them i partly agree with this narcissus do you want things that others can't have so really they want trophy trophies next to them you know so if it's a lady they want a guy who's perfect if it's a guy they want somebody who's like a supermodel type and they're very superficial though they're extremely shallow people you know what they'll do is they'll put their partners on a pedestal and they'll probably have a very shallow relationship they probably both cheat on each other have multiple girlfriends and boyfriends and whatnot and they probably both do this both partners the narcissists especially as a cheat that they're complete cheats guys that promiscuous I can't imagine a loyal narcissist there they need supply they need love they need attention and they'll get that any means possible but their relationships I mean a narcissist would not care if their partners cheating they'll be cheating all they want to do is put their partner on a pedestal and feed off the energy of that other person they want to feed off the success of their partner okay now look is physically attractive as possible at all times now I don't really like this because this person is like promoting superficial behavior okay it's good to look good fine but how about changing that to you know be a success story be a success you know do something that you and your family and your friends can be proud of looking good and wearing great clothes that's shallow but if you do something amazing in your life that's something that will eat the narcissists up inside now there's a bit of a catch-22 because they're not going to ever admit to it they're not going to ever acknowledge anything good that you do you could be the CEO of a multi corporation company or whatever you could be a billionaire they are never ever going to acknowledge you the narcissist does not they're jealous and they will always try and treat you like a piece of dirt and now I'll try and stomp on you at any possible moment I know this particular narcissist you know a complete snake in the grass comes off like he's a friend but I know he talks behind my back he's come to my home a few times I've welcomed him in and I know for a fact he quit you you could have the perfect home folks but if you have like a crack in your door they'll criticize it they'll say oh yet his house is falling apart there was like this crack in the door and it's like oh it's disgusting or you know they'll be like oh you could have a great house I'm just giving examples here like they're not real examples but you know they'll say things like you might have a brilliant place but they'll be like oh yeah he has a fence in the garden and man it's terrible it's falling apart like well how does he live like that so they're always looking for things they're always looking for not chinks in the armor they're just looking for things to criticize now on the flip side they can't take criticism themselves so you criticize them and then they start crying like this their life away they start talking to people about it he criticized me ye being so harsh you're so sensitive and narcissists always say this right they say things like Oh can't I have opinions anymore can't I express myself so they'll bill they'll slap you on the wrist they'll say you're a horrible person you're immature you're this and you're that but then if you react to it they'll say oh you're so sensitive I'm just expressing an opinion as your sister or something as your sister and give me the new advice and trying to help you and you can't take it but the way they try and give this so-called advice is disgraceful it's absurd it's offensive it's not constructive it's not polite and but if you criticize them and I know a particular narcissist whenever anybody criticizes their husband or themselves or anything in their life they react violently they react violently and I've seen this narcissist beat people down even in the same family because they can't take it and you know they will start World War 3 if you criticize them that and they will tear everything down just to prove a point that's how bad they are they can't take criticism but they're happy to give it on the flip side they always try and hold this moral high ground you know and they think they're the beacons of morality they don't accept apologies and they don't even say a pole they don't apologize themselves so you will be the bigger man or the big woman and and say I'm sorry you know look we had a misunderstanding I do apologize look I hope we can just move on from this the narcissist will not accept it they will just tell you to f off that you're a piece of dirt that you're nothing you're not worthy they want you to grow if you want approval from them you need to grovel you need to get on your hands and knees and kiss their feet and beg for their forgiveness and they never apologized themselves you know the right thing to do is to own up to mistakes and apologize narcissists don't do that Nasus is what they say things like oh I'm sorry you feel that way I'm sorry the situations happen but I'm just expressing an opinion you know I'm really sorry that you know but this has happened so I'm repeating myself I hate narcissus guys and it's been a while since I've posted a video but I really do hate them so yeah don't don't care about looking desirable to them scrool look desirable look cool but be funny be intelligent and be successful they're the free things guys that narcissists will never be able to aspire to those things because they have no sense of humor they're the pure filth inside and rotten and they'll never amount to anything because they they they just they're too afraid to fail and you know successful people keep trying and trying they fail ninety nine times on the hunt of time something good might happen and it usually does narcissists don't know how what tenacity is I'm not saying that there's not successful narcissists out there but I think generally they're so afraid of failure that they'll just their way through life okay so the next points in the video how to talk for a narcissist then you're going to get the Adan gonna version so this is the the original version be extremely sure of yourself if a narcissist course you can see tit reply wid conceited no way I'm just convinced have you seen the statistics this is right on their level and they'll get it and they'll make them want you more now to be honest that seems like this video has been made by a woman who wants who wants the guy to be obsessed with them and maybe lead them on actually the devil and I the book that I wrote is based on the narcissist that does that so I can I can kind of relate to that particular action and be extremely short yourself but don't don't be arrogant a narcissist wants you to be arrogant they want you to make a fool of yourself they actually encourage it and they obeyed you they want you to look stupid they want you to look in mature because the people that they surround themselves with are probably good people you know I'm not saying flying monkeys are all good but they do surround themselves with good people generally because they feed off it and they used other people's goodwill to benefit themselves so as soon as you as soon as you screw up they're going to be like talking about it and gossiping about it and the good-natured person might not know anything about narcissism and we'll just go along with the conversation and be like yeah wow we did that what a horrible person can't believe it but all the while the narcissist has manipulated it and and baited it and encouraged you to screw up so be sure of yourself but don't be arrogant because arrogance is a very unattractive trait it's confidence is sexy arrogance is vile disgusting and nobody wants to be around it okay so the next point is that this person makes is never say I love you too now I actually agree with this because narcissists and ancestors say I love you but they do it to control you they do it to manipulate you so it's almost I I had a narcissistic ex-girlfriend and she was complete vital you know she was candy coated poison but she used to say all the time that she loved me but she didn't it was just and she did it as a way to keep me close she did it as a way to manipulate me and that's what they do but they fake compassion they fake love everything's fake you know my book behind the mask in introduction into covert narcissism it's called behind the mask for a reason because narcissists have a mask and it's very difficult to see behind it sometimes to see behind it it's it's very difficult it takes sometimes years and it takes a lot of heartbreak and pain sometimes to see the mask so try your best not to say I love you too I mean this is a difficult one because if the person is isn't a narcissist and they say they love you you know you should really say it back you know narcissists it's hard to detect so I don't know I'm gonna sit on the fence on that one if you think they're a narcissist don't say I love you if you think they're not a narcissist and then tell your loved one you on because it's it's important it's good to love people it's good to love there's not enough of it okay so the next point keep a certain amount of distance between the two of you and never commit to anything ever so this this is this is baloney so what this person is asking you to do is be an ass be narcissistic have traits that are narcissists that will do 1 us assisted person would do is lead you on they'll text you 100 times a day but they will never actually fully commit to you they just give the illusion that something could happen and they give the illusion that they like you as well they're really good at faking stuff but they will never commit to it and I know of a situation where a particular lady what's your dating like three or four guys at the same time and the guy who she was supposed to be dating found this out but you know she's coming back with hundreds of messages obsessive trying to getting back he's dating multiple people she's dating multiple people there all day and multiple people and they're both probably narcissists I know one of them definitely is that the point is you know and I've said this in over where I'm going to swear now but only a piece of can be a piece of so let them have their own life and let the good people in the world just just move forward and succeed and and win together you know narcissists are just in the mud like pigs rolling around and it goes back to that famous phrase you know don't wrestle with a pig you'll get dirty and the pig will love it narcissists the pigs they're rotten that I like pigs actually to be as an animal they're pretty intelligent but just in this sort of metaphor narcissists are just vile animals that roll around in filth and they want to drag you along with it so don't fall for it that they're just gonna be in some dead-end life with no career aspirations so yeah don't don't do this guys don't need people on you know if you like somebody just be honest with it don't don't like keep a distance okay because you'll just grab that person crazy and you you're doing narcissistic things by by playing with people's emotions remember that's what narcissistic abuse is it's it's playing with people's emotions it's emotional control and why would you want to do that like what benefit do you get from emotionally controlling someone I don't get it I don't get why that would be a thing for someone to do if you suspect the narcissistic it narcissist is in your life get rid of them don't don't speak to them just just go no contact it's easier it's better for everyone okay let's see what the next point is so the next point in the video how to talk to a person have sorta not so sorry is be flirty and aloof in if you're ever accused of flirting with someone else make sure that you quickly turn it around to make the narcissist seem crazy why why would you want to guess like somebody this lady is asking you to be a narcissist you're gaslighting someone by cheating on them by flirting with other people leading people on emotional control and if you get questioned on it you're made out to be the crazy one that's paranoid now I had an ex girlfriend as I mentioned who was a narcissist she used to text guys when she was like sitting right next to me and I caught doing it and she used to text multiple guys while she was literally in the same place as me and she would always deny it but I've been blessed with intuition and I can tell and I know it's not paranoia hundred-percent now and you know and on the flip side when we split up she started texting me you know saying she wanted me back she misses me but then I found out that she was also doing that to me while she was in the company of other guys they're just horrible people folks like there is people out there that are really mentally ill I think good people of the world assume that people aren't mentally ill but I think the statistics is like 1 in 4 people are mentally ill people have problems and it's ok to accept that but it's also when you meet people you have to be aware is this person got things going on behind their head you know inside their head I met a lady once she she seemed really nice but she suffered from psychosis she started seeing ghosts while we were in the same room you know god bless her but you know she doesn't know that she's suffers from psychosis probably but she she does because when you start seeing things you know then there's a problem so but yes so people have issues people have mental issues but don't guess like don't guess like why is this lady asking you to guess like people don't stick to the narcissus level so we'll halfway through this so make them beg for your approval politely and underhandedly point out their imperfections so she's saying that you should get the person to beg for approval and criticize them that's what narcissists do narcissists get you to beg for approval as I mentioned previously in the video they don't accept apologies they they don't want you they don't want to accept apologies that are give apologies they want you to grovel because they are the kings and queens of society they're not but they think they are they think they have they think they're entitled to to everything in the world they are the beacons of morality everyone should listen to them and they want you to beg and why why would anybody like suggest that you criticize people you know a narcissist does that they point out your flaws and one of the one of the things guys like most people are quite insecure about either the way they look I think that's a very common thing I think if you ask 9 out of 10 people they'll say that there's a body part or something about them that that they don't like you know and they're insecure about I know certainly I am and I think most people are a narcissist will cry and criticize you so analysis will look for that part of your body or part of you that you're insecure about and they will they'll they'll always focus on it they'll always product and they'll bring it up and they're very good at finding that out and they're very good at figuring out what what you're insecure about and really just picking at it and the problem with insecurities is you don't want to admit it but the narcissist they're so clever at finding it out they're so clever at figuring out what you're insecure about they'll expose it and they'll they'll call it out they'll call you out on it because apparently they don't have insecurities you know they could be and the thing is the thing is they they are hundred percent insecure they are so insecure they hate themselves they hate the way they look they hate the way they've been brought up in life they hate themselves they are they're they're very insecure people they just bully others they just bully other people to make themselves feel better narcissus of bullies they're just disgusting vile bullies and you know I don't know guys that even being in contact with a narcissist they'll be like you could be hanging out with an artist they'll literally be snapping pictures of themselves 50% of the time seriously I bet you could be there in a group and they'll be looking at the face and doing all this stuff non-stop they're obsessed with themselves they're obsessed with social media oh I put something on the other day and it got a hundred likes oh yeah oh I got five likes on that oh I got freedom they're obsessed with social media and likes and oh that person posted this on social media did you see what he said what like I feel like I'm on a different planet because I could really could not give two monkeys what people write on social media everyone has an opinion everyone's entitled to an opinion I'm not gonna start gossiping about what Jaime posted on Facebook yesterday I don't care and people shouldn't occur but narcissists do because they always want to undermine people they always want to gossip about people they're bullies that's what they do folks they bully people so yeah so I don't like that point about criticizing people and making people beg for approval narcissists do that the woman who did this video how to Totoro narcissus is telling you how to be a narcissist it's stupid and I'm sorry but I don't like the video another point be way too busy for them all the time so again that's just a narcissistic move that's what narcissist this narcissistic people do there they are nobodies but they pretend to be like presidents they they don't have time for you it's like oh I'll schedule a call for half eight tonight oh I can I might be able to fit you in at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday you know and then that time comes around and then they're too busy for you it's like they're trying to sort that they're making out like the CEO of Microsoft or something oh yeah I'll see I see what I'm doing on Friday you know that's what narcissistic people do they just think that they're these hugely important people when in fact nobody really gives a about them they're this stupid the comedic insecure and you know yeah it's an even know what to say but yeah if you love somebody if you value somebody's time if you value somebody's friendship why enough would you play emotional games with them and try to be too busy with it and why would you even do that to a narcissist if you think you know a narcissist don't speak to them they're dangerous any of this stuff that you do if you try to play them at their own game they're gonna come at you hard they're gonna come at you strong they're gonna try and hurt you if not physically they will they will work tirelessly to destroy you somehow you know it's smear campaigns and stuff so don't fight fire with fire it's stupid it's a waste of time and yeah the beat be way too busy for them all the time I just don't think that that's that's a good point so don't don't play that game with them this is a really so this person's advising you to throw a fit every now and again throw a fit every now and again okay and then be unapologetic when you over react to something small unless the narcissist no it's not your fault you just can't deal with your own feelings so that's what narcissistic they they flare up at the most my new things if you criticize them or if they don't get the wrong way they'll blow up into some huge thing it'll be a mountain made from a molehill and then then they'll turn the tables oh I have anxiety I have depression narcissists will love faking mental disorders which is weird because they have a mental disorder a real one but that they will fake things like oh I suffer from a DD or suffer from depression I suffer from anxiety my doctor says I need 10 hours sleep and I can't go into public places it's just it's this a little bit of violent you know I don't know if this is the temporal island but whatever like that they're just like enough stage on a Shakespeare play looking for sympathy because they know they're pieces of they know they're garbage they know then that they know they're losers they know they haven't amounted to anything they hate themselves they know others hate them so they're trying to find these mental disorders these things that that gets people's sympathy especially covert narcissists they they love sympathy they want sympathy all the time it's all to them they want people to feel sorry for them so yeah they profet so guys if you wanna torture a narcissist don't throw a fit they'll be unapologetic to them and say you know faking a mental disorder don't stoop to their level and the reason isn't it goes back to my original point they want you to fail they want you to have a fit they want you to turn into a psycho and and this is also an important point and this sort of comes full circle but it's really important to make this point narcissists corrupt good people they corrupt good people if you're a good-natured person with lots of empathy they will rip your soul out to the point where you may even start lacking empathy and you may start mimicking some actions of the narcissist and certainly some of the posts that I see on Facebook of people who are target's of narcissistic abuse and narcissistic rage and and all of that stuff they salbon some people some of them not all but a small percentage sound like narcissists and and it sounds like bullying don't bully don't stoop to their level and and that's a it's a telltale sign that you know they've really impacted you and you'll start to mimic their actions and to be honest the lady that's done this video about how to torture a narcissist is probably turned into a narcissist to some degree if she's certainly if she's mimicking the things and getting kicks out of it so be really careful not to mimic them but but also be conscious that they do corrupt you and they make you better they make you depressed they've ruined lives and it's not about being a victim and I don't believe in the term victim but I do believe in the term target thank you richard grin in' i'm a big fan of spar on life coach he he started using the phrase as well he's moved away from the town victim so Richards great if you know Richard actually helped me get into the topic of covert narcissism when I was at that stage when I was researching myself and trying to find answers trying to piece together the puzzle that was the psychopath narcissists that were in my life Richard really helped me out so this I don't like a lot of the people that do YouTube videos on narcissism but Richards one of the best so check him out and he uses the term target and I like that too so were targets of narcissistic abuse we're not victims we're not weak we're just unlucky to have met these and they want to subscribe but I want to use the c-word but these wretched evil people but yeah they will corrupt you don't matter try and fight it okay so we're down to two now so the second to last one is keep this crazy roller coaster on its crack until you're over it and then immediately pull the discard face on him and go no contact so yeah I was right actually guys yet but so the person that's done this is a woman and she's maybe trying to lead somebody on and drive them crazy you know like she's saying take him over the roller coaster and pull the discard phase and don't no contact this has happened to me in the past so it's when somebody's message me relentless really well that mostly we've been on several days things are going great and then just cut it's the worst thing you can do to someone guys it really is it's such a move it's soul destroying it's horrible it's emotional control why would you ever want to do it and ask yourself am i emotionally controlling somebody this person am I trying to emotionally control them if you are you have to stop it because that's not why we're on this plan and sorry to get philosophical but we're not on this after emotionally controlled people and damaged people life would be much better if people work together and build many businesses and many empires together and got successful together if anyone wants to get successful with me I'm not successful but if anyone is ambitious and wants to do something contact me and let's talk because I want to meet inspirational ambitious people and I want to you know I want to do well in life so let's work together and that's the best way to beat narcissist is success and striving for the next step and striving for better things and just being a good person and helping each other so why would you want to lead somebody along and pull the Disgaea face on them beyond me it's stupid it's a narcissistic move don't do it if you like someone tell them if you don't just get rid but tell them as well be nice be nice to people so finally actually agree with this final point the narcissist will never love you the nurses will will will never truly love you and that's true narcissists calm I don't want to say can't love because I know NASA says love pets and at times love their kids too probably because the kids are in their own image and probably they love their pets because the the pet worships them like a God if you have a pet that loves you that doesn't mean you're a narcissist but I'm just saying not people who are narcissistic do you tend to love their pets they have a very strong relationship with their pets but not humans so if you worship the narcissist if you love them they will keep you close and they'll probably treat you quite well to a queen we'll treat our servants quite well if the servant does everything they ask they will get rewarded but the narcissist does not love you know they they will fake it they will fake love that will fake compassion they may even cry sometimes but I know narcissists that have had a death in the family and talk about it literally days later so nonchalantly that it's mind-boggling oh yeah yeah he died yeah happens Wow we we guys close yeah we were really close yeah but you know hey-ho he's dead and you know life goes on we've got to keep moving forward like nothing no feeling no nothing I also know this other narcissist you know his mum died he was more upset when his dog died than when his mum died when his dog died he was crying his eyes out when his mum died nothing just yep you know I took a vacation I gathered my thoughts I went to the funeral it cost me an arm and a leg you know but just normal talking about it like nothing but when the dog died like tears you know so so I've actually experienced I've seen that like I've seen somebody in particular do that on both occasions okay guys so the point is don't torture anybody you're not a psychopath I hope and don't stoop to anybody's level don't stick to a narcissist level and the only way to really defeat a narcissist is go no contact and let the pig run around in the filth you know Wow if you're if you want to saw like an eagle don't start clicking with the chickens really do aspire for great things be successful be independent built that self-esteem become empowered and just let the narcissist roll around in filth because that's what they are at their filth they're pigs in and they will meet other pigs and they'll start rolling around together and now all the bill you know I know at this one particular narcissist you know as I mentioned before she's obsessed with a guy who's dates and free people at the same time and she's probably dating three or four people at the same time they attract each other they they and then they they it's its combustion I know this other NASA said my ex she actually fell for a guy who lied to her told her he was homeless told he had a child told Archer his child died told her that the toys in his house were of his friend's kid who brought the toys round complete lies complete said he was you know an ex-marine and faked the birth certificate gave her a different name for like six months friend to kill her as well just bizarro you know they they let them let the narcissus just roll around in their own filth and people like us can soar like Eagles I started being really cheesy now it's late now but yeah that's why not must be cheesy let's saw like Eagles let's do well in life let's try and strive for greatness this stuff in the video about how to talk to a narcissist don't waste your time it's it's a waste of time you're better than that I understand you may be in a difficult situation if it's caught and things like that narcissist will drag you through the mud going back to the pig analogy but just stay strong and stay strong and if things will get better I promise things always get better and nothing ever stays the same so you know you will get through what you're going through so so yeah and if you ever want to talk about it just email me and I'll be more than happy to offer my input and try and help you alright guys so that's it that's my video on refuting the how to torture a narcissists the video with my own version and my own ideas on how to deal with narcissists so yeah I hope you liked the video check out my book the devil and I it's available now on Amazon I've been really busy with the screenplay as well so you know hopefully that that gets turned into a movie and check out my book if you like the topic of narcissism check out behind the mask in introduction into covert narcissism that's my ebook the link is below it's only $2.99 it's real cheap really easy to read and everyone is read it as I said that they really enjoy it so and it's a it'll give you an idea of what Cova not covet narcissism is so yeah check that out thanks for the support I have a new website out now as well aidan gonna calm so you'll be able to see information on my books and and my my blog and blogs and all of that it's all good stuff so yeah thanks for the support guys if you've stuck with me for this 15 minute long video thank you it's good to be back it's good to try and help you out so yeah hit the like button that'd be really helpful to me hit the subscribe button if you're not a subscriber if you're new to me please do subscribe and also click on the little Bell thing that's there I believe or somewhere there and when I post a new video it will he'll let you know that I've posted a video so click the bell and click Subscribe and thanks guys I'm signing off this is the longest outro you probably hate me now but I will see you next time thank you
Channel: Aydin RD
Views: 1,039,559
Rating: 4.6026182 out of 5
Keywords: narcissism, covert narcissism, covert narcissists, narcissists, psychopaths, depression, ptsd, coping with depression, spotting a psychopath, how to spot a psychopath, psychology vlog, how to torture a narcissist, torturing a narcissist, getting revenge on a narcissist, aydin guner, the devil in i, behind the mask, how to get revenge on a narcissist
Id: 5_yGyna8sIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2016
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