How To Tie Slow Pitch Jigging Double Assist Hook | Johnny Jigs | Offshore Fishing | Jigging Hooks

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we're just a few guys decided to pursue our passion as we hit destination fishing spots in our local waters out of pompano beach florida we want to fill you in on what we have learned along the way [Music] what's up guys johnny here from johnny jigs today we're going to dig into how to tie a set of assist hooks a lot of people come into the store and they you're away from you know buying our our assist hooks with the cord because they just don't want to dig in to tying their own and i think a lot of people don't realize how easy it is so today i'm going to dig into that and show you guys how to tie your own assist hooks and the hooks that i'm going to tie today are going to be the ones that i'm using out on the american patriot later this week and just to give you guys a little heads up we are uh going on the american patriot on a trip that goes to what we call the other side or the canaveral buoy and our main target this week is going to be for yellowfin tuna as well as you know we can get into sailfish wahoo there's even a chance of getting a bluefin tuna there as well so we're super excited about this trip and i will leave a link below on how you can book your trip and go out fishing with us on the american patriot so without further ado let's dig into how to tie an assist hook all right guys so we're going to start out i'm using the hytina kevlar core that's what the kc stands for there 320 pound test um this is the blue one they have it in orange and a few other colors but we usually carry the blue and the orange here at johnny jigs so what i'm going to do first is i'm going to measure out seven and a half inches and that's a good starting point you know and as you dig further into making your own assist hooks you'll find out what lengths work best for you but a good starting point for you would would be the seven and a half inches and it's tough cord these are gonna have some sharp sharp scissors and stuff to cut them but seven and a half inches is a great starting point um to tie an assist hook for many many size jigs and we're going to take this cord and we're going to run it through the top of the eye on the assist hook and i like hooks that have the eye bent back a little bit and that way whenever you finish the hook it actually gives you a nice uh straight um um presentation on it you know you're not you're not moving the hook this way or this way it goes straight with the cord is what i'm looking for so you're going to go right through the top hole you're going to pull out a pretty good amount of line on the end that way you can tie your knot and then you're going to do a loop in it just like so so all i did was make a loop i went through the eye i made a loop and now the loop that i made i'm going to go around the hook and through the loop you could do it two times i like to do it three times so that's one and then here's the second one and it gets a little it gets a little weird when you got big hands and then here's the third one right there so i like to hold on to the tag end right here and just kind of pull it tight semi-tight around the shank of the hook and that way it's ready to go and i like to straighten it out make sure that everything is is you know laying on top of each other properly before i before i pull it tight and that's a good start right there so now we're going to move on to our second hook and here's the trick with this one is it's the same deal that you go through the eye on the top just like that but what i like to do is actually make it to where the hooks are facing this direction so they're both pointing towards each other whenever you do this second hook it's not critical that you do that because you can move around as you go but that's what i like to do and it seems to end up better for me in the end so i'm doing the same deal i just made the loop just like that and i'm gonna go one second one's always harder because you tend to run out of line on it so one and then two and then the last one which will be three right there i may have lost one nope we're good so i'll pull it tight on the shank and then pull it right up to it so you can see that that they're facing the same direction so if you point them at each other the the points are gonna or hit each other next thing is i just use an old jig that has a uh has a nice uh connection point on it so i can get my hook through it and then i'll use a pair of pliers on the other side and you're going to want to give this a good snug tight you can kind of see that all grabbing in there and the idea is you pull on this as much as a you know 70 pound black grouper would and that way they uh you know that if you hook into one you're good to go now this is the tricky part that a lot of people miss and what i notice um whenever people put their solid rings on they're they're missing a step and not that the other way won't work and i'm going to show you both ways but really this way is is what i found to be the best way and i'll explain to you why as soon as i can get one of these solid rings out here so that's the johnny jig solid ring you can pick this up online or you can get it in our store um it's relatively uh cheap and they work well so what i do is i point the hooks towards each other and i pinch it right at the tip right there right and then you lay the solid ring on top most people will just go over the top and pull the solid ring right there and then they're done but what happens is if it gets cut at this point right here then the solid ring will just pull off and you lose both hooks so what i like to do is i come down like that i'll pinch it in between my fingers you go you go over the top of the solid ring just like that right so i went over the top and i pinched it right there and then where you have this loop in the back you give it a twist and go back over the top of the solid ring and then pull it tight and what that's doing is it's giving you an additional knot around your two loops that are on the solid ring right there and then i'll take my old jig loop it over the top there grab on to the solid ring and get a nice tight pull on there and the idea is that once you've done that and pulled it tight when you let go the hooks will do that they they point at each other now this is this is all in theory but if a fish was to attack your jig and get the hooks in its mouth then the hooks essentially would do that uh giving you two penetration then the fish's mouth or double your chances of a hookup and this my friend is definitely a reliable set of assist hooks and this is something that i fish all the time so you'll you'll see in a lot of our videos if you look at my hooks that's exactly what i'm using now i might mess with the lengths a little bit just to adjust to a jig length or you know if it's a shorter jig obviously i want to shorten the hooks if i can but this is definitely a dynamite setup and it'll work well for you thanks for watching don't forget to like and subscribe you can also follow us on facebook and instagram and most importantly jig [Music] on you
Channel: JohnnyJigsTV
Views: 57,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Tie Slow Pitch Jigging Double Assist Hook | Johnny Jigs | Offshore Fishing | Jigging Hooks, Slow Pitch Jigging, Offshore fishing, assist hooks, jig hooks, Jigging hooks, johnny jigs, Jonny Jigs, jhonny Jigs, how to tie assist hooks, assist hooks for slow jigging, tying assist hooks
Id: WcyMHSx3mIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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