Things You Should Know Before Slow Pitch Jigging Deep | Offshore Fishing | JohnnyJigs

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what's up guys this is going to be part 2 of our yankee cap trip we're going to get into the deeper water species the groupers the tile fish and we're going to turn the music down and we're going to turn the technical aspect of this up we're gonna get into the nuts and bolts of what it takes to go out to pulley ridge drop down and be successful with slow pitch jigging also we're gonna do a giveaway you guys have been awesome thank you so much for all of your support we really feel the love pouring in through our social media as well as you guys coming in the store we want to give away something to you so we're giving away a 12 jig adventure pack it comes with the terminal tackle and the 12 jigs a bag and all you have to do is comment down below like and subscribe we're gonna pick a winner in the randomizer and then we'll reach out to you guys via a private message and ship it out to you there's no catch all you got to do is like subscribe and and comment down below [Music] a couple fun things that we were doing we were playing around with the shark band zeppelin um that i we were able to effectively deploy uh that zeppelin onto my line as i was tight with a fish that was tugging me on the bottom good had no idea what it was at that point didn't see a whole lot of shark activity at this point starting the day in a new spot but i we were able to uh pete helped me out and pete we had a the zeppelin on a quick clip and i was tight to the fish and i just brought my rod close to the rail holding tension on the fish pete was able to put the quick clip onto my line and send it down and that zeppelin made it all the way down to that fish [Music] just get it around get your fingers off my line good man good man this is where we're ready yep deploy deploying all right we just put this up with you tell the camera what's going on well i just had a big hook up on the bottom actually he came unglued i re-dropped and he came back which is indicative of a grouper and uh petey over here grabbed the zeppelin which we had ready to rig and we were able to clip it on my braid and it's descending right now any moment now it's connecting with the jig hopefully it doesn't follow the hook set at all who knows but we got a zeppelin deployed we have a large shark in the area that's been messing around right here around the pulpit and this fish is tight and we got a zeppelin hanging below at about three feet so oh right yep fire truck and wow man too bad we can't keep him here let's get a little uh as quick as we can to film this [Music] oh [Music] yep the new flatback that's right yeah rainbow mag i just hold this back so oh wow great we love that type of hook set flat back rainbow mac hooking either side of the mouth here's the zeppelin that we deployed down the line there's a huge shark active in this area we've seen them every couple seconds and this fish was not touched and as i brought the fish up to the surface it was a big fat red grouper which was a wonderful fish to catch it was beautiful i liked holding holding him up one of them was on the new flat back rainbow mac so that was really cool i selected that jig because there's some silvers and some pinks there's some dark green along the back i really just wanted to see what it was like putting that color profile down i know the flat back is a performing jig so i had all the confidence in the mold and i was interested to see that that color pattern perform and i was happy with the result of a big fat fire truck red grouper similarly the other fire truck red grouper i got that morning was on our 250 gram flatty and that is a new mold that we did up sizing the flatty to 250 grams and i was really really pleased to be in you know 250 feet of water using a 250 gram uh flatty that was getting to the bottom felt really good i was still getting great flutter that the 200 grams uh gave gave me action wise and you know produced another nice fire truck red grouper i hope i didn't get grabbed i think he may have gotten bigger [Music] that was the grab on that christmas good good good that's got like some mud digs on it baby [Music] 250 gram orange lady been loving it actually at work right now boys i'm at work got a nice little stern drift gaining line good digs i need this fish even if it's a big fat red it's okay take a picture i was right there with you right next to you [Music] we're about 220 feet right chris 220 yep 250 gram flatty's choice right now if you want to use a flatty you've been working the back in a rotation yeah yeah good four or five man rotations working we're all getting you know you get a little clip of bottom time across the stern gotta respect brown over there in the corner pull it up when we get near him here we go we got color it's big it's it's a big group that's a fire truck chris that's a pretty fit that's about as big as they get i think that's a red snowy yeah man that's about as big as they get [Music] which i wasn't able to get a zeppelin down on that one but we did use a sequalizer with a big four or five pound uh weight and and we were able to hook the sequalizer onto any and all red grouper that were caught and send that back down and that sequalizer was cool because i think it released around 150 feet and likely gave those red grouper an excellent chance of going back down to the bottom safely and healthily no puncture wounds by venting tools you know in their side and hang out until we go see them next year basically clipping it on the bottom lip [Music] is that on the bottom is it does it have to lock yeah is that locked i think so all right say that's locked okay yep hey hit that subscribe button for me good work chris you're doing the right thing doing my part want me to reel it up [Music] i started out the morning i was fishing up on the pulpit and i realized that jose is behind me and he keeps you know hooking up he's you know fish on fish on and as much as i love to cheer my buddies on and i want them to catch fish there's nobody that roots for me more than me so i want to catch fish as well and so and this is this is a real good nugget that you guys should really um listen to pay attention to the anglers around you when you're fishing whether you're on your private boat or you're um out on a head boat like we are in this video watch what they're doing because a lot of times you know the biggest googan on the boat could be slaying it because he's doing something different than you and speaking of googans just kidding my buddy jose behind me um was just doing very short pitches you know so so you could do a long fall where you're really lifting the rod very high and you're getting a long movement on the jig you're getting a very long fall on the jig you could do medium you know where you're only going up about halfway or you could do you know a short pitch or a short fall with the jig and i'm watching jose and very effortlessly he's just kind of lifting off the bottom very subtle and and staying in that target zone tight to the bottom so um this tells me that the fish are probably not actively eating they're not being very aggressive but they will eat it if it's in their face and it's an easy meal for them so what did i do is i just switch it up i was doing a very long fall and i started doing just a very short pitch little quarter turns small turns dropping down staying tight to the bottom and that's when you know jose and i we fire it off together i dropped down a 500 gram jig to the bottom i got my electric reel and uh nice nice thump down there this guy definitely feels a little bit heavier than my last fish but i'm very happy to be hooked up um a lot of guys will ask me uh jig color and you could refer back to the video that uh chris doyle made on jig selection and when it comes to colors for me um i really enjoy using the golds and reds when i'm fishing for grouper i will put on pinks and chartreuse whenever i'm fishing for snapper in low light conditions i like to use something with a little bit sharper color like the pinks and the chartreuses as well i'm always looking for a jig that has a holographic foil on it so it's getting reflection from the sun and it's blinging down there and it's making a loud uh noise per se you know it's it's flashy when it's down on the bottom when it comes to sizes you're gonna switch it up quite often there has been times where i've gotten away with 250 grams and 800 feet of water out in pulley ridge and there's been times to where i can barely stick bottom with a 500 gram jig i would suggest having multiple jigs in sizes all the way from 250 up to the 500 possibly a few six hundredths in there as well it's today we're on day two and uh yesterday the wind was just going too much for the captain to get us out deep but uh today uh very slow drift we're about one knot drift and we're able to really stay vertical with the five or four hundred gram jigs and uh i did about i'd say 10 maybe 10 taps on the bottom before this guy hit and uh i've got about 26 meters left to go up we'll see what he looks like he's bouncing on me a lot of bouncing that's a yellow edge yeah bro [Music] yellow eggs that's what i was talking about nice look at that guys drop them on the deck that's that gap for the one oh man oh what a treat man what a treat look at that guys what an abs yellow wedge you guys i don't know if you guys can tell why they call them a yellow edge but it's pretty cool we got the sunlight going right through the yellow on the edge these guys here are super sharp and delicious and delicious and a lot of you asked me how come their eyeballs are popping out it's because of the pressure from whenever you uh bring them up just like a diver with deco you know these guys also will fill up together we were going fish for fish um up there on the pulpit whether it was amberjack blue line tile uh snowy grouper and um you know that my observation of what he was doing to hook up helped me to start getting tight and going fish for fish with him and and i can tell you that you know i do it all the time all the time i'm always watching everybody and what they're doing um to to increase my chances of hooking up um and that's whenever i hooked into this uh uh beautiful fish um it's quite a quite a haul to get them up and you always wonder if the hook is gonna come out on the way up so with these electrics you really keep it slow finesse it feel for any like vibrations or something like that because then you want to back off a little bit but uh this deep drop has been pretty fruitful for a lot of us [Applause] when you start getting that vibration and slow it down good vibes bringing all the good vibes it's been an excellent trip i'm probably at about half power on the reel and this reel is the older seaboard um 300 mj there's a new one that's just a j it's a black one um that does not have the second gear so this has a high and low gear the regular jigging one doesn't have the high and low gear and i'm fishing uh the witchdoctor pandemic uh slow pitch deep drop rod that adam built for me before i came out here and i've been switching it up from uh jigsaw and pro jiggers and this guy here but you'll see i'm at it says eight seven six five as soon as it gets to five it stops holy mackerel dude that's my personal best blue line tile what's the camera holy smokes whoa i'm stoked look at the size of that blue line guys oh my goodness gracious [Music] that is a beast that's my personal best right there undoubtedly and he's barely hooked man barely hooked that's why you just take it easy finesse so here's some technical stuff for you guys so when the boat stops generally the captain is is you know setting up a drift that will will line up to put us over if not one in particular spot multiple spots throughout a drift so whenever he stops a lot of times i always say that first jig down will generally get the fish but there could be some complications in that because if the boat hasn't settled into its drift and you pitch your jig out there the wrong way then there's the chance that you're going to wind up with your jig either under the boat or going down the side of the boat which is not what you want you want it to get vertical as much as possible a lot of guys will wait to see the first guy that drops his jig down to see which way it's going and then pitch their jig out afterwards knowing that they could pitch it you know uh away from the drift or into the drift so that it ends up vertical straight up and down from them there's a lot of things that you can do to combat the jig scoping out quickly from you and you know it's not always that you need your line to be 15 pound test super thin diameter in deep drop situations but if you have it ready to go it could always help you so we'll put on heavier jigs thinner jigs thinner line um we're going i'm generally doing 50 pound test floral carbon about 12 feet and then i'm going to either 15 or 20 pound uh diawa j braid is what i like to use on all of my reels and the reason why i'm not going the traditional 30 pound test which is what i do use up on top is because i'm looking to cut current and i'm looking to stay as vertical as i can possibly and everything changes out there it's never exactly the same there has been many times to where you can pitch out your jig they're on the pulpit or on the stern wherever you're at and as soon as it hits the water boom you get that strike and this particular trip what was going on was we were doing a long soak and then getting a strike keeping that jig in the strike position as much as possible for as long as possible to try and get a strike and by thinning down my line increasing the weight of my jig decreasing the profile of my jig i was able to stay vertical and in that strike position john i am fishing a 900 gram jig and i am hooked up to a whopper look at adam behind you look at that that's a torpedo i like that color for the beef it just seems like like the right jig for the job out here and deep is the torpedo works and gets down it crushes a lot of fish and check it out adam's hooked up right behind us on a 900 900 gram depth charge and it's a pig i'll make it i'm thinking i guess blue line you think it's a blue line blue line all right final answer oh no no not a snow huh all right lane no big definitely not nate okay no he already said that all right what is it adam [Music] the way this guy's digging it's a big tail i'm gonna say grouper grouper okay he's still 117 meters down okay and when he hit it he went straight down and peeled off about 30 meters of line and you see he's still stopping it oh yeah he's still got some legs yeah is it a jack that's the question all right but it hasn't moved right or left this thing's just come straight up wants to dig down 25. 22. yo 20. place your bets right now spring gold blue live screen go black everyone you know i filmed this whole thing i'm standing next to him we're chatting we're talking about gear we're talking about tackle and you know and it's everybody's guessing on what is this fish what is this fish and i know for me whenever i'm watching videos on youtube that i want to see i want to see the fish pop up i want to see the fish get gap i want to see the fish come over the rail so ironically um as the fish is coming up we're doing the countdown you know and adam yells out scream go black so we can all guess you know what what fish it is and and here goes your black screen because boom the camera battery died and i thought it was still going and we got the fish over the rail but check out my buddy adams uh beautiful uh yellow edge grouper that's a nice oh face this way face this way here we go yeah it's pretty one of the big takeaways that that that we want you to have from from this particular video is to when you're going out there slow pitch jigging while you're slow pitch jigging to think to yourself you know what can i do to maximize amount the amount of time that my jig is in the strike zone and this is effectively for bottom species too so how do i maximize my bait my jig being in the strike zone you know so as we experienced conditions slightly vacillating back and forth throughout the day you know what goes through our our heads are more streamlined jigs heavier jigs possibly picking up a setup that has a has a lighter line spooled on it um and just the vital importance of of getting your jig the opposite way of the current when you're first deploying your jig into the water that buys you some critical time for your jig to get down to depth as it's catching up with the drift and coming underneath you um that there and there's other factors you know that come that come into play as well but that's really one thing that circulates our our in our minds while we're fishing you know knowing effectively what we need to do to catch a fish is how do we keep our jig in the strike zone for as long as possible and that's something that we really want our viewers and and when when you call here you speak to us in person uh often our conversation surrounds you know that concept and there are a lot of variables that that go into that which makes the conversation potentially lengthy and and technical and we always want to remind people to keep it simple also and and get your jig in the water and catch some fish but as you're dialing in slow pitch jigging the variables that you have in your control to maximize your jig in the strike zone is a key element to really being successful and effective and catching more fish hey adam how do you feel about your odds on this not very good we're gonna need you to put that back in your icebox thank you kickstart you hold on to it adam how do you feel about your win today it was very very nice i am going to exchange that at johnny jigs for two new 300 gram torpedoes given this is a 400 rod you don't understand how expensive those torpedoes are did you have any doubts in your mind that you were going to win oh god okay thank you who's got the snapper that's what i want to know who's got the snapper up first we got big brown the mutton man what did you crush these fish on johnny g and cargill oh man oh and up next we have christopher corona light show chris we're gonna need you to throw that back in your ice box quiet sir thanks for playing oh check that fish's belly for weeks coming in hot guys how do you feel about your arms right now william oh you went with the small one first [Music] guys it's going head-to-head right now we've got william and g versus big brown jigs versus bait on the tail oh i don't know oh man oh that's all right we'll break it in half oh here we go william ng is bringing in his back up here we go ladies and gentlemen drum roll please got that one a little bit but the other one was basically it's hot i don't know it looks like you seen a toasty fan that's brown but just let's see hold on wait wait wait wait oh the suspense is killing me again oh little b what's up man brown how do you feel about your win today oh it was awesome i didn't expect that we ain't nothing today but i had a good time on the boat with johnny jig and the boys hope to see them again now you gotta now you have a deep dropping slow pitch rod now you can jig yes i can yeah i can get the real deal now learn how yes thank you yeah appreciate y'all welcome man all right she's got three more than four money how's it going tuna counts freezing tuna no yellow age grouper yellow clothes go ahead here we go alex from pescamarres coming up with a fish that how about we do the largest after him uh we're gonna i don't think this footage is going to make the film alex well there's a patty doing that oh christopher corrode a light shower right there here we go once again william william and g how would you do it [Music] very close very close but this one hanging down lower than that one means anybody else anybody else going once yeah what are you gonna do with all this money well i gotta thank god and thank my family and i gotta say it was a really really tough day out there but if it wasn't for this guy here we never would have had this wonderful trip so thank you johnny jigs go america and that's it folks for the weigh-in you
Channel: JohnnyJigsTV
Views: 41,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slow Pitch Jigging Deep, slow pitch jigging deep water, Slow Jigging Groupers, groupers, snappers, deep drop fishing, pully ridge, deep slow pich jigging
Id: TgI4-mpFEA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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