How To Tie Dye (with FRUITS & VEGGIES)

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what up so today i'll show you how to make dye out of fruits and veggies and then use them to tie dye a shirt [Music] this video is sponsored by squarespace so this isn't my hand i'm over here editing the last video so anz is going to help out and film this one so first thing you do is well make some guacamole ainsley put her sweat tears and blood into this guacamole literally her blood look at this ow oh my goodness please don't cut your thumb your your thumb but next step just bring it back together mix that blood baby and with your guaca done you're gonna have a bunch of pits and skins scrimmage pits versus skins um wash off all the avocados so it's just there's pits and skins and i have this cute little portable heater oven thing throw it into a pot look at that cute little spinny boy add some water so the less water used the darker your dye is going to be on the shirt the more water you use the lighter you just bring the pot to a boil and then let it simmer on a low heat for 45 minutes or an hour or the longer you go the darker your dye will be next you'll just strain out all the big chunky chunks pits and skins and skins and look at ainsley look at her on the pot being so discreet and with that you're gonna let that die sit overnight so there's a bunch of different things that you can soak your shirt in before you add the dye to help the dye stick and we're gonna try out six of them so we took a shirt and just cut up into six different pieces first we're gonna try is soy milk and the ratio is one part soy milk to every five parts water so you just mix that in with the water throw in the shirt let it soak overnight and then hang dry it for instead a week we didn't have a week we only did a day so that might paint them so next soda ash this is technically used for like regular dye like synthetic dyes we wanted to test out and see if we could do anything on natural dyes so it's just like one package for every gallon of water soak it for 20 minutes and then you're good to add your dye next we want to try salt the ratio for this one is one part salt for every 16 parts water bring the water to a boil add your fabric and let it simmer on a low heat for an hour next we tried some white vinegar for this one you just add one part vinegar for every four parts water bring it to a boil then add your fabric and let it simmer on a low heat for an hour next we tried a potassium aluminum sulfate and actually had to order that one off of amazon so for this one you take the weight of your fabric and 20 of that weight is how much alum you use which equals to about seven tablespoons per shirt but you're gonna want to check your math so you just add enough water to cover the shirt get the temperature of the water up to 180 degrees which is about a medium low setting on your stove and keep it at that temperature for 45 minutes we then took ours out and let it air dry overnight so this last one is the same as the alum but we added a little bit of cream of tartar which is supposed to help with the evenness of the dye and then also the brightness of the colors and for this one you just add six percent of the weight of the fabric which ended up to be about two teaspoons for every shirt we read everywhere that the alum and cream of tartar was the best so we just ended up prepping all of our actual shirts that way hoping that that's gonna be the best so we just grabbed all six of those fabrics and put them in the avocado die one after another which kind of shouldn't have we should have just done them in separate bins not just in the same dining pot because they kind of got cross contaminated probably hopefully that won't make too much of a difference from what i've seen because again i'm doing voice recorder so i've already seen like the results each piece of fabric did have very different results so cool and we're gonna let them sit in that bag for 24 hours before we wash them and see uh how well the dye stuck meanwhile i wanted to make a bunch of different dye colors one for every color of the rainbow so starting with red we used beets so for the beets we just use three beets and put enough water in the pot to just cover the beets that made enough dye for two of these little jars so with onions you actually just use the pills so we use two big old bags of onions again just enough water to cover them up we didn't want to use a whole lot of water because we wanted to keep the dye very pigmented so for yellow we just used the skins of an orange we think we used too much water for this one and you'll see later so on the safe bet if you're going to be dying like tie dyeing use less water the better but yeah so for greens we actually use spinach this one had too much water so we tried to keep it on the stove for longer so next for blue we have some red cabbage so this one if there's one die that you want to make a lot of this would be the dye it was super cheap we did two heads and it literally made like two gallons it was ridiculous and it's super pigmented and last we have blueberries that's gonna make uh the dye purple so that's fun blue for purple red for blue and look how cute these are so cute so as a general rule what you want to do is use one part chopped up fruit or veggie to two parts water but because we were tie dyeing them tried to use less water to hopefully get it more pigmented more dark so that would work in these little squeeze bottles so let's try it out so the first one we did this little traditional spiral and then we wanted to see if it do anything different if we applied it to a wet shirt so left is wet right it's dry and mist so again right off the bat kind of like my last video with the bleach it was easier for the dye to stick to the wet shirt initially it kind of went all over the place with the dry shirt and then when we pick it up we wanted to clean off the bottom to not contaminate the front when we flipped it over we really should have used like a like a rack to do this on that's what usually you do so that it doesn't get all mixed up and messed up but these are gonna work they're gonna look good and we're gonna see how it looks bubble so with those done we just put them in a bag lock zipped it up and let them sit for 24 hours i also tried one on one of my shirts we'll see how that does pretty stoked with how it's already looking with the screen print on there so for this next one ainsley just accordioned it folded it up like accordion style from the bottom and then from the side accordion and just added a bunch of rubber beans rubber beans and just added that blue dye it was really cool because it goes on like that pink purple color but when you rinse it out it looks really cool so i'll be sure to film rinsing this one out so cool oh i'm dizzy so just cleaned it off and started with another one did another one of these shibori shibori shibori then she just added some rubber bands and then did the blue no well that's not blue that's red hello brian do you know your colors i don't think so red and orange oh my gosh that's a blueberry and onion shirt again i thought it'd be cool to cut up a piece of shirt i don't want to say a piece of shirt a shirt and then put it in some of that dye like i said we have a ton of that red cabbage dye is that red cabbage that turns up blue all the colors are messing up yeah so we're gonna see if keeping the down longer makes that big of a difference oh i recognize those hands hi it's me i didn't want ainsley to have all the fun so let's try this one scrunch it down from the middle added some rubber bands and my plan was to just like dye half of the shirt with that what color is that enzy that one's purple that's the blueberry it's messing me up so i put that white side in a little baggie to help protect it because i was making a mess this would have been easier if i had like a bowl to soak it in but i just made do with what i had and then the next shirt i wanted to use the avocado dye i think it was kind of spoiling it starting to stink kind of smells like tomato soup but we're gonna let that one sit and stew and ainsley has two more shirts give it a little nipple twister in there in the center of the chest and then tie it up with rubber brands and then stripe it with red yellow blue red yellow blue red yellow blue cool and this next one just throw down a shirt rope it until it's a nice little clumpy clumps add some rubber brands or something all over little clumps and add some purple add some red add some blue and we're good so cool i'm excited to see how these turn out but before that pass me something to say so i know you you're watching this video and you're you're like kind of the creative type so i know that you have maybe something you want to sell maybe have a portfolio online a video that you're stoked about that you want to share or some creative writing as blog post you have something to share and needs to be shared honestly it needs to be shared like that's like one of the biggest part about creating you can create all you want but the moment that you like actually share it to the world is the time that it gives you more purpose it like gives you more fulfillment cool didn't mean to get to get into this but here we are a nice segue today's sponsor squarespace so i have the tools to get whatever is in your head out and shared with other people another cool thing that kind of comes to mind is the community aspect so i recently launched a site called the collective curious one of the tools that i was really stoked that squarespace had was a form we're gonna have you guys submit like stories projects whatever you wanted that you're really pumped about so that i could put it into a zine that will be coming out february thank you for all who have subscribed to that by the way it's coming and also cool thing about squarespace is they have subscriptions which makes it easy to sell subscription-based products which as a creator is super nice because that will create reoccurring revenue monthly weekly whatever you have it set to you gotta get that rent paid honestly you gotta get that rent back but also creates customer loyalty and that community that i was talking about before you have something to share share it we need to hear it we need to see it we need to experience it and website makes it real you can actually go to squarespace right now i know you've probably thought of something while i've been talking and you can start making that website literally right now i hope you stay to the end of the video but you can do it right now like i'm not stopping i can't stop you doing anything that's completely free and then remember when you do want to purchase let's say your website your domain whatever go to backslash mood and you'll get 10 off your first purchase you can also use the coupon code schmude so cool all right so here are the shirts so one on the left is the dry one the one on the right is the wet one you can tell that the wet one like the spiral is like kind of more faded it's not as splotchy and then also when i rinsed it the colors completely changed i was having a really hard time with the reds so like even with this one uh like the pink is supposed to be red and it just completely went away the orange and the purple two colors that stayed the best this color is for rad this was that blue color that was made from the red cabbage i really loved how they turned out so this shirt has two of the best looking colors in my opinion or i guess the ones that stuck the best or the darkest the onion and the blueberries the colors completely changed front and back loved it i feel like time didn't have like a whole lot to play here's the 12 hour versus the zero 30 minutes 12 hour and an hour two hours four hours eight hours and then 24 hours you kind of see a difference but really you know i think the thing that makes the biggest different is what you treat your shirt with and all these were treated with the lum and cream of tartar and i feel like that held the dark colors i don't even know i just really couldn't hold on to the red this one held the color pretty well but you're gonna see at the end my favorite one with the avocado was actually soy milk and vinegar so this one turned out super cool i'm like getting that red that was the beat and it's so so faint and the yellow is so so faint but i actually really like how pastel that one is this one had the blue red and purple dye and when you wash it we're gonna lose all of that red the red dye doesn't even really show up some of the purple's there but i'll probably cut out the second wash and yeah i think it'd be cool to make a follow-up video where i make like the tie-dye pattern using all those different kinds of things to treat it beforehand because as you can see it did make a big difference so cool all right so be sure to like and subscribe go ahead and hit that bell notification and yeah thanks so much for watching and thanks so much for our patrons
Channel: Shmoxd
Views: 199,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Tie Dye (with FRUITS & VEGETABLES), natural dye, how to dye clothes, produce, food dying, How To Tie Dye (WITH BLEACH), how to tie dye, t shirt, sweatpants, black shirt, hoodie, patterns, diy, designs, Shibori, fun, easy, 5 min crafts, Shmoxd, shmood, hack, tik tok craft, tik tok hack, video, how to video, tie dye techniques, different techniques, screen print, spiral, marble, clothes, Dying clothes with vegetables, beats, cabbage, orange, avocado
Id: _ynLozUnYkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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