How To Tie Dye (leave a white design on t-shirt)

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so today i'm gonna show you how to tie-dye but leave part of the shirt white in any design that you want wow that's so cool [Music] today's video is sponsored by squarespace so first i wanted to test out different things on this shirt and then tie dye it to see how it reacts to it so i'm just going to paint a little swatch of each i have some rubber cement some elmer's glue then acrylic paint water-based ink for screen printing and then plasti sewing for screen printing the plastic ink won't dry unless you heat it up so i use a heat gun and we're just going to let the rest sit for a while while it dries we're going to make a screen from this picture frame that i thrifted so with all the stuff out you're just gonna put a bit of chiffon over the top and staple it in one place in the middle and then i had to hammer it down because the staples weren't very good or the wood was really hard i don't know one of the two flip it over pull it tight do it in the middle again flip on their side pull tight do it again over in the middle tight and then you're going to start going around the whole frame and pulling it tight each time you do it and then for the corners i kind of just folded it like it was a gift and then i just added a bunch more of those staples told them place i did do another layer of some elmer's glue and just mushed in with my fingers put on each of the sides i figured that would take away some of the stress points of those staples so that i won't tear i then just cut off all the excess and we're just gonna put it aside and let it dry but we got ourselves a nice little screen i like this way better than the embroidery hoop method so now i got to figure out what design i'm going to do in that screen and honestly i was having a bit of a brain fart so i just did my old tried and true started sketching up a skeleton thought oh maybe it has a piece of hay in its mouth oh maybe it's actually not a skelly boy it's a the cowboy scally boy yeehaw cowboy skellyboy and it gets cold out on those prairies better give him my handkerchief and i wanted to incorporate like the ox logo that i have so i thought i made if i had him winking that would work and look real cute so just upload that onto my computer door and then i just traced it out with the pen tool so each of those lines were lines and then i just had to figure out how thick i wanted it there you go copied it over i do the first pen lines really sloppily and so then i just have to go back through and kind of clean them up and make them look how i actually want them to look then with the lines all done i just filled it in with white and then deleted the black outline because it's just going to be a single color print and then messed with the image trace to make it not look perfect so with it cut out in vinyl i just picked out the vinyl and i'm picking out the part that i want the ink to be cover it with the transfer paper oh also i mirrored the image i tried to say that but then so when you put it on you're going to put it on the back of the screen and so this image should be backwards so that when you flip it around it looks how you want to look then just tape up the rest of the screen where the vinyl isn't covering and we got yourself a cute little screen frame i wanted to make a bigger one as like a back print but i had to do into two different sections because it was so big and then to piece it together i would just have to cut out along that top one and then line it up but i ended up liking how it looks without the jaw so we're just gonna do that so these are all dry now so now we're just gonna mix up some of this uh tie-dye i just got it from walmart from like one of the kits i'm just gonna spray it right on top i wish i would have had the shirt wet before i sprayed them on because that's how i ended up tie-dying them but you could kind of already see how it was gonna work so i went and let that dry for a couple hours and then got this and rinsed it out and so starting with the first one the rubber cement it was wild how well i thought it worked and then from the inside it like worked really well the elmer's glue not so much acrylic paint not so much a little bit better where it was thicker and same with the water-based ink except for where it was thicker didn't dry all the way and then plastisol for the wind so i'm going to try out rubber cement and plastic ink and because the inside of the rubber cement shirt looks so well we're going to flip inside out and hopefully the outside will look good so the thing to remember is if you're gonna do that you're gonna have to do it backwards so if i wanted it to like be an ox it's my face i have to do xo then the screenprint you need a palette and some spray adhesive and you're gonna spray where your design is and then you're gonna load your shirt on and for an over the heart print i like to do about three fingers or two fingers depending how big the design is and line up with the collar of the shirt so i did that loaded up the ink took a squeegee and you want to make sure to pull up on the screen very slowly so the ink will leave the screen and stick to the shirt and just help that out as much as you can then dry the ink to the touch and then to cure completely and also mush it into the fabric you're gonna take some parchment paper and an iron and just go over that maybe add some pressure then let it cool off a little bit and pull off the parchment paper and there you go you got yourself a cute little screen print when you pull off the palette like that it does distort the image a little bit that's going to be important later but how you can test and see if the ink is actually cured you can stretch on it and if it doesn't crack then it's all cured so for the back print i wanted to add some off contact on this screen so i put some foam board and taped it down so that way as i print and i push on it like it will lift up kind of like how i was trying to have it lift up really slowly on the other design this will happen as i print at least that's the concept i also took some bar clamps and just clamped it down so it won't move added in the ink and gave it a good old pass through and you can kind of see in the screen where the ink isn't going through all the way and i also got a double image so i decided i don't really like that off contact i feel like i might do it better if i don't have that so i'm gonna try that again on a new shirt and this time like i said no off contact and when i was doing you can kind of see the spaces where it wasn't going through on the screen so i added more ink and we're going to go through again and it just it i i don't know you can see there like the base of the skull it just wasn't going through all the way and oh i just decided i was going to hit it again so first i have to cure the ink and i think what happened is when i cleaned off this screen because of the cleaner i used i think it took all the sticky from the vinyl and kind of dissolved it and put it in the screen so i cleaned it out again then realigned it and then did another pass and yeah there was only like one little spot there on the hat where the ink got stuck in the screen and you can just touch it up with some ink and a paint brush secure that do the parchment paper and iron and voila presto presto i wanted to try to maybe clean up this one the first one but because i took it off of the palette trying to get it back in the exact same spot on the palette is really hard like i said it kind of distorts once you take your shirt off and kind of worked i cleaned it up a little bit the best i could and we're going to tie down and see how they they work first what i want to do with the my tie dye is i actually wanted to mess with the colors and kind of get them to the colors i wanted so i just mixed them with each other added more water diluted the tie-dye until i got it to some colors that i actually liked i wish i would have added more water to it because i like like the really pastel tie-dyes these turned out a little bit anyways you'll see so those are my three winning colors but before we get to that it passed me something to say so usually use squarespace for sponsoring today's video so squarespace is like number one best dad of website builders so why i like squarespace so much i mean even today i was like working on updating my website with like a members area and i like learned some new stuff about like even just putting in like text and pictures then being able to like move around and like format it that way like i made it into two columns rather than just one single column just by dragging i really like how intuitive it is also those member areas are really cool you can sign up to be a smoothie pie you cute little shmootie pie if you want to join that you get a bunch of member exclusive stuff this is my roommate's dog by the way this is mosh he's a cute boy and lastly my favorite thing is is the email campaigns they've made it so easy to just literally just connect with your audience your people your community and get them informed with what is going on with you what's going on with your brand and it's all in one platform so it's it's really like it's kind of giving me like a cute little piece of mind of i'm not gonna like jump from platform to platform to deal with my deal with people who want to support me and deal with people who want to buy stuff i say deal with but really that's a it's i feel super blessed to have those people in my life so do listen on the right word i mean what i was dealing with is the multiple platforms that was kind of a pain you guys can actually go to squarespace right now and start building your website out for free get how you want it to look do all those things and then when you do want to launch it remember coupon code schmute to get 10 off your first purchase or you can go to backslash mood so cool [Music] all right so with the shirts all ready we're just going to tie dye this one in a spiral so i spiraled it up added on some rubber brands and i actually got this little wire shelf so that when i tie dye it and flip it it's not going to get all over the other side of the shirt and i started tightening but the wasn't like seeping into the shirt like i wanted to so i thought if i would pre-soak it like i feel like i should have done this before i spiraled it up but i thought that would help and it did and so then i just went around in a little pinwheel added all my colors and then when i flipped it over like i said this is gonna the wire mesh is to protect it so like that bottom side doesn't run in that river of of tie-dye then i just put in a bag and we're gonna let it sit it says six to eight hours but i'm gonna let it sit for like two to three because i want it to be more pastel so for the next one i just sprayed it on in a pattern that i thought looked cool i did this shirt was wet so it did sheep in real nice we're gonna let that one sit and by the time i went to this shirt with rubber cement i was running out of the tie-dye so i had to dilute it with water so much but it ended up being like the perfect pastel and that's where i'm like i wish i would have just started out with like a really watered down tie-dye so after letting those sit we're gonna go ahead and let um let them unspot we're gonna unspiral we're unspiraling i'm spiraling um and with my tie-dye shirts so like i could have it be like those white stay white if i rinse it out under a sink but i kind of like them all blending so i just wash it out in a bucket so the colors kind of get muted and the white goes away but for the other ones i did rinse out the sink and this is how it turned out oh and this was the back print that didn't have the double image that was the second one i did so the spiral one was the first one and it still turned out pretty good this one i i mean i flipped it inside out so this would be the front it kind of worked but it probably worked better and my buddy marshall will help film this is going to commentate the rest of the video oh here we got a sweeping front shot oh a nice backy executed perfectly actually i was really surprised i didn't know shmooka backflip so damn good thanks marshall maybe i'll have you do a video in the future [Music] all right so be sure to like and subscribe go ahead and hit that bell notification and yeah if you want to be a shmootie pie and uh get your name on my video here at the end just go to my website
Channel: Shmoxd
Views: 227,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Tie Dye (leave a white design on t-shirt), diy tie dye, summer craft, fun, diy, screen print, at home, home made, easy, white, stencil, t-shirt, t shirt, tie-dye, any image, design, pattern, method, tutorial, video, tik tok
Id: GEvEGowVajc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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